The Island of Anguilla
This is the third part of the continuing saga of Brooke and Brad. After their stay at Pine Lake and their honeymoon in Maui they embark on a new life with their new friends. I recommend reading the first two sagas. Couples Camp and Honeymoon in Hawaii
A word of warning, most of my stories contain elements of: cuckolding, chatity, BDSM, and sharing. Some contain elements of consensual non consent and extreme situations that some might find disorder. Everything I describe is pure fantasy. I hope you enjoy.
Chapter 3
Brad spent the last few days working on identifying all the issues with the resorts profitability and spend his nights trying to please Mia. Each night Mia came to his room and tested him. Brad learned how to draw water for her bath at exactly the right temperature, how to knee and present her towel for her as she got out of the tub, averting his eyes from her naked body. After all seeing hernaked was a reward that would have to be earned.
Each night he would take the clothes she had forgotten and hand wash them in the sink before hanging them to air dry. He would clean her shoes, making sure there wasn’t a speck of sand left on the souls, and each night she would reward his learning with a little touch and a kind word of praise. One night she even allowed him to watch as she masturbated and eventually came on the glass coffee table. Brad was egger and thankful when she instructed him to lick the table clean.
Everything Mia did pushed Brad deeper into submission to her. He felt needed and wanted and was more eager to please her every day. The worst part of the whole thing was he was more frustrated than ever. His cage prevented him from getting erect and yet the desire for release increased by the hour. There wasn’t a minute of the day or night he wasn’t thinking about getting out of his cage. It made it hard to focus on work, yet in a weird way, Mia helped him focus his energy on her rather than his helpless cock. When he was focused on pleasure her, he was happy and felt a sense of purpose, and yet she always had a way of reminding him right before she left, how much he was missing by not being free.
Brad answered the knock on his door one morning as he was getting ready for the day, and to his surprise it was Michelle.
“Brad, we need to talk.” Michelle said with a slight hint of panic in her voice, as she pushed herself into his room.
“What is it?” Brad anxiously asked.
“It’s Brooke. We don’t know where she is.”
“What?” Brad asked, alarmed at her revelation.
“We have been watching Brooke all week, but last night we lost track of her. She never came to the dance club and when Ron went to check on her this morning, all her things are gone and her room is empty.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Brad snapped, terror-stricken at the thought.
“I don’t know where she went, and I’m worried she’sin danger. Logan and Max are on their way as we speak, so it’s under control. If anyone can find her it’s those two.” Michelle continued, trying to console him, but doing a terrible job.
Brad was in shock and plopped down on the couch, trying to make sense of the situation they had gotten themselves in.
“You need to play it cool and keep acting as if nothing is different. Remember you’re here alone. Your wife is at home waiting for you supposedly right.” Michelle reminded him.
Brad sat silently his thoughts now jolted back from his submissive fantasy with Mia to the reality of his life. His wife and the love of his life Brooke was missing. The last time he saw her she was bouncing up and down on another man, but he knew she was still his wife, and they would once again be together. The sexually charged games they had been playing were fun, but now the reality of the dangerous jobs they had accepted was sinking in. Was the excitement worth the danger? It didn’t seem like it no.
“Are you ok?” Michelle gently probed.
“I don’t know.” Brad said, gasping for air.
Brad was pale and obviously worried as he tried to process the situation, only to be started by another knock on the door. Before he could get up and answer it, Michelle opened the door and let Ron in.
“Hey man, you ok?” He asked as he patted Brad on the back with one hand.
Brad was trying to get an image in his mind of where Brooke could be. Had she took off with the man Brad had seen her with? Was she just off partying somewhere else on the island, and took off for a few days? Was she in danger, or just off having a good time and perfectly fine?
“Someone disabled the camera we had in her room and cleaned the place out. I don’t know what happened to her after she left Cyrus last night.”
“Cyrus?” Brad asked.
“Yeah, Cyrus is the guy she has been hanging out with all week. He’s well known around here for being a playboy. Always hanging out at the club and winning and dining the good looking women who catch his eye. He’s from a rich Arabian oil family, he spends his time bouncing around all over the world, but he seems to like it best here on Anguilla.”
