The Interview: First Session

This is a continuation of parts one and two of “The Interview”. I suggest you read those to give some background. This part describes an exercise that I used to use mostly with online subs. Curiously enough it works best when texting although it can be adapted, as in this case. It is a gentle and non-intrusive exercise that many subs have found problematic. And by the way, all characters are of legal age.

Hanna’s first proper session and some blessed relief.

I had spent a long time carefully arranging my office. More time than I had spent mentally preparing for my first proper session with Hanna, my new … ahh now what shall I call her? Pupil? Subject? Protegee? It was too early to label her as my submissive, that would have to wait. She had been sent to me by an old friend K and there had been something about the young woman that had intrigued me.

I had phoned K about her, a day or two after I first met her. She admitted quite freely that she had met her limits “with the slut” as she put it so delicately. She thought the slut would benefit from a change in style. By that I took it to mean that she hadn’t responded particularly well to K’s methods which mostly involved whippings and canings and other means of corporate discipline. She had at least endured it for over a year so, at least I had that as a backup. I hoped, but at the same time doubted, that it would Not be necessary.

I finally sat back in my chair behind my desk and surveyed the scene. In front of the desk was a fan-fold screen that masked the door and the rest of the room from my direct gaze. As far as Hanna was concerned, she would be hidden from my view. High up in the shadowy dimness of the ceiling I had secreted two cameras that were directly connected to my laptop. I had two views beyond the screen Both focusing on a chair, one from behind and one from in front. It was the same chair she had used at our initial meeting. In front of the chair was a large full-length mirroror with an ornate antique frame set upon an equally elaborate stand.

I glanced at my watch. Five minutes to go. I wondered if she would be early again but guessed that she would be careful to be on time. I evaluated the camera set up and I could switch freely from one to the other. The one in front seemed to peer over the top of the mirror and looked directly onto the chair. I had arranged several spotlights Pointing at the chair which was lit as the only bright spot in the room. I adjusted the contrast from the cameras to give the best picture. The camera to the rear was higher and showed the back of the chair and the whole of the mirror. In the distance I could see the lower half of the door. I settled back to wait and to wonder how she had interpreted my last instruction to her to come dressed like a slut. I was about to find out as I heard the timorous tapping on the door.

I opened my eyes and sat up, paying full attention, before calling, “Come!”

On the screen Iwatched the door open, and Hanna appeared, but only from the wait down. However, I was already pleased with her. She wore red patent leather heels, I guessed at about four inches, and a red skirt that was so short that it hid almost nothing. As she advanced nervously into the room, trying to make sense of it all, she revealed more of herself. her top was also red and was a low-cut affairs with thin spaghetti straws. To be fair, she had tried her best. I wondered how she had managed to get across town wearing that but thought that maybe a coat was lying in a heap just outside the door. I determined, before our next session, to mount a camera out there as well. But it was time to calm her and dispel her confusion. Or, maybe, even add to it.

“Please sit in the chair, Hanna.”

She looked around wildly trying to locate the source of my voice but despite her obvious anxiety she did as she was told.

“Sir …?” she ventured.

“I am behind the screen. Today, it is not necessaryssary for me to be seen, or for you to see me. You, however, can see yourself in the mirror. That is what you must focus on. That and the sound of my voice. I will be issuing instructions, but you will be doing most of the talking. Please speak clearly when you do so. Is that understand?”

“Err, yes, Sir.”

“Have you come dressed appropriately as I requested?”

Of course, she had no way of knowing that I could see her and had already examined her attempt.

“I think so, Sir. I have tried to do as you said.”

“Good girl. Today will be one of self-examination. How does that make you feel?”

“I’m a bit nervous, Sir.”

“As would be expected. Shall we begin? Please, stand up. First position.”

I watched the screen as she immediately stood up and put her hands behind her head. Looking at the front on view it was obvious that she had not killed a bra as her aroused nipples pushed out against the thin fabric of her top. I could only assume that she had obeyed instructions as to the rest of her underwear. I would find out the truth soon.

“This is a session about you seeing and describing yourself. Please speak clearly. Starting from the top tell me about your hair.”

“My hair? Its blonde, Sir. I’m a natural blonde.”

“And the style, the cut, the length?” letting a hint of impatience creep into my voice.

“Sorry, Sir. It’s a little below my shoulders and in a natural style with a centre parting.”

“That’s much better. Let’s move on to your face. And keep watching yourself in the mirror. This is most important. Tell me about your eyes.”

“They are quite large, and the pupils are brown. They are slightly East Asian in shape. Part of my family originated in the Philippines. I have used mascara on my lashes but I’m not sure I’ve done it very well, it’s not something I usually do but I thought it might be expected today, Sir.”

“In keeping with my demand that you come as a slut? At least you tried. Now, moveon, go further down. Slowly!”

“Yes, Sir. My nose is small. There is little else to say about it. My mouth is medium and today I have used a red lipstick.”

“You have embedded the slutty theme then. Would you consider yourself to be pretty?

“I think that is for others to judge, Sir, but today I feel less so.”

“Because of the makeup?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“We can talk that through later, but for now let’s move away from your face.”

“Err, I hadn’t mentioned my ears, Sir.”

“Quite right. Tell me.”

“I have piercings, my only ones. A diamond stud in each.”

“Did it hurt having your ears pierced?”

“Only a little, Sir. It was all over so quickly.”

“Unlike some of the hurt Miss K inflicted on you no doubt.”

I watched the screen intensely as she bowed her head and looked at the floor momentarily. I guessed this was a sign that she was blushing at the memory. A little tell-tale that I could watch out for in the future.

“Nowdescribe yourself from the wait up.”

“I am wearing a red top. It is quite tight on me and very thin. My … errr … nipples are showing.”

“Are you aroused, or did you toy with them before you came in?”

“I think, being in your presence, and standing in front of the mirror has aroused me, Sir.”

“Continue with your description.”

“My top is low cut, but I have almost no cleavage to speak of. It is cut high enough at the bottom that my tummy button shows. It’s an innie,” she added with an almost cheeky grin. The little slut was starting to get over her nerves and was beginning to enjoy herself.

“Don’t stop,” I simply said.

“Yes, Sir. My skirt is also red and is very short. It is the shortest in my wardrobe and I hardly ever Wear it. I think the style is what they call Ra-ra. It’s a leftover from my cheerleader days. My legs are good, I think. I’m quite pleased with them. I try to go to the gym once a week.” She was really getting into this now yet, once more, the slight abused gaze and the bowing of the head. She was conflicted and unsure if she was pleased me.

“Shoes!” I prompted her.

“Sorry, Sir. They are red and shiny and have four-inch heels. They are my favourite pair that I save for special occasions like today.”

“Thank you, Hanna, you have described an excellent slut. Now, go back to your face. Are you blushing?”

Again, that tell-tale look away. “Just a little, Sir.”

“Good girl. Now, remove your top.”

She did so without hesitating this time and returned to stand, hands clapped behind her head, in front of the mirror, leaving the crumped heap of her top on the floor. I had seen her breasts before, indeed I had seen all of her before, but this was the first time she had scrutinised herself so closely. This was the point of the exercise.

“Speak, slut.” I commanded, my voice suddenly hard.

I saw her shiver slightly before, “my breasts are not much. They’re the same size as they were six years ago when I was fifteen. My nipples are stiff and erect. They feel very sensitive and tingly.”

“Play with your nipples.”

I watched as her hands released each other and came forward and started to roll and mass her nipples. Her eyes closed and occasionally she grimaced as she pinched them quite hard. This girl enjoyed rough teasing. Before she could enjoy herself too much, I ordered her to stop and resume her position.

“The skirt,” I snapped at her.

With an endearing wiggle of her hips, she pushed the elasticated waist band of the skirt over her arse and let it drop to the floor. She stepped out of it and bent to pick it up before throwing it to one side to join her top. She then resumed her position.


“My pussy … errr … my cunt, I’m Not sure what you would prefer, Sir. I am clean saden as you ordered, and I am showing obvious signs of wetness.” Again, the blushing gesture. “Some has leaked onto my thighs.”

I’msure what she was telling me was the truth, it was plain to see on the monitor, but she didn’t know that, and I was sure she was adding details like that to excite me. Crafty little bitch. Well, it was working, and I could feel myself growing harder with each moment.

“You have done very well. I’m pleased I took the decision I did last time. I think you have done well enough to get a reward. Next to the mirror is a small box. It contains a variety of toys. Please choose one and then sit down.”

I watched as her eyes widened and a smile spread over her lips. She almost skipped over to the box on the floor and flung open the lid. She rummaged through the contents and then seem to spy something familiar near the bottom which she pulled out eagerly and looked at it. She carefully closed the lid and returned to the chair.

“You have chosen.”

“Yes, Sir,” hardly trusting herself to speak. She seemed alive with anticipation and hope but there was also the edge of dread. Was this real? It had been so long. I knew she had fantasized and yearned for this moment of relief for a year. Miss K had kept her waiting all that time. Now, I was about to allow her to cum. Surely, I could not be as cruel as Miss K and tease her.

“Spread your legs wide, as I showed you last time. Miss K has kept you clibate for a year has she not? Well, I am not Miss K. Start to masturbate when you wish. I shall listen to you.”

And watch, although I didn’t mention that. Her hand immediately flew to her cunt and started to stroke it even before she had fully opened her legs. She made the effort to stretch as much as last time, and I had full view of her pink wetness. Her arousal was making her leak profusely. She had chosen a medium sized vibe. Nothing too extreme but obviously something with which she was familiar and felt safe.

I watched her reflection in the mirror. She appeared to be looking directly into my eyes. Then her eyes wandered lower, and I knew she was looking with fascination at her own cunt, possible for the first time. She stopped struggling herself and used her fingers instead, to spread her lips. I heard the hum of the vibrator as she turned it on and slowly, teasing herself, gently touched it against her clip. I heard a weak mewl, like a small kitten and she slipped forward on the chair until her cunt was even more exposed.

The vibrator she had chosen was black and shiny. It was one that I had used on various subs in the past. Something about it must be familiar to her. The tip was guided slowly down between her lips and then she hesitated, letting it rest at her entrance. I was spellbound and hardly breathing as I watched her change the angle and push it slowly inside herself. I looked up briefly to see her face. Her eyes were closed and there was a smile on the lips. Looking back down I was in time to see the last third of the vibe disappear inside her. She let out a long and satisfied sight.

Slowly it reappeared as she pulled it out completely, leaving her hole gaping slightly, before she plugged it back in. Out then back in. Again, and again. Pushing it deep inside herself each time. One thing for certain, she was not being gentle with herself. She was breathing heavily and moaning and grunting like a rutting animal. I could feel the tension rise in the room and even from my side of the screen I could smell her rutting scent. Her moans were getting louder with each thrust turning slowly to cries and shouts. She was on the brink. I had planned to delay her at this point, but I had become mesmerised by the image on the screen.

Then, her back arched and she gave off a sound like a ghost at a haunting. She started to twitch violently and lost all sense of reality. She slipped further forward on the chair and then slide off it altogether, landing in a crumpled foetal position on the floor. She made a large thumb as she hit the floor, but she didn’t seem to notice. She was too far gone. She pulledherself more tightly into a ball, her knees hard against her chest. Beside her, the discarded and forgotten vibrator continued to buzz and make slow pirouettes. Small tremors passed back and forth across her body. They slowly faded away and her breathing gradually returned to normal.

