James had spent his 31st year globetrotting; something he had wanted to do ever since he left University. However, due to many commitments in his personal life he always put it off. It was a great year, visiting South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Central America and through South America. He met some fascinating people and some of the wonders of the world.
However, the fun of the trip would come to a sudden halt the moment he stepped off that plane at Heathrow. James had left a very comfortable job, earning good money working for an Investment Bank in the City of London. Times were good back then, earning huge bonuses, eating at the finest restaurants and living the fullest life a single lad could in Central London. How things changed in the space of a year. Instead of waltzing back into his old job, James found the landscape somewhat different upon his return. His bank had collapsed and no longer existed and was a major victim in the global recession; which in turn meanst his job was no longer there! To make matters worse, there were hundreds of people in the same boat as James, seeking work and struggling to make ends meet.
James was forced to move home, while he looked for work and live off his savings. One month turned into two turned into three and after five months, his savings almost gone and his optimism to find a job was missing rapidly. The ambition to return to Investment Banking slipped, as jobs were virtually non existent. He started looking at jobs local to home and not in the finance sector. However, the recession had really hit and there was nothing out there at all. Perhaps a complete career change would be needed and a degree of lowering his sights was required as a temporary measure.
Now, away from work James, had had an enormous desire to serve. Not serve in Starbucks or McDonalds, but serve a Mistress. He loved Kink. Being dominated by a woman, ideally by one older than him. In his mid-twenties James was introducedto BDSM, via renowed specialist website, by a wonderful Mistress somewhat his senior. He loved serving her and being her toy whenever she visited London and the craving to do something similar again was really burning in his heart.
One day, while job searching, he spotted a rather curious advertisement on a website. It went like this:
Lady of leisure seeks live in cleaner to carry out house cleaning chores, shopping runs and managing the general upkeep of my house. Previous experience is not necessary, as full training will be provided, but an enthusiastic open mind and a desire to please is essential. The applicant will be obedient and demonstrate an ability to work on his/her own initiative. A room is available to the successful applicable with food, and full lodgings catered for. It’s a long term position and references will be sought. No time wastes wanted. Email CV and covering letter.
“Wow,” James muttered. This was amongst similar cleaning advertisements on that web page,but there was something fascinating about the line “The applicant will be obedient…” Not only was it intriguing, but James found the usual flutter and stirrings in his jeans. James put the ad to the back of his thoughts and carried on his job search. But, no matter what he did that day, he found himself constantly going back to the ad.
The intrigue finally got the better of him and initially as a joke, sent his CV. He did not ever expect to hear back, but sent it regardless. Sending the CV was almost a thrill in its own right. It was not even work he had experience of, other than keeping his old flat in London clean. Which, to be fair, he did rather well for a bloke. Nor was it work he wanted to do. It made little difference: as if, anything would come of it anyway.
A few days later, James phone rang and he answered it.
“Hello, is that James?” asked the caller
“Yes, that’s me.” Expecting it to be a new fruitless job agency.
“You replied to my advertisement on Monday and I’d like to call you in for an interview and see if you’re what I’m looking for. I’ve vetted a few candidates, but none of them have come up to the mark but there was something about your covering letter that caught my eye.” she continued. The voice was of a lady that sounded quite formal, assertive, but had a lovely velvety softness to it too. Now James had replied to nearly 20 odd jobs on Monday and was struggling to recall which one she was referring to.
“Forgive me, but I applied to a few jobs on Monday; which one are you calling about?” He responded politely.
“That’s ok, I know it isn’t easy out there. My advertisement was the one for a live in cleaner. I put the advertisement on gumtree. Are you available next Monday morning for an interview? I live just outside of London.”
James frozen. Blimey, she took my application seriously, he thought. “Err…ok.” he replied, whilst wrapping his brain to see if he was free.
“Don’t sound too enthusiastic,” she laughed andjoked, which put James at ease “I’ll email my address and I’ll see you Monday at 10am. No need to dress formally, come as you are.” “Oh my god,” thought James. “I don’t really want to clean her house, or even lodge there! What the hell am I doing?!” But the reality of the matter was that James had no work, no prospect of work and his savings were drying up rapidly. His circumstances were dictating the fact that he would certainly be at the interview.
Monday came round before he knew it and James headed towards Michelle’s house. Her email to him was very friendly, but had undertones of authority. He was expecting a great big mansion, as surely, only someone with wealth could afford a live in cleaner, whilst being a lady of leisure. Moreover, what of the husband? Or the kids? There was no mention of either in the email and James just assumed the husband had given her the money to find the cleaner.
