Here is one of my erotic mortal perils, well they are all tied to the railroad tracks perils but with different variations. This happens to be femdom peril prediction. Enjoy, and please write in a comment below.
So let us first have the male character in his early 20s or so. Why? No wrinkles, slim, attractive, and yet young enough where it is much easier to pull out the hidden feminine side (both in character and physical).
It is a calm Fall day. I hung my neck back, staring up at the sky as our feet shovel through the leaves. The sky presents itself clear of any clouds, showing its naked blue textures. The sun radiates a sense of warmth down against our skins with just only a faint occasional breeze to brush off any excess heat. Only to lose it as our march along the bike trail enters the dark forest.
My girlfriend Sara and I have been dating for a few months. We both ran into each other in a crowded café. Me being myself, I am naturally shy when it comes to approaching girls. But as luck would have it, this beautiful young lady had to find a seat in front of me and was brave enough to stare me into the eye and introduced herself first.
“Hi! May I sit here?” she said in a cheerful but cautious tone.
“Sure.” Confidently replying back as I try to hide my shyness.
She sits down and Take a sip of her coffee. The blond-haired lady raises her head and again stars her green eyes in my direction as she twirls her finger in circles against her cup.
“I have a feeling you don’t talk very much.”
Curious, I look back up to her as she blushes and grinns at what she just said and I reply, “Me?! Uh…There isn’t much to say I guess. What makes you say that?”
She sits down her cup and lets her hand slap down against her lap as her head looks slightly down. “Gosh, I am sorry. I am not sure why I said that to you. I guess I am just jittery about something.” She pauses and thenlooks right back at me. Changing her confused questionable look with a smile. “Hi, my name is Sara.”
That day marked the first time I had ever established a relationship with a girl. Remarkably our lighthearted conversation grew into an open and ever growing relationship. As our interests grow between ourselves as time passed on, we eventually discovered our hidden passages in bondage. Both of us having experiences as kids. I myself only tried self-bondage in my bed at nights. Missing out on the opportunity to find friends to play with and tie me up. On the other hand, Sara had much more experience in her youth as she had friendly and regular tie-up games with her friends.
Our tie-up games were initially innocent as we tried them in our homes. Progressively getting sexual in nature as the weeks and months passed by. However, today I decided to take our little game to the next level. Perhaps the only thing I have ever really taken a gmble on and that had been a long distant fantasy of mine. I was hoping to surprise Sara on the kind of tie-up game we are about to play.
As we continued walking through the forest, I stopped and told Sara to close her eyes.
“Aaron….! as Sara gleefully protected. What is this? You are not trying to play anything too funny on me are you?” smiling as she closed her eyes.
“Keep your eyes closed and hold my hand. I think You will like the idea I am about to show you.”
I led Sara gently by the hand, putting full trust into me, as we slowly walked across the leavesy grounds. Just as we walked out from forest’s edge and up a gravel mound, I stopped.
“You can open you eyes now.” Her eyes flash open. Sara gasps out loud and uses her hands to quickly cover her mouth. She turns her head towards me, her gasp turning into a wide smile as she sees the single railroad track laying clearly in front of her sights.
“Oh my god…really?! Are we going to do this Aaron?”, Sara replied. “Oh Honey….gosh this is really brave, I mean….daring of you to do. I’ve always imagined this happening to me as a young girl, but I thought it would be just a distant dream since my friends just never took it up. This feels so surreal right now.” Her hands and legs weakly tremble as she goes back to stare down with continued surprised look on her face.
“Yes Sara, you will be my lovely girl tied to the railroad tracks, like a real damsel should be. I am not gonna let anything happen to you besides our enjoyment together. I have our ropes and toys ready and I really want to make this happen. It’s going to be the best sex you’ll ever have. Please would you let me?” as I tried to convince her to play the damsel in distress.
“Wow, okay. I know you must have thought this through, but I am not sure I could do this just yet.”
Sara seemed scared to perform such an act and had second thoughts. Refusing to comply with my pleasures until she finally caved in on one condition.
