It’s mid afternoon and I stand at my kitchen window watching the young man work in my garden. There are certain advantages to having a great deal of money. Indulging my hobbies is one of them. My husband is rarely home. Wife seems to be my job description. Viewed that way as much by me as my husband. Somewhere around year two, when I complained of missing him, he told me to get a some hobbies. So I did. This house, its garden, and the young men I hire to work around it. Redoing the kitchen garden is always my favorite project. Seems I have it redone every year.
He looks hot out there, sweat rolling off his bare chest. Muscles flexing as he moves the grey slate into the dumpster. He runs his hand through his hair. He has quite a reward already. I have heard he has a brilliant mind, though he seems to like to settle things with his fists. His mom thought some physical labor might help. I have another idea. I intend to find out, exactly what he is made of.
I want him alittle more uncomfortable, a little hotter, more wear, edge. I keep watching, I love the lean long shape to his body. He has a soft happy trail leading into soft jeans barely hanging on his hips. His chest is still smooth, his shoulders are broad, his waist is narrow, he still has that hollow look. He pulls the white wife beater from his back pocket and wipes the sweat from his face. Runs his hand through his hair again. I grab two glasses and pour lemonade for us.
I continue to watch him move. There is something tense, wound tight in him. He works hard, harder than most of these rich twits. These boys don’t work for their paycheck, they work to keep daddy’s credit card. The money they earn in a summer wouldn’t pay for one of their nights out. The three largest landscape firms in the area are known for the rich boys they hire. Placing them carefully, making sure even though they are working, they are making the right connections.
A piece of the rubble shifts, coming down onHis fingers. He throws his head back, swearing, stabbing his fingers into his mouth. Then he is shaking the hand flexing the fingers a grimace on his face. That’s my cue. I pick up the glasses and head out to the garden. I stop in front of the mirror in the mud room. I turned thirty four my last birthday. Anywhere, but here I would be mistaken for my early twenties. But, this is sunny southern California, nothing is what it seems.
My golden hair is pulled tightly off my face, high on my head, cascading down my back from a pony tail. From head to toe my skin is a poisoned bronze, flawless. My large blue eyes are rimmed in kohl, the lashes long and lush. The gloss on my lips gone, probably from chewing them while watching him. I quickly apply a fresh layer of forbidden red gloss. I pick up the glasses and head for the back yard.
I can feel him watching me as I make my way to the kitchen garden. He should be watching, I work hard to look like this. I spend four days a week inthe gym, two at the salon, and my husbands fortune to hang very expensive clothing on the results. I am Laurel Forested, rich bitch, trophy wife to Robert Forested, the owner, CEO, and general prick of Forested Lumber.
I hand him the lemonade, he takes the glass and downs the liquid. I take the empty glass, stepping in as close as I dare. If I took a deep breath my chest would brush against his. I hand him the lemonade I intended for myself.
“It’s starting to shape up our here. It looks like hot, tiring work. I thought you could use a break.” It’s my opening shot, let’s see how this goes. How easily can I provoke him?
“Ya, think” he kind of mumbles He can’t keep his eyes off me. I have watched them travel from my high and perky breasts to my long bare tights. From the bulge in the front of his jeans, he is already distracted. I step back, and start talking about my plans for the garden. I point to the different beds, making sure to stretch and bend giving a full viewof my body. Then I see it, a weed in the herb bed, I bend from the wait, stretch, and pluck the offending bit of green.
He snarls “Nice ass” gotcha I think to myself. I straighten, look him square in the eye, and I slap his face. I slap him hard, it snaps his head, and leaves a clear hand print on his cheek. His mouth drops open in shock, before he can recover, I grab his chin. I hold his face still and I kiss him. I kiss him hard. I nip at his lips, biting, pulling, relentlessly until they part. Our tongues tangle, then he is kissing me back. Really gotcha, I think, stopping the kiss. I slap his face again, harder if that is possible, turn on my heel and walk back into the house.
I can feel his gaze following me. I am sure I know the expression on his face. Confused, hot, horny and angry. In a word perfect. My walk to the house is slow, controlled, deliberate. I am wet, there is tension in my lower belly, excitement, anticipation. Every step moves the fabric of my bikiniAgainst my parts. It is exhaustively excruciating. Once in the house, I let my control go, I practically sprint to the kitchen. I want to watch him, need to watch him.
I gaze out the kitchen window. He is still standing exactly where I left him. His gaze is fixed where I disappeared from view. His right hand is gently caresing the still visible hand print on his cheek, his left is running over the bulge in his jeans. I see his hand tighten squeeze himself. I climb onto the counter, sitting with my feet in the sink, I watch him. His hand continues to fondle himself, I am sure he wants nothing more than to pull his cock out, and jerk it to a cum.
He stands there for a good ten minutes trying to pushle it out. My right hand is kneeing my left breast, I roll my nipple between my index finger and thumb. Tugging, I feel the liquid flowing between my legs. I unscrew the handle from the sprayer, and turn on the water. I move the stream of water so it flows over my body, as I continue playing along my skin with my right hand. My perfectly pollished red nails glint as the sunlight hits them, tracing circles playing with the water. Every inch of my skin is alive, the tension in my body building. I move the stream of water with my left hand, holding the hose at the spray connection. The moving focal point of the water and my nail tips dance. My back arches, almost begging me to worry. I flood my belly button with the spray following it with the edge of my nail just circled the rim.
I need to slow down, I want to relish this moment. I look at him, he continues to work. He stops and looks towards the house as if he can feel my eyes on him. The memory catches him, he runs his palm over over the now faded hand print. The bulge has returned to the front of his jeans. He moves his hand over his clearly uncomfortable erection. He adjust himself, runs his hand through his hair, and goes back to work.
My left hand is now working my right breast, rolling thenipple pulling twisting. My right hand trails the water, my nails play in my soft neighborly groomed triangle of public hair. My left hand is trailing my nails along my neck and over my collar bone. The young man outside is a walking hard on and I intend to harnesses that energy and direct it.
The water flows through my hair and over my smooth labia. My left hand has started across my abdomen, the gentle swirl of my nails, pushing me. My right hand moves closer the pressure of the water driving me right to the edge. My hips rock against the stainless steel edge of the sink practically becoming me to let go. I look out the window again, at first I can’t see him. Oh, he has his back to me, the waist band of his jeans sags at the top of his thighs, the band of his boxes cups the lower edge of his butt. I close my eyes, I imagine that butt, his butt peppered with my red hand prints. I plumge two fingers in. Moving them furiously, I shatter. Breaking into a million pieces floating lost. Icollapse onto the counter, panting. I am still recovering when Izzy arrives her arms loaded with groceries.
“New boy toy Laurel?” She ask raising one eyebrow and eyeing the mess I have made of her immaculate kitchen.
“Maybe, Izzy, maybe more.” I win grab my bikini and head for my room. Warren Hallay, the troubled young genius, with a troubled past. The young man who’s uncontrolled anger is unraveling him. Control, it is all about control. The dominant who has the need to control everything in their world. And the submissive who needs only to control everything within them self, abandoning all control of the world beyond. Warren Hallay needs to learn to control what is within, I will teach him.
My rooms my glorious rooms. Even after twelve years it still seems a dream. There are definitely advantages to having money. I met Robert Forested, Robb, heir to the Forested Lumber chaosy, at Harvard. He was there both on merit and on money. I was there strictly on merit.
I was born near the D. My parents were from the suburbs. We were the working class poor. I was smart, always, I was double promoted twice. I was nine years old and about to start eight grade. Then my life started to change. A school counselor suggested a therapist to help me adjust. Still, consider a rich man’s folly, there were few choices for therapists My parents took me to a highly recommended shrink, and they joined the parents group. Thank God for automobile industry insurance. The shrink was in an upscale neighborhood, my parents made influential friends.
I was soon going to a prestigious private school, on a full scholarship. That life required discipline and control. I carried a full load of AP classes, got straight A’s, did debate, belonged to the garden club, played a sport, every season, did ten hours a week at the boys and girls club, and drank a fifth of rum a day. I was there and I didn’t belong really. I was too young and too poor. I had to prove I deserved the opportunity I was being afforded. Fundraiser, yes sir, I’d love to work as a waiter. Oh, you need someone to talk about the difference a scholarship makes, yes sir. I did it, everything that was asked.
My academic record and my seven hundred and twenty SAT score, got me into Harvard on a full ride. That and the recommendation letters from every Harvard alumni with a child at the school. One Hundred and thirty in all.
