This is my first post on here, kinda nervous but I know I have to start somewhere! Please please let know what you think. I will continue to work on my writing skills however if I get good feedback, I will continue this storing. I really hope you guys enjoy it. More Enjoy!
The young woman followed tenatively behind the two muscle men, clamping down on her tongue the pain kept her mind off of how much her legs were shaking. She was grateful neither of them could see just how truly freaked out she was about all of this. Why did her boyfriend have to be so stupid and gamble with these men? Now she had to pay the consequences for his idiocy.
Her eyes flicked up to look at the men who now escorted her to her new life. The larger one wore some kind of black military uniform, he looked like one of the big buff action heroes she had seen so many times in the military action movies her boyfriend loved to watch. Probably some ex special forces dude or something like that. The slightly smaller yet still intimidating man, Mr. Jacobs, had introduced the uniformed man as Michael, the head of Mr. Jacobs private security. The dudes biceps were almost thicker than her thighs, he looked like a Greek demigod that she remembered seeing a drawing of once, big and muscle yet looked like he could outrun a freight train.
Then there was Mr. Jacobs, he was Not as large as Michael but just as intimidating. Mister Jacobs black hair and defined jawline gave him that dark and divorced appearance that probably caused many young women to shiver. He was confident and held himself like a man who owned the world, who is she kidding, he practically did. Mr. Jacobs was a multi billionaire, she’d seen his face on TV multiple times, driving down into Hollywood in a bright red Ferrari, model on each arm. She rarely remembered something about hearing he had committed a felon or something like that but he got out of the charges scott-free and nothing ever stuck. He probably paid off the judge, hell he probably owned the entire damn legal system. And now here she was, stuck in debt to this man because of her stupid ass boyfriend getting in deep with this guy’s security guards.
The young woman scratched her neck, slipping my finger between her slender neck and the steel collar that now was part of her permanent appearance probably. It was going to take her a while to get used to the cold metal around her throat. At least that was the most non-intrusive part . . . “processing” as they called it. Her should still hurt from the injection they gave her, she was told by the woman with the needle that it would probably hurt for quite some time, biochips had become quite the revolution, but injecting them was still quite painful.
The girl felt like she was going to jump out of her skin when mr. Jacobs booming voice caught her attention as he turned around, right at the double doors at the end of the hallway they had just come down. “Welcome Amanda! I think you will quiet like it here, I know I know,” Jacobs waved his hand casually, “it all seems very intimidating at first, especially with the permanent jewelry.”
‘Permanent jewelry? It’s a fucking collar!’ Amanda thought to herself, forcing herself not to scream and try to run away, knowing the collar was some kind of shock collar or something. Jacobs voice caught her attention once More, “but I promise you, if you do what you’re told and do a good job, you will be well taken care of. You’ve probably never had health benefits like the ones that you have now, we have a private clinic, luxury gym and even a spa. We always want you to look your best and remain fit!” The fake flashy a smile might have charmed the cameras and CEO’s, but right now it sent a shudder down Amanda’s back.
“Just do your job well sweetheart and we will take care of you.” With that, Mr. Jacobs pushed through the double doors, Michael waited till Amanda stepped through and took up the rear. They stood in a room the size of a gymnasium , but this was no high school gym. Clean black floor, high-rise ceilings, large glass windows and pristine White Walls, this place was immaculate. Amanda couldn’t help but look around for a moment as she looked about. This looked like some kind of lobby area or common room like she had seen at her old University. In the far right corner, there was a food court area, what looked to be a buffet table filled with fruit and vegetables along with delicacies she’d never even seen before except on TV. There were several tables where one could eat. A little closer to her, there was a locke area with white couches and cushioned locke chairs. Off to the left was a large glass wall that started from the floor and went all the way up to the ceiling. There was a set of automated glass doors that would slide open, but that’s not what got her attention.
