Droplets of water race down the window pane as I bet on which one will reach the bottom first. The mood outside is ominous and dark as hell during one of those summer thunderstorms that always seem to come and go in a hurry. The sound of rain patterning against the roof reminds me of you and I press my fingers against the glass trying to conjure up your image with some sort of magic, to see you again like I did that day. Lightning streaks across the sky, chased by a crash of thunder that rips through the house so loudly I’m started from my reverie. It wasn’t like this that day. That was a gentle rain.
The clouds hadn’t even whispered of precipitation yet when you walked up my steps and knocked on the door. Even your knock was polite, tenative. I answered the door in a simple black dress that stretched over my curves and pushed up my breasts, offering up what was off-limits to you. A very special key hung down between them on a silver chain. My long auburn hair was left to flow in tousled waves down my back and I finished it off with a classic red lipstick. I could tell you appreciated the view by the glance that flicked up and down my body before you cast your eyes down to the floor. Carefully you took off your hat and boots and set them where I’d instructed you the first time you’d come to submit to me. They were western style like your shirt and blue jeans. Marks of the cowboy culture you grew up in. It hurt to know that you hated this part of yourself you shared with me in private. That even though well educated, you thought yourself to be less of a man and a pervert, maybe you even thought I was one too. I always hoped that when you took off your hat you’d let all that macho bullshit go with it, but this was the fifth time you’d visited me and I could see that you were still struggling with yourself.
Although your head was bowed like the true submissive you are, you stood with fists clnched and your lips pressed together in a line, closed off behind your brick wall. I felt the corners of my mouth turn up in an evil smile. I’d be opening you up and reading you like a book after what I had planned today. This was going to be fun.
“Come on pet,” I nodded my head towards the living room, using the name I’d given you to set the tone. You followed my command obediently and scampered into the living room after me. I told you to stand in the middle of the room as I relaxed on the couch, watching you.
“Strip and knee for inspection.” You knew the drill by this time and quickly removed your clothes, piling them neatly on an armchair and got into a kneeing position with your knees spread wide apart, displaying your arousal and disappoint locked in a metal chatity cage between your legs. I had to admit as I got up and walked around you that entering into your mid-thirties you were a handsome male specimen, with a full head of dark hair and big brown puppy dog eyes. A five o’clock shadow had just started to grow in, whichmade you look a little more rugged and a patch of dark chest hair to match trailed down your belly into your groin. I made a mental note that your posture was finally improving to my liking now that you were sitting up straight very nicely today with your fingers lacened behind your head. I giggled internally at the fingerprintnails which I’d had you paint black this morning, not to feminize you. I liked you looking stereotypically masculine. It’s gratifying to see the picture of male virility squirm and whimper and give themselves over completely to a dominant woman. But the nail poison was a reminder of what lay under that macho façade. I liked to have you decorated like that. It looked cute. Plus, it embarrassed you to no end, which I’m sure we both ultimately enjoyed.
I let you wait for a moment and then paced slowly around you a few times looking for corrections to be made and letting you sweat a little. Finally, I stopped in front of you and leaned down, giving an easy view down my cleavage, tapping gently on the cage gripping your cock and balls so painfully, now that it was growing and leaking out pre-cum.
“Aawww is my sweet pet getting all excited?”
“Yes ma’am,” you murmured. There was a slight trembling running though your body which could be attributed to nervouss or excitement or both.
“I bet that cage hasn’t been very much fun this week. Did you learn your lesson after what happened last week?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Who does this cock belong to?” I asked and pulled on your cage, stretching your already aching member, pulling it closer to myself.
“It’s yours Ma’am,” you groaned. I saw you wince but you held your position.
“That’s right. It belongs to me and so does all of your pleasure and all of that cum rolling around in your balls right now. So, are you going to ask permission to cum for me?”
“Yes Ma’am,” you whimpered through gritted teeth.
“I don’t know if I believe you. I think you might like wearing thatcage a little too much.”