Harvard broke me. I didn’t fit. I was drinking too much, by the time I reached grad school I was missing deadlines. Then I met Robb at a frat party. I don’t know exactly what happened, but I woke tied to his bed. Robb took control of my life from that moment on. And he taught me how to control all that is within me. He fell in love with me, or at least he thought he did. I fell in love with the life style I had always envied. We were married six months later. That was fifteen years ago, I still love my life style. I have never loved Robb.
I am in my showerWhen Izzy interrupts my thoughts. ” Laurel, it is 3:30 the young man’s day is over at 4:00. The landscape architect you arranged to speak will be here at 5:00 And the garden club will be here at 6:00. We will serve dinner in the gazebo at 6:45.” She starts to leave then turns back. “They delivered a rack of dress for you to choose from, we’ll go over your itinerary in the morning. I’ll have it moved to your closet.” This time she does leave, I pull on a flimsy white tee, my nipples clearly visible, and the smallest pair of shorts I own, nothing else, time to torture a young man.
I scanper down to the kitchen. He is still there still working, I smile. I head out through the mud room. His eyes widen as I walk towards him. I keep control of my smile. The bulge is back and I can see the curiosity in his eyes. Let’s see how curious this kitten really is. “It’s almost 4:00. We’re setting up for a garden event, so you can go. See you back here tomorrow?” I turn and leave before he cananswer.
I really do love my home. And when I joke that wife is a job description, it’s not really a joke. I manage our household, the corporate residences and our social life. We have almost five acres here and attend or host at least seventy social events a year. Our property all of it is designed and managed by me. You see the house and garden are the loves of my life. I went to Harvard to become an architect. I have my masters in landscape design. I am my only client. I really make dreams come true for a living, mine. But do you know how boring life can be when you are thirty four and have achieved all of your dreams. So I play. Will Warren be my next play thing?
I wake and stretch, it is just before dawn. I pull on my sweats and running shoes. I have a route through the rolling hills of our gardens. It’s a little over ten miles. It clears my head, it lightens my mood. That and the amazing food that Izzy feeds me. It keeps me off medicine. Robb will be in and out of town for the next month they are working on a land deal. Till it’s finished he’ll spend his nights in the penthouse of his offices.
Izzy and I meet for tea in the gazebo and watch the sunrise. We have started our days like this together for the last ten years. Hiring Izzy was the best thing I ever did. We will go over my schedule, the meals for the day, any business that needs to be accomplished. I need her, she is a steadying force. It’s a Tuesday there is little on the agenda, my training session, then I have a Mani/Pedi, I need to pick out dresses for five events in the next six weeks. And decide on which of several invitations to accept for the fourth of July weekend. And finally, dinner, with Robb and the board of directors over a land lease. Good, that leaves my schedule free from about ten until five. I smirk thinking about playing with Warren. How far can I push him?
I feel amazing, then again I always feel amazing after a lifting session. My trainer teas me aboutt being a beast machine. I like to lift and I lift heavy. But Izzy keeps enough calories in my diet so I am a little soft. At five feet eleven and one hundred fifty pounds I am not model thin, but my body fat is low, only eighteen percent. Just enough to have curves. I am a form junky, if I can’t do it right I have reached failure. If I can’t lift it correctly eight time for three sets it is too heavy. If I can do three sets of fifteen correctly the weight is to light. Simple. I like simple. I like rules and order. I like black and white, variations are dangerous.
I look in the mirror. I look perfect. Simple green t-shirt dress and black strappy weddings. Nothing else. Subtle makes up except for the red gloss lips. My nails once again perfect red ovals. When I enter the garden I see him. He is working on the last of the rubble. His shirt is off, he is glistening in the early light of the day. He looks up, he smiles, he is glad I am here.
In my heels I am almost six foot four,I tower over him. As I approach his eyes focus on the ground and a weak color crosses his cheeses.
“Did you like what happened yesterday?” His feet fidget, his blush is deeper but he doesn’t answer.
“Warren, look at me,” he lifts his eyes and meets my gaze. I repeat my question. “Did you like what happened yesterday?” My voice is much sterner.
He doesn’t drop His eyes but he still doesn’t answer. I slap him, it raises a red hand print on his cheek. He hasn’t moved, he hasn’t fled yet. “You will answer me when I ask you a question. Do you understand?”
