“What in the hell is all the noise?” asked Ms. Desiree’. Coming through the front door were Mistress Selena and Lady Delilah. Between them They yanked a very hefty man whose balls appeared to be held by a rope protruding through the front of his pants. The end of this rope was in Lady Delilah’s right hand. His face was covered with dirt and grass stains. “Looks as though you’ve been playing football or something,” observed Ms. Desiree’. “What exactly is going on here?” She asked.
“Well,” replied Mistress Selena, “I was getting out of My car and I thought I noticed someone or something hiding behind the rose bush.”
“So you went to investigate and found junior here?” laughed Ms. Desiree’.
“Something like that, actually I brought My mace with Me in case I needed it. Turns out I did,” She replied. “It wasn’t until after I maced him I noticed Lady Delilah coming across the yard with a rope. It was Her idea to drag him by the balls into the house.”
“He looks ratherLarge to be dragged by the balls,” laughed Ms. Desiree’
Lady Delilah spoke up at this time, “We let him walk, he would be far too heavy to drag.” Together the Ladies pushed him the rest of the way into the kitchen and then forced him to the floor, where he sat rubbing his eyes and whining that he could not see. “Seems he wanted to have a peek at what was going on in your house, Mistress? Or that’s what he claims is the story.”
“If I may speak,” the intruder spoke, “I was ….”
“Shut the fuck up, nobody wants to hear what you have to say, or hear any lousy excuses you might come up with. This is private property and you have no fucking reason being here,” screamed Ms. Desiree’. “What the fuck do I look like to you, an idiot? Do I look like I’m interested in whatever piss poor fucking excuse you might come up with for snooping around My property?” “Well, do I?” she smacked him hard across the face.
“No ma’am,” the intruder replied.
“Not another fucking word, or I will seriously hurt you,” Ms. Desiree’ warned. “What do You think Ladies,” She turned Her attention to Mistress Selena and Lady Delilah, “Do You think We could enter Ourselves at Our tea party with this useless piece of shit?” “Why don’t You take him upstairs and take away those clothes,” suggested Ms. Desiree’
As the Ladies led the poor soul away, Ms. Desiree’ smiled to Herself and picked up the phone to call several friends who had not been invited but would find this entertaining. She contacted Mistress Raven first, because She had complained earlier in the week that there had been a peeping tom around Her neighborhood and somehow this didn’t seem like a coincidence. Then She called for the maid who was in the kitchen doing the morning dishes. Instructing him to bake cookies and make lots of tea, She went upstairs to see how the Ladies were making out.
She had not reached the top of the stairs when She heard a car in the driveway. Turning around, She went backout to see who had arrived. Becky and Tia, two friends of Mistress Janessa, were standing on the front porch smoking cigarettes when She reached the door. Stepping onto the porch, Ms. Desiree’ told them the story of the intruder that Mistress Selena has sprayed with mace and the Ladies had dragged in. Tia seemed pretty excited by the thought of keeping him captive to torture for a while, but Becky worried about what he would say to the police when he did get away. “Well, who knows he’s here?” asked Mistress Janessa.
Quick to pick up on Her thoughts, “How many people can one tell that one is going to do a snooping in windows?” replied Ms. Desiree’. “I don’t think anyone knows he’s here, don’t trouble Yourselves with that anyway. By the time We are though with him, he will be so happy to get out he won’t tell a soul, I assume You.” With that the Ladies all headed into the house for some tea and cookies. Before going upstairs, Ms. Desiree’ instructed Her maid to bring enough chairs, the tea party was moving to the top floor. The maid quickly placed the chairs in a circle anticipating the action would most likely be in the middle.
By the time the Ladies were seated comfortable, Mistress Selena and Lady Delilah had the intruder lying naked on the floor. Lady Delilah and Tia were taking turns stepping on his cock and balls when Ms. Desiree’ handed Them whips.
As Ms. Desiree’ looked around the room, it occurred to Her that this was an amazing group of Women! It was really very amusing to Ms. Desiree’ that Her friends tended to be so quick to find potential in just about any situation. Mistress Raven, the truly sadistic one in the group, was bent over the intruder questioning him about his whereabouts last Saturday night. Mistress Selena, normally a very quite and reserved individual, was the life of the party, telling jokes about how pathetic he looked after She sprayed him with mace. Mistress Janessa had kicked the shit out of his balls and turned themAlmost purple. Yes, they were indeed a lot of fun to be around.
If Lady Delilah could find a way, She would bring back public floggings, offering Her services when one was needed. She looks for excuses to dominate men, because She really doesn’t like them very much. She is from Romania and was taking the time to give a demonstration to Mistress Janessa’s friends on how She had learned to operate a flogger by a beautiful Dominatrix over there. She always had stories of Her homeland that made the Ladies wonder why She would ever leave. But living in America has its benefits.
After several hours of taking turns torturing the intruder, Tia mentioned that She had to use the bathroom. Before She could get up, Ms. Desiree’ was instructing the intruder that he needed to be Her toilet.
Surprised by Ms. Desiree’s some humiliating order, he attempted to refuse. Mistress Janessa kicked him in the balls and Mistress Raven whipped off Her skirt, to sit Her rump right on his face. The other ladies held him down. When he started to squirm around for air, She lifted Her butt a little and asked him if he wanted to breathe. He said that he did, laughing out loud, She sat right back down. Then again, She lifted Her butt and asked if he was going to drink Tia’s piss. He indicated that he would not. She sat back down. She repeated this exercise several more times until finally he agreed to be Tia’s toilet.
“Now there’s a good little boy,” cooed Ms. Desiree’. She instructed the maid to piece of plastic for the floor beneath the intruder’s head. She and the Ladies moved the intruder into the next room because the rug was a darker color there. Staining would not be an issue if the plastic did not hold up anyway.
Ms. Desiree’ took off Her underwear because She intended to piss as well and stood over the intruder to show Tia how to aim. Then She backed up and let Tia relieve Herself first because She had spoken up first. Next Mistress Janessa decided She needed to go. Ms. Desiree’ and Mistress Raven both emptied Their bladders on the intruder’s face. Even though he was instructed to keep his mouth open and to drink the piss, he kept closing it to swallow what seemed like gallons. Occasionally he would gag, cought and attempt to turn his head. Mistress Janessa was right there to kick his balls when he did. It became necessary to squat right over his face.
Eventually, the plastic on the rug was made useless by sharp high heels poking through it. The rug and the intruder’s hair were soaked with piss. Ms. Desiree’ decided to move this fun into the bathtub. Once the idea caught on, pretty much everyone wanted to use the human toilet. Some of the Ladies were going into the kitchen to get drinks that they hoped would make them have to piss more. After placing the now piss soaked intruder in the tub, Ms. Desiree’ instructed Her maid to bring refreshments to the dining room and clean the mess upstairs.
What started out a tea party quickly turned into a pissing party as the Ladies amused Themselves over and over. Not allowed to use the shower, the intruder was handed his clothes when all had tired of him and told to leave. Somebody had even thrown his shirt in the tub where it had absorbed liquid rather quickly. Embarrassed and humiliated, the intruder left without a word.
“Do you think he will come snooping around again?” asked Mistress Janessa.
“Not if he has an ounce of intelligence,” replied Ms. Desiree’
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