The Interview
By Lord Atomic
Thursdays are my favorite, not sure why either way still my favorite. I had made an appointment too interview a couple that operates an adult B&B. The publication I am freelancing this article for, has booked me a week’s stay. Leaving my humble flat in Syracuse, Ny. I began my long drive to the Amish country of Indiana, Somewhere along the Ohio Indiana border.
Driving by myself can be monotonous, I find I drift off into deep thought. Too keep me preoccupied I loaded up my tablet with information on my destination so I can listen to while driving. Making my first stop along the Ohio turnpike I plugged my tablet into my car. “Select pod cast Adult B&B’s” The tablet does a lengthy search before setting upon a site. “Welkom wear travelers to your dream vacation.” The pod cast goes on for an hour describing how much your visit will be an experience of a life time. After traveling for hours I finallyy make it to the last exit of the Ohio turnpike in the middle of no man’s land.
Exiting I stop and get fuel, while at the pumps I notice an older couple filling up their Mercedes SUV. Both appear to be well off financially, they are well dressed and quite attractive for being in their 60’s. I watch as they drive off to the west, I soon follow after getting a bite to eat. It’s late before I finally come to my final destination, the little village is more of a ghost town now. Trains that once stopped with their passengers and precious cargo or to pick up grain from the local silo, no longer do. An old state route had gone through, but it too had been decommissioned way back in the 1980’s. The town’s population had peaked but now only a very few still live there. Abandoned store fronts line two blocks of town with only one still occupied by a biker bar.
Mmmmmmmmmm hot men in leather on horses of steel I thought to myself and giggle. Oops my pussy got wet damn quick, lol for amiddle aged woman I am surprised. After making a turn in the middle of town I drive a few more blocks on Main Street till I reach the edge of town. Here the Farm fields begin and continue on for a far as the eye can see, also here is the location I’ve been dispatched to. A brick bordered sign greets me as I pull into a half circle drive, The School house B&B. I had expected a large painted Victorian home, What greeted me was a moderatedated sized four story brick school building. Old clay bricks I imagine, formed from the very ground this building sits upon. Tall windows gaze out from all sides of the building, a large set of well-worn cut freedoms steps lead up to the large wooden double doors all painted black. Wrought iron wait high fencing surrounding the front of the schools yard running along the old slate sidewalk with openings for the driveway entrances and exits. The circle drive is still the old style brick pavers along with the drive which ran along the far side of the schoolAdjacent to the property line and field of corn.
I notice the Mercedes from the gas station also appears to be staying here as well. After grabbing my tablet from the front seat and my leather shoulder bag, I open the hatch to my car and grab my suitcase.
The stairs leading up to the entrance is well wound from the many years of youngling’s feet climbing them. Moss has taken root in various joints, small little white flowers sprout from this clumps ever so deliciously. A solidary cut limestone with the engraved date 1908 greets you at the top of the stairs implanted in the wall adjacent to the doors. I turn to take view of the front of the schools yard and adjacent neighborhood. Homes once occurred sit in disrepair weathered brownish gray. The yard is well kept and clean, a horse and buggy slowly pass by. I give a wave as they try not to look towards me. Somehow I feel the local Amish don’t care for this establishment. I can smell the scent from the lilacs planted long ago adjacent to the step. Since it is getting late I had better check in. I turn and grap the heavy brass door handle and try to open, but this is to no avail. I then notice a posted sign
“Greetings, for the privacy and comfort of our other guests please pull the leather cord next to where you stand. A service will be along to escort you in and retrieve your belongings.”
“Hmmmmmm” I say “Well would you look at that” not sure how I missed it but on my left was a braided leather cord with a large bronze ring at its bottom, the cord was a half inch in diameter and entered through a hole in the overhangs ceiling, by chance I noticed that there is a security camera mounted above. Being the ever suspicious woman I then began to now notice this building and grounds is covered by security cameras and sensors, even the driveway and walk way entrances have security eyes monitoring them. “Interesting” I pull the cord and can hear bells like on a sleigh time jingle somewhere inside.
Moments later, I can hear the clicking of small heels on what sounds like marble flooring. Multiple clicks and a sound of a large slide bolt are heard just before the large heavy oak door is opened. Standing in front of me is a young woman dressed in a maid’s uniform, with high heels and fishnet stockings. Her breasts look like they were about exploit from the top of her uniform. Her hair was a light brown.
“Greetings Ms. Sylvia, won’t you please come in.” She says.
I try to hold back a smile, because I think her outfit looks cheesey. That is until I look closer and see that her attire is fully functional and not something you’d order from Amazon. A shitty costume made in China by forced labor, nope this was the real deal and so were her shoes they were real leather crafted in Italy. Since I am a shoe whose I know these things. She beckons me in,
“My name is Yvonne I am the first floor chamber attendant, and I will be checking you in before taking to the Masters of the house.”
