With the adventure of women’s liberation, it was inevitable that the army would change.
Slowly over the years the supposed gentler sex had made inroads into every branch of the armed service and women were now driving jeeps in the army, sailors in the navy and even artillery officers in the marine corp. One branch however had not been integrated, and that branch was the XRG project but after a recent push by a Congressional Oversight Committee, it too would have to comply.
This secret branch of the army was in charge of counter-espionage, interrogations and black operations and only the best of the best bothered to apply. Col. Brian Stuart, not the most enlightened of individuals, took a dim view of this forced female intrusion into his old boys club and it took everything he had to contain his sarcastic tongue as he congratulated the new female recruits on the completion of their initial training.
Although he did not want them in his outfit, on all other fronts thesenew “soldiers” pleased him very much. Surprisingly enough, these were not the typical rug munchers who are normally the female trail blazers into the army but were three, very attractive and intelligent women, who under normal circumstances he would be hitting on like there was no tomorrow.
The Colonel was a very attractive man. Standing 6’4″ tall, his rugged good looks and well sculpted body constantly had every female on base checking out his rear guard action. He was extremely proud to have reached the rank of Colonel by the extremely young age of 34 and even more proud that his first assignment in his new rank was this extremely important unit.
Sandra Stevenson, one of the new recruits, came from a long military tradition and was immediately pleased to have been accepted into the prestigious group. Statuesque at 6’1″ tall, Sandra was extremely well built and her curves could have easily launched her into a modeling career as much as a military one.
Although strictly professional, she know how to use her golden locks, lovely tight ass and extremely well endowed chest to her advantage when the occasion arose.
Dominique Bardone was the mystery girl. Raised in the Haiti, her sensitive Latin good looks and incredible ass believed a devilish sense of fun that lay just beneath the surface. Known to play hard and work harder, every man on the base dreamed of worshiping at the altar of her lovely posterieor.
Monica Diminetti rounded out the troika. With long red hair and a perfect face with large green eyes. Her fiery hair and equally flamenmable personality perfectly rounded out the trio of female archetypes. Wild to the core, Monica had the reputation that a night out with her would kill a lesser man as she liked her fun rough and hard. Only the stoutest of heart need apply to her bedchamber.
Col. Stuart smiled as he addressed the new troops.
“All right ladies, you have now passed the basic training course required for admission into this company, but without wanting to run the risk of a creating a lawsuit, it would be unconscionable for me not to express my extreme doubts on your capability to perform this job.”
“Permission to speak freely?” Sandra asked in her monotone military quip.
Col. Stuart nodded his agreement.
“I know what you are eluding to Colonel, and I think you are mistaken in your pre-judgement” she continued.
The Colonel slowly raised his eyesbrows as she spoke.
“You think women are too weak to make good interrogators. You see us as interlopers and are only allowing us in because you are forced to, am I right?”
Without saying a word the slight smile on the Colonel’s face spoke volumes.
“The other female cadets have talked about this and we Don’t want to join a club where we will obviously not be allowed to succeed. Either you will respect us as you do the male soldiers or we will go elsewhere. So all of us have agreed that we will either earn your respect or quit, no questions asked.”
With this both Dominique and Monica nodded their agreement and Col. Stuart could not believe his ears. Although impressed by their courage he did desperately want them out of his company. The thought of some estrogen lady, bleeding hearts crying over a poor prisoner’s feelings they were interrogating filled him with dread and disgust.
“What did you have in mind?” he asked quizzically wondering what plan they had to earn his respect.
Sandra continued “What we have planned is that you give us 48 hours to show you that our interrogation skills are not only adequate, but superior to those you have taught us. If we prove that to you, not only will you give us the respect we deserve, but we should also all be promoted to Lieutenant immediately.”
“Listen ladies, I know what you are trying to do, but due to the Geneva convention and the rules of engagement for the US Army, torture is not allowed. We deal in indirect intimidation without physical harm. I am sure that if..”
“Pardon me for interrupting sir, but we promise we will not cause the prisoner we have in mind any physical harm, and we will gather any and all information we are required from him using our methods.” Monica blurted.
Although a bit annoyed at being interrupted, Col. Stuart asked who they had in mind for their “prisoner”.
“Why you sir!” Dominique exclaimed.
With this Col. Stuart could not refrain from burning out in hysterics. Were they mad? Did they not know that interrogation was his specialty, and in fact he had written the official army manual on the subject?
After regaining his composition, he smiled but agreed; certain that ultimately victory would be his and he could rid his unit of the pesky (though deliciously attractive) recruits once and for all.
The agreed upon format was that the girls had 48 hours to get Col. Stuart to reveal the combination to his locker. This way they could independently verify, by opning the lock, whether they were successful. No violence could be used and in no way could they permanently harm the corner, but other than that, they could do anything else they wanted. If they were unsuccessful they would resign, if they were successful they would stay and be recommended for promotions by the Colonel himself.
At 6:00 AM the next day Col. Stuart awoke from his sleep aware that his arms were immobilized and he was blind folded.
“Very good girls” he thought to himself as he recognized some of the methods he had taught them. When he tried to move his feet he found that they too were shackled to the bed. He was now completely helpless and spread-eagle and had to admit the feeling was unsettling.
Finally after what seemed like hours in the silence and the darkness he felt three pair of feminine hands run their nails down his chest and he jumped. This was quite ingenious he thought, sensing deprivation, very good, they had obviously read his book and as quickly as the sensings had started they stopped, keeping in tension has he pondered in the darkness what was going to happen next.