“Please mistress, promise I’ll be good for you. I will ask. I’ll be good.” You were blushing already and stumbling over those words. Apparently you were desperate enough to beg without being prompted. You’d admitted to me during our last session in a heated moment begging wasn’t something that came easily to you but it made you incredibly aroused. Adorable.
“Good boy,” I crooned and dropped the metal cage which retired back immediately in relief. I petted your thick soft, dark hair like I might do to soothe a scared puppy, which wasn’t that far off from what you were then, my pet.
You closed your eyes and relaxed ever so slightly into my hand.
Enough of that. It was time to get you properly warmed up. I pulled my hand away and brought out your collar and cuffs. I hadn’t collared you officially yet, but it was incredibly erotic to see you with the thick metal locked around your wrists, ankles and neck. Each was a simple but thck stainless-steel number with an O-ring attached. After you were all dressed up to my liking I ordered you to bend over a very special ottoman in the living room which had cast iron legs, perfect for locking your wrists and ankles down and keeping you immobilized. A towel was placed under your hips to raise them up slightly and a chain underneath your chin attached to the ottoman so that you couldn’t raising your head up.
“You’re looking very slutty, face down, ass up like that pet,” I whispered into your ear, caressing my hands over your pale, smooth cheeks. Your head diplomad down as your face turned red, I couldn’t help but let out a low chuckle at your evidence humiliation. There was one more thing to do before we really got started. I pulled the key for your chatity cage from around my neck and unlocked you, slowly wriggling your sad, tortured dick out of its prison. What had been trying (painfully) to get hard since you arrived sprang to attention. I ran my sharp fingernails gentirely down the underside and was rewarded with a gasping shudder from you.
“We’re going to start with the flogger today,” I called out. I walked around to your head and grabbed a handful of that beautiful dark hair, pulling back as far as the chain attached to your collar would allow.
“Kiss it,” I ordered. You pressed your full lips to the handle and I had an evil idea.
“Lick it.” As you stuck that long, slick tongue out, I pressed the end of the handle into your mouth which you promptly tried to bite down on.
“Open, stick out your tongue,” I demanded, “This hole belongs to me too.” You compiled and I pushed the leather handle in and out a few times until I heard a gagging noise and I saw your eyes tear up. It made me think of another object that I’d Eventually be making you gag on, but that was for a later date.
“Good boy.” I walked around to your backside again looking so vulnerable and unspoiled. Dragging the soft leather tendrils from the back of yourneck all the way down your back until it ticked across your balls, making you sight in pleasure. I did this a few times until the first hit thwacked across your skin. A steady rhythm formed until the only sounds were the crack of the flogger on your back and the rattling of metal against metal as you understood in pleasure/pain. The once unblemished canvas was now a bright pink with errant welts here and There.
Eventually I noticed that you were slowly pressing your hard cock into the towel, trying to get some stimulation. I took this opportunity to gently take your shake into one hand and squeeze lightly. I heard you groan low in your throat. The whipping had made you incredibly needy and it was the perfect time to use my other hand to run a lubed finger around the tight ring between your cheeks. You tensed up. This was the worst of the worst for the macho part of your subconscious. A violation in itself and a violation that you didn’t want to admit you enjoyed. I had done this thePrevious two times you were here and each time I went slowly, teasing your cock and rimming a slick finger around your hole until you loosened up and I was able to slip a finger or two inside. I had to make sure you were well stretched out and lubed before I went ahead with what I had planned for today. You weren’t allowed to cum just yet but you did make some entertaining noises while I pressed down on the sensitive bundle of nerves deep inside you and softly stroked your twitching, desperate shake.
“Oh, does my pet want to cum?”
“Yes ma’am. Please may I cum for you?” you asked hopefully.
“No, pet,” I giggled, “don’t even think about it. I don’t know if I’ll let you cum today.”
You while and continued to wriggle in your bonds. Next time I looked over at your face your eyes had glazed over and you were breathing deeply, mouth slightly open, staring at a point on the far wall. You might as well not have existed on this planet anymore you had sunken so deep inside yourself. I had thought I would have to use the cane on you as well to bring you to that state of euphoria but I could see you were ready now.
Speaking to you in a soft voice I removed the offending fingers from your insides and asked if you were ready to continue. You said “green”, which means good to go so I carefully unlocked each cuff one by one along with the collar from the metal frame and ordered you to knee. I went to the kitchen and when I came back with a glass of water I found you still kneeing and rousing a bit, keeping your hands off your cock and on the back of your head like a good boy. After making sure you drank the water, I quizzed you on your safe word and what to do to if you weren’t able to give it verbally. Luckily for you, you passed the quiz with flying colors.
It was time. You were looking a little more concerned than usual since this was the point where we usually ended with some sort of sexual release, but not today. Today this was only the warm up. I had you moved your hands for a moment so I could tie a soft blindfold around your eyes. The thick black fabric cut out any light leaving you in darkness. Next a black o-ring gag covered in soft silicane was firmly wedged behind your teeth, holding your mouth open. I saw you shifting your weight a bit on your knees, getting anxious wondering what I would do to you next. Being blind and mute was a delicious mindfuck. A mischievous smile crept up the corners of my mouth.
“Stop fidgeting pet,” I said and gave your balls an encouraging nudge. That stopped the fidgeting but I noticed that you were still more than half erect. After a week trapped in the chatity cage somebody was very happy indeed to be out roaming around. We’ll see if it keeps up in a few I hooked a chain to the collar as a makeshift leash and ordered you up onto your feet, walking towards the door with you following unsteadily behind me, cock bobbing up and down as you walked. I thought briefly about all the fun ways I could use that swinging meat between your legs or maybe your helpless mouth and tongue. I shook my head to clear those thoughts out, this was going to be worth it. There was a little more resistance on the leash as you heard the patio door open and felt the breeze on your skin.
“Come on pet. Don’t keep me waiting unless you want a punishment.”
You were nervous to be outside even though there was no possible way anyone could see you. The house was situationd so far out into the country you could barely find the place. It was surrounded by trees and a large privacy fence. We were alone. I walked you down the concrete path to the square surrounded by green gardens for our activity.
A low concrete slab usually used for a table was setup for a different purpose. In the middle was a large, sturdy metal pole lined with rings and sitting atop a round metal dome. I had to work quickly to get everything just right as dark clouds had moved in fast, threAtening rain. I cursed them for making me rush this but decided to go ahead anyways. Unhooking your hands for a moment I helped you up onto the concrete table and over to the pole, clipping your hands behind the metal shake and trapping you for now. Quickly I produced the three leather belts that would secure your arms together behind you with the metal pole between your shoulder blades and buckled them tightly Behind your back, moving quickly. Finally, I helped you to get up onto the metal dome, resting on your knees and frog tied your ankles to your thighs. Using belts instead of ropes helped the process go faster. However I did use one rope around your waist attached to the pole as well, not to hold you up but to make sure you didn’t slide off anywhere you shouldn’t be sliding to. Now that you were restrained I could use a very special attachment that jutted out vertically from the pole.
It was a shake made up of soft silica balls that gradually increased in size from one endto the other of which I lubed up and inserted only the very first few inside of you, causing you to inhale sharply and moan. They slide in fairly easy since I had grossed you and opened you up already but the farther down the shake you went the larger the balls became. You were at the highest point of the dome now with all your weight resting on your knees. This could not last very long as you would slip down the surface of the dome, not to mention the pain in your knees would eventually become unbearable. But not to worry, there was a way you could save the pressure on your knees. You would just have to let go. Let yourself slip off the dome and when you did you would fall farther onto the shake being penetrated until finally you reached the bottom and your knees would rest on a soft silicon mat.
I explained this to You very carefully, letting you know what would be happening to you and then like always I gave you a real way out of this prediction. In this case it was a redbouncy ball, the kind you get out of a gumball machine. I put it into your hands for you to hold onto and drop if you needed to safeword.
“I’m going to have fun watching you now, pet. You know what this ball I put in your hands is for. I decided how long you’ll be here but if there is an emergency or you feel you can’t go on, you need to drop it. Nod if you understand.”
I saw your head nod up and down slightly and walked away to go sit down on the bench to watch you struggle. Everything was secured and now it was up to you how far this would go. Of course I had to remind you of your place but ultimately it was your choice. The only thing holding you here was your desire to please me and be rewarded with my approval. It had only been a couple seconds of watching you get adjusted and pull against the ropes when the rain started. It was a light patterning that dappled the concrete and fell gently with no breeze to drive it. It started you and I watched you twitch in your bondsand then calm when you realized it was rain falling on you. As it started to come down harder the metal you were resting on became even more slippery. There was nowhere to go except down, but god knows you weren’t going to let that happen without a fight. Your body was sharpid as you strained to stay upright and not slip. I had started to regret my decision to do this today despite the rain when the moment changed. It was a subtle shift in the air. The sky darkened a bit, casting an eerie grey light over the world and turning the grass and leavings surrounding the patio an exotic shade of green. Your skin took on a pale, glowing sheen that contrasted against the stark black of the belts holding you tightly. The dark hair on your head and body were stark as the rain wetted it and it became slicked to you, rivulets of water driving down Your chest and legs. The blindfold blocked out everything and the o-ring gag held your mouth open wide. Drool fell from your lips now and mingled with the rainwater as you concentrated on your prediction.
I didn’t notice the water soaking my clothes as it sluiced down. Frankly, I wouldn’t have noticed if a herd of elephants ran by, I was so transfixed by you. The way your chest rose and fell as you strained against the belts and gravity pulling you down. I forget to breathe for a few moments as you started to slip, even with the gag and the blindfold I could see on your face you were anxious, not knowing how far up you were exactly and how much bigger the shake was going to get inside you. In reality it was only about 6 inches total and the silica attachment was small. You were still fairly inexperienced being penetrated and I didn’t want to harm you. But you didn’t know that. I watched carefully to see that you hadn’t dropped the red ball. It remained clutched in your grip like a prayer.
A deep groan came out of your mouth as the final and widest bulb popped inside of you and your sphincter muscle closed around it, a sight of relieve as your knees rested on the soft mat below, realizing it was done. You looked so gorgeous in that moment, helpless with your arms behind your back, yet strong like a living status. Though you were serving me I felt an adoration towards you for giving me the gift of your submission. I could have sat there watching you for much longer with the water dripping down your naked chest but the temperature had started to drop and it was time to end this.
I walked over to you quietly and placed my hand against your chest, starting you, making the shake pull on your insides. My hands were warm from being in my pockets and I ran that warmth down your body, stopping to cup your balls. You lost it and groaned when I sucked each hardened nipple into my mouth and licked water from your chest.
I held you close to my warm body, gripping your hardening cock and whispered into your ear.
“My pet is so excited he must love that big thing shoved up his tight little asshole.”
All you could do was whimper as I teased my warm hands all over your body.
“You’ve done very well today and pleased me. I want you to cum for me,” I said and sucked the entire length of your cold length into my hot, slippery mouth, making you shudder. I pulled off of you just as quickly.
“However, I am enjoying watching you. If you can stay up here for ten more minutes I’ll let you cum right now, if not, we can stop everything and I’ll let you come down but no cumming. Nod yes or no.”
I could see you debating whether you’d be able to stay up here another ten minutes with the cold and the strain on your knees. I grinned as you slowly nodded your head up and down. Pulling off the blindfold so you could watch I bobbed my head up and down your hard member and massed your balls. Judging from how tight they were it wouldn’t taking long for you to finish. It turned me on to no end watching you struggle to keep yourself still while I worked you. Any movement pulled on thethick shake impaling you so all you could do was hold yourself still, letting out pathetic moans and whimpers through the gag, completely at my mercy. As I felt you twitch deep down in your balls, I pulled my mouth away and began to squeeze with both hands, milking the thick white seed spinling out of you. Sucking in a huge breath, you came silently, choking on the ecstasy until you Couldn’t take anymore and I let go.
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