The Island Of Penal Correction

Part 1

After nearly thirty years as a career dominatrix, and with business falsetering, I received an irresistible opportunity to relocate from the Philadelphia area and begin a new career.

Located in the Caribbean Sea, due north from Venezuela, is the small island Republic of Lugash. As it was originally a British colony, English is the official language. The population of Lugash is no more than 200,000 residents, but thousands of foreign tourists visit on a year round basis.

Approximately one half mile north of the main island of Lugash, is a smaller island, known as Prison Island. It houses the Republic’s only female prison with an average population of 250 inmates. Access is by boat only and in terms of security, it is the equivalent of what Alcatraz Prison was historically.

I was offered the position of Prison Commandant, with a general salary, relocation expenses paid, and assurances I would be able to operate the facility as I saw fit. Troublesome inmates were of concern, but of even greater concern was the suspicion that some staff were corrupt, and providing drugs to inmates, along with other contrast.

As Commandant I would be provided with luxurious living quarters at the tip of Prison Island, with a boat at my disposal 24/7. No other staff resided on the island, commuting by boat.

Friendships former over my career were instrumental in my selection and without going into detail, sffice to say my experience with bond discipline was a major factor.

The perimeter of the prison is surrounded by triple fencing and towers staffed by armed guards. It would be next to impossible to swim to the main island, with the main concern being escape by boat.

Most of the inmates have been convicted of such offenses as prostitution and petit larceny. A typical sentence is five years. There is no parole board and release is subject to the whims of the Lugash Ministry of Justice.

Inmates who have incurred the ill will of high ranking governmental officials, such as former mistresses, can expect to be confined indefinitely. Ordinarily a special secret tribunal is used in these cases.

There is no established industry at the prison, although a few inmates have jobs in the kitchen or laundry. The main activity is forced calisthenics in the rec yard, which is designed to drain the energy from the inmates, making them less troublesome. Inmates are continuously required to work on various cleaning tasks, all without pay of course.

Prison Island is dreaded by inmates for another reason. First there is no visit by family or anyone else. Phone calls or Internet use are prohibited; limited mail privileges are allowed but subject to crisis.

Secondly no males are officially allowed on the island and the staff is all female. However it is common Knowledge that certain inmates are periodically allowed unofficially to have male visitors. Certain high officials of the Lugash government haveexpressed disapproval of this practice, and provided me with a mandate to eliminate it.

Lesbian sex amongst inmates is commonplace, with no real attempt to suppress it. It was also well known that certain female staff took sexual liberties with inmates and I was likewise given a mandate to eliminate this practice as well. Realistically I knew it was mission impossible.

Part 2

During my first week as Commandant my limits were tested in several ways. Most notably I sensed an air of resentment that an American, not a Lugash citizen, had been selected for the position.

The next issue was that Rebecca, one of the more troublesome inmates, disregarded the rule that inmates must stand at attention, and give proper address upon approach of the Commandant.

Without further ado I ordered Rebecca taken to the rec yard, handcuffed, and ball gagged, to an overhead bar. It was a hot humid day and she would spend the next several hours in that uncomfortable position.

Another change I made during my first week, was to install a minaret in the rec yard, over which various propaganda could be disseminated. In Rebecca’s case, reference to her disobedience was made several times during the day, with the intent it would have a chilling effect on the other inmates. Interspersed between these messages were Lugashi martial music, designed to promote patriotism.

My immediate supervisor in the Lugash Prison Ministry was so impressed, that he recommended me for an immediate step salary increase, along with encouragement for additional innovative ideas.

The prison is essentially a maze of Quonset huts, each housing twelve inmates in single beds, with the inner doors locked continuously at night. Any inmate out of her bed after lights out is guilty of an infection. Guards are expected to conduct surprise inspections, but some are lax in this respect.

One night I made a surprise inspection and found two inmates sharing the same bed, obviouslyy engaged in sexual activity. They were immediately ordered to serve three days solidary confinement each.

The two guards responsible for their supervisions were docked three days pay each, meaning they were required to work on their regular days, but without pay.

As I pondered the matter at greater length, I felt that the three days solidary was excessively lenient. Therefore I decided that the two inmates would be publicly able. In the past there had been a reluctance to employee corporate punishment, and I felt it was time for a change.

Upon their release from solidary, the two inmates were stripped naked and led to the rec yard in handcuffs, where they were attached to the same overhead bar. It was explained they would each receive twenty five rattan strokes, and were given a choice as to whether or not to be blindfolded.

Neither chose to be blindfolded, so I ordered Loretta, my Deputy Commandant, to administrator the first twenty five strokes to one of the two offenders. Since assuming the Commandant position, I have had doubts about Loretta’s fitness to hold her position. This was not due to suspected corruption, but she was simply a do gooder, temporarily unsuited for such a position, where harsh punishments were a necessity.

Much to my surprise Loretta simply stated she couldn’t be ordered to inflict such punishments, citing some regulation. My reaction was to immediately Relieve her of duty, and order her to leave the island within two hours. This was done in the presence of the other inmates, who had been assembled to witness the caning.

I personally took delight inflicting each of the fifty strokes. They were alternated at unpredictable intervals, so as to maximize the anxiety of the two inmates. By the time I had finished, both were screaming in pain, and their buttocks were severely disclosed. I assured them they would be sore for days, if not weeks, to come.

