The Introduction

“This is so like me.” I thought as I sat back down in front of my computer. I had always enjoyed Halloween but over the last few years my participation in Halloween activities had been fewer and fewer. This year was the worst yet. My one conception that it was even a holiday was a plastic pumpkin light that gave the office an eerie orange glow. I glanced back at the website I was revising, took a deep breath and began typing. “I really need to get this done.” Outside the office, trick or treaters were going house to house and parties were just beginning. Before I was finished with all the little extra touches that make my web page unique the kids were home in bed and parties had reached their peak and were on their way to winding down. I clicked off the web and just continued staring at the monitor. The screensaver kicked in and a scene from a old horror movie filled the screen.

It was an old cemetery with the above ground crypts as well as large stone makers. One of the cryptts door leaned away from its post and inside appeared two red eyes. As I stared at the eyes I hadn’t noticed in the screensaver before, fog entered my door and began swirling around the chairs and multiple desks in my office. My eyes felt glirling to the monitor. The fog found its way to my feet and caresed my ankles taking an upward curl following a unmarked path moving up and around my calves and thighs. It feel Like someone gently moving a few fingers slowly across my skin’s surface. I shivered as the fog continued its climb. Eerie organ music came from the computer’s speakers as I felt a wisp of fog trace my lips in a gentle butterfly kiss.

A hand came out of the fog to cares my breast. Just cupping it and giving the nipple a soft twist and gentle pinch. I glanced in the mirror on top of my monitor; a reflection of me, the fog and my jack-o-lantern smiling gleefully. I looked down and could see the hand cupping my breast and inhaled deeply. My eyes followed the hand up the armand I turned in my chair to continue my sight path up the arm. My eyes were treated to dark rich material stretched against full muscles; broad shoulders lead to a well-defined neck and chin. Full lips lead to strong nose then stopped at the eyes. The eyes returned my own image and I fell into a light trace.

The hand continued circuit my nipple and applying soft pressure to my breast as he leaned down and his lips met mine. My mind seemed to explode in return password as the kiss built to deep tongue diving and the hand increased its pinching and twisting. Another hand rested just a second on my thigh then started a slow climb under my skirt. I never thought to resist, or question as my password washed over me and the stranger made love to me in such a familiar manner. My legs opened to the stranger as his hand found my panties and started working them down over my hips. I rise out of my seat to help him and he takes my chair and pulls me to his lap as my panties fall in a onthe floor.

I am straddled across his lap as his hand swirls around my clip and occasionally dips into my wet pussy. His lips release mine and start traveling down my chin and on to my neck. His tongue licks and nips at my neck as his fingers roll and dip between my legs. As I near the first climax I have had in months I feel his bite on my neck draw blood, pushing me over the edge to wave after wave of ecstasy. But this stranger isn’t done with me; he pushes me back to standing then pulls me across his lap. Somehow I end up with my head down almost to the floor and my bottom across his lap. His hand probes my pussy, diving in and bringing the juices up to my small pumped hole and deeper around my clip. I moan in response to his manipulations. Instantly they stop.

I start to look , but stop when my bottom exploits with pain as his hand crashes on my ass. Several more whacks follow as I squirm trying to escape his iron hold on me. My bottom is on fire as the spanking continues. I cry out and try to find a way to push myself off his lap as the hand rains down again and again. Finally as the pain fills my head with a white light, I stop struggling and realize that my ass isn’t the only thing burning. My pussy has built its own fire as the fire builds on my inflamed rear. I am not sure when the blows stopped and the soft cares started but they gently rubbed my bottom’s cheats and again divered for my juice and spread it up to my backdoor.

He pulled me off his lap and laid me face down across my desk. His hands each grabbed a chef and opened them wide. His thumb traced the circle of my tight hole and then pushed in. I tried to get away but my desk holds me in place as a second thumb enters me and both probe as deep as they can go and start stretching my ass for what is to follow them. I moan as the pain turns to pleasure and the fire builds in my stomach. The thumbs retreat and I feel another pressure at my back door. Searing pain as his cock entersmy ass and he pushes himself deep into my bowels. He rests for a moment fully inside me the slowly pulls out almost all the way. Again I am washed with pain as he thrusts; again I feel the fire build as he pulleds out. The fire builds as he continued thrusting. I started thrusting back as I got closer to Cumming. The waves of pleasure-pain envelope me as again I feel his bite on my neck.

Several hours later I wake laying across my desk with that damn pumpkin grinning at me. My skirt pulled up, my ass burning and panties on the floor. No trace of fog or the man within it except for the handprints on my bottom and a couple of bite marks on my neck. I quickly dress and grab my pursuit as I leave my office. My hand travels to my throat and cares the bite as I think of the nights events and Wonder whether I will see the stranger again.


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