The Jewelers

Author’s note: my BDSM stories are mainly D/s in nature – there is no Literotica category for these, so if you do not like D/s, you can skip this story.


Molly had taken on a new submissive male, who had what seemed to her to be, a strange need.

Kneeling before her, Robyn explained his desires. “Please, Miss. Cage my cock so you’ll be completely in control of my sexuality. It can even be permanent chatity for me, if you wish it.”

Now the normally lucky (OK, let’s face it – the ABnormally lucky) Miss Molly felt that a caged cock was a wasted cock. They were way too much fun to play with, and ride, and suck on. And they gave her the most delicious cream. But Miss Molly decided to take this on as a personal challenge, so she searched for a suitable cage.

She measured Robyn’s cock when limp, and started her internet search. As luck would have it, after perusing several websites featuring device, she found a lovely stainless steel cage.The fly in the ointment was that the cock rings came in several sizes. One size was slightly too small for Robyn, and the other was slightly too big. She determined this by trial and error, having purchased both sizes. The small one pinched, making him grimace, which would have been fine, but after a while his cock and balls began to turn purple. The large one gradually worked its way off the cock and balls, due to gravity. Tying it in place ruined the aesthetics.

What to do? What to do?

Then Molly had an inspiration! “A jeweler!” she cried, starting Robyn, who at that moment was licking cunt juice from Molly’s pussy, causing him to lift his head away. She grabbed him by the back of his head and mashed his face back into her cunt, stating, “I didn’t tell you to stop, worm! Your cock may be temporarily taped to your thigh, in lieu of a proper cage, but your tongue is still available. Get busy!”

Robyn went hurriedly back to his greedy munching at her sex, while Mollystarted looking up nearby jewelers. She had two body contorting orgasms before she felt relaxed enough – or was it keyed up enough – to start calling. She decided the best ice-breaking approach would be, “Hello. Do you know what a cock ring is?” The first jeweler slammed the phone down. The second had to have ‘cock ring’ explained, whereupon he hemmed and hawed, and Molly could swear she could feel the heat of his blush through the phone, before he politely explained he wasn’t interested in her business. Molly was beginning to feel discouraged.

The third jeweler, however, upon hearing her query, replied, “Oui.”

Molly sucked in a breath and said, “Oui? That means ‘yes’ you do know what a cock ring is?”

The patient voice replied, “Yes Mademoiselle. I’m quite familiar with them. My name is Pierre, by the way, Mademoiselle. We used to run our shop in Canada, rather than this – how you say? – Puritanical country. Don’t get me wrong, Mademoiselle. We love it here in the United States, but we cannot understand why you people fear seeing breasts on your TVs, or the actual description of intercourse. These are natural, biological facts. But I digress. Forgive me.” Molly could hear the strong French Canadian accent in his voice as he blustered.

“Oh, that’s quite all right,” Molly said, letting her smile color her voice. “So would it be possible for you to Adjust the fit of a stainless steel cock ring, so it could be hurt permanently, while causing no tissue damage, Pierre?”

“I assume Mademoiselle is not the one who’ll be wearing it?” Pierre into, with a twinge of Gallic humor.

“Your assumption is correct, Monsieur,” Molly dredged up the appellation from her high school French. “It’s to be fitted on the cock of my male submissive. I actually bought Two rings. One is too large, and the other is too small.”

“I understand perfectly, Mademoiselle,” Pierre assured her. “Please to bring him and both the rings and their cages to our store, and I’ll give you an estimate. We’re open until 9 pm today, if you wish immediately action on this matter.”

“Excellent, Pierre. We’ll be there soon,” Molly assured him. Turning to Robyn, who was busy licking and poisoning her boots to a brilliant legery shine, she said, “Apply lipstick and a bit of rouge. Put on a pretty skirt, bra and blouse, slut boy. No panties. We’re going for a cock ring fitting.” The bra was necessary because her sissy’s breasts had responded nicely to the drug and hormone treatments, and had grown to a cup size between C and D. Yes, even fitting a bra on Robyn was a bit of an ordeal. Molly suspected he played with his new tits a lot, when she wasn’t looking.

They drove to the jewelers, Molly instructing Robyn not to speak unless a question was spoken. Pierre turned out to be a fine figure of a man, with his dark hair and eyes, and a charming mustache that looked right at home on his face. He was gracious in his greeting of Molly, first kissing the back of her hand, and then shrugging and placing both hands on her shoulders. He proceeded to enthusiastically kiss both of her cheeks in a continental way. Her cheeks tingled, both from his kisses and the soft contact of his mustache. Truth be told, as he pulled back slightly, still holding her shoulders as he expressed his delight at meeting her, a different portion of her anatomy began to tingle slightly.