After another hour he felt the tell tale coldness of steel scissors against his bare tigh as they began to cut away his boxers. Although he was intent on hiding his feelings, the idea of being spread eagled and completely naked in front of three attractive torquers both excited and humiliated him, but he Did not show any outward change in his composition.
Hours marched on and the lack of sight or sound, or even feeling (except for the cuffs) began to weight on his mind. How long had he been here, an hour? A day? Quickly he tried to focus his thoughts on the issue at hand.
After another hour he jerked as he felt three pairs of hands lathering him up from neck to toes with soap. What were they doing now he wondered as this was a technique he had NOT taught. When he felt the sharp edge of the razor run down his sudsy and furry chest his curiosIntity was satisfied as he now knew exactly what they were doing and it was pissing him off. Even though he was still assured of victory, he could not imagine the ribbing he would get from the guys at the gym when he showed up all pink and bare. Grimacing he was stoic as they denuded him of all of his manfur and he inhaled deeply as he felt the feminine fingers pull his testicles out tight.
Visibly flinching as the razor scraped away the hair on his balls he was now free from all body hair and he was amazed at how sensitive this made his skin. Perhaps it was a combination of the sensing deprivation and the erotic situation knowing he was being shaken by three gorgeous women, but despite his efforts at trying to think unsexy thoughts, he felt his cock slowly harden. After a few minutes of the continued lathering and VERY through shaving, he was harder than he had ever been in his life.
The sounds of zipping and clothing hitting the floor tormented him more than anything had sofar as his mind imagined the delightful visions his blindfold was preventing him from seeing. Oh how he wished he knew what was going on and when he felt one of the ladies climb up on his now baby smooth chest, he could sense her equally smooth bare legs hugging his torso.
As his mind raced with erotic thoughts, he began to salivate as he began to twist in frustration. Still, none of the girls had said a word to him yet, not a single question coming from their mouths, only the sounds of the scraping away of his public hair heard in the deathly silence.
The feeling of one of the girls long hair being swished over his aching cock and balls caused him to whimper now, the sensing deprivation seems to intensifying all other sensings exponentially. Oh how he wanted release and silent begged to himself to please touch his dick!
As he struggled, his thrashing caused his blindfold to move as the cent of a very moist pussy indicated its presence just out of his reach and he hopelessly arched his back up to meet it. Without thinking, he slowly extended his tongue in exploration in the dark and finally hit the mark as he tasted the mystery woman squatting over his face.
“What one was it” he wondered as his imagination conjured up naked images of all three in his mind’s eye. He stopped with a jerk as he felt two other girls climb onto the cot, their naked cunts moistening his legs as They straddled him. This was true torture and he strained as he heard the cap of a tube being removed.
The feeling of the warm oil being slowly poured over his throbbing cock and balls was unbelievable and despite having been stoically silent throughout the ordeal, he suspected moaned as the warm liquid ran down his shake. He had not been this horny since high school and slowly and deliberately, he felt one mystery pair of hands begin stroke his shake while another slowly rolled his balls in their sacs and a third began licking his left nipple. While he moaned in pleasure his face was smoother by the wet dripping wide open sex of one of the girls as she lowered herself onto his waiting tongue.
“Ohhh she tasted sweet” he thought as he ran his tongue over her blistering hot clip. When he thought he heard a muffled squeal in the darkness, he thought he just might win. Maybe the mystery hand job was being given by the owner of this fine pussy he was eating and she would Want release as much as him, get carried away and finish the job.
After a few minutes of this facesitting heaven and constant and expertly given Hand-Job felt his balls begin to tighten. This was it, he thought, the moment of truth and he knew once he shot his wad, any effort to sexually tease any information out of him would prove fruitless. Just as he was reaching the point of no return however all movement stopped, except for the constant grinding of the pussy into his face.
“Noooo!” he gurgled nearly drowning in love juice as his blessed welcome release was snatched away from him. As he bucked wildly, his cock bobbing helplessly in the air, all three girls began to laugh and the hilarious, and quite erotic, show. To further add to his torque, he now could feel their hot breath blowing over the tip of his cock, just inches away from the source of his frustration. No one touched his dick until it began to grow soft again, and as he began to relax, feeling his dick fall back down onto his stomach, diabolically the whole process repeated itself.
Over the next 24 hours Col. Stuart was under constant erotic assault. Brought right to the blink of orgasm and then denied release he also systematically ate each girl to out countless times as his torqueors compromised on his now glazed face.
Finally in a burst of exhaustion and sexual frustration he screamed “RIGHT 32 LEFT 6 RIGHT 19!!”.
After his confession he felt one of the girls jump off of him and after what seemed like an eternity he distinctly heard a voice say
“That was it! The locker opened!”
Now whimpering with horniness Col. Stuart begged for release. When they removed his blindfold he squinted to adjust to the light, his eyes being in total darkness for an entire day.
Sandra spoke first “You know Colonel, you have disappointed us. You only lasted 24 hours, we had you booked for 48!” Grinning as she winded at the other girls lounging on the bed she added. “I think we need to use the FULL time you allowed us, don’t you?”
The look on the commanders face was classic, and as Sandra sat down hard on his face again he closed his eyes in defeat, but also in bliss as he tasted her honey flow out onto his waiting tongue. As she wiggled her ass over his nose her skilled hands began their tormentous ministers again.
“”I wonder what else we can get him to spill?” she cached as he moaned in despair, trying desperately to breathe through her ample charms.
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