“Okay Aaron, but instead of tying me up, could you give me a chance to tie you up to the railroad tracks first instead? I really really want you to tie me up, but I am so overwhelmed that I just want to grow more confident and get my feet wet in this dream first. I know it’s a girly role, but I really want you to do this first. Please…?”
Taken by surprise I replied, “You want to tie me across the railroad tracks? Wow, um, that does feel like a girly thing for me to do.”
“But Aaron…, I think you would look hot tied across the railroad tracks. Trust me Honey,” as Sara grinins and leans in to rub her hand across my chest. “Just give me a chance to see what you look like bound and tied up in the path of danger. I will still love you for the man you are. I just want to grow comfortable around these tracks first before you tie me to them.”
I agreed to her request since I thought it would be a fun way of helping build her confidence. Though I had my doubts as to my hotness in the role. Whowould have thought a young man bound across railroad tracks would be so freakin hot? At the very least maybe I think it would be fun playing if imagined the role reversal as me being fair beautiful damsel half-heartedly. Damsels do tend to get all of the fun and this is a good chance for me to try to experience what it might feel like being tied down to the tracks, ….by a girl. This should be fun to see.
“Thanks Hun… Okay lil bitch. Strip down!”
I comply to her commands and strip myself down bare naked. I pull my shirt off, drop down my pants and underwear, and take off my shoes and socks. As I strip naked, Sara walks around and finds the bag of toys. Her hands opens the bag as if she were a little child filled with curiosity and happy amazement. She looks around and then pulls out with her hand long strands of rope.
“Okay my darling…” as she walks back over to me in a dominate fashion with coils of rope stretched out between her hands. “Put your arms behind your back.”
Standing up straight and tall with my penis dangling between my legs, I place my arms behind my back. Sara grabs ahold and begins to tie my wrists and elbows together each with several solid and neighbor layers of rope. Happy to see I could not move my arms against my bonds, she bends down into the bag and take out more strands of rope. Getting down on her knees, she lightly tie my ankles and knees together with a short strand of rope. I smile confidently with my head proudly erect knowing that my peril should be a short and fun episode without any serous ropework to worry about. The top of hair brushes against my flaccid dangling cock as she finishes tying my ankles. She wraps the rope around my joints twice and then lightly knots it off.
Again, I continue think back to myself as I watch the ropework develop in front of me that this would be an easy trial run. Imagine, I am lightly bound, lay myself over the tracks with a couple of ropes, yell for help a couple of times, get a good handjob, switch turns, and then I show her my grand vision of true damsel tied to the tracks.
Sara stands up and then barks orders at me.
“On the ground, now you cock sucking bitch!”
I follow her commands and bend myself down so I would lay my body over the soft ground on my back.
As I lay there naked, bound, and helpless, my girlfriend could not help but smile and giggle back at my predicament. I smile back and lightly struggle against the ropes as a tease, helping to keep my girlfriend giggling back with her beautiful smile.
Sara’s heart flutters at the site of me laying naked and completely stretched out on the grass, bound helplessly by her ropes with the large railroad tracks visibably in the background, only to imagine that what she is going to do next will become a reality. And it would be more than just her hands placing a hulk of meat against some steel.
It wasn’t any ordinary tie-up game anymore. My beautiful Sara saw this fun game quickly turning into something for her that is going to get serious and real in so many ways. Her heart pumping blood faster and faster, and her hormones edges as she continues glazing her eyes lustfully over the unique images running across her mind.
After a few minutes, Sara tries her best to control her giggly emotions and finally lets out a single large breathe to ease her nerves. She bends down and kisses me Forcefully over my lips. Long and hard as if it were her last. At last Sara stood up with a different face. Presenting a comical and vivdly evil smile on her face as she rubs her hands sinisterly together to show-off her evil intentions towards me as my villainess.
“Okay Erinnnnnn……!” as Sara clasps together her hands and leans in with a wicked smile across her face. “Now get on There!”
I glance up towards her realizing how she feminized my name. Realizing how authentic Sara wanted my role reversal, I tried being more serious in imagining myself as a girl. I quickly compiled with her demands and wiggle and squirm my way from the grassy side over onto the sloping gravel and onto the railroad track. I slowly wiggle with all the effort I could muster, moving several inches at a time, until both ends of my body were on the rails and I was rarely in the face of danger.