Still no answer. I slap him again. “Do you understand?” He answers through clenched teeth “Yes”
“Now my first question again. Did you like what happened yesterday?” His teeth still clenched he manages a “yes” I grab his chin and kiss him. His jaw is toght his mouth closed. I can feel his expectation, he knows. He fights with himself as I tease his lips nibbling, sucking, pulling at them. As soon as he surrenders and kisses me back. I slap him. He is hard as a rock, his erection pushed up against my thigh.
“If you want me to fix that take off your boots and follow me, barefoot. Do you understand?” He is just starting at me, shocked. I slap him, grab his chin look him straight in the eyes “Do you understand?” His voice almost fails as he stammers “yes”
I turn and head down the path towards the gazebo. It is not long before I hear the soft tread of bare feet behind me. He slows as he nears me. I can feel the nervousness radiating off of him. I reach the gazebo, and stop near the center. When I turn around he has entered the gazebo his eyes are once again cast down on his feet. He is a natural at this. He stops in front of me without lifting his eyes. I wait a moment.
“Warren, look at me.” He lifts his eyes to meet mine. ” Do you want me to tell you what I am going to do to you? Or would you rather just follow directions?” He doesn’t answer right away but I can see he is trying to decide. Finally, he answers “I’ll follow directions.”
“Good, remove the rest of your clothes.” I smile, step back, lean against a support post and watch. He seems shy, almost timing. Not at all what I expected. He unbuttons his fly, slowly, dropping his pants. He starts to turn away. “Warren, I want to look at you.” He turns back and slides his boxer briefs over his hips freeing his erection. His cock is beautiful, it arcs out slightly from his body, it is pink at the base, the head is deep dusky rose, there is a small white pearl leaking from the tip. I want to taste him but restraint is in order and I have learned plenty of self control.
“Warren, I want you to knee on that black line.” He lowers himself to the floor, his hand rest naturally on his knees, his eyes are cast down. Perfect. I untie the rope from the pole I am leaning against. I lower the bar to just above his head.
“Warren, grab the bar above your head.” He looks up, reachings up and grabs the bar.I pull the rope raising the bar. It pulls him up, he moves gracefully to his feet, stretching his body out. He is balancing on the balls of his feet. I stop just before he would be truly uncomfortable.
“Warren, we are going to practice self control. You are going to hang on to that bar. I am going to perform oral sex on you. You are not to cum until I tell you to. If you cannot control yourself I will punish you. And then we will start over. Do you understand?” This time he answers quickly “Yes”
I walk slowly towards him. I pull up the hem of my skirt as I move forward. His erection is flexing, bobbing, this is going to be easy. I slowly reveal my entire body. His breath is slightly ragged. I kneel in front of him. I run the tip of my tongue along the length of his shake, swirl it around the head capturing the ninely white liquid leaking from the tip. I hear his swift intake of breath, I look up never releasing him. His eyes are round, his face registers shock.
“Warren, has anyone ever done this to you before?” He buries his head in his arm but he doesn’t release the bar. I can barely hear his answer “no” I am so thankful for Robb’s training, my face does not betray me. It is my turn to be shocked. “Okay, you are really not prepared for what I am asking of you. Relax, just let me do this. Do not try to control anything. I will not punish you After this. I promise. This is just for you. Watch what I am doing to you. Enjoy the view.”
I resume what I started. I am going to make this time fun. I cup his balls cradling them in my hand, gently tracing over the soft skin with a single red nail. Cradling him, I start with my tongue at the base again. I repeat the exact same, motion. I run the tip of my tongue up these entire length of his shaft circulation the head and capturing the tip, instead of holding him there, I suck him in, pumping his entire length into me. I slowly pull back releasing him. His face is once again buried in his arm. He is moaning. I lavish the same torturous delight twice more. Then I fall in to a steady rhythm, sucking him in deep, swirling my tongue as I pull back. His hips are jerking he is losing control. I let his motions set the pace, finally he is simply fucking my mouth. The whole thing takes less then two minutes. I feel him pass the point of no return, I capture just the head against my tongue swallowing, milking it. As it slows I draw more and more of him in. He is shuttering and jerking. I have shattered him, driven him beyond all control. I let his soft cock slide from between my lips.
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