The Jacket Ch. 02

I stepped out into the main room, blushing furiously at the sight of Kevin and Kara. They both smiled and laughed.

“See, I told you,” Kara said to Kevin. She smiled and looked at Grant.

I glared a bit at Kara, “So this is your idea?”

She shook her head. “No, but I helped,” she said, smiling like the cat who ate the canary. “And,” she continued, setting the bag she was holding down on the table, “I found all sorts of fun things to play with. They were skeptical, but I never doubted for a moment that you’d go for this. I’ve been planning all sorts of wicked things for you for weeks now.”

I squirmed and instinctively tugged at my arms, which made them all laugh.

Kara looked into my eyes and stepped closer. She sneered a bit and cupped her hand between my legs fondling me roughly. I began to squirm as it grow uncomfortable, which made her smile. I pulled away slightly, but her hand followed. I tried twisting and turning to get away, but it was too easy forher to keep in contact, squeeze me now, almost pinching.

“Owwwwww,” I whimpered. “Cut it out!” I protested.

She smiled. “Say please.”

“Oh God,” I whimpered.

She gave my pussy a tight squeeze.

“Please, stop, please,” I pleased.

“You know what,” she said, still fondling, “I don’t think you want me to stop any more than You want to be let out of that jacket.”

I closed my eyes and moaned. “Have you ever had another girl touch you like this?”

I shook my head, biting my lip and moaning more.

“Well, well, well, looks like you’ll be exploring all sorts of new things this week. Grant told us all sorts of things about you. We already know what a little bondage slut you are.” Her words made my insides squirm.

“But Grant also told us how much you love being teased and humiliated. Does wider Keiko wike to be embawwessed,” she teased.

I blushed deeply.

“Oh My God!” Kara said, laughing, “She is getting so wet! I can feel itThrough her shorts!” She leaned over and whispered into my ear, “And I can smell you too, I wonder if the guys can. You had better hope not, because you are really a stinky little slut.” She reached up and pressed her fingers to my nose. I tried to pull my head away, but she wouldn’t let me.

When she finally removed them, I looked over in horror as I saw Kevin come out of the bedroom.

“Lookie what I found,” he taunted, waving what I immediately recognized as my journal.

I shook my head, desperately, “OK, this has gone too far. I’m not kidding, there is personal stuff in there!”

“Oh, I know!” he said, laughing, “I’ve been reading it.”

He opened it up and started to read, “Dear Diary,” already I felt embarrassed, addressing my entries that way. “Grant is such a hottie. Why is it that my thoughts always turn to such twisted things when I think of guys like him. He’s such a nice guy and all I can think about is how much I want him to be mean to me. All I can think about is how hot it would be to have him tie me up, tease me, and humiliate me. I’ve tried dropping hints, but he just doesn’t seem interested.”

They all broke out into laughter.

“Oh, this is a good one!’ he continued, “Went to see Charlie’s Angels last night. I almost lost it! There was this scene with Drew Barrymore where she has her mouth taped shut (and you KNOW how I love that!) and the bad guy takes a red marker and draws lips on the tape. So adorable, so silly, so embarrassing! I imagined that was me. In the middle of the movie I had to run out to the bathroom and masturbate, the thought was driving me insane. I imagined how I’d look, so silly and ridiculous. Even now, the thought has me dripping!”

Kara gave a mock expression of surprise and reached into the bag. Slowly she withdraw a roll of white 4″ wide adheren tape. She held it up and waved it back and forth in front of my face. I started to twist and squirm, embarrassed and so excited. I could feel my heart racing and my breathing growing more labored.

“Look guys! I think she likes it,” Kara said. Kevin chimed in, “Maybe she should show us how much. Give it a big kiss, Keiko, show us how much you love tape!”

They all chuckled and watched as Kara held the roll of tape up to my lips.

I closed my eyes and pumped my lips, leaning forward, I pressed my lips gently to the roll of tape. Inside, my stomach tightened and I could feel my pussy tingling, wanting so badly to be touched. I kissed it again and again, wanting to feel the tape pressed on my lips, smoothed across my cheeks, over my eyes, on my nipples, over my pussy, everywhere!

“Please,” I begged, “pleeeeeease.”

Kara withdraw the tape. “Please what? What do you want?”

I turned deep red, so embarrassed. “I want my mouth taped. Please!”

