It started out as a normal session with my mistress. I had finished my week’s job as a software engineer and driven over 50 miles from my residence and town of employment. Her emphasis in previous visits had been on her humiliating me verbally or physically and more and more questioning me of my fantasy life that I, of course, thought would forever remain as just fantasy.
I was wrong. Completely wrong.
She ordered me to strip out of my clothes, which was a normal procedure for our sessions and then she announced that I was going to be the “entertainment” at a garden party. As I was processing her words she handed me an outfit that I was to put on. It was time, she said, to put some of my fantasy life into real life, to not ask questions and just do as I was told.
I had never had an interest let alone wound women’s clothing but my “outfit” was a black, see-thru thong pantie, a black see-thru bra that was equipped with large — I would guess a D or DD size, – silicanbreasts complete with profiler rose colored nipples. She added a tight, corset like, wait cincher that gave me an instant female shape. After I donned this lingerie she placed a blond wig over my hair, had me get into a black pair of high heel “fuck me” pumps complete with ankle straps. She aided my walking around in the heels until I wasn’t teetering too badly. She remarked that they were not siletto heels as she didn’t want me to sink into the ground. Her comment only led me to be even more contused with her plans for me.
She completed the package by putting on a thick coat of whose red lipstick on my lips. She took a couple of pictures of me in this get up with her camera in spite of my being almost numb in surprise at her actions and feeling a little silly in the woman’s clothing and both nervous and excited at what might be in store.
She keep me waiting as she went into her bedroom and several minutes later emerged wearing a gorgeous long evening dress, in scarlet silk, that was long at the bottom going to her beautiful ankles but very short on the top as her gorgeous bust line was clearly defined as the strapless top just barely covered her protruding nipples. When she walked towards me it was also evident that the dress had a side-slit that went all the way up to her waist and flashed a very tantalizing view of her long and beautiful leg.
It was approaching early evening as she led me to her garage and put me in the back seat of her Mercedes, which was itself a bit difficult with my high heels. She had me sit exactly in the middle of the seat so that she would be able to keep a constant watch on me from her rear view mirror. She said no matter what occurred I would keep my arms out to my sides and not to touch or cover myself in any way. She then produced a leather blindfold which she placed over my eyes.
We backed out of the garage, she hit the button to close the garage door and proceeded out of her housing area. We made seizeral slight turns as well as several corner turns at various intersections which soon had me completely disoriented as to what direction we were traveling.
While it was getting later in the day it was not yet sundown. We proceeded to an intersection with a stop, I presumed we were at a stop sign or stop light and based on the sound of several cars, we were about to enter a major road. She exclaimed, “oh, I almost forgot”. With that she hit a button and suddenly the top of her convertible came open and settled itself into the boot and I realized I, as a blindfolded crossdresser with large boobs and see through panties, was instantly on display for any that cared to look.
I tried with my mistress to please put the top up as I was horribly exposed as well as totally humiliated. Her only comment was to be still as I was making it difficult for her to concentrate on her driving.
For the next twenty minutes or so we proceeded down several roads with many cars noticing theblindfolded and barely covered, large breasted “woman” sitting in the middle of the back seat of a convertible. The honking and several shouted insults were leaving me nearly petrified with embarrassment and yet, strangely excited as I knew I had admitted to my mistress of a fantasy desire to be exhibited.
As our drive ended we turned into what I guessed to be a circular drive and from the immediate voices I heard a valet opening the car door to let the mistress out and then came around to the other side to take my hand to aid my exiting the car. I realized I must be at a home large enough for a circular drive and expensive enough to have an evening valet aiding the parking. My mistress stopped me long enough to “refresh” my whore red lipstick. Then I was led apparently around to the side and then to the back of the house where I could hear from several conversations that many people were attending a garden party. From those conversations and then greeting us it was obvious thatI and my mistress had made quite an entrance.
The next hour was surreal with blindfolded sensing input from a situation completely out of my control and completely new to all of my experience. Always in the back of my mind was the huge question of would anyone at the party know my identity. I lived an hour’s drive away but based on the sounds it was a somewhat large gathering and with my job and travel I had met Many individuals in the last several years. I hoped my “disguise” of the female body shaping, wig, smelled on lipstick and eye mask/ blindfold would make it more difficult to recognize me. But the trepidation of being outed as a submissive exhibitionist would remain. And, as the evening wore on, there was an even bigger “outing” that would occur.