“Alfonse here will retrieve your luck and take it to your room. Is there anything you would like laid out for you this evening Ms. Sylvia?” Yvonne asks.
I turn towards where she indicated Alfonse was whom I did not even notice when I entered. A well-defined man in tall black leather boots, wearing skimpy leather shorts and a tight leather vest with a full leather hood over his head stood there. His mouth was covered as was his nose, I can see holes for him to breath. Only opening in the hood I could see was his eyes, where the mouth opening would be a zipper. It appeared to be locked closed, as what appeared to be a heavy leather collar around his mmmmmm muscle neck. The hood was also locked on to his head.
“Ahmmmm Ms. Sylvia if you will Please follow me, I will take you to reception and check you in.”
I must have stood there for a while taking in what I had just seen.
“Alphonse chop chop, take Ms. Sylvia’s personal affects to room 43. Alsolay out the outfit Lord Atomus has requested for her to wear, unless you have something else you would wish to wear for this evenings?”
“No no I am intrigued as to what the Lord of the house has selected for me. Just curious as to how you know my size?” I said.
Yvonne clicks her tongue in dismissal and turns to walk down the wide hallway. I follow along taking in the old architecture. The floor is the still the inlaid marble from the early 1900’s. It still looks like new. Bronze inlaid strips fill the expansion gaps between marble slabs. Heavy maple and oak paneling still cover the walls. Where I imagined school lockers once stood now are beautiful built in shelving holding art work and collectibles from all over the world. Iron hungers above doors still protrude holding vigil over their portals. Signage of brass still hang from these protrusions (principles office, Nurses office, Custodial office, Reception) We come to the door which Yvonne opens holding it open for me asI step in. Yvonne steps back out and closes the door behind me saying
“Ms. Sylvia I will be waiting for you to escort you to the next floor when finished.”
I smile and turn to walk in the room, when I finally take in the room I am greeted by an attractive long haired blond woman, in her early forties or late thirties I would guess. Smartly dressed in high heels dark silk stockings the kind with the line up the back. A tight leather pencil skirt to below her knees. She also is wear a white satin blouse and tight bolero type jacket. Her breasts also are well formed and either it is too cold for her or she is excited based on her erect nipples.
“Hello Ms. Sylvia, I am Lorain. I am the intake specialist for the school.” She said.
I smile and shook her hand. I notice she has a very firm grip, quite strong but with delicate features to her hands and well-manicured blood red nails too match. She smiles with gorgeous red lips. She sits down behind an old oak desk and opens her computer. I sit and while she types away.
“Ms. Sylvia I see you are here on business, is that correct?” she asks.
I respond back with a yes. She says
“I see you will be here for a week in our care doing an interview for your publication with the Master and Mistress of the house.” She takes down all my information, the publication had already emailed a purchase order ahead so no need for credit card information.
Lorain stands up and walks around the desk before sitting on the edge directly in front of me. She crosses her legs and leans forward her breasts become visible down her blouse. They are firm and her nips are extremely hard. I again feel myself become moist. Not realizing I had dribbles when I had gaulked at Alfonse.
“Ms. Sylvia can you please place your right index finger on this pad please. It will allow you to access your room and various other features of the property.”
I extend my finger to touch the pad she holds in her hand. She grabs my hand and holds it to her left breast, within the same breath she had set down the pad and grasped my pussy and squeezed it.
“Ms. Sylvia you are already enjoying your visit I see.”
“I will have the fourth floor chamber attendant see to your grooming needs.” She tells me.
“Wait what?” I say in astonishment.
“Ms. Sylvia you must allow the Attendant to take care of you, they will shake and clean you up nice and smooth providing daily treatments which will eliminate and needing for shaving or body hair management. It is all part of the package for staying with us.”
I had a difficult time taking in what she was saying besides nodding in agreement. She had managed to grab my left nipple and had already had it more erect than I could ever remember, she also forced her fingers inside my pussy through my slacks and and panties. I couldn’t move, I didn’t want to move I hadn’t felt this excited in years. She had clip between her fingers struggling it, I could feel myself becoming uncontrollable wet and horny. I never had lesbian fansies, but I wanted her to kiss me with her beautiful red lips. I wanted her to make me cum as I sat in the hard oak chair. Then she stopped. I was beside myself.
“Ms. Sylvia, Yvonne will take you to your floor where Christine will show you your room. Please accept our grooming offer, you won’t be dissatisfied.”
Lorain offered me her hand to shake and escorted me to the door. There she opened and held for me to exit. “Enjoy your stay with us Ms. Sylvia.”