“Well where is he?” Brad snapped, imagining her running off with him.
“He’s still here at the resort. I saw him this morning having breakfast with one of the bartenders.”
Michelle and Ron spent the next half hour calming Brad down and convincing him to wait it out. Logan and Max would be there shortly and start poking around for clues. In the meantime Brad was to continue his normal routine and keep calm. As much as he wanted to run out and look for Brooke, he didn’t even have the first idea where to look. He kept telling himself she was fine and just off relaxing in the sun, taking a break from the undercover sexual games she had been playing.
After they got Brad calmed down, Ron and Michelle left him to finish getting dressed and go about his regular duties for the day.
Brad decided to get some breakfast and think about his own issues rather than rush into the office and get started on the business of the resort right away. He was sitting there alone eating his breakfast and thinking of Brooke. He couldn’t decide if he was scared for her or happy for her, but he knew for sure he was not happy for himself. He was feeling lost and alone, thinking back to when the two of them lay in bed together back in their one bedroom apartment. It seemed like a previous life, before the lake, before Maui, and before they arrived on Anguilla.
“Hey there,”
“Oh hi mist, Mia.” Brad caught himself.
He had gotten used to calling her Mistress in private, but in public like this he was to call her by her first name, Mia.
“What’s wrong? You seem troubled.” She inquired.
“Um, Yeah, my wife, um she… she wasn’t home this morning when I called her. I’m just a little concerned something is wrong. I haven’t talked to her in a fewdays.” Brad stammered trying to cover his tracks.
“Oh I’m sure she’s fine. She’s probably just off having fun with some friends or something.” Mia cheerfully assured him.
“I just hope she doesn’t lose her key.” Mia whispered, as she leaned in and gave Brad a quick pat under the table on his cage.
Mia snapped Brad’s thoughts directly into the confines of his cage alongside his masculinity. The heat of her breath on his ear and the soft sound of her voice quickly stirred the emotions in his groin. The pat only added to the excitement, and distracted him from his worries.
“I took the day off, so why don’t you take the day too, and come to the beach with me?” Mia suggested.
Brad thought about it for a minute and figured, why not? There was no way he was going to get anything done in the office today. He was way too distracted and after all, maybe he would see Brooke on the beach. Most likely she had just taken some time for herself and just wanted to take a break from the resort. It seemed logical to him so he said…
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.”
Brad didn’t even finish his breakfast. Instead he got up and went to his room like Mia inspired getting dressed for the beach instead of the office.
At first Brad was looking all around, trying to see if he could spot Brooke. Every time he saw another woman in the distance he thought it might be her until she got close enough for him to tell it was another false alarm. Mia didn’t seem to notice his attention was split between her and the constant sightings, but Brad felt guilty not giving her his full attention.
He finally let go of his thoughts and focused on Mia as she had him rub suntan lotion into her dark skin. He did his best to remember the instructions in her manual for how to apply lotion. He Know not to over saturate her skin, yet to make sure to rub in a good amount of moisturizer to keep her skin safe. The pressure he applied was just to her liking, he know from the many massages he had given her, and her constant points on how to do it. Nothing was left to chance with Mia. She knew exactly how she wanted to be touched and Brad had learned very well all her little preferences.
Brad worked his way down from her shoulders and back to her firm bottom making sure to get every inch perfectly covered. He gently slipped his hand under the strraps from her bikini Assuring there was no spot left uncovered. After making sure she was settled in and comfortable he applied lotion to himself and lay down on a blanket beside her.
It was late afternoon when Mia told Brad to go back to his room and get ready for the evening. She wanted to take him out somewhere special tonight, and wanted him in his best form.
Brad took a shower, getting all the sand off his skin and the sweat and lotion mixture out of his pours. He knew Mia liked a clean smooth sad, so he shavled again making sure there was no stubble on his face. Brad could hear Mia’s words in his mind as he got ready. He remembered everything in her instruction book and made sure he didn’t forget anything. He made sure his private area was well groomed, his teeth where well brushed and his breath was minty fresh. The soap he used was the soap she had told him to get from the gift shop, so he smelled of coconuts just as she had instructed.