It turned out that the house was an old farm house, just outside a small village in Hertfordshire. It was a very nice dwelling and the upkeep to the exterior was very well maintained. It wasn’t a large house in anyway, but very desirable nonetheless. There was, what seemed to be a swimming pool out in the back garden and a large amount of land at the back. James drove onto the double driveway and made his way to the front of the house. It was on a main road that left the village before, with similar houses dotted Along the road, but still rather private and incredibly peaceful. Certainly a contrast to his old flat in busy London.
Bizarrely this was James first interview for over a month, and while he was not taking it wholly seriously, there was an air of nervousness around him. Was the nervouss a result of being exposed as the charlatan cleaner that he really was, even though the advertisement indicated a lack of experience was not an issue or was it down to a nervous excitement? Again the phrase “The applicant will be obedient…” rang round his ears.
Jamesknocked at the beautiful wooden door and stepped back as he waited for it to be answered. Now James was a useless judge of age, but he guessed that the woman who just opened the door was probably late 30s, early 40s. There was no way he could pin point an exact age. He would either offend or sound like he was being creepily smooth! Michelle was a striking woman. Very pretty face, long dark hair, about 5 foot 4, with some stricking heels on that pushed her height up a few inches more, quite volunteer and a very ample bosom – there was no way James could avoid it. He was certainly a breast man. She dressed rather casually, but sort of sexy at the same time. Understated would be the word.
Michelle lead James into the hallway and he was struck by how tidy the place was. “This would be a walk in the park,” if ever did need to get the vacuum cleaner out! They exchanged small talk and immediately chit chatted without any awkward silences. They initially ended up in the kitchen and to James surprised, she ordered him to make a cup of tea! A cup of tea? Well maybe this was the start of assessing his ability to make one of Michelle’s life pleasures – a cup of tea. Once the brew was made, James was led into the lounge where they sat down on the sofas and Michelle started the interview. At first James went through what he had been up to, his travelling, his previous work, past relationships and commitments. None of this was Relevant to the job on offer, but she wanted to know out of a geneine interest.
Then Michelle took over.
“So James, given your background why do you want to come and clean for me? A bit of a step down, don’t you think? But before you answer, I want to tell you more about the job on offer. As the advertise alluded to, it’s a live in role and I want you to basically do everything to maintain the upkeep of this house. That’s not just cleaning, it’s cooking, gardening, general DIY, ironing, the whole lot. You see, I’m rather lazy and I like everything done for me and to a high standard. I’m not expecting wonderers straight away, but as long as you show enthusiasm and then that will do for me initially. That’s the basic element of the role, but beyond that I want a little more.”
James was taking it all in, and was finding himself strangely attracted to Michelle. She had that dominant way he had seen before in his former Mistress. Surely this was not What she was about? The idea of salary hadn’t even crossed his mind, or anything else. He was just captured by her. Working for Michelle would be as good a bonus as he ever earned!
“You see James, what I really want is someone to own. Someone to care for. Someone that can keep me happy…” “A husband…” he interrupted. This didn’t please her, but she reacted in a cool manor.
“James, when I speak, I do not expect to be interrupted. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes Ma’am.” Ma’am? Where had that come from? She had this formal way about her where James couldn’t resist using it for the situation he found himself in. It seemed the most natural way of responding to her.
“Right, I’ll carry on. No I don’t want a husband, nor even a boyfriend. I don’t need one. What I want is for someone to be at my beck and call. To go beyond the list of chores I mentioned, and to cater for all my needs. I mean all of them. I will take the successful applicable under my wing and to all intents and purposes own them. They will wear what I want them to wear, eat what I want them to eat and do as I say. All ok so far James? Because if not, you can leave at anytime. No one will force you to stay.”
“Yes it’s all clear so far Ma’am.”
“Good. You have good manners and I like the fact that you call me Ma’am without my prompting. Now in exchange for this, I will pay you a modest weekly wage and provide full board and shelter. I doubt it’s what you’re used to with your City Boy Bonuses, but you can’t put a price on the work you’re going to do. Should you accept,of course! You will have Saturday and Sunday evenings to yourself, unless I say otherwise. Essentially I will control your life: A human pet if you will. This will be a vocation rather than a job. The rewards will be numerous.”
Was this really happening, James thought? It sounded too good to be true, but also quite scary. That said, deep inside, his inner submissive self was bouncing around like crazy and the urge to shout “Give me the job!” was surfacing.
“Whilst I don’t wish to have a husband or boyfriend, I do have needs and that’s why I wanted a man to apply. My needs are many, but I’m particular in what I seek in that respect.”