She introduced They both, “My name is Molly, and this is my sissy boy Robyn.” She held up the two cock rings and their cages, adding, “These are the items in question.” Pierre smiled and bowed, and led them back into his private work room, after introducing his assistant, Florian, who was manning the counter. “So the two of you run this store, Pierre?” Molly inquired.

“Oui, Mademoiselle. Except for busy times around the holidays, when we bring in some temporary workers. Now, if I may see what we are dealing with?” he replied.

“Take off your skirt, Robyn,” Molly commanded.

Robyn blushed a delicate pink, but did as he was told, revealing his small, limp dick, placing his skirt carefully on a chair.

Pierre held the rings, one after the other, against the place where Robyn’s cock and scrotum sprouted from his pelvis. He held the cage next to its ring. He made French-sounding noises of exercise that originated somewhere in his teeth. Sounds it would be difficult for English speakers to duplicate.

“What’s wrong, Monsieur?” Molly asked.

“Alas, Mademoiselle Molly. The solution is complicated. To make this work, I would have to open up the smaller ring into two halves, and add a hinge to rejoin them. Then a tiny hasp and staple would have to be installed at the top, to hold the halves together and allow a tiny lock to secure everything in place. Only then could the lock be removed, the cage attached, and the lock be secured once again. In such a manner, the ring could be permanently, whether the cock is caged, or not.”

“That sounds like a perfect solution, Pierre. You’re a genius!” Molly felt flattery would be beneficial. “So why do I hear hesitation in your voice? What’s the problem?”

“Mademoiselle, all that work, those modifications, would take many, many hours of work. And I charge $350 per hour when creating such commissioned pieces,” Pierre said, sadly. “It would probably not be worth Your while to spend so much, I think.”

Molly looked crestfallen. She really wanted to see this chatity device fitted to her little sissy. Then she noticed a very subtle clue. Pierre subconsciously wet his lips with a brief flash of his tongue. Smiling inwardly, Molly took a deeper breath than normal, while at the same time acting as if she was smoothing down her blouse. The combined effect caused her breasts to rise while her blouse material diplomad, and the top of Molly’s frilly bra peeked into view.

Pierre’s eyes lit up, and he made a sort of hemming noise as if trying to clear his throat. Hecoughed delicately, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Yes, Monsieur? You’re trying to tell me something?” Molly asked.

Pierre himself blushed delicately, as he nodded. Gathering himself, he began, “Please understand, Mademoiselle Molly, that I have no wish to offend.”

“I assure you, Monsieur, that I don’t offend easily. Please speak freely,” she countered.

“Very well, Mademoiselle. I am, in my personal life – how you say? – ah, ‘kinky’ – yes, that is the word.” He paused.

“And you wish to propose something kinky, in partial or full payment for your services in this matter? Am I understanding your thoughts, Pierre?” Molly asked.

“Why yes, Miss Molly. Précisément – ​​you have the right of it!” Pierre exclaimed.

Molly looked at the suave, handsome gentleman and stated, “Pierre, I assure you that I and my little sissy sub are very open to kinkiness with you. Tell me clearly what you wish today.”

Pierre rubbed his chin with his hand, considering, eyeing both Molly and Robyn. Reaching a conclusion, he said, “I have seen Robyn’s penis, but not those amazing breasts. First, I would like to see them, and then have him knee and suck my cock to firmness. I don’t want you to feel excluded, Mademoiselle, so I would then like to let your lovely fracture pussy lubricate my cock with your juices, making it quite slippery. And finally, bend Robyn over, and play with those lovely breasts as I perform anal sex on the – how you say? – sissy.”

“So to summarize, you want Robyn’s mouth briefly, then my cunt, briefly, then Robyn’s ass, to conclusion?” Molly summed up.

Pierre nodded. “In return, there will be no charge for the extended measurements, and the preliminary design of your needed solution.”

“Sounds wonderful to me,” Molly replied, thinking this a very fair payment for Pierre’s work, and fun for all three of them. “Robyn, remove your blouse and bra for this lovely man.” Robyn did so, letting Pierre havean eyeful of those now amazing tits. As he was gazing, Pierre was opening his trousers, and freeing his cock and balls. When Pierre nodded at Molly, she pressed gently on Robyn’s shoulder, and the sissy sank gracefully to his knees and began sucking Pierre’s cock. At first, Molly grabbed Robyn’s hair in her fist with one hand, and placed her other hand against Pierre’s sacrum. She used her hand to shove Robyn’s face forward and back, using Robyn’s mouth as if she were using her hand to jack off the jeweler’s cock. Her eyes gleamed with pleasure, using her sissy like this.