Mia came to his room just like she said she would. It was weird, Brad was a little nervous about the evening with Mia for some reason. It wasn’t as if this was his first date with her, but this was different. Mia was treating it different. It was the first time they were going out together as a couple and he wasn’t meeting her in a clandestine way. Even though he had spent the day out in public with her there was still a part of him that was worried someone might see them together and Brooke would find out he was “cheating” on her.
The fear of being found out by Brooke brought his mind back to her only temporarily. The sight of Mia in her outfit for the night jolted him back to reality. She was wearing tall leather boots and a tight leather mini skirt, her top was nothing more than a bra with lacey trim.
“Are you ready?” She asked, as she walked in.
Brad tried to pick his jaw up off the floor, as Mia spoke.
“Tonight’s a special party. It’s a little different but I think you’re ready. When we get to the party you will have to wear this.” Mia said as she held up a black leather collar.
“It’s a rule that I must have you on a lean at all times, unless told otherwise.” She explained, holding up a silver chain with a black leather handle.
“You shouldn’t talk unless told to, and never touch anyone unless inspired to. Understand?” Brad was nodding his head as her words soaked in.
A few minutes later and they were stepping through the door of one of the private villas on the resort.
“All pets must be restrained ma’am.” The doorman said as he held the dooropen.
Mia placed the leather collar around Brad’s neck adjusting it snugly and clipping the lean in place.
“One more thing my pet, you must naked and knee on your hands and knees at all times, unless I tell you otherwise.” She said as she started to unbutton his shirt.
Mia helped undress him and had him fold his clothes and place them in a basket on the floor behind him, then she gave his lesh a tug and pulled him down towards the floor.
Brad knew exactly what she wanted; she had taught him how to follow her around on his hands and knees just never with a leash and collar before. Mia gave him a gently tug once again indicating he should follow along beside her as she made her way past the interior door of the foyer.
“Mistress Ivy, It’s good to see you.” A female voice called out as they entered the room together.
Brad wanted to look up to see where the voice came from but he knew he was to keep his eyes abused. His heart was beating quickly andhe could feel his face warming from the embarrassment of some strange seeing him in this position.
“Is this your new pet?” A deep voice questioned.
“Yes it is, this is Brad. Brad here has been quite the student. He is learning very quickly.” Mia proudly exclaimed as she gave Brad a pat on the head.
Brad was filled with mixed emotions. He was unbelievable embarrassed to be treated like a dog lead around on a leash and patted on the head, but at the same time, the pride in Mia’s voice made him feel honored to be her pet. Brad wasn’t able to search his feeling too much before he was being yanked along again, forced to hurriedly crawl to keep up with Mia’s clicking boots against the tile floor.
Brad quietly knelt beside Mia as she took a seat at a table surrounded by chairs. He snuck a peak and could see four other chairs each with a pair of boots and a pet proudly kneeing beside them just as he was. Brad wanted to see what his surroundings looked like and who the other people where but he was trying to be careful not to appear to be looking around. He didn’t want Mia to get angry at him for not following her rules and keeping his gaze on the floor at all times.
As Brad snuck a peak around he realized there were only three other pets, each looked to be a woman, two of them had large breast dangling freely, the third he could not tell but from the look of her heals and painted nails, she too must have been a woman. Brad knelt there listening to the small talk at the four women and one man made small talk. They completely ignored the kneeing companies they had brought with them as they sounded like they began a game of poker.
Mia reached down and pet Brad on the back of the head as if he was her pet dog. She cupped her hand and pulled his head closer to her lap pushing his cheek into her lap and against her bare skin. Brad could feel the pressure in his dangling cage increases as he feel the warmth of her skin against his. He had worn the cage for so long, he would almost forget about it, but at times like this it was painfully hard to forget. The conflicting emotions once again rushed through him. The joy he felt from her attention mixed with the embarrassment and frustration of his confinement causing him even greater arousal.
“How about we make it interesting?” He heard the male voice chuckle.
“What do you have in mind? ” One of the other female voices questioned.