The idea of these fringe benefits made the role seem even better than James had originally thought. But before he could allow his dirty thoughts to wander further, Michelle added a caveat.
“Before you start thinking that you’ll get your wicked way with me, think on. As you can see, I’m a woman who likes to get what she wants and does not settle for just anything. Therefore, I have exact requirements in that respect. We’ll come to that later though. As it stands, in terms of the basic chores, I like you.”
“How does it sound so far, James? Can you give me an indication as to whether or not you wish to take this forward? If so, we’ll proceed.” Michelle asked, in a way that she expected a yes.
“I’d love to proceed, if you’ll have me!” James answered without giving any thought to the real situation. He would have to move, albeit not that far from London. He would have to have to give up his independence, by the sound of it, and do work he was totally unfamiliar with.
“Great. Now you can leave at anytime, but if you stay I don’t want any back chat or disapproval of what I order you to do. You do it without any question. Ok, now for the second part. Stand for me in the centre of the living room.” She ordered.
James stood right where he was told to. Never daring to question her.
“Good. Now,Take off all your clothes, all of them and put them on the chair neatly. No mess. If I’m going to own you, I want to know exactly what I’m owning.”
Jesus Christ, strip? James know he could leave if he wished, but he wanted this so bad. Without any hint of protest, he did as he was told. Michelle sat in the armchair, legs crossed and a mischievous grin spread across her face.
James started to undress. First he unbuttoned his shirt, whilst trying to avoid her gaze. He felt so self-conscious, but loved it really. Then off came his shoes, socks and jeans leaving on his boxer shorts. When she said remove everything, he did not think she meant his underwear too. However, Michelle did mean literally everything. He folded everything neighborly, as instructed, in complete silence as Michelle watched his every move.
He stood motionless waiting for the next command. Michelle rose and walked towards him and without any warning pulled his boxers to his ankles and told him to step outof them. “When I said everything off, I mean just that. Now, stand up straight. Shoulders back, head up and hands by your sides. Be proud to be my slave.”
James felt so humiliated and exposed, standing there naked like that. In front of a woman who he’d only met no more than 30 minutes ago.
Slowly she walked around him, occasionally casually casually dragging her perfectly shaped finger nails across his body. It felt heavenly to James. As she returned to face him, she grabbed his now hard cock.
“Is that it?” she mocked him. “Is that all you’ve got? Well, I own it now. This small cock, or should I say dinner, belongs to me now. Is that clear?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Yes Ma’am what?” she thundered.
“Yes Ma’am, you own this little cock. I mean dinner.” He blushed. To make matters worse, his previous flaccid state was replaced by a throbbing erection.
“Look at it. Look at all this hair. That will have to go for starters. I want you trimmed. It’s like a small button mushroom poking out. There is no way I can let you fuck me with that. So get that thought out of your head right away. But don’t worry, I’ll be catered for in that department. You like me abusing you, don’t you?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“There was no way you could say otherwise, it’s all excited. Is that as big as it gets? It really is a little dinner. Cute, but at the end of the day, a dinner. My dinner.” And with that she slapped it so hard it bounced up and down.
“Do you like to play with it James? Stupid question really, you don’t need to answer it. Of course you do. Well no more. I decide when and how you get rid of your load.” Her presence was so powerful around James. He could not help but be aroused by her. Michelle had, unbeknown to James while he struggled out of his jeans, undid her top button on her top, making her cleavage tease James even more.
When James cock had stopped bouncing around she gripped it once again.
“I think you’re a bit of a pervert. I saw you steering the occasional peek at my chest. I’m your owner. Do you think that was appropriate behaviour?”
“No Ma’am…I’m sorry.”
“Oh look, your cheeses have gone all red. How cute. Embarrassed?”
“Yes. Very.”
Michelle laughed “Well, it’s expected from little sluts like you.”
“Some days you will do your chores, as you are now – naked. Some days I will have you wearing sexy girl underwear. Sometimes, in normal clothes – although that will be rare. It really depends on my mood. Now, despite your lack of cock, I want to take you on. There is something I like about you. I want you to start next Monday. Do you have any issues with that?”
“None whatsoever Ma’am.”
“Good. Now turn around and face the wall for a second.” Michelle pulled off the panties she was wearing and walked round to where he was facing and dangled them from James hard member. They were a lovely lacy pink pair, which he imagined could not have been too cheap. “Now put these on.When you arrive next Monday, you are to be wearing them and I want them cleaned before then. Understand? Oh, and James, don’t dare play with my little dinner. It’s mine after all.”
“Yes Ma’am,” He felt strange wearing them, but it did little to lessen his arousal.
To be continued…
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