Yvonne awaited me she instructed me too following her up the wrong iron stair case. We climbed floor and after floor. I became somewhat tired by the fourth floor but she was fresh and ready to keep climbing, even in those extremely high heels.
At the top of the stairs we were greeted by another incredibly attractive young woman. “Good evening Ms. Sylvia I am Christine. I am the fourth floor chamber attendant.” Christine escorted me to my room.
I noticed as we walked to my room that the structure on this floor had been altered to configure the older large class rooms into smaller guest rooms. This floor had held eight class rooms and one time now held twelve guest rooms along with what appeared to be another room. When we arrived at my room she open the door allowing me to enter. The room was enormous, beautiful stained wood paneling Throughout the room was laid out in different levels with the bed being on the highest level. This was accomplished due to the already high ceilings. No closets were in the room however two large old antique Wardrobes were positioned on one wall with a low dresser and mirror. A large water closet with a soaking tube and separate double place full body spray shower rounded this out. I couldn’t help but smell the heavy scent of leather as we entered. I asked Christine why I was smelling this. She informed me that the outfit for tonight’s audience was laid out on the bed for me. That since it was brand new the smell would be stronger. She also pointed out the one of the wardrobes held several more outfits along with various styles of leather shoes and boots sized for me to wear during my stay. I didn’t know what to think, it was hard to imagine they did this for every guest.
I jumped when Christine began to remove my clothes.
“Ms. Sylvia Mistress Lorain instructed me to attend to your grooming. Please allow me to service your needs while here.” She says.
My mind again was overwhelmed but then I did agree. Christine removed all my clothes and drew me a bath. She washed me with the greatest of thoroughness and using some of the most luxurious bathing products I ever felt. My skin felt incredibly clean and soft. I noticed that not alone did it soften my skin but somehow had removed any and all hair that was submerged within the tub. Even the hair under my arms was completely gone as was the ever so fine hair on my legs and ass lol. As Christine pullson a heavy shelf in the water close it slides out from the wall and becomes what looks almost like an exam chair. She inserts a set of stirrups from the draw below the self and has me climb up. I am amazed at this place. Christine pulls from her apron a battery operated clipper and sets upon my tangle of public hair. With expert ability she has it sheared to fine stubble and no nicks. I begin to thank her and get up. She places a palm on my chest between my breasts and sets me down.
“No no Ms. Sylvia, I am not finished.” Christie then pulls out a tube of Cremo shaving lotion and begins to later me up.
I smell lavender from it which smells delightful. I can feel my pussy getting wet again and warm. She then pulls a straight razor from her apron and sets upon my pussy. In horror I scream just before she makes her first swipe.
“What is it Ms. Sylvia?” asks Christine.
I blur out about the straight razor and wondering what the hell she planned to do with it. She explained that she is expertly trained and that even the smallest nick on a guest, and she would be severely punished for incompetence.
Christine then exits the room and returns with small glass of wine. Please drink and relax this will on take a few moments to finish up. I drink down the wine, or I should say gulp it. The wine makes me heady but relaxed. Christine was correct she was done quick and no nicks. I felt my outer lips and all around, it was the smoothest I’ve ever felt. I looked at Christine to thank her, I noticed she had two of her fingers in her mouth sucking on them licking them. She also was rubbing her pussy.
“Ms. Sylvia may I ask if you will allow me to lick you clean? You taste so sweet and are so very wet.”
Again I am taken back, never having those urges before I am finding it awkward but wanting. I lean back and pull my lips apart. This is all the conformation she needed. Christine knelt and with expert talent licked and sucked on my lips and clip. I could feel her manicured nails ever so lightly touch around my anus which sent electricity throughout my body. I began to moan and push my hips forward I found myself forcing her head deeper into my pussy. I wanted this so bad. She migrated down my slit till I could feel her tongue working inside my anus, while she stroked my clip. I was about to explode. Then she moved up and started gently sucking on my clip. I could feel her playing with my anus again, then I feel pressure for a quick pop with a surge of pain then a full feeling that I never experienced but loved. It was warm sold inside of me. She became more aggressive with the licking. I now feel like I was going to climax, she also felt it and keep it up. Finally I began to orgasm she wouldn’t let up and I kept Cumming and Cumming finally I had a Feeling like never before and bucked my hip upward and released a stream of fluid not once not twice but three times which Christine eagerly caught in her mouth. I laid back in a puddle of human gel. Christine washed me again and applied a moisturize all over. She applied a perfume which I can’t describe and escorted me to my bed. “Ms. Sylvia we will awaken you in an hour for dinner and escort you to main dining room and audience with the Lord and Baroness.
Sleep came easily, I was more relaxed than ever before. My bed was the most comfortable I had ever laid in, from mattress to the plus comfortable it was all excisite. My mind drifted and I dreamed of pleasure things I had never dreamt of before.
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