On the other side of the glass wall, was a gym that only money could buy. She didn’t understand what all the equipment was but she knew enough to know that the strongest bodybuilders in the world would probably be jealous of a gym like this. Inside not just the gym but the entire complex, there were several men, all muscle, all of them prime specimens of the male species, all of them wearing a collar similar to Amanda’s. Several of them looked like they could contest with Michael, others were smaller, leaner and more athletic but Just as formidable. The amount of testosterone in masculinity in the room was overwhelming, not even the normal looking people in some kind of uniformed black t-shirts and grey sweatpants could say the feeling that one had walked into a teenage girls fantasy sex dream. The people in the Black shirts and sweatpants seemed to be some kind of personal trainers or doctors of the sort. All of them carrying tablets and could be seen either coaching the athletic gods or checking their vitals.
Along the far wall, up at least thirty feet was a large observation area that protruded slightly into the facility. It was a large room that ran the length of the entire gymnasium the floor came out several feet, overhanging the room below and the floor is out protruded out was made of glass along with the long glass pane window that ran the length of the observation room and made a distinct barrier between the people below and the people above. Amanda noticed several people up there, someone’s wine glasses drinking casually as they watched the men workout, others watching big screen monitors that she could barely see and appeared to be on the opposite wall inside the room. The most notable thing about that observation room however was the tall, sexy foreign woman standing in a deep purple blouse and grey dress pants. The woman was casually sipping a glass of wine, staring right at Amanda and watching her intently.
“Welcome to Ludus Magnus!” Mr Jacobs voice taught Amanda’s attention and brought her Focus back to the man in front of her. “Named after one of the historical Gladiator schools in Rome, this is where the magic happens. We train our boys here, taking care of their every need, making sure they are in tip top shape. All my fighters are the best at what they do, which is making me money.” Mr. Jacobs didn’t even both to look at Amanda, walking through the large room. Amanda had heard rumors of this, the rich growing bored with regular Sports such as football, boxing or other things and had heard of this, where men would fight to the death or at least sliced up pretty bad. But she always thought it was just talks of online conspiracy theorists. Mr. Jacob’s went on to explain that after the groundbreaking discovery the pharmaceutical companies found on how to recreate cellular regeneration, the sport of fighting gladiators with deadly weapons and challenges made a thriving come back. Mr. Jacobs had access to this cellular regeneration program and used it to keep his men in good shape. That means more blood, a man could receive several stall wounds, have an arm partially cut and a massive laceration down his leg which would usually put a man out of commission for a year or more, but with the cellular regeneration, the longest that they would be in recovery was three days and that was for the more brutal injuries.
Mr. Jacobs spoke about how many of his Gladiators had spons who owned them but kept them here for training and to make sure they were properly cared for. Even several of the Fortune 500 companies had sponsored gladiators. Jacob’s lead the young woman to another set of doors, “and here’s the living quarters, this is where you will do most of your work.” Walking inside, there was a very wide hallway that was at least 100 feet long, it looks like it connected with another hallway at the other end. On either side, doors lined the smoke glass walls. Mr. Jacobs explained that each of his gladiators had their own room and bathroom, showing Amanda an empty one she noticed thatThey were actually quite exhaust and very nice, again noting the pristine cleanliness of everything.
“So my boys here are always either getting ready for a fight or cooling off from one. It is extremely cruel that they are on the top of their game when they enter a fight, these aren’t scripted MMA fights. One false move and they go six feet under the ground and a lot of money in someone else’s pocket, that puts a lot of tension and stress on them. I need someone to sooth them and keep them . . . satisfied.” There was a smug expression in Mr. Jacob’s eyes as the word oozed out of his mouth. A shiver ran through the young girl’s spine, her job already sinking in. “Have you ever heard about how the Spanishards keep the fighting bulls in a state of ease? They use a calming goat. That’s essentially what you will be, a calming goat.” With a tightening throat, Amanda tried to swallow what was happening here to her for a few minutes as she remained still.
Opening another door, Mr. Jacobs leads the enourage up a staircase to the second floor. “And this level is where I keep my prized Fighters, Best of the Best got these boys are the most elite.” Stopping, the multi millionaire entrepreneur turned on his heel and finally looked straight at Amanda. “You’re going to take care of my Elite Fighter’s, the Championships of Ludus Magnus, intimate needs. You are going to get them stirred up and sexually frustrated before a fight so that they full of testosterone when they enter the Arena. Whenever any of my fighters win, hard fight or something else of high standing, they get rewarded. You’re going to make sure they get that reward. It’s an important task to maintaining a calm environment.”