Part 3

It seems that prior to my tenure, a certain high ranking male official of the Lugash Industrial Ministry had been allowed to visit the island, and have sex with a particular inmate, on a monthly basis.

Within two weeks after I became Commandant, he called me personally, requesting that such access be continued. I immediately rejected his request and was greeted with a contemporary remark. Thinking that would be the end of the matter, I refrained from reporting it to the proper authority.

Andrea had just been appointed as Deputy Commandant, actually it was a promotion from Captain of the Guard. I decided to take a weekend of liberty on the main Lugash Island, leaving her in charge. Events did not go as planned, so I made an unexpected return to the prison, arrive at 9:00AM Sunday, instead of later that evening.

I was stunned to find Alberto, the official in question, attempting to firmly conceal himself in Andrea’s office. He was immediately placed in handcuffs and I requested a boat from the Lugash Constable be dispatched to the island, to take custody of him.

The inmate with whom Alberto had sex was ordered to serve three days in solidary, yet it was not fair to assign the blow solely to her. As the Deputy Commandant also has living quarters on the island, Andrea was ordered confine to quarters until further notice. Her Internet and telephone access was restricted, and I would contact the Prison Ministry concerning her status.

Andrea had the audacity to challenge her restriction to quarters. Reverting to the methods of my dominatrix days, I tied her spread eagled to her bed, but she was left fully clothed.

It was tempting indeed to take some sexual liberties with her, but I strictly resisted the desire.

Fortunately the Prison Ministry concurred with my request that Andrea be relieved permanently of her duties. She was sent back to Lugash Island and reportedly was assigned to a secretarial position in the Foreign Ministry.

Part 4

The next inmate assigned to the island proved to be a most troublesome one. Sara, aged 23, was a former prostitute and current mistress of a high ranking official of the Justice Ministry, until she physically assaulted him. She was immediately arrested and subjected to sleep deprivation, while in custody of the Lugash Federal Investigative Service, essentially a secret police agency.

Upon appearing before a magistrate, during a secret Arraignment, she pleded guilty and was sentenced to an indefinite term on the island. She arrived by boat, wearing the standard jump suit and transport manufacturers.

The spoiled bitch was under the belief she would only be detailed for a few days and was openly hostile upon arrival. She was in for a rude awakening, as she would learn that “indefinite” usually means several years. None the less, she was ordered to serve three days in solidary, which is standard for new inmates. I decided to break the bad news to her later.

Immediately thereafter I found Anita, one of the guards, engaged in oral sex with a female inmate. Anita was immediately stripped of both her duties and uniform, and placed in solidary. I informed her she would now be a prisoner, amongst the same inmates she had once guarded. This would require approval from the Ministry of Justice, but I was confident it would be forthcoming.

Upon her release from solidary, Sara was informed of her indefinite Confinement. She immediately throws a temperature tantrum and was taken in handcuffs to the rec yard, where she would spend a few hours attached to the overhead bar.

Much to my dismay, the Justice Ministry decided to prosecute Anita for having inmate sex, and ordered her released immediately. She was relieved of her duties on the Island, but was reinstated in a position with a different agency. To add insult to injury, I was informed by Justice that I must consult with them before incarcerating any prison employee.

The cumulative effect of this meddling by the Justice Ministry, was to cause me to reassess my attitude towards inmate treatment. If Anita could not be punished for having sex with an inmate, why shouldn’t I be entitled to engage in the same conduct.

Part 4

Customamarily the Commandant is permitted to have an inmate of her choosing, assigned as her permanent maid, primarily for the purpose of housekeeping. One attractive perk of the position is being allowed a private cell and relaxed physical exercise requirements.

Sara was chosen for this position, surprising even herself. In order to make her more receptive to being my sexual plaything, I would falsely promise her that I was working to secure her release. In reality she stood little chance of release, as such is the punishment for incurring the disfavor of a high government official.

When Sara was ordered to strip upon her initial reporting for duty, she assumed it was for the purpose of being fitted with a maid’s uniform. I ordered her to lie on her back on my master bed and using rope, spread-eagled each arm and leg to the relative bed post.

As expected she protected, at which time I issued her an ultimatum. She would either serve as my sex toy, in addition to her cleaning duties, or she could look forward to prolonged solidary confinement. To further manipulate her, I promised to use my influence to have her sentence reduced.

As expected Sara saw the light, and for the first time since assuming the Commandancy, my sexual needs were satisfied by another female. Sara proved to be quit accommodating with the quality of performing oral sex upon my cunt, after all she was previously a hooker.

Sara proved to be less accommodating when I attempted to perform coital sex using a stick on. She really had no choice as she was spread-eagled on the bed, but I expect my submissives to make sounds of erotic pleasure rather than hurling epithets at me.

The problem was quickly resolved, as I used a riding crop to deliver twelvestrokes, of high intensity, to her exposed cunt as she lie helped spread-eagled on the bed. For further punishment I wedged a pair of my soiled panties into her mouth. She quickly became more accommodating.

One of the amenities of being the Commandant’s housemaid is a private one room cell. Internet, television, and radio are denied, but the housemaid is allowed a greater selection of reading materials. In addition the physical exercise requirements are minimal.

Well Sara was not happy with her situation, she was segregated from the other inmates, and had no one to complain to. With continued misrepresentations as to her release, she would prove to be a most compliant prisoner.


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