The Introduction


Cat rushed around putting the finishing touches on the set up for the morning. At five minutes to eight, five minutes before the new guy was due, she stood framed by her front door and studied the effect. There was a heavy, steel framed kitchen chair sitting in the middle of the living room. On the couch was a good sized duffle bag with skeins of rope of varying widths and colours spinning from it. A collar, a leash, a set of steel police issue cuffs, and an innocuous pile of brightly coloured, very feminine fabric rested beside it. A large, weighed black and blue suede flogger rested on the chair by the door.

Satisfied with the set up, she glanced down at herself. A short black skirt, a black tank top that allowed breasts clad in a black and pink bra to nearly spill out, and a charcoal grey cardigan covered pale flesh. The outfit accentuated the curves she wanted and nearly hidden the ones she didn’t. She curled her bare toes with a sight but at leastshe’d remembered to paint the nails a rich red the colour of fresh blood.

With a minute to spare, she scooped up the flogger and arranged herself in the living room. Cat heard his footsteps and grinned as she straightened her spine and throw her mind into the Dominant mindset that would be required for the day.

At the knock, she called out, “Come.”

The door opened slowly, like he wasn’t quite sure he should open it himself. She saw his eyes dart around the room and scan her. When he licked his lips and swallowed auditively, she had to resist the urge to wriggle with delight. “Strip. Put your clothes on the chair, leave your glasses on.” Cat used the flogger to point at the chair by the door and stood slapping her calm with the flogger, lightly, so lightly it barely made a noise.

As his clothes came off, he opened his mouth to speak. She raised a single browser and he stopped before he uttered a sound. “I haven’t given you permission to speak. If I ask you a question you will say ‘Yes, Ma’am’ or ‘No, Ma’am.’ Nothing else. Is that clear?”

She hid her amusement as his mouth opened, closed, then opened again after he’d cleared his throat. “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Good boy. Continue.” For a moment she wondered if he’d figure out she meant striping or if he’d say what he wanted to say. She let out a silent breath when he began to remove his boots, socks and pants.

Finally, he stood there gloriously nude. His clothes were stacked neatly on the chair; his glasses still on his face. His glasses were a symbol of his submission: When they were on, he felt on fairly equal ground and when they came off, he started to slide into that headspace good submissives get at the hands of a good Dominant. Which is, of course, why she left them on him for the moment. She wanted to fuck with his head as much as his body.

“Take three steps forward then stop.” As he moved to obey, she set down the flogger and scooped up the cuffs. When he stopped she walked around him, inspecting him, trailing her fingers over his body. “Very nice. I think I’ll have fun with this.” She stopped behind him and slip a hand up his back, over his shoulder and down his arm to his hand. Tangling her fingers with his, she pulled his arm behind him and wrapped a cuff around his wrist, slowly rating it shut. When he volunteerly gave him his other arm, she kissed his shoulder blade.

Cat really wanted to nibble on that warm flesh but giving into temptation wasn’t an option. She could smell his deodorant; one she knew he knew he wasn’t supposed to wear. He needed to be scent free before she could put her mouth on those flat abs, the strong shoulders or that delectable, fairly impressive erection that was starting to rise.

Instead, she went to the couch and picked up the collar and leanh. She turned to find his eyes on her so she deliberately draped the lean around her neck and let it mingle with the cardigan. Why cards were a turn on for him, she’dnever understand but her understanding why didn’t matter. What mattered was that it was a part of him and she intended to exploit everything she discovered. His eyes widened a bit and she allowed a small smile to curve her lips.

Cat took the nylon collar and wrapped it around his throat. The snap of the buckle was loud in the silence and she took great pleasure in his flinch. She attached the leash and then, only then, did she remove his glasses.

The effect was immediately, his shoulders relaxed and he seemed to breathe a little easier. Cat know that he was nearly blind without the prescription lenses and she planned to use that too. She slide both hands up his belly over his chest, pausing to pinch his nipples lightly, and around the edge of the collar before she grabbed the leash in one hand and turned away.

Cat kept him on a short lead and took him Through her apartment to the bathroom where the light was already on. She stopped him in front of the toilet, lifted seatand lid before moving behind him. Once more she caressed his body, this time starting at the top and ending at his cock. “Oh dear, this will make it difficult. If you don’t pee now, you won’t get a second chance.”


Hot breath caressed his ear as she whispered and Brett shuddered, knowing she could feel it, but he couldn’t help himself. The cardigan was a soft torque on the flesh she’d sensitive. Her breasts were pressed against his naked back and his fingers rested on the silky material of her skirt. He wondered if she was hot and wet and bit back a groan as his cock hardened further.

He damned her and thanked her in the same thought as she stroked cool fingers over his arousal. It was painful now. She was right, he had to relieve himself now. The coffee he’d had before leaving home had filtered through his kidneys and he was about to burst. He also knew that she planned to tie him up for hours and wetting himself was forbidden. She wasn’t a fanof watersports. He was confused over this step and as he pondered her motivation for this move, the way she’d done it, blood flowed from cock to brain and he was finally soft enough for her to, with a great deal of shock to him, push him down and hold him while his bladder let go.

They both watched the stream burst from him and watched when it began to subside until there was a drip trembling on the tip of his head.

“Done?” she asked. He thought she was purring but he couldn’t be sure.

“Yes, Ma’am.” He stood still in surprise when she shook him off and lowered the seat and lid. He moved when she turned him to face the tub then watched warily as she turned the water on and took the shower head down. The details were really fuzzy but he could see what she was doing.

Brett witnessed in Disappointment as she removed the cardigan, though he nearly revised his opinion as a large amount of flesh came into view.