Off and on I was led around the area where various people Commented on me, some complimentary, some raunchy, some denigrating me as a pervert to allow myself to pretend to be a woman, even though, as they would remark, I did have a great set of tits. Off and on my mistress would order me to stand still while she would proceed to walk away to talk with other guests, have a glass of champione, etc. While standing by myself I would occasionally feel hands, apparently both male and female, touching me in intimate areas, and in spine of my total consternation at the situation, causing a rise in tumorscence of my cock.
Noticing this, one loud female voice called to mistress who was some distance away and asked wasn’t her subject uncomfortable with his cock being constricted by the panties? Based on the sounds and conversations I was, if not earlier, now the total object of attention by all guests. Speaking loudly enough to be heard by all, my mistress said she could remedy that and producing a set of scissors, cut the elastic bands on the sides of my panties, waited a few seconds of showmanship and then jerked the panties aside as my excited cock jumped out in front of my body. Clapping all around but some other comments along the lines of “oh, is that all the dick she has?” “Really small in the penis department isn’t she”. It was all I could do to just continue standing.
My brain was firing so many messages and emotions to me as to be almost totally overcome. My mistress then, almost whispering in my ear, reminded me that this was what I fantasized about being able to do for years and now I was actually doing it. But Then to almost sizzle my brain she then asked what was the other fantasy I had talked about. I immediately remembered and could hardly breathe I was so emotionally frazzled…
As I could never actually see what was happening around me I kept listening to conversations. There apparently were several high end real estate men and their wives or companies in attendance. I heard a few references to state senators and legislators and one national Congressman but I wasn’t sure if they were spoken of or spoken to. Among others it seemed there were two very attractivewomen in attendance that were not only not masked but were wearing only high heels, jewelry and perfume. The best guess of several people’s voices was that they were high end prostitutes/ “models” hired for the evening. They obviously were being viewed, spoken with and felt by many hands as they walked about.
Mistress then began tapping on her champione glass until she had everyone’s attention and then announced to the assembled group that the other half of the entertainment had arrived. She said a friend was bringing in a special specimen flow in for just this occasion. I heard another person being led into the assembly and brought up to being only a few feet away from me. Her words were “well, we’ve seen one cock put on display for the garden party, now let’s see the other.” She evictly produced the scissors Again, cut off the brief of the other individual and pulled it away from his body. The “ooohhhhh” the came out of everyone’s mouth indicated that he must be, to say the least, quite large. Then her words were “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet”. I caught on that I was going to be involved in that “anything”.
I was led over to what I could only describe as a vertical metal pole with a small seat attached to the front of it. The seat was not at normal sitting height be instead only about a foot off the ground. I was lowered into this chair. My arms were held back behind the pole and my wrists strapped together. Straps were produced and placed around my wait holding me in position in the chair. A spreader bar was on the ground in front of my position and my ankles and high heels were strapped about as far as my legs could go apart. Another strap was then placed around the pole and tied tightly to my forehead leaving me completely unable to move my head or torso at all.
And Then began my complete humiliation and emaculation. The “specimen” was then led up to being directly in front of me. He stepped over the spreader bar and between my open legs. My Mistress said, quite simply but certainly loud enough for all to hear, “Your mouth is at just the right height. Open up nice and wide.” And then I became a public cock-sucker.
In our previous meetings my Mistress had introduced me to sucking on several dildo’s and straw-ons and the ones she used had grown in size in various sessions. But no where near the size of the cock that came into my mouth. My mouth and my very psyche were publicly used and abused by a man’s cock that was large to begin and became absolutely huge. He must have been very experienced as he would insert himself into my mouth and throat just to where I would start to gag, back out about half way, let me recover slightly and then hunt his hips and his dick back again into my throat. As the continuous stimulation of my mouth and throat the saliva was soon rolling out of my mouth and the drool continuing to spread around my mouth and onto my significantly held body.
