Young Woman Found Guilty Ch. 01

In my country the law was different for those with money than for those without. The law was different for men than it was for women. The law was different depending on the judge that you faced. There was never a doubt that I would be found guilty. As a female with no money my last chance was to throw myself on the mercy of the judge. He was twenty years younger than some at 60 years plus.

My representative asked to be allowed to present me to the judge privately to please for leniency. I was so pleased when he agreed to meet us in his office the next day. The junior clerk who had represented me said to me to say as little as possible and to agree to whatever the judge suggested. Any objection would result in a punishment far worse than my crime warranted.

The judge seemed to delight in outlining my helpless position. He said that he could separate me from my family for a very long time if he had a mind to. He described the conditions a pretty girl like me was likely to experience in prison. He even said that the worst for me would be if he sent me to the mixed gender prison where I would be “fed to the lives”.

He had succeeded in frightening me. At this stage he could have offered me almost any alternatives and I would have jumped at it. When he did finally get to the point he said.

“You will live as a junior service with a family. They are a rewardable family well known to me. You will live there for three months and once a week I will personally oversee your physical punishment. Other punishments will be carried out during the week as your hosts see fit. Any disobedience deemed serious by myself or your hosts will lead to a return to court and a new sentence.”

I actually thanked the judge for his general consideration. I didn’t know what I was in for, only that it was probably much better than the alternative. It did not take long before I realized it would not be a tea party.

The next evening I was delivered to the huge house where a serious looking member of staff welcomed me. He took me to an attic room and told me to put on the uniform and only the uniform on the bed and report to the library when dressed. The dress was short and tight. The stockings were of beautiful quality and the high heels fitted me perfectly. The lack of underwear was disturbing as the hem of the dress was only six inches below my naked bottom.

The response to my knock on the library door was instant and I opened the big heavy door. The man sat behind the impressive desk was younger than I had expected and the woman to his right not much older than me.

“Come in Jennifer. You will call me Mr. Bennett or Sir and my wife Mrs. Bennett or Mistress. You will do exactly what we tell you at all times and you will see your three months Through with the minimum of pain and punishment. You are the junior member of staff so I suggest that you try to get on well with all the others. To help you understand this we are going to show you where you fit in.

Now come right up to the desk and reach across and hold this side with both hands. That is right but spread your legs wide.”

“Yes I think I understand very well Sir.”

Sir rang a bell and my heart sank as the door opened. I didn’t know who would come through the door but I did have a very good idea of ​​the view that would greet them.

“Oh James, Jennifer here needs to be given a little demonstration of her status.”

“Of course sir. Would you like me to show her the cane, tawse or flogger Sir? Or were you thinking of something more personal?”

“I think we need to spend the next 24 hours preparing her for the Judge’s first visit. While I will be fascinated to see how she responds to a warmed bottom I think that another of her charms should be awakened. When were you last with a man Jennifer?”

I knew what he was asking me so stopped myself from asking what he meant. I knew it was not a time to play games.”

“It has been over three months Sir.”

“How often do you pleasure yourself girl?”

“Eh well, eh sometimes once a day sometimes not for a week Sir.”

“Well James I think that we should ensure that Jennifer here is warmed up to ensure she is ready for the Judge.”

I had almost forgotten Mrs. Bennett before she said.

“I think that is an excellent idea my dear. Might I suggest that James might not be appropriate at this time? What she needs is a little reminder of how a cock feels and how she is missing it. We wouldn’t want to spoil her now would we? Might I suggest that young Ben continues his sexual education and put his small but well-formed cock to use?”

“That is a splendid idea my love. We want her interest didn’t satisfy right Now. James, be good enough to bring Ben here. We will see if he has learned to control himself a little better.”

I am usually a very private person but all this talk of cocks and while my interest had, despite or I think because ofmy public display, sexually excited me. My pussy was surprising warm and a little moist. I hoped it would not show. It seemed like forever before I heard footsteps enter the room. I instinctively went to close my legs but again controlled my natural reaction.