Amanda’s eyes widened as she looked up at Mr. Jacobs, “wh-what do y-you mean frustrate them and reward them?” she already knew what he was talking about, she wished she could melt into a puddle escape the billionaire’s menuing gaze.
“You know what I damn well mean,” Jacobsfirm tone responded back firmly, “You’re going to tease my fighters before a fight, get their blood rushing and when they get back, you will fuck them, make them feel good and let them take out their aggression on you. You will have full access to the cellular regeneration program in case you ever get hurt and lucky for you it eliminates anything hostile to the body so you won’t be having to worry about STDs. A trainer will make sure that your body stays fit and pleasure in form to my men. The biochip placed inside of you earlier monitors your body at all times, but it serves another purpose. Your collar and biochip have been synchronized and the biochip by now has integrated itself into your nervous system. The joys of being rich, the toys I can get to use on whomever I please.” Jacobs chuckled before growing serious, the anger that’s always hidden so well making a more formal introduction onto his face. “I can cause you the most extreme pain you have ever felt your entire life withoutut truly hurting your body. Your body will be safe, but it will feel like it’s on fire. You cross me or trying to escape, you will fucking regret it. Am I understand?” Jacobs grew again, glaring at the young woman who nodded before squeaking out.
“Yes sir.”
Jacob’s charm immediately switched back on just as quickly as it had disappeared then he gave Amanda a warm smile before clapping his hands together. “Excellent!” Before any more could be said, Michael put a hand up to his earpiece and listened for a moment before speaking. “Mr. Jacobs, Congressman Jenkins is on the line to discuss the details of the fight for his retirement party. Also I was instructed to inform you that Vincent from VinCo has just arrived and is waiting for you in your office.” Nodding, Jacobs placed a hand on Amanda’s should blades, he guided her over towards one of the doors before swimming a key card that caused the door to slide back, showing a very intimidating, very muscular man sitting on abed. “This is Mars, the God of War, he just got back from a private fight in Cuba, he fought and killed four men. His fight put a huge deal into progress for me, so I owe him a lot. Make sure he knows just how pleased I am with his performance.” with that, Amanda was gently pushed into the room. The last thing Amanda saw before the doors closed behind her was Mr.Jacobs wink and smile at her.
Listening to the receiving footsteps in the hallway, Amanda looked at the door for a moment, not seeing any way to open it. Her heart pounded like a racehorse in her chest, was this really to be her life? Was she really going to be a play toy for all these men, to be used like a five dollar whore? What the hell had she gotten into?
“Girl, come here . . ” Mars voice rumbled through the air, causing Amanda’s mouth to dry and her throat to clnch as she slowly turned towards the imposing man while trying to calm her quivering body. With each step, her shattered life vanished like dust inthe wind, slowly accepting the reality of her new life. Obeying Mars as he told her to knee, she sunk to her knees before looking up into the face of her future.
Mar’s rough hand lifted Amanda’s jaw so he could look upon her. With large green eyes framed by straight brunette hair that stopped at the middle of her shoulder blades and an angular jawline, Amanda had quite the stunning appearance. Standing at five foot seven, Amanda had always taken pride in her appearance. Slender, hourglass figure, a flat stomach with muscle definition. The young girl’s body always stayed fairly fit due to her password as a runner. “You’re a pretty little slut,” Mars rumbled quietly.
With a grunt of approval after his assessment, Mars pulled the girl’s face against his crotch pressing her head firmly against him. Amanda’s gasp was muffled as she brought up her hands defensively and pressed against the muscle thighs in front of her as she struggled against this gladiator.
“A feisty one aren’t you? Good, I love a good fight.” Mars voice began to rumble with a husky quality as the struggle continued. “You even think of biting me and you will wake up in recovery three days later.” With that, Mars slipped his half hardened shake out of his athletic boxers and slide his leg forward till his shin was rubbing against the young woman’s crotch.
Amanda let out a gasp at the pressure, the man’s musky scent filling her nostrils as she gazed at the semi hard cock next to her. Being pushed towards the base of his cock, she shook her head.
“No, please,” the fear and uncertainty caused Amanda’s voice to quiver slightly even as she tried to sound calm. Before any could be said however, she was pushed up against the side of this 8 thick inch cock. Amanda’s face was now naturally nuzzled into the crevice of Mar’s leg and crotch.
“Slide your tongue out and lick the base. My balls could use your mouth as well.” Mars firm hand kept a steady resistance on Amanda so she could not pull away. With a very soft, choked sob, she found herself complying. Her soft tongue snaked out and began to lick the very base of Mars cock. A deep groan most pleasure echoed against the walls. It didn’t take long before she had him hard and after Mars guided one of her hands to his cock, her soft fingers began to slide over the hot, hard surface of his cock.
“Mmm, ahh . . ” the burly gladiator was clearly enjoying himself as he tilted his head back, his own collar gleaming in the room’s lighting. “Good girl. Don’t forget my balls,” he ordered quietly. Amanda finally lowered herself onto her heels as she scooted forward slightly, getting in between Mars legs where she had full access to the large sack that hung between his legs. Having had some experience, Amanda gently nipped at the man’s scrotum with her teeth in playful bites before sliding her tongue across it. She watched as her efforts were rewarded with moans and feeling the thick muscles ten beneath herhands.
“Now your getting into it,” Mars remarked with a chuckle as his eyesilds slide shut.
Getting into it was the last thing on Amanda’s mind, she just became a play toy, somebody sex slave. How the hell was she supposed to get into it? However, it was pretty easy for her to figure out what was going on here. If she did a poor job, she would get paid. Her best chance of getting out of here was doing the absolute best she could, getting everyone to lower their guard while she worked on finding a way to leave this place. There was an angry knot where her stomach should have been, it was everything she could do just to hold back the tears. All she could do was Pretend This was her boyfriend and push through these feelings.
A husky, sensitive moan left Amanda’s mouth, vibrating Mars balls that she now sucked on. This caused the shake in her hand to leap excitedly as Mars’s voice added to the symphony of pleasure building in his room.
Even though Amanda was scared and feeling completely humiliated, she couldn’t help the pleasure she felt when rewarded with Mars’s reactions. Seeing and feeling how she affected him was pure pleasure that slowly started to number her original feelings about her new situation.
Turning her attention to Mars’s cock, she slip her tongue around the edge of his mushroomed head. Her teeth lightly grazing the underside of the cock where it was most sensitive. The gladiator’s muscles quivered with pleasure and excitement. Amanda was doing everything she could to tease him and bring him close to the edge. By the time she finally went down on his cock, Mars was losing himself to the pleasure.
Amanda slurped loudly on his cock, her thoughts temporarily relieved of her current situation as she concentrated fully upon the task in front of her. A few minutes later, Mars grew from deep inside his throat as he took a step back and looked at her. “Get up,” his deep voice reverberated quietly. Wide-eyed, Amanda lookedup into the narrow slices of Mars’s eyes that now had a primary look to them. She quickly had a primary look to them. She quickly complied, uncertain of what was happening. Meanwhile, Mars was right on the edge, this woman was teasing and toying with him it felt. As Amanda stood up, Mars could barely contain himself. Gripping her firmly in his hands, he spun her around before pushing her back down against the bed. She let out a gasp, surprised to see this man turn primary so quickly.
Spreading her legs for him to keep from being thrown about, Amanda could already feel the heat coming off of the cock that was now directly behind her. Mars pushed forcedly on the small of her back until she relented and arched for him as she lowered her chest onto the bed. Gripping her with one hand, Mars guided the head of his shake, still covered in Amanda slobber against her. Amanda huffed loudly as she blinked in shock, never had she seen such primary password from what she considered an alpha male like this and it left her slightly stunned. Pushing inside of her with a deep growl, Mars grabbed both of her hips before slamming his pelvis against her, burying his cock deep inside of her. The room filled with gasps and moans as both recovered from the sudden insertion. But it didn’t take long before Mars was pounding deep and hard inside his new toy.
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