I rolled over onto my back on one of the wooden ties. I could feel the back of my neck firmly resting over the rail as I take a moment to relax and move my eyes around. Only to stare endlessly down the track. It was an eerie hypnotic view I thought I never would get to see. Instantly my heart flutters at the site and my stomach fills with an overwhelming butterfly sensing as I start to grap the feelings of being a damsel in peril. The blood in my cock begins to pool. Forcing my shake to grow erect.
I look up at Sara to see her legs walking up, over, and straddling over my body with full confidence. She places a hand under her chin and pauses for amoment as her eyes quickly scans over me. I could tell she was not happy with something. “I think we can do better than this,” Sara excels. She walks behind my head and reaching down to grab around my shoulders.
Slowly she pulls and jerks my bound body up further across the steel rail. I felt somewhat relieved that my head and neck were one longer in the path of the train’s wheels. Sara slided My body carefully over the rail until she perfectly aligned my broad and meaty breasts and nipples over the top of the rail. Her hands slip off from around my firm shoulders. “I think I like where you are now. Don’t move!” said Sara as she lefted back up and ran off the tracks to grab her bag.
I thought to myself, “This is a different position…” I felt it funny complying with her request as I Continued to rest calmly bound over the railroad track knowing that a train could come rushing towards me at any minute. But with a long stretch of railway and me not actually tied down to thetracks, I felt I would chance it and left my muscles completely relaxed and limped over the rails, staring my eyes carefully into the sky.
Sara casually walks back up the gravel shaft with her hips swaying side to side knowing full well what she is about to do to her fair naked damsel. She usually takes her time walking back towards me as I watch her smile back and hold the long ropes in complete view.
Sara enjoys the noises that were being made under her feet by the gravel. As my body comes more and more into her view, she smiles at the sight of me laying so calmly over the train tracks. Holding out the ropes and licking her lips as if I were her kidnapped college-aged girl with firm boobs and great curves.
She squats down over my waist. Sara pulls out a long piece of rope and leans closely over against my ear, “please don’t move, I want this to be perfect.” Spooked at the eerie request, I remain dead still as I watched her wrap the rope tightly around and in-between my breasts; not attaching myself to the rail just yet, while using her hands to grab my meat and force them up into perfect mounds. My eyes widened as she grabs more rope from the bag, wrapping and tying them over my shoulders and around my arms to form a super tight breast bondage figure. I remembered trying breast bondage as a kid. But I never could imagine being in such complex design and making my breasts stand out more than What they are doing now.
Sara pulled out another long piece of rope. Finally using it to secure my breasts over the rail in an over-under, criss-crossing fashion that became attached to my core breast bondage. She looped several layers around as my chest became part of the to the rail with each loop.
I felt light-hearted and slightly fearfully as I found myself seriously tied up helplessly in the line of danger.
As she tightly secures the last knot, Sara puts her hands down and give me a hard pat over my bound chest. She stands up for a minute and stars passwordately down over my young and slender male figure tied over the railroad track. Immediately she noticed my chest is displaying a noticeably small set of firm, smooth, and round breasts. I notice this as well after bending my head forward to see my breasts sticking up into the cool air. My eyes wide open and I felt so turned on as to what she did to me.
Even as Sara standing staring down in amazement at my bound boobs, she realizes my beautiful assets are truly now in peril.
“Oh my gosh Aaron..I mean Erinnnn.. you have boobies! You are looking fucking hot girl! They look so round and fuckin soft that I want to suck on them all day! Besides your erect cock my darling, you look like a short-haired A-cup gamer girl tied to the railroad tracks,” as Sara replied humiliatingly down at me.
I blushed and my mouth filled with a lack of words. My breathing turned shallow and my cock began oozing out precum from her harsh intimidating statement. I felt sohot and turned on by the whole situation that I was oblivious of the danger I was in. I actually felt like I was a young helpless girl tied up in distress.