Molly watched that cock stiffening nicely, so she let go of Robyn’s hair and walked over to a desk. Leaning there, she slipped her panties out from under her short skirt. Pulling up the front of her skirt, she began fingering her pussy, watching and listening to Robyn’s impassioned fellatio. Pierre groaned and gently freed his cock from the suction of Robyn’s mouth.

Molly leaned back against the desk, spreading her thighs apart. “Excusez-moi,” Pierre murmured as he worked his very erect dick into the wet tightness of her pussy. “Magnifique!” he exclaimed as he slide in and out of her velvety sheath several times.

“It certainly is,” Molly agreed, rather disappointed that Pierre only wants to fuck her briefly. She consoled herself that perhaps in their next encounter, she could convince him otherwise. She did her part for this time, however. Her vaginal fluids covered Pierre’s cock with a glistening, slippery coating when he withdraws. Robyn knew what was expected of him, and he was already bent over, spreading his ass cheeks with both hands, presenting his backside to the jeweler.

Pierre wasted no time in skewering his dick into Robyn’s tight, tight ass hole. They groaned in unison as that dick disappeared from sight. Pierre reached beneath Robyn’s torso, and began toying with those tits he admitted so much. Soon the two of them were grinding together in a hedonistic dance, as Molly watched and unabashedly fingered herself to a quiet orgasm. Quiet, because she didn’t want to draw attention to herself and away from the coupling pair.

Pierre gasped something in French, and pulled hard at Robyn’s hips, burying his dick as deep as possible. Robyn gasped something unintelligible, being flooded at that moment with both a load of semen, and sensings. Like a good little sissy, he held his pose until Pierre finished grunting and pulling, and slide out of his ass. Without being told, Robyn turned and knelt down, carefully cleaning off Pierre’s cock. Molly stuffed a wad of tissues into Robyn’s ass, so he wouldn’t leak semen all over the place.

“Bien,” Pierre whispered, tucking away his cock and balls. As Molly watched, fascinated, Pierre spent more than an hour meticulously measuring Robyn’s sexual equipment, in various stages of engagement, jotting figures on a notepad. Circumferences of various regions seemed specially important. Arrangements were made for their next meeting, and Molly took Robyn home.

Several days later, Molly took Robyn back to the jewelers. Pierre was delighted to see them. Indeed, the front of his trousers was slightly tented. It was not too noticeable in the dark material, but Molly was looking for it. As before, they were led into the work room and negotiated the payment before Pierre revealed his progress. The kinky deal was struck.

“Robyn, strip, and get down on your hands and knees,” Molly instructed her sissy. When he was in position, Molly seized his ass cheats and spread them, spitting several times into his ass crack and onto his anus. Grinning happily, she worked her spittle into his anal opening with her fingers. She had to speak up to be heard over Robyn’s moaning when she commanded, “Come on, slut boy. Relax this. Don’t keep the nice man waiting.”

This time, Pierre removed his trousers and underwear, and straddled Robyn’s ass, planning a foot on either side of his knees. Deftly he scRewed his cock into the sissy’s bowels, and began fucking him vigorously. Pierre had only one hand braced on the small of Robyn’s back, because his other hand was busy fingering Molly’s cunt. She’d removed her skirt – no panties this trip – and was standing, straddling Robyn’s back, facing Pierre. His sensitive fingering of her pussy was causing her to leak, dripping onto Robyn’s back.

From time to time Pierre used his fingers inside Molly to gently pull her closer, so he could lick the top of her furrow, her pee hole, and her clip. She almost giggled as the wisps from his mustache whispered against her sensitive skin. Everything was building to a crescendo when Pierre suddenly removed his fingers from Molly, and his cock from the sissy’s ass. Standing and pumping his cock, he stepped up to Robyn’s head, lifted the sissy’s chin, and commanded, “Open!”

Robyn open his mouth just as the first arc of semen spurted from the jeweler’s cock. Most of the semen landed in Robyn’s mouth and on his quickly extended tongue, but several splats hit his forehead and nose. Molly, watching this over her shoulder, used her own fingers to reach her peak, and her cum rained down on Robyn’s back. The sissy had a lot of cock and pussy to clean.

As they rested, Pierre showed Molly a cunning prototype of the proposed cock ring, done in plastic. It hinged at the bottom, and had the hasp and staple apparatus at the top. There was no lock, as of yet.

