Sorenna opened the soft cream-colored envelope, knowing that it is from Him. Inside she found an airplane ticket and a smaller card. She looks at the ticket, impressed that it is first class and round trip. She turns her attention to the small card next. She sees that it is an invitation and is intrigued, as He made no mention of it in their talks. Reading the front and then turning it over, her heart beats faster.
Ms. Sorenna Winter,
You are receiving this invitation
because a Dominant wishes
you to attend a party as his guest.
You will arrive at 5pm on Saturday,
alone. Your Dominant will meet you
there. Your clothes for the evening will
be supplied and you will be expected
to be wearing that clothing and have
this invitation in your possession to
gain admission.
If you fail in either of these things,
you will be turned away, disappointing
your Dominant.
Be on time.
Turning over the card, she finds a key taped to the back of it with another brief note from Him, “Take this key to the airport lockers and open #171, inside is everything you will need to serve Me during the weekend.
Renna slowly puts both the ticket and invitation back into the envelope, her mind spinning with this unexpected news. The thought of not going does not even occur to her as she mentally begins making preparations for the trip in one week’s time.
Over the week, she shops for some clothing items, gets her hair and nails done, all the while thinking of what the weekend will bring. He speaks to her in the evenings, but refuses to give her any more information than she has received already, except to reassure her that everything will be fine. He assures her it will be an evening they will both enjoy and remember.
Friday finally arrives. She packs Everything carefully, only needing one small suitcase and a travel bag. Renna arrives at the airport, and boards the plane. Having never flowing first class, she feels a little intimidated, but no one notices. Normally she would watch the other passengers but this time her mind is too filled with Him and what the weekend will bring.
Deep in her thoughts, she does not notice the time and before she knows it, the plane prepares for landing. Feeling her heartbeat speed up, she readies herself to deplane
Once inside the airport, Sorenna retrieves her luckgage from the baggage claim, then sets out to find where the lockers located. She asks for directions from a nearby worker, then makes her way to them. With the key in her hand, she locates locker #171, unlocks it, and pulls out a garment bag and a zippered sports bag. Deciding now is not the time to ascertain the contents, she definitely puts the bags on her shoulder. Not knowing what to do with the key now that she has opened the locker, she pockets it and will give it to Him when she sees Him.
She rents a small car, drives to the hotel and checks in at the front desk. He has already told her that she will not see Him until tomorrow when she gets to the party, so she puts her things away in the room. The garment bag and sports bag are lying on the bed, and she can no longer resist seeing what’s inside. She unzips the garment bag first, revealing a small black dress. The dress is simple, spaghetti straws and very short by the look of it. She resists the urge to try it on, not wanting to wrinkle it before tomorrow. She opens the other bag, revealing many items, the first of which is a map, giving detailed directions on how to get to the party. Next she pulls out a leather collar and 2 leather wrist cuffs. Attached to the collar, she finds a note,” Wear everything you find in the bags–no more; no less.”
She lays the cuffs and collar on the bed and digs into the bag again, pulling out a garter belt and then stockings. Renna blushes Slightly, recalling how short the dress appeared to be. She is fairly sure at least the tops of the stockings will show. She then pulls outa box, a shoe box. Since she loves shoes, she smiles in anticipation of what they will look like. She is shocked to find a beautiful pair of black, 5 inch pumps, in patent leather. The shock came when she saw the small padlock on the straws that goes around her ankle on each shoe. She sees a corner of paper inside one of the shoes, “I expect these to be locked to your ankles when next you see Me.”
Eying the shoes with fascination and trepidation, she puts them back in the box and lays it aside. She picks up the bag and peers inside to verify that it is empty, but no, inside is a small rectangular box. She opens the small, black box and finds yet another note, “I know this is your first time at one of these parties, so I want you to wear this around your ankle. At least for this evening, you are Mine, and I want you reminded of it every second.” Looking past the paper, she finds an anklet with many small tinkling bells on it. Sorenna blushes, but is pleased that He sent this reminder for her. Since there are no plans for tonight, she orders dinner, and relaxes with a long bath, a good book, and a particular man in her thoughts.
She awakens early, refreshed and feeling a constant undercurrent of excitement. While stretching, she runs her fingers up her body, and considers playing a bit before getting up. Almost before she thinks about it, her fingers feel her warm moon, moist and soft. Dipping her middle finger into the slit, she suddenly remembers that she doesn’t have permission to cum, so any play would be fruitless. But then another thought occurs to her, her fingers still gently struggling her pussy. Even if I can’t cum, I’ll be very aroused and excited by the time I get to the party. That will please Him immensely.
Smiling, she begins playing with her clip in earnest, her breathing Speeding up, and delicious sensings running through her body. Her pussy gets wetter as the excitement builds while she continues to tease and torment her very sensItitive button, dipping her fingers inside her wet with one finger, then two. Feeling her hips start to buck and rotate, she keeps playing for a moment longer, and stops, daring to go no further and disgrace herself. With a deep sight of frustration, she removes her dripping wet fingers and slowly climbs out of bed.
Whispers of pleasure tease her senses with every movement as she shows and brushes her teeth. Feeling a blush on her cheeks for her naughtiness in bed, she steps out of her room for breakfast. She spends the day exploring the city all the while feeling a low humming excitement for the party and aching sexual frustration.
As the time for the party nears, Renna feels what seems to be hundreds of tiny, flitting butterflies in her tummy, a result of her increasing nervousness as the party’s time nears.
Finally, she must dress for the party and sets about doing so eagerly. Having already carefully applied her makeup and styled her hair, she has only to dress. She starts with the garter belt, pulling it up around her waist, making sure the straps hang in the right positions. She slides each stocking up her legs, loving the silican feel against her freshly shaven legs before fasting them to the garter belt.
Suddenly, she reddens deeply, realizing that she saw no panties in the bag. Diving back into the bag, she checks to be sure. Her mind racing, she wonders if it was an oversight and Should she substitute a pair of her own? No, she can’t do that. The note said “no more, no less.” She suspects that it was not an oversight and sights, hoping the dress is longer than it seems.
Unzipping the bag and extracting the dress, she pulls it over her head, praying for length with each tug. Finally the dress is on and, as she suspected, it was uncomfortable short. But it did just cover the fasteners for the stockings. That was a relief, at least. She makes a note to herself to not drop anything, and finishes dressing.
She likes the feel of the leather around her wrists; she feels almost safer, closer to Him, just slipping those slight bonds on. She decides not to put on the collar yet, as it is not a public collar and she doesn’t want to have to explain the collar to others who would not understand. She sees the silver anklet and smiles as it tinkles as she circles it around her left ankle, checking to make sure the clasp catches tight. She watches in fascination as the little bells come to rest on her ankle. She picks up the shoes one by one and slips them on. When each is on, she takes a deep breath and locks each into place. Slipping the collar into her handbag, she checks her appearance in the mirror one last time, then grabs the map and the keys and steps into the hallway.
Since the map was very detailed, Renna made great time to the party, arrive 15 minutes early. She takes the collar from Her purse and slips it around her neck, buckling it under her hair. Unable to resist, she looks at it on her neck inthe rear view mirror and smiles. With a few moments left, she closes her eyes, mentally preparing to walk into a stranger’s home, dressed as she is. Now she can’t delay any longer. She gets the invitation in her hand and leaves her pursuit locked in the car. She carefully gets out of the car, careful not to show anything pink.
At the door, she takes a deep breath and swallows, knocks and waits nervously. The door opens and a man stands in the doorway with his hand held out, barely looking at her. She hands him the card and waits as he looks it, then her. Without leaving the doorway, he turns to look behind him, waiting for some response to his silent question,
“Is she wearing the proper clothes?”
Apparently, he gets an affordable because he steps aside and lets her pass into the house. She sees Him immediately as He is standing closest to the door, leaning against the wall to her left. She turns to Him and walks forward, stopping just in front of Him.
Letting Him take in the view of her in the clothes He choose for her, Sorenna stands still, her arms to her sides, her legs slightly spread, looking down at the floor. Without a word from Him, she turns slowly, so He can see her back. She feels His hands at the back of her neck lifting her hair. She hears a metallic click and knows He has locked His collar on her. His hands on each shoulder, she feels his breath near her ear as he whispers that she looks exactly as He imagined she would and is very pleased. Staying behind her, He introduces her to everyone present. She blushes knowing that each one is looking at her, judging her. He steps in front of her and raises her chin to look at Him. She smiles as he winks at her, snapping a lean on her at the same time.
He leads her to large comfortable chair and sits down. He indicates to her that she should knee. Without a word or any hesitation, she drops to her knees, spreading them wide apart, coming to rest with her feet under her bottom. She places her hands in her lap and rests her gaze on the floor again. She waits while He looks at her kneeing before Him, then she hears Him tell her to relax while He has a drink. He touches her cheek, rubbing His thumb across her jawbone in a gesture of reassurance. She relaxes under his touch and rests her head on His thigh, wrapping her arms around His leg. From this position at His feet, she looks around the room at the other people present. She smiles, happy to be among them and able to watch them interact.
After several minutes, Renna hears a small bell. She untangles herself from Him as He stands. He picks up the leash and leads her to another room. Everyone else migrates in the same direction. In the room, everyone seats pretty much as they all were before. She only presses her cheek to His thigh this time, waiting for the next part of the evening with a surge of anxiety.
Trembling slightly, she feels His hand gently struggling her hair, the other rubbing small circlees on her shoulder. Immediately feeling calmer, she stills and smiles up to Him, watching Him smile back to her. His smile causes flutters in her belly that have nothing to do with anxiety.
Sorenna hears a man speaking and reluctantly turn her attention to him. He tells everyone that there will be a competition. Each domanant will spank His submissive with the guests watching each couple. Dominants at the party without a submissive present will judge each spanking. The one with the most votes will spend the rest of the evening with His girl in the dungeon, alone or with an audience, His choice. He lifts his arm indicating a platform. On the platform is a structure that looks a great deal like a sawhorse. She notes the large cuffs near the bottom, to hold the ankles and clasps on the other side. She looks at her wrists and realizes that she is dressed exactly as needed.
She looks nervously around the room, nervous and so excited at the same time. She looks up at him, givehim a shy, nervous smile and then sits quietly, but not for long. To her embarrassment, she realizes that she will be strapped to the horse first. She bites her lip with the realization that she won’t get to watch another girl before her turn.
He stands and pulls her gently to her feet with the leash, leading her up the platform to stand before the horse. He helps her position her feet for the ankle cuffs and he straps them on, pausing to run his fingers over the bells, making them tinkle, reminding her that she is His and He desires her to do this for Him, and that He is there with her.
She stands quietly as she waits for Him to gain the other side. He looks at her and smiles, indicating for her to present her hands to the clasps below. She slowly, carefully bends her body over the horse, placing her hands near the clasps. He attaches the clasps to her wrist cuffs. Leaving her with her hands and feet firmly attached near the floor on either side of the horse. She is acutely aware that her ass is prominently displayed and blushes deeply again, remembering the lack of panties.
Several moment pass, and from her position she can see nothing except the immediate area around her. She can see His shiny shoes as He circles around her, looking at her. He stops behind her and she feels His hands reaching under the skirt, flipping it up over her back, baring her butt totally. Renna feels the cool air on the suddenly uncovered flesh and feels her nipples harden, partly from the cool air, but mostly from the excitement she feels from Him, stirring excitement in her as well.
He steps back from her slightly and with no warning brings His hand down firmly on her ass cheeks, causing her to jerk and whimper slightly. After two more swats this way, her ass stings quite a bit, and she begins squirming to get away. Though it’s useless, she tries anyway. He continues to rain swats on her bare ass, the pain blurring now to a seductive mixture of pleasure and pain.She moans and squirms as he spanks her, loving the feel of His hand on her, spanking her, not because she was bad, but because he wants to see her squirming under His hand. Her moans give Him pleasure, her now very red bottom looks lovely wiggling under His smacks to her flesh.
After continuing this way for many minutes, the spanking stops. Renna draws a deep breath, thankful that He has stopped. To Her great surprise, she feels something very soft touching her tender bottom. He has slipped a velvet glove over His hand and gently rubs the hurt away, lightly struggling her ass with the glove. Her body is jolted as with his other, still uncovered hand, he places one hard smack on her cheeks, she gasps lightly from the unexpectedness of it. Gently struggling her ass with velvet and jarring her senses with His hard hand, He continues this way for several minutes, alternative pleasure with pain. Still running the velvet over her ass he sticks 2 fingers inside her pussy to judge her wetness. The 2 fingers are pulled out to glisten under the lights and he holds them up, proof of her arousal from the spanking.
Squatting near her hanging head, He pushes His wet fingers into her mouth. She licks and sucks her juices off, absolutely unaware there are other people present. He takes His fingers from her mouth and gently strokes her hair. He pulls her skirt back over her sore bottom and releases Her arms then her feet. He wraps His arms around her to steady her and holds her chin up, looking into her eyes. He tells her He couldn’t be more proud of her, and kisses her softly on the lips. Renna suddenly finds herself hoping against hope that He wins the competition. The dungeon sounds like exactly the perfect place to be.
At the end of the evening, she slips the locker key into His pocket, smiling.
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