“Step forward,” she said as she gently took his elbow.”In you go.”

“Good boy,” she added as he stepped into the tub. She tied the leash to a safety bar bolted into the wall and pulled the knob to turn the shower on and he shivered as she didn’t he.

He watched her as she soaked his skin and propped the shower head in the bottom of the tub. He watched as she later her hands up with soap and began to systematically washing him from the chin down. He wasn’t sure he liked being washed like a child.


Cat kept an eye on his face. His jaw tightened as she washed his throat and shoulders. He positively clenched it as she scrubbed his armits. She rinsed that soap off her fingers and later them up again. She washed his chest, enjoying the shape and feel of him. His nipples pebbled under her hands, part chill, she thought, and part being touched.

She stopped washing at his waist then rinsed the soap off before taking his arm. “Turn.” She helped him stay steady as he presented his back to her.Again, she lathered her hands and washed him. This time she washed from neck to ankles before rinsing him off and helping him turn back around. God, this was a turn on. He was helpless to do anything but stand there. His own mind kept him trapped in that tub despite the humiliation that stained his cheeses.

One final time, she lathered her hands. This time she carefully washed his pelvis, hips and groin. She lingered over his cock and balls, using the soap as a lube to stroke him. When he thrust his hip in a tiny movement she chuckled. “Not yet.”

His groan echoed.

Cat picked up the showerhead, rinsed him and shut off the water. The towel she picked up was just a little rough and she was just a little rough in drying him. That towel whisked water away from his back, arms, chest and thighs. She avoided his groin, avoided the erection growing again.

“Out we go,” she said. Nothing on her face indicated what was coming next. He stepped out and she had him stand on the carpet while she knelt to dry his calves and feet. Once that was done she set the towel on the floor and urged him to step onto it.

Cat grabbed his hips and shocked him by wrapping her mouth around him and enveloping him completely. She understood his length just a little and chased on him. The sensing made her moan and she moved forward to do it again. Her fingers dug into him as she held herself there, just on the point of gagging,

His shout of surprise and pleasure as her moan vibrated his head sent tingles to her clip. She pulled back excitedly slowly and his noises wound down into a whimper before she was half done with him. Her tongue swept over him continuously and caught every drop of water from the shower and then the mood that wept from him with his arousal.

Cat delightedly listened to his harsh breathing as she dipped her head and licked the water from his balls too. She knew there was a fine line between being the one who served and theone who demanded service but here, here she was doing this for her pleasure, not his. The fact that he was turned on pleased her immensely.

He whimpered again when she rose to her feet and turned to open a drawer. She pulled a small baggie out of it and showed him the contents.


Brett’s eyes widened. The bag contained two bright pink, plastic clothes pins and a length of coiled chain. He watched as she dipped into the bag and came out with a pin. He watched with equal amounts of trepidation and savage delight as she pinched and twisted his nipple until it was hard. He watched as she closed the pin over his nipple. He whimpered a little at the white hot pain that shot to his groin. And he whimpered again as she did the same to the other nipple.

His hips thrust a little towards her, he couldn’t help it.

“No,” she said firmly before giving his cock a little slap.

The slap stung but he liked it. He thrust his hips again. This time, herslap went to his balls and he saw stars exploit in his vision at the impact.

Instead, he watched her pull the length of chain out of the bag. It had an adjustable loop on one end and she fitted it over his cock and around his balls. She stepped back and gave it a tug, he stumbled forward a couple steps.

“Excellent.” She smiled brightly at him and took the leanh from his collar. “Let’s go.”

She led him back to the living room and, to his deep pleasure, removed the cuffs and bound him to the chair. The lean came off his cock once his torso, legs and arms were wrapped with rope. She straddled him, tucking the erection that hadn’t subsided against her bare pussy. A shudder ripped through his entire body at the heat and the wet that enveloped him.


Cat barely suppressed her own shiver of pleasure. She really wanted him. She hadn’t been sure about that before the day started, wasn’t sure if she could, but now she knew. Just not yet.

“Now that you’re all snug as a bug, let’s see how that mouth of yours tastes.” She took her time with small, closed mouth kisses in the corners of his mouth and in the middle before she licked his lower lip and, when his lips parted, sucked it into her mouth. She bit down on it and felt him jump.

Immediately, Cat soothed the small hurt with a small lick. Then she groaned softly and changed her kiss to a hungry one that he matched. She kissed him until she felt him struggling to be able to touch her, control the kiss, then she stopped and slid from his lap. Cat kept her eyes on his as she touched herself and coated his mouth with moisture. “Do not lick that off.”

Her eyes were hard, a total contrast to the flush of pleasure that still stained her cheeks, and he dared not disobey, though the scent teased him mercilessly. He turned his head to watch as she moved to the couch. She lifted the scarf and folded it on the diagnostic until she could use it to wrap around his head. Oncehe was blinded she picked up the scrap of fabric that remained on the couch – a pair of wound panties.

Cat grabbed his jaw, surprising him. “Open.”

Once he’d opened his mouth she crammed the panties inside. “Keep them there.” She grinned at his muffled response and picked up the length of paracord resting on the top of the rope bag. She wound it around his head, holding the panties in his mouth and gagging him.

She patted his cheek. “I have work to do.”


Brett strained against his bonds. He didn’t know what he wanted more, to remain tied there, something he’d specifically asked for, or to grab her, push her face first into the couch and fuck her stupid. He twisted his wrists and flexed his shoulders, trying to see if there was a way out.

He finally concluded that there wasn’t.

Brett settled into it, know there was a time limit on the tie, on the day. He also knew that the two time limits were not the same and that he was stronger than she…


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