“It’s lovely, Pierre,” Molly compiled. “But why is it plastic?”

“Plastic is much easier to use in making prototypes, Miss Molly,” he explained. “Once everything works perfectly, I can duplicate it in metal with much less effort.” He was fitting it to Robyn as he spoke, and Robyn’s wince indicated that it was still a tad small. “Bien,” Pierre said. “The mechanism works as we wish, but it needs to be a… what is the word… skosh bigger.” Pierre beamed, pleased to be able to use this obscure word for a small changein size.

On their third visit to the store, Molly got her wish. Pierre had decided that this time he wanted to fuck her pussy, and also her mouth. All three of them got naked, and once again Robyn’s mouth was used to bring Pierre’s cock to rampant hardness. There was a bench now in the center of the room. It resembled a sawhorse, with 4 angled feet and a crossbeam between them, but the top was well padded.

“Please to lie face down on this, Miss Molly,” Pierre indicated. As Molly, smiling, compiled, Pierre said, “Open her with your tongue, sissy boy.” Moments later, Robyn’s tongue began lapping along Molly’s labia, parting them with long, wet strokes. Molly closed her eyes in pleasure, gripping the front legs of the sawhorse.

“Bon. Get under this bench, and cares her tits while I fuck her,” Pierre told Robyn. Molly’s head was hanging over the end of the sawhorse, so she was able to see her sissy sit beneath her and reach his hands up to her dangling breasts and beginTroking them. Pierre was rubbing his firm glans up and down Molly’s vulva, nudging her clip, pee hole and vagina ring with his smooth flesh. It felt heavenly, like a silky smooth cares. Her cunt juices were starting to leak, anointing his cock.

Pierre had one hand on Molly’s hip, so she guessed his other was aiming his cock now. She wasn’t mistaken. She groaned/sighed as his swollen cock head penetrated her vaginal ring as it entered her. Her sight became a moan as he planted the full length of his lovely cock inside her. His pelvis touched her ass cheeks, and she knew she had all of him. But not for long, as he pulled back and back. Paused. Then plunged back in with a fast thrust, making his pelvis smack her ass, and his ball sack swing forward to slap her clip.

“OMG, Yes!” Molly cried out. Pleasure sensings were flooding her core from not only her cunt, but also from her tits. She held onto the sawhorse legs tightly, almost as tightly as Pierre was holding her hips. He thrust into her radically, and Molly was determined to experience an orgasm caused by Pierre, this time. So she let go of her control completely, surrendering to the vigorous, wonderful fucking and the title caresses. Pierre ravished her pussy with abandon.

It wasn’t long before Molly shrieked and her orgasm claimed her body.

“Sacré bleu!” Pierre exclaimed, as he felt Molly’s cum gush over his ball sack, and her inner muscles squeezing his dick. The extra friction caused by the tightening sent the jeweler over his edge. He planted his cock deeply for the first spurt, and then fucked Molly even faster as spurt after spurt left his cock, his semen being packed deep inside her with each thrust.

Both he and Molly were panting as he pulled his cock free from her cunt. As he walked to the head of the sawhorse, he nudged Robyn with his foot and told him, “Go clean your Mistress’ pussy.” completing his walk to Molly’s head, he slid his slightly softened cock into her acceptant mouth. Molly began sucking, tasting the mixture of their cums, and her sucking accelerated as she felt Robyn’s hands on her ass and his lips against her cunt.

Molly’s now fervent sucking on Pierre’s cock had the desired effect. It stiffened to fullness once again, and he began fucking her mouth. Robyn was eagerly sucking cum from the depths of her pussy. Mouth full with the jeweler’s cock, Molly could only signal her happiness by humming, deep in her throat. The humming got very loud because Pierre placed his hands over Molly’s ears as he grabbed her head and fucked her mouth with password. Molly kept her teeth well out of the way and constricted her lips firmly to increase his pleasure. Pierre was so deep into her mouth and throat that his testicles slapped her chin over and over. She was glad he was fucking fast, because it enabled her to gasp breaths of air through her nose in the brief moments his cock head pulled free from her throat.

Pierre vibrated as his cock erupted a surprise load into Molly’s mouth and throat. He screamed, “Nom d’un nom!” loudly enough that she heard it clearly, even with his hands clamped over her ears. She was busy swallowing, though, savoring his delivery of that wonderful cock cream. As he slowly withdraw his softening cock, she tightened her lips extra firmly, striping the final semen from its tubing. She was still smacking her lips with satisfaction as he assisted her to her feet.


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