“Well instead of money tonight, what do you say we bet something a little more difficult to come by?” The male voice announced.
“What do you say you all bet, a well behaved pet against a feature spot in the next auction?”
“That doesn’t seem quite fair.” One of the women responses.
“Well, what if I double your commission on the next sale as well?” He ups the ante.
“After all, there’s four of you against little old me.” He laughs.
“Yeah, little old you, when the last time you lost a game of poker?” Mia snapped.
“Oh come on, it’ll be fun.” Another one of the woman said, trying to convince the non-believers.
Brad wasn’t even thinking about what this all means for him as Mia agreed along with the other three women, and the chips where evenly distributed among the five. He just knelt there enjoying the occasional stroke from Mia’s hand through his hair as he rest his cheek on her bare tigh.
It wasn’t long and one of the other woman had what she thought was a good enough hand to go all in. Unfortunately for her it wasn’t and he won.
“Dam it Cyrus, you fucken suckered me in.” She barked as she angrily slammed her hand down on the table.
“Oh come on now, it’s just a game.” He laughed, as Brad could hear him scooping up the chips.
Brad could hear the mistress instructing her pet to go to him as she accepted her loss and stormed out of the room. But that name Cyrus… he knew that name. Oh my god that’s the man Brooke had been with. Brad started to pull his head up to look and see him, lifting his cheek off of Mia.
“Hey, keep your face down.” She snapped as she harshly tugged on his leanh.
“Oh a curious one is he?” Cyrus bellowed.
Brad pushed his cheek back against Mia thankful she responded with a reassuring pet rather than a slap to his exposed chef. Brad could hear Cyrus as he took possession of his new pet, yanking on her chain and directing her to knee under the table in front of him.
From Brad’s position directly across the table from Cyrus, he could see the man as he unzipped his black pants and pulled his semi erect penis out. The pet at his feet took the queue and pushed her mouth towards it to start sucking.
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t be so greedy you little slut.” He barked as Cyrus grabbed her face in his massive hands and held her away from him.
“Tongue only.” Was all he said, as he released her from his powerful grip.
Brad watched as the well trained toy started lapping at his manhood. She took her time slowly bathing it in her saliva as if to make love to him with her tongue. She continued her caring task as they remained players continued on, her Mistress now gone from her.
It wasn’t long and Cyrus had once again won the last of one of the other woman’s chips. As her pet crawled into place sharing the task of licking his now erect penis, he laughed.
“Two down and two to go,”
Mia won the next hand, and it was at this point when it hit Brad. What happened if Mia lost? What the hell was this guy going to do with him? Brad started to panic. He wasn’t gay, and wasn’t about to lick his cock.
Sure enough Cyrus won again, depleting the chips completely from the third woman and causing her to lose her pet to him. Tugging at the leash of his third win of the night he led her under the table as well.
“Pleasure my pet, while she pleasures me.” He barked.
The third woman crawled behind the two licking him and started lapping at them fromBehind. She must have been doing a good job because both the pets pushed their asses back and spread their knees wider giving her better access to them both.
“You’re really not supposed to be watching, but I know you’re enjoying the show.” Mia softly whispered as she bent her head down towards her lap.
Brad was enjoying the show actually. The two tinny asses bobbing up and down as they tried to attract the attention of the third woman was sexy as fuck. Both wanted attention from her tongue as they did their best to please their new master with theirs.
Mia and Cyrus went back and forth, each winning chips from the other, neither of them seeming to string two wins together, and neither of them getting a good enough hand they felt comfortable going all in. After over an hour of their back and forth, Cyrus proposed they call it a draw.
“So what do we do now?” Mia asked him.
“Well I think the only fair thing is you stay with your pet and we all have fun togetherr. “
Mia agreed with him and gave Brad’s leash a firm tug to pull him off her thigh and back to face towards the ground. Brad heard the three dangling leashes from across the table as they presumable were scoped up and given a tug of their own.
“Enough pets now come with me.” Cyrus announced.
Brad crawled along beside his mistress now fearing what she was about to get him into, but envisioning the chance to get closer to her and perhaps even earn a spot on her delicious pussy with his tongue.
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