As did mine. I leaned back from the screen and rested in my office chair. I felt exhausted and I wondered how she must be feeling. A glance at the screen told me she hadn’t moved. She appeared to be sleeping. I felt the need to check on her and so, on slightly unsteady legs walked around the edge of the screen. She looked very pale and drained of colour under the glare of the lights I had set up. Gently I picked her up and carried her to my side of the screen. She made slight murmurings as I did so. I sat down with her on my lap and then gently closed the laptop, blanking off the video feed and reached under the desk and found the switch that controlled the lights. The room went almost dark apart from my single desk lamp.

We rested like that for nearly half an hour, me with my arms wrapped around her, holding her safe and her fast wait occasionally making tiny rearrangements to how she lay. I had been witness to many orgasms in my life but none had been so intense as that last one. So much frustration had been hidden away and then released. Part of me cursed K for her cruelty but I also thanked her for bequeathing me this woman and allowing me to have that moment.

Eventually she began to stir, and I watched as life returned to her face. When her eyes flickered open there was a moment of incomprehension and confusion while it slowly dawned on her where she was. She made as if to panic and move away but I held her tightly and smiled.

“Its Ok, little one, you are safe with me.”

She slowly started to relax again and nestled back against me but never taking her eyes off my face, still slightly wary, like a small wild animal not quite trusting me. I gently stroked her back in reassurance. She was warm and soft to my touch, but I knew she was still in a state of shock and needed careful handling. It was when she shifted to get more comfortable that we both noticed, at the same time, the hard bulge in my trousers. She stopped moving and it ended up nestled between the cheeses of her bottom. She smiled and wiggled down onto it. Then I felt her hand moving against my thigh and then her fingers gripped my erection through the thin fabric.

“There is no need, little one,” I told her, “We have both been rewarded today.”

“Please may I, Sir,” she said in a voice that barely functioned, “I would dearly love to say thank you properly.”

I am usually very war about when I reward a sub with this special gift, and it is always at the moment of my choosing. Her eyes looked at me pleadingly and I found it impossible to refuse. I had wanted to send her home with a different memory, but she was making the choice. So, I said nothing and simplysmiled. She took that as a ‘yes’ and slipped too easily from my grap and to the floor where she knelt before me. A brief glance up at me to check that she had got the signals right before she started to unbuckle my belt and undo my trousers. The only sound in the room was the rasp of my zipper as the pressure on my hard member eased off. Then I felt her little fingers curling around it and easing it free.

She started with delicate fairy kisses to the tip which then trailed down the full length to my balls. I feel myself twitch in her hand and her answering squeeze. Then her lips were back at the head and openly kissing me again. Little by little she took more of me. Her mouth, warm, wet and inviting. Soon she was bobbing up and down on my dick, taking me deeper than I imagined she could. I feel myself hit the constriction at the back of her throat and I heard her gag. I was about to pull her away when she went down again, this time holding me deep within her, before coming up and gasping for air. Where she had learned to do that, I didn’t know but I could imagine K strutting around with a massive strap-on preparing her ‘slut’ for moments like this. Hanna alternated her deep plunges with less extreme ones in which her tongue swirled around the head, playing havoc with my most sensitive places. I knew I couldn’t last much longer, and I relaxed into it.

When I came, she clamped her lips around my shake, sealing me inside her mouth. I emptied a huge amount of cum into her and she took every drop. When I had finished, we both waited, unmoving. I was slumped in my chair, and she remained kneeing before me, her mouth still holding me. Gradually I softened and she let me slide out. I watched as she made a large swallow and grinned to herself, licking her lips as she tucked me away.

I needed time to think and review the session so, as gently as I could I told her, “It is time for you to leave, little Hanna.”

She looked sad and disappointed but knewThere was no point in arguing. I felt cruel and unfair, but I hate long and gushing farewells. She got up off her knees and with a word walked around the screen. I reached forward and flipped open the laptop just in time to see her disappearing inside her skirt. She made no attempt to look back as she headed to the door.

“Same time next week?” I called out to her, and her face brightened at once as she glanced back to where I sat in the darkness. She may not have been so happy had she known what I had planned.

To be continued.


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