Kara smiled and tore off a long strip of tape. Instead of taping me, she started to play with it and then, to my amazement, she put it over her own mouth!It made me want to cum instantly. She looked so adorable, so helpless, so silly, all of the things I wanted to be!

Slowly she peeled it off her face and smiled. “Mmmmmmm, that does feel nice.” She started to move closer with the tape, but before pressing it on she stopped, teasing me with it. “The big difference is that I could take it off, you won’t be able to!” With that she pressed the wide tape over my lips, sealing my mouth shut. It was surprisingly secure, I couldn’t open my mouth at all or even wedge me tongue under the tape.

“Mmmmmmmmpppppffffff,” I moaned, sending them all into hysterics.

Kara ran her finger along my cheek, over the tape and along the skin where the tape ended. “Now, you poor thing, how will you let us know when you need something?” Her smile was different, “There are so many things you can’t do for yourself. So you better be a good girl or maybe we won’t help you.”

Grant and Kevin were smiling too.

“Oh, I almost forgot!” Kara tookout a lipstick and coated her lips in deep red. She placed her hands on my cheeks and pulled me close, planning a big kiss on the tape, right over my lips, leaving a bright red lip print.

My eyes widened in panic as the three of them laughed. “So cute and so silly!” Grant remarked. He ran his fingers over my taped mouth and leaned over whispering in my ear “Such a little tape slut.”

I whimpered and moaned, trying to grind into him. “Tape slut, Keiko! That is what we’ll have to call you from now on,” he laughed.

I shook my head, so embarrassed.

He tore off a second piece of tape about 3 inches wide and stuck it on the table. Then another. I grew horrified as I watched him draw big eyes with lashes on each piece of tape and double so when he took them and pressed them over my eyes, sealing them shut.

All I could hear, for what seemed like an eternity, was their laughter.

I didn’t know what to do or feel. Finally, it subsided and without a word, I felt myself guided to the couch. I sat uneasily, needing help not to crash down.

Hands. Touching me everywhere, pushing my knees wide apart, exposing me. Just below the jacket, touching my belly, all over my thighs and pushesy, so exposed and helpless, all I could do was moan and retreat into the sensings. Being touched whenever and however they pleased, anywhere they wanted.

Begging indistinguishable from protests.

Something cold against my thigh and a strange sensing. Cool air against my thighs and my skin. I raised my hips and squirmed and realized my shorts and panties were being cut away. Soon the last vestiges of my clothes had been cut off and I sat naked, soaking wet, my pussy throbbing and aching with need. I could feel my clip, swollen and desperate throbbing in time with the beat of my heart.

I waited and waited for one of them to touch me there, a rub, a touch, a brush. Anything! But nothing came. Each time someone got close, I squirmed and strained, bucked and moaned, trying to thrust myself into their hand, but always I found the sensing just out of reach.

The frustration started to mount. The jacket had been fun at first, then it grew comfortable, but now, suddenly it was too much, I felt trapped, lost, and alone. I wanted it off, I started to thrash and kick, trying to squirm out of it. I flopped helpedly on the couch, the touching sensings had stopped. I was getting angle now, desperate and furious. How could they do this to me? It wasn’t funny anymore.

I tried to protest and get the tape off my mouth. Nothing worked. Nothing helped.

I started to sniffle and then I started to cry.

I felt arms wrap tightly around me, pulling me close, followed my Grant’s voice in my ear, “We talked about this moment, Keiko and you swore to me that you would want to this to go on in fact your exact words were to “keep making it worse” which is what I am going to do. I am going to be hard on you, relentless and cruel, just like you asked me to be on so many different occasions. I was listening. I know what you need to feel and besides, there isn’t anything you can do to stop this.” His hand was between my legs again, teasing and touching. The frustration was unbearable. It had gone from pleasure to agony and he wasn’t stopping.

Kara’s voice, her hot breath whispering in my ear, “How does it feel? So helpless, all taped up? You look so funny, so ridiculous, and we’ll never be able to look at you again without thinking of this, a silly taped up girl, squirming and moaning in her straitjacket.”

Finally, the touching stopped. I heard Kevin’s voice spoke. “Have you thought about all the things you are going to need us to do for you, tape slut?”

I feel hands smoothing the tape over my cheeks and eyes, followed by around the laughter as I moaned and squirmed helpedlessly at the touch.

