The Game Ch. 07

Part 7 – Turning

Michelle lay there trembling, considering his words. She could end the game…end the pain…and…end the brutal pleasure that only he was capable of giving. She could end the game…and end the humiliation…and…end the terrible thrill of his appetites. Or she could see it through to the end…and end the punishment…and feel secure and loved in his power. “I want more,” she whispered quietly.


Michelle stared into the mirror, looking not at herself, but at her husband’s reflection. She ignored the petite woman behind her, lacing her tightly into the black leatherette corset. She only watched Marks eyes, staring into hers. “Your lady is ready,” Constance said, stepping aside. Before Michelle could turn to face him, her husband was behind her, moving his arms under hers, reaching up to cup her exposed breasts.

“You are sooo beautiful,” he said kissing her neck and shoulders. Michelle felt his tongue, tasting her honey-vanilla sweetened skin.

“I thought you didn’t like lingerie?” Michelle asked.

“You like it, don’t you,” Mark said, gently massaging her nipples. “It makes you feel beautiful, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah…I guess so,” Michelle admitted reluctantly. She did like the way she looked. The finely made under bus garment pushed up and lifted her breasts provocatively. It closed on the front and sides with silver buckles on leatherette straps, and lacened in the back with a heavy black cotton cord. The front ended in a short skirt that covered her mound and the front of her thighs. The back started below her should blades and ended at the small of her back, leaving her buttocks exposed to Mark’s gently caresing hand. The steel bonded corset cinched her waist, giving her the hourglass figure she hadn’t seen in 10 years. Watching herself in the mirror, her husband lovingly feeling her exposed skin, Michelle did feel very, very beautiful.

“What do you think, Constance?” Mark asked the woman watching silently in the background. “How does she look?”

“Your lady looks very lovely.” Constance said. Michelle looked at Constance in the mirror, suddenly appalled by the look in the woman’s eyes. She closed her eyes, and leaned her head back to enjoy her husband’s touch.

“Constance,” Mark said, still kissing and caresing his wife. “What is the scope of services you offer here?” Michelle tensed, suddenly uncomfortable. Mark squeezed her nipple, reminding her that he was in charge. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and calmed herself.

“I don’t offer services,” Constance answered. “I serve Nelson as he requires, and he requires that I serve you and your lady as you require.” Michelle opened her eyes to find the woman’s eyes staring directly into her own. She tensed again.

“Very good,” Mark said. “Your punishment is at hand, Milady,” Mark whispered into his wife’s ear. “Go and stand behind the ottoman wit your back to the door.” He stepped back, caressing her buttocks one last time as she walked away.

Michelle walked to the ottoman, not quickly, but without hesitation. She knew this punishment would be more than she’d ever experienced, but she would not risk increasing it by disobeying again. The furniture had been arranged so that the ottoman stood against the back of the overstuffed chair. “Constance,” Mark said, “Use what you find on the counter and secure her to the chair and ottoman. She should be kneeing and leaning over the back of the chair. Leave her hands free. Make sure she is comfortable.”

Kneeling on the throw pillow, Michelle fight nausea at Constance’s lingering touches as the woman tethered her tighs to the base of the ottoman. Her arms were tethered at the elbow to the D rings sewn into the front of the chair, leaving her hands and forearms free. Michelle watched in the mirror as Mark walked around her testing the ropes and cuffs. He nodded at Constance, and Michelle watched her walk to the shower and begin gathering her equipment. Her eyes went wide when Mark chose from the equipment case a wood handled wide leather strap that she’d never seen before.

He was meticulous in his wilding of the strap, making sure that the full width of the leather made contact with her still tender buttons; each blow overlapping covering every inch of her buttons and tights. Unlike the slow build of the floater, these blows hurt immediately, first stinging, then burning, then aching and trabbing. Though she will herself to remain still, her body bought against the pain, arms and legs straining against the tethers. Tensing then relaxing, Michelle found there was no easing the pain of the assault. Resting he head on the padded chair, she felt herself submitting to the rhythm, moving to that place where she floated on the pain, and the sound of the strap against her skin a distant echo.

Her mental retreat ended when there was a pause then a change in rhythm. Slower, harder, hitting the same spot until she was forced to cry out. Her eyes tightly shut, Michelle ignored the tears wetting her cheeses and her husband’s voice calