The Invisible Hand Pt. 04

Author’s note (IMPORTANT):

This is a story set in modern times and does not include any supernatural/fantastic element. Rather, technology available nowadays (basically what’s in your phone) is used to create the illusion of a supernatural power, for the benefit of the main character. How exactly this is achieved will become clear as the plot unfolds.


She learned to love her own body through his eyes, while every aspect of her life is invisibly controlled by her lover, whose uncanny intuition and perversion earned him the name “demon”.

Now, she wants to help her friend find the same happiness and peace in submission she has attained, finding out instead that everything must change, no matter how perfect it looks.


English is not my first language, so any comment on grammar and spelling is very welcome.

Don’t continue if not comfortable with the following:

1) This story is slsmidgen.

2) Rough, straight and lesbian sex and a smidgen of erotic horror.

3) One of the dominants is anatomically a woman, but identify themselves as non-binary.

4) The proteinist is recovering from/battling with an eating disorder that is however not depicted. As it is stated in the story, her master’s actions are only meant to help with it, not solve it definitely! That Requires therapy!


Chapter 8 – Training heels

“Alright, back to being a good girl!” Sadie announcements, coming out of my bathroom without her makeup and back in a more deepen attire.

I’m looking at photos of Heidelberg, a gorgeous town in Germany where my lover has resided in his trip. He wants to take me to Europe for the holidays, which fills me with excitement. A tiny, perverted, part of me is presently fantasizing about what airport security will be like for me, considering the amount of metal on my body I can’ttake off.

“Yeah, speaking of which, Nadia here has not been so good, has she?” he says, catching me by surprise: I haven’t?

“You’ve been hiding something from your best friend, pet,” he goes on, eliciting Sadie’s curiosity.

“Really?” she asks surprised.

I frown, because I really don’t know what he’s talking about.

“You’ve forgotten, haven’t you?” he deserves addressing me, “you’ve got a new pair of shoes, my favorite so far!”

Oh, no! The wedge ballet boots were delivered a couple of days ago! Very late, by the way.

“They arrived?” Sadie asks with excitement and I just nod, fearing what comes next.

“Yes, and I know that you would like to teach her how to walk in them,” he continues amiably.

My bestie confirms, squiting a little: she senses the danger in his smooth voice too.

“Well, would you like to do it today, with me? It will take the rest of afternoon.”

She looks at me, silently asking whether she’d be intrusive. Would she? No, she’s part of my descent into submission now, she’s been for a while really.

“Yeah, I really need a teacher and Eric doesn’t know how to walk on heels,” I say playfully, “I assume.”

With a wicked smile he grabs the ring of my collar and pulls my neck on his lap, so as to expose my buttocks and give me a pair of swats on my ass.

“Don’t be cheeky, pet!”

“Well, then yes, please!” Sadie happily answers.

“Good!” he replies, and give my bum another slap, making me whimper, “get up, pet, I want you naked and cleaned! Sadie can help you get undressed, but only if she intends to exclusively use her mouth. I’ve got to make a quick call and I’ll be right back!”

He goes out and Sadie walks behind me, no doubt to “help”: once you open the zip of the dress, the work is pretty much over. Indeed, she manages to pick it with her mouth and soon enough I’m naked.

“No panties?” she excels, disappointed.

“I haven’t hurt panties in ages, Sadie!”I retort, turning around: if anything, she should have expected a bra, but my breasts are quite flat, so I can comfortably do without, especially with him around.

She gets up and snorts.

“By the way, I’m going to Europe for the holidays!” I announcement.

“Nice! And remember,” she starts and we complete together, “travel with empty bags!”

We laugh at our shared love for shopping and I go to the bathroom to do my anal prep. It takes a while, but we keep talking about Europe across the closed bathroom door. When I come back, I find him again in the room, standing next to the bed. He’s empty-handed. I thought that the call was an excuse to fetch some wicked instrument of torture to punish me if I don’t do well in the training. So how is he going to do it? Many questions cross my mind, but I know better than to ask: it angers him if I behave like I have some control over my destiny. So, I step a little forward and accept the new shoes from Sadie’s hands, with their daccusing heels.

“Wait! Where’s your belt pet?” he asks, some sort of punishment!

I frown. He wanted me cleaned, so I assumed… No, no assumption. Without a word I give back the shoes to my bestie and I run back to the bathroom. I come out only after my, his, pussy is locked. A sly smile appears on his face. So there is some sort of punishment!

“You are going to be even hotter than usual with these!” Sadie says to encourage me, handing me again the footwear.

In the box in which they arrived we found some wool, which at first I mistake for packaging and throw away.

“No! That’s for cushioning!” Sadie scolds me, picking it up from the floor.

I try to ignore his eyes staring at me and the questions they elicit and I sit, focused on her, while she shows me how to put the wool inside the tip, to protect my toes. Then she proceeds to cut my toenails, since they are a little too long, and explains to me that you basically have to stay en pointe all the time whenyou wear them. None of this is really new to me because I did some years of ballet when I was a teenager, until my parents deemed that it was a bad influence on me, according to their theory that my anorexia stemmed from wanting to be lean for dancing, which of course was a gross oversimplification. Even if I’m not putting any weight on my feet, the shoes feel uncomfortable already. The finishing touch are a couple of black padlocks to prevent me from taking the boots off. I wonder where are their keys… Oh well, this is going to be a long evening anyway.

“You are not supposed to walk on them at first,” my bestie explains, “just stand up for increasing amounts of time. You have to let your feet adjust to them before doing anything.”

The idea that my body will somehow modify to please my man turns me on and she sees it, Because she smiles with a wink:

“You are going to drive him crazy, boss!” she whispers with a wink.

That’s when it happens. His invisiblehand, hidden by the iron of my belt, began to awaken my cliporis.

“Yes, she will. And I think she deserves some reward for being such a good pet, don’t you think, Sadie?” he interjects.

My bestie realizes that something’s up with me and she cautiously agrees:

“Sure… What do you have in mind?”

“Well, since she’s not allowed to cum for ages, I think that she’s owed a lot of orgasms!”

No, that’s not true, I’m not owed anything, quite the opposite really, and he knows it. I have a feeling about where this is going… He is now kneeing in front of us:

“So I was thinking: Nadia could train herself to stand with the boots on for longer periods of time every day and she should get a reward for it, you know, to encourage her in this endeavor.”

I gasp, as the vibrator gets less and less subtle. Sadie guesses that something’s up and puts a finger on my belt, feeling its silent vibrations.

“Oh, Eric!”

His smile widens and I bitem my lip. My sex is flooding my mind with dirty ideas and all of a sudden they seem like the most sensible things to do. I love how he lowers my mental defenses against sin.

“So, while Nadia gets used to have her feet encased in these new gorgeous shoes, I was thinking that we might enjoy her body, what do you think?”

Sadie is now playing with her hands on her lap, clearly dying to say yes.

“Well, if you don’t really mind…” she mumbles.

I gasp again. My nipples are rock-hard right now, aided by the sudden chill in the room emanated by my evil lover.

“Of course not! You know, I’ve thought long and hard about your desire of fucking Nadia and the problem it poses considering that I want her caged most of the time,” he continues, getting up and going to fetch something from his bag, “But then I realized that you can have her in the same way I do without removing her belt.”

It’s a strawless stick-on!

“Oh, Eric, you evil bastard!” Sadie exclaims, getting up and full of excitement.

I can’t help but agree: as my pussy floods with juices.

Wait a second! His hands reach towards her clothes! I and Sadie are both speechless as he begins to undress her. He is being cautious, but for some reason she lets him, and that’s his signal to take more liberties, making me blush with shame and arousal. His hands on her panties! Why is this so hot? Fucking vibrator, I need to think! Now he’s passing them on her naked body while… He’s putting goddamn lube on his hand! Sadie’s blushing violently too, but he whispers something and she lets him… I can’t believe it! His hand slithers on her pussy and begins to spread lube and arousal! It doesn’t last long, but right now I want… I want to fuck him! How in the world did he know that–

“You are ready now, doll, go get her!” he whispers in her ear, hugging her from behind, while she adjusts the big pink dildo on herself.

I know I should think abouta lot of things, but my climax is so close that, when my bestie approaches with her new member keep in place with a hand glistening with lube, I can’t help but spread my legs and put a finger in my asshole to begin its stretching.

There, she’s now just in front of me:

“He told me to…” she apologizes, blushing again.

It’s truth time… I put my hands on her back and drag her to me:

“Come get me, doll,” I whisper, just before kissing her.

It takes some clumsy attempts, but she finally manages to push her dildo inside me while we make out. It feels so good, her warmth on me, this new appendage that somehow does not feel foreign at all, because I know that it gives wonderful sensings to her too…

“Very good…” he comments, behind us.

I’ve keep my eyes closed up until now, but now his voice makes me want him too. So I disengage from Sadie’s lips, which land on my neck with a moan, and look at him, hoping to convey my desire.

“Please, demon mine, can I suck your cock?”

“Yeah, I can take her from behind! I’ve never done that!” Sadie proposes.

His agreement consists in dragging me from my arms further towards the center of the bed and away from Sadie’s fake cock and grabbing my hair to force me to spin around and lie belly-down on it. My tongue is licking the length of his shake when I feel her penetrating me again. Yes this feels better now. Me pleasure him with my tongue and my debauchery, focusing on making him happy and getting my reward from his invisible hand. With a shiver I sense Sadie licking my spine and that’s what sends me over the edge. I would scream, but he shuts me up by grabbing my hair and shoving his dick deep inside my throat. While I wriggle, he says:

“Go on, Sadie, continue until you are satisfied too.”

She is indeed pounding me enthusiastically, her hands now squeezing my boobs. My orgasmic bliss lasts a little more and suddenly become too much, as usual, but the vibrator inside my belt has no intention of relenting, and so don’t my demon and my bestie, who didn’t have the head start I had. So I keep flinging myself about to no avail while he facefucks me without mercy and Sadie screws me in the ass. It’s hard to say how long I’m trapped in this blissful hell, with climaxes bursting from my sex one after another. I just know that after a while I hear my friend cum with a yell and pull out. Somewhat later, while she kisses my butt-cheeks, semen gushes in my mouth and I’m allowed to part my lips from his member and collapse in a puddle of my own spit and his jizz on his lap.

But it’s not over. The vibrator won’t let me rest.

“Please, my love, let my pussy go!” I plead.

“What are you talking about?” he answers playfully, “Why would I stop rewarding you?”

At that I just whine, hoping for a mercy that he just does not have.

“What do you say, Sadie, time to train Nadia?” he then adds.

“Er… Sure!” she agrees with enthusiasm.

My demon grabs my limp, trembling body, which now feels like his own toy more than ever, and puts me on my feet, or rather my toes. I don’t have time to process how it feels, because all of a sudden his evil finger stops ravaging my swollen clip and with a deep breath I feel more in control of myself.

“Thanks, demon mine!” I excelim, giving him a warm kiss, but as soon as I put my weight on his shoulders with my arms around his neck, the vibrator in my belt wakes up.

Startled, I retreat and it stops again. His smile says everything: if I don’t stand on my new boots, he will finger me mercilessly, to the point that it becomes torture.

“So, how does it feel?” Sadie asks excitedly.

It’s clear as day now, the delay, the Absence of keys to the padlocks, his words…

“You intercepted the package!” I gasp.

He has access to my computer and must have simply changed the shipping address in my online orders!

“I only intercept your desires, my love,” he replies with a smug smile.

“What?” Sadie asks, puzzled.

“He cursed these boots so that, if I don’t put my weight on my feet, my belt will make me cum over and over again until I do,” I explain.

“Every day, for longer periods of time, as Sadie prescribed,” he confirms.

There’s no escape. I can’t take off my belt. If he decides that it’s time to train, I have to.

“Oh… Eric, you sick bastard!” Sadie exclaims in awe.

Trying to cope with the revelation, I accidentally bring my hands to my head and, in doing so, they leave him, my only support, in more ways than one. I swing dangerously, realizing for the first time how precarious my balance is, but I’m saved both by Sadie and him.

“Careful boss! It’s too early to stand without holding onto something!” Sadie warns me.

Not-so-curiously she has managed to land her helping hands on my tits.

“Yeah, thanks for the support,” I mock her putting my hands on hers and shaking them a little.

She blushes in the most endearing way and so I gesture that I want to turn around and I give her a peck on her head, since right now I’m really towering over her. My demon takes the chance to put some distance from me and admire his prize.

“So, how does it feel?” his sadistic self asks.

My eyes wander on his member that is somehow swelling again.

“Do you like me this way?” I reply.

“Very much so!”

“Then it feels perfect,” I answer, truly, but still trying to convey with my eyes how uncomfortable I am right now, to give his sadism the satisfaction it deserves for such a well-crafted torture.

“Aw, you are so cute guys!” Sadie comments, filled with longing.

My demon walks back to us with the straw-on in his hand and cares her head:

“And you can help training Nadia whenever you want with this, it’s a gift.”

And she will want often, I’d wager.

“Wow, thanks, Eric!” she replies astonished.

“Thanks to you for being there for Nadia even when I can’t,” he adds very seriously.

So my training begins, just standing and holding to my lover and my bestie with my hands. After his invisible finger has stopped stimulating me, it’s like I’m regaining gradually all the other sensings from my body. Not only the increasing discomfort from my feet, but also the digestive in my head, the fatigue in my muscles, which, even though I barely executed them, might have run a marathon for all I know.

We chat for a while about Europe, but then I have to capture and ask them to put me on the bed to give my feet a rest. As soon as they stop touching the floor, his finger resumes titillating my poor clip. I close my legs tight, panting and while they watch and cares me. Well, no, he’s playing with my nipple rings really, just to make matters worse. I can’t believe that after dreaming about finally being allowed to climax, I would do anything to make it stopnow!

“What do you think of your reward?” he asks, wickedly.

“It’s very generous of you, my love,” I mumble.

He loves it when I support my own torture like this to please him.

“I kind of wish I learned like this!” Sadie comments, passing her finger on my belt to feel its silent viruses.

“Don’t worry, Paul is just as perverse as me, he will find something to train you for!” he reassures her.

I cum just then and in that very moment I know that I desperately need a pause, so I motion my demon to put me on my feet again and another kind of torture begins. I switch between my very own frying pan and fire like this for a couple of times, before he’s satisfied about my progress and lets me rest on the bed in peace. The whole afternoon got me so tired that I doze off for a few minutes hugging Sadie like a warm teddy bear.

I wake up in the middle of a triple spoon: I’m nestled in his arms and Sadie is in mine. He was merciful enough to remove the boots from my tortured feet. I play with one of my friends’s locks while he plays with mine.

“How long have I been out, my love?” I whisper.

“Half an hour or so,” he answers, kissing my head, “are you ok?”

“Never been better,” I reply, turning around to make sure I can look him in the eye and convey the truthfulness of my words.

“Good,” he murmurs before kissing my forehead.

“Oh, guys, I wish you could adopt me… We could play like this all the time!” Sadie mumbles.

I slap her gorgeous butt, making her start.

“We’ve found you a nice dom, so be good and give him a chance.” I jokingly scold her.

“Yes, boss,” she replies, pretending to be sullen.

Then she turns around and adds:

“But seriously, Eric, speaking of families, you should marry her sorry ass! You’re, like, the best couple I know!”

He remains speechless and I laugh about how she shut him up, earning a spanking of my own.

“Alright, it’s been awesome as usual,guys. I’ll leave you to some romantic/scary stuff!” she says and gives me a peck on the lips and to him one on his cheese.

While she dresses up, my demon says:

“And remember Sadie, make sure Nadia has fun when she learns how to walk in her new shoes!”

She turns around with a huge grin, make a military salute and then take her leave.

Chapter 9 – No need to intervene

My demon is an avid reader. He’s seemingly interested in everything, if it is explained with a sufficient attention to the connections between the topic and the rest of the world. For him knowing is like a jigsaw puzzle: it’s fun, but you have to be able to put every piece somewhere according to their shape with respect to the neighbors. Therefore, he likes to be around books and indeed his house overflows with them. So it’s probably natural that one of our favorite places to spend our romantic dinners is a bookshop that also acts as a restaurant. For me, the main attraction to that place is that they do tapas: everything is portioned in very small quantities. This gives me the freedom of tailoring the amount of food I order to my needs and so I never have to leave stuff on the dish. Not that I don’t like to read, but I don’t share his fascination with the order of the titles in the bookshelves or the one of the ideas in the mind. That’s his thing: a form of control I guess.


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