For what seemed an eternity Mistresswould direct his using me as her personal fluffer. She would have him stop to allow me to rest my aching jaw for a minute or two and for the audience to see the huge cock in its entirety as his became more and more engaged. It would become slightly smaller during the rest period then Mistress would direct him to slam that dick back into my mouth and for me not to forget that my mission was enforced sucking. My throat was involuntarily producing large amounts of saliva as he throat fucked me. The attendees became more and more animated in their cat calls and comments about the huge dick and the helpless but diligent cock-sucker.
Each time his cock would thrust into me with my head held firmly by the belts holding my head immovable against the pole. But as both his excitement and size mounted so did the depth in which he would push down my gagging throat, although not really needed because of my immovability his large hands came up to hold onto each side of my face to further demonstrate my helplessness and the power of his cock over me. Each time taking longer and longer before I was allowed to breathe. Time after time the cock-sucking, followed by a short rest, my just catching my breath, huge gobs of saliva falling from my mouth, unable to speak in my bewilderment and consternation at what I had allowed to be done to me. Then back to a monster dick being slammed into my mouth and throat.
Finally, the bull must have given her some signal that he was ready, the Mistress called over what had to be the two naked “models”. The bull made one more dangerous thrust down my mouth and throat, this time his pubic bone slamming against my nose, my gagging over the cock completely down my throat and mentally begging for a breath of air. Finally she had the bull jerk out of my mouth,. I had nearly failed from my gagging and lack of air, all of which my Mistress ignored. She had each woman take a hand full of his dick and, with the room left over, start to jack him off with his massive organ aimed at my face. They got a rhythm going on his dick and soon the literal climax of the evening arrived. Mistress again ordered me to open wide and then stream after stream of semen arrived on my face and into my mouth. The audience, which had kept moving closer to view everything, was both clapping and screaming their approval of a show they all enjoyed at my expense. My Mistress bent down to inspect the mess and said one command, “swallow it all”. The ladies who had assisted in making the bull cum were immediately licking up the cum that had not landed in my mouth but instead around my face. They then slowly, and to the great enjoyment of the assembled audience, would snowball the cum from their mouths onto my extended tongue. Followed each time by my mistress’s command to swallow.
A couple of minutes later the man who must have been the owner of the property asked the audience did they like the bull’s performance. Great whistles, shouts and applause.Then he asked did they like the little cock-sucker’s performance. Even louder as the mistress removed my bonds, helped me stand and, still one more evidence of my humiliation, ordered me to bow for the audience.
I was led, my fully exposed dick swinging back and forth, still staggering in my high heels, back around to the front of the mansion, the valet, who had evidently been able to watch the show, said I had been a great performer. I then realized he was speaking to my Mistress and not me. We left, this time with me in the other front seat and, as it was well after dark and growing chilly, with the convertible top back in its place over us..
As we were in her car and heading back to her dungeon, in spite of my aching and grossly abused throat, I had to ask, in a completely croaky voice, as to the possibility of my identity being exposed as I had been worrying about that for the entire evening. Mistress reached over to remove my mask and then explained that with my feminine make-up, never having been allowed to speak and having no identifying tattoos that she felt it was highly unlikely that even a close friend could have guessed my identity. Mistress also explained that during the evening and particularly during my “show” the two women prostitutes, hired to be naked for the evening, had been groped by many men and women as they became enamored with first the nudity and then the cock sucking going on in front of them.
Mistress said that for her own protection and that of the owner of the mansion and garden there had been a requirement that all attendees surrender their cell phones. But in addition there were three surreptitious surveillance HD cameras recording all of the guests and their actions. Anyone trying to use the activities for their personal gain, either politically, monetarily or just plain meaning would suddenly find that they had lost total control of their lives and livelihood. One copy of the combined videos would be kept by theproperty owner, one for Mistress and one to me for a memento of the most bizarre, humiliating, erotic and simultaneously enlightening evening of my life. I was too numb to do any more than mumble my thanks.
Back at Mistress’s dungeon she removed all my lipstick and had me shower to remove the sweat and the remaining dry cum on my face and in my hair. I put on my regular clothes, staggered to my car and somehow managed the hour’s drive back to my home. As I sank into an exhausted, dreamless sleep I realized that I had not had an orgasm the entire evening and yet felt totally sexually drained. I owe it all to Mistress for her fulfilling my most secret fansas a cross dressing, publicly exhibited and humiliated, cock-sucking, cum drinking, faggot whore.
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