My breathing was growing heavier through my nose and more desperate, my heart was pounding, and every nervous seemed to be on edge. Every touch made m gasp and squirm, thighs and belly tingling, every sensing, no matter where I was touched, resounded in my clip. God, how I needed someone to touch me there!

A hand slowly peeled the tape from my cheek, tugging gently at my skin and my lips as it pulled away. The sensing made me need to cum right then and there. I breathed through my mouth again and whimpered, “Please, please, help me!”

My words were muffled by a set of lips pressed against mine, kissing me hard. I couldn’t tell who, Grant or Kevin. As his tongue probed my mouth, I parted my lips and let it invade me, probe me. I arched my back, squirming, letting him kiss me, hard and password. Hands started touching me again and now another set of lips, softer, more gentle. Oh God, Kara! I’d never been kissed by a woman before. It felt so good, so soft and sensitive, as she licked my lips, nibbling on them, drawing my lip into her mouth and sucking on it, her teeth gently nibbling. Followed by another, until all I could feel was hot wet kisses, tongues and lips, one after another. So helpless and so aroused.

Finally, the kissing stopped. I felt something pressed to my lips, something cold and sweet. I tried to bite it, but felt it pulled away. I licked my lips and tasted strawberry. I leaned my head back and parted my lips. Now something soft and sweet touched my lips, whipped cream, followed by the berry. This time I was allowed to bite. So sweet and juicy!

I licked my lips and saved the taste.

“You know what will really drive her crazy?” Grant asked.

I felt him put a little dab of whipped cream on the tip of my nose.

“She is so clean and fastidious, I bet this drives her crazy!” They all laughed.

I sat, eyes taped, trying not to imagine how I looked. He was right, I hated it. I tried to squirm and wipe it clean, but each movement to do so was easily stopped. They broke into fits of laugher as I tried, to no avail, to get my tongue out far enough to lick it clean.

“OK, very funny,” I said. “Now someone please just wipe it off.”

Kara’s soft voice chimed in, “See how helpless you are now? Something so simple, like wiping your own nose, you can’t even do for yourself. You have to ask us to help you, are you starting to understand? You can’t do anything in that jacket, not a thing. So if you want help, you have to ask nicely.”

I squirmed and grimaced. “I said please!” I protested.

The sensing of the whipped cream was really starting to both me now.

“Please what?” she asked.

“Please wipe my nose, please?”

“Your dirty, messy nose, Keiko?” she asked, sounding more serious. I could hear the other stifling their laughter.

I nodded.

“Say it,” she said sternly.

“Please wipe my dirty, messy nose,” I pleaded, blushing terribly.

I leaned forward.

Much to my dismay, she didn’t clean my nose at all, but instead, smeared more of thewhipped cream over my cheeks, nose and lips.

“So messy!” she chided in a mock disapproving tone. “Who’s going to clean Keiko up?” she taunted. “Maybe we’ll just let it dry on you.”

I turned my head away, blushing more.

I stiffened as I felt another sensing, someone wiping my face clean. But it wasn’t really wiping, it was . . . I suddenly realized someone was licking my face, then more than one tongue. The whipped cream was replaced by a thin layer of spit. I tugged at my arms, wanting to wipe my face clean.

After the cleaning Grant peeled the tape from my eyes. When my vision readjusted, I found it hard to look at any of the three of them.

“I think I’ve had enough,” I whimpered, but the three of them just smiled.

“Not a chance!” Grant laughed. “We are just getting warmed up.”

Kara smiled at me, a smile which slowly turned into a sneer, “And we haven’t even *started* humiliating you yet, babydoll.”

They each traded looks and then turnedback to me.

“And there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it either,” Grant explained.

Kevin my diary up, “Oh, there is so much more!” He waved the small black leather covered book back and forth. I blinked, shaking my head, “Please, not again! Stop!”

He opened it up and started reading, “Dear Diary . . .”

My most intimate and private thoughts! Oh God! I begged, pleased, squirmed and cried.

Kara picked up the roll of tape, “Do we need to tape your mouth shut again or are you going to be a good girl?”

At that moment, I thought I was going to die. I also was on the verge of the most intense orgasm of my life.

“Good girl,” was all I could manage.

She tore off a strip of tape. “I think we’ll tape you anyway.” She gently spread the tape over my lips again. She held up a hand mirror and teased, “Awww, don’t you look pretty!”

I turned away, blushing, unable to look at myself that way.

“You guys are not going to believe this!” Kevin interrupted, looking astonished at what he was reading from my diary.


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