“Erin, I am not going to tie you ankles down to the rail just yet. I think we have time that I going to have a little fun with you…”
Now I did feel a little bit uncomfortable as my back was forced to continue arching back over the rail to Maintain her fantasy of me as a beautiful young girl with my lovely breasts tied-up and ready to be sliced up like a raw juicy ham. To the point I was uncomfortable enough to play the part as the bound damsel and asked my captor…
“Sara, why are you tying me up like this?” I said in a female like voice.
She responded in evil villainess tone.
“Because my darling, I want the train to run over, bounce, and slice open your ‘large’ beautiful breasts. Your beauty has been nothing but a torque to me. If I can’t have you, then I don’t want anyone else in the town to gain hold of such a beautiful lady like you. It pains me at the thought that one day a man would be able to touch you. And for him to one day fondle your beautiful assets. Besides…, you should be grateful I tied you like this. I am sure those heavy wheels will bounce ‘harmlessly’ over your ‘large’ soft pillows.”
My head bolts back in shock as she smiled and made an evil laugh. My eyes and drooling mouth became wide open in astonishment as I felt the sincerity of her character and that I am now her busty damsel.
Smiling with the utmost pride, my villainess reaches down with her hands open, quickly grabbing and shaking my breasts playfully while giving off another sinister laugh. I give a slightly uncomfortable and blushing look over my face as I am sexually harassed; fitting the scene well as I struggled helped. Eventually my embarrassed and blushing face relaxes and I give off a low moaning pleasure from her assault. Sara smelling with glee at what she sees as her hands continue to grope my breasts and rubs her knuckles in circles around my rubbery nipples.
But that dark hidden speech deep in the back of my mind held a slight degree of actual disappointment and fear. As I thought to myself,”I think Sara is getting carried away in the act. I want her to enjoy it and feel comfortable, but this seems a bit too serious and real. I am not sure I could handle this.”
I give up my struggle and I let my head and neck hang back taking in as much of the pleasure I could. Laying in complete relaxation over the railroad track.
Seeing that she had won the battle and has complete domination over my body, Sara’s muscles relaxes and lays her body effortlessly next to mine. Casually, Sara continues to grope and play with my breasts as she came to a fruitful realization. That the reason she decided to tie me up in such position is because my bound breasts are serving as a symbol of the most beautiful parts of a damsel’s body in peril. Seeing this also allowsthe train to run over my body with the most fat and muscle. She had an inner disgust of simply dumping a female figure over the tracks like trash and tied up in a half-ass way. For a villainess like her, having the damsel’s face or neck tied over the rail seemed boring. And the thought of having the face or neck run over by the train while missing the bulk of the bountiful and beautiful body would seem like a complete waste and very unappeaaling.
“Fuck!” as Sara thought to herself, “Oh fuck I cannot believe I am doing this to Aaron. He…or she looks and feels so fucking soft. He looks like a college girl I would wanna fuck up so bad. So soft that I really want to tear up his boobs….his body so badly! Oh gosh, look at what my hands are doing. I really want that train to slice his boobs up like a pizza cutter would. I wished he had bigger boobs and bigger nipples. Mhmmmm. I feel like a child again. I wonder what it would look like for his boobs to be sliced open…? Only one wayto find out. Sara….oh Sara you could do this… This is your dream, to have the damsel finally run over by the choo choo train. You wanted this to become a reality for so long, now is my chance.”
Sara smiles at her thought and leans her head down to place her mouth over my entire left breast, sucking and pulling up against my flesh and nipples. Her hands continues to fondle my right my breasts. She sucks and fondles me for several more minutes. I moan and gasp like a little college girl having my boobs gropeed, fondled, and sucked on. Her hands pushing both of my tits together as she sucks and slurps loudly over both my boobs. Slurping loudly and hard making sure they were covered in saliva.
I look up and over briefly puzzled with my breathing hallow and chest still tingling with electric circuits as Sara stops her sexual assault and stands up. With my head bent forwards I could see her turning around with a piece of rope in hand and start to tightly tie my ankles downover the rail, but doing so in a slight spread eagle fashion. Sara pulls her T-shirt up and over my bouncing cock, letting it bounce and slide in between her authentic boobs.
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