“Hi Ben. I know it a wonderful view but please close your mouth you have seen a woman’s pussy before. I have been told that Mrs. Bennett has been supervising your lessons in self-control. She informs me that they are not very successful yet.”

“I am trying my best Sir but the maid does make it very difficult for me to control myself. She is very…”

“We don’t need a blow by blow report Ben. We have the ideal opportunity to put your newfound skills to the test. I think Jennifer here might enjoy it if you introduced yourself to her pussy.”

I couldn’t really believe what I was hearing. I was going to be fucked by a boy who sounded very young so as to warm me up for the judge. It was James who spoke next.

“Would you like me to ensure that Jennifer is ready to receive young Ben Sir?”

“Yes please James.”

His hands were firm almost gentle as he explored between my legs. Could anything be more humiliating? I was just about to find out.

“She does not seem to need any preparation Sir. I am sure she could comfortably receive a cock much larger than young Ben’s as she is naturally well lubricated already.”

“Oh I am pleased that the prospect of penetration by Ben has excited her. Now Ben you may enjoy Jennifer for as long as you are able to control yourself. When you are unable to control yourself any longer please withdraw. If you fail to control yourself you will be able here and now. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir and thank you Sir. May I began?”

“You certainly may.”

I am not sure why his cock entered me quite so easily. Was he very small or was I wetter than I wanted to admit. I was feeling humiliated and embarrassed. Was my level of arousal becauseof these or despite them? Either way I was physically enjoying being fucked by a boy, a boy with a small cock. No fireworks just physically nice.

He had obviously started to learn self-control as he fucked me firmly. The strokes were not long but his balls were grazing my clip at the end of each stroke. I had never fully appreciated the larger cocks I had experienced before. Now I wished he was much bigger.

“Sir should I stop? I am getting very close to losing control.”

“You have done well young Ben. James, be kind enough to ask the maid to reward Ben for his performance today. She is to give him whatever he requests.”

His cock might have been small but when it was gone I missed it. I felt empty and very wet indeed. I stayed completely still while James and Ben, who I had not set eyes on, left the room. A chair scraped and someone walked behind.

“My goodness she looks like she has just been fucked by a monster not by a small boy. Did you enjoy that as muchas it looks like you did Jennifer?”

As she said this she ran her fingers around my pussy and clip. It seemed to emphasize the level of my arousal. I knew I must not lie but knew the truth would add to my humiliation and embarrassment.

“I know I am very aroused now. It was kind of exciting Mistress.”

“Ah James you are back. Would you please take Jennifer she needs to retire for the night. Given that the Judge will be here tomorrow I suggest she needs rest.”

I don’t know why or whether James was given a sign but he stood me up turned me round to face him. Then to my surprise he lifted my dress right over my head leaving me dressed in stockings and high heels only. As he walked me to my room the small number of staff who saw me did not pay any attention or seemed surprised.

I knew he was only a member of staff but I also knew not to question him. This was tested when having taken my stockings and shoes off and laid me back on the bed he started to tie my hands to the headboard. I stayed quiet as he then followed up by tying my feet to the bottom of the bed. My legs were spread and my pussy was still wet. I could not stop myself from questioning him as I felt something pushed deep into my helpless pussy.

“What the fuck are you doing James?”

“I am Mr. Simpson to you girl. What I am doing to you is as I was instructed. What do you think you needing REST means? It means REstrain and STimulation my dear. Sir and Mistress have been charged with preparing you for tomorrow night. The restraint is to stop you playing with yourself and the stimulation is to keep your obviously easily aroused pussy excited all night.

My experience of your type is that by tomorrow morning you will be pleading with me to give you sexual Relief. Contrary to this I am likely to be charged with keeping you actively on the boil sexually all day.”

I was incensense by the reference to ‘your type’ but knew better than take on fights I couldn’t win. I didAsk what he would do to keep me ‘on the boil’ tomorrow. He did smile at this and put his hand directly on my clip. He played with it with a level of skill I had never encountered. I knew I was seconds from a powerful orgasm when he stopped and laughed.

“I could play your very exciting pussy for hours and have you pleading with me to give you release. Tomorrow I may well do so. The Judge likes to think that he is irresistible and he arouses his victims. I am charged with allowing him to carry on thinking he has this ability and I intend to succeed. Now I suggest you get some sleep now and try and enjoy your REST.”

Not surprisingly my sleep was fitful. I did not dream of little Ben’s small cock but being fucked by a cock of ridiculous proportions. I woke wishing that I could have experienced an orgasm in my sleep. In fact I wanted to experience a big cock and a big orgasm.

By lunchtime James had done what he had threatened. If I thought it would have succeeded Iwould have willingly pleased with him to bring me to climax in any way he wished to. I did not waste my breath. After lunch he took me to the study. Mr. Bennett was seated behind his desk and said he wanted to brief me on the evening’s proceedings.

I said I understand that the Judge would be arrived and that I was expected to do exactly what he required. Mr. Bennett said that the Judge would wish to Punish me seriously. He would then almost certainly take me sexually or if not require one of the staff to do so. Things would probably be best for me if I appeared to enjoy the humiliation the pain and being completely submissive.

I was kept busy all afternoon helping in the kitchen and cleaning the dining room. It was this room that was going to be the scene of my painful encounter with the judge. A scene that would be witnessed by many of the household. The pretty maid who had been required to pleasure Ben earlier was told to help me bath and prepare. She took me to the bathroom with a large shower. She took all my clothes off and started the shower. I waited until the water was hot and walked in.

I did not see her strip but was suddenly surrounded by her warm arms. She insisted on washing every inch of my body. Once I accepted this I enjoyed the experience of her caressing fingers even though they never threatened to make me climax. Without asking I knew I should return the favor and we were both delighted when she experienced what appeared to be a strong orgasm. She said that I was expected in the dining room in 45 minutes and she would prepare me and oversee my dressing.

I should have realized that the ‘preparation’ would not be brushing my hair and cutting my nails. She laid me on my back on the bed and straddled me facing my feet. When her tongue found my clip I thought I would climax in seconds. She laughed and said she would be punished if she over-excited me. Above me her pussy smelled fresh and very open. Again, I wanted to return her favor and lifted my mouth towards her pussy. She told me that there would be plenty of time for me to show my appreciation again but we might not now have time.

When her mouth found my pussy again it skirted my clip and even teased my, just cleaned, anus. This was beautiful but was not going to bring me to orgasm. She knew my body better than I did. Her return to my clip was nearly devastating. She tormented me for many minutes before climbing off the bed.

“I think you are ready for the Judge. Expect no mercy expect lots of pain. Do not try and be too brave. The Judge gets off on your pain and suffering let him hear yours.”

I looked around for the clothes I was to wear, only to be told that I would not be needing any tonight. She escorted me to the dining room door, knocked and left me there. Mistress showed me into the room where I saw Sir, the Judge and a lady probably his wife. The Judge greeted me and introduced his wife who addressed me.

“I hear that you are very exciting young lady. Well tonight we shall see how you enjoy pain. The Judge is very skilled at inflicting all sorts of different pain to a girl’s body. I like to see if I can keep his victims excited at the same time as it seems to increase their capacity to take the pain.”

With this she took both of my nipples in her hands and rolled them roughly. They quickly became hard and Very large. Her one hand dropped between my legs and instantly found my clip. Within seconds she brought it to full attention.

“You were certainly right Mrs. Bennett the girl is very easily exciting. I think my job tonight will be very easy. Why don’t you start with her nipples my dear they look very receptive right now?”

She moved behind me and pulled my arms behind me. My small breasts were pushed forward as if being presented to the judge. He took it as an invitation and struck one of my large hard nipples with a small whip or flogger. Mistress held my arms with one hand and used the other to reach round and find my pussy. The flogging stung strongly but as he struck me time and time again it became painful. My body became confused as the pain was matched by pleasure as my clip was rolled between a finger and thumb. Each strike of the flogger was matched by my clip being squeezed or pinched. When he switched to my other nipple I realized I was due at least as much pain again.

Mistress sensed that I would not move my arms from behind my back and brought her other hand between my legs from behind. She nearly reached her fingers playing with my clip but concentrated on spreading the wetness she found around the whole area including the heart of my bottom. This was gentle until one finger demanded entrance into the tight little hole. I had learned enough not to fight and relaxed my sphincter allowing the penetration to be almost pleasant. When she slide it in and out my body welcomed the violence.

While he was clearly enjoying inflicting pain she was inflicting arousal that in other situations I might have welcomed. My body carried on confusing my brain. There seemed to be little between the pain and the pleasure. When the flogging stopped it was my nipples that ached but I was also very aware of my pussy and bottom.

Nothing was said but Mistress backed up so she was sitting on the desk with me between her legs still facing away from her. She reached round to hold my tender nipples while using her legs to spread mine. I had to bend my knees to open my legs as wide as she demanded. I was slow to register what they had done but when she started to roll my raw nipples I knew that the next thing would be the flogger hitting me between my legs.

When it did strike the ends of the flogger explored on the heart of my anus. The rest of the flogger hit my pussy but was too low to make contact with my clip. More confusion, did I want it to hit my clip or would that have been too much? There was little difference for me betweenthe pain and the pleasure. Did I want this to stop now or would I have felt frustrated?

Were these two trying to stimulate me or punishment me? Yes they were stimulating me but their intention was to punishment me. My body had been primed for the last 24 hours and it was therefore responding to their punishment by becoming aroused by the pain inflicted.

The pinching and rolling of my nipples was now painful. The flogging was covering from my arse to my clip. It was pure pain being applied. There was a brief respite and Mistress asked,

“If you had a choice would you want us to stop? Of course you have no choice so it is only a question for you. It will get much more painful from now but I may still be able to make it sexually fulfilling at the same time. Would you like me to try?”

I pleaded with her mainly to make it less painful but partly to sexually stimulate me. She laughed at me and said she would do what she could. There did not seem much difference as they startedagain to punish and stimulate me. The noise made by the flogger made it clear that my pussy was even wetter now than before. I was briefly able to look down and was horrified to see my pussy swollen, red and totally wet. It was my clip that almost frightened me, as this was huge and very angry looking.

As the rough stimulation to by nipples and flogging of my pussy, anus and clip continued I lost all awareness of Everything and everybody except the pain and the stimulation. I was drifting deeper into this state and thought the inevitable end would be loosing consciousness. As I felt myself slip further the flogging stopped and I felt someone’s hand exploring my pussy. This snapped me into a sharp awareness of my body’s over-stimulated state.

“I think you will find she is more ready to receive a stiff cock than she has ever been, my dear.”

I was quickly laid on my back on the edge of the desk. The penetration was immediately knocking all air from my lungs even though there was nothing painful about it. She was right there was nothing more important to me than the cock that hit exactly the right places. I wanted to see what was happening but the lady’s face was right in front of mine. She was still doing something to my nipples, but I had no idea what.

“Now be a good girl and have a nice big orgasm for the Judge. Your body has been fighting it for minutes but there is nothing you can do to hold it back now.”

She was right; the inevitable end I had been fighting had not been losing consciousness but having an orgasm. The force it hit my whole body and mind with was extra-ordinary. It was more violent than any of the punishment. Every part of me explored. The pleasure was more intense than anything I had experienced before.

When some degree of awareness returned I realized I was moaning loudly and my body was shaking uncontrollably. I was still in the throes of orgasm, which rolled through me blissfully. Even when I felt the prick removed from my pussy it was still contracting and relaxing. The judge’s wife replaced him between my legs. Her fingers were deep inside my pussy in seconds and the contracts got stronger again. A thumb found my clip and a single finger of her other hand slide easily into my bottom. No pain now just pure pleasure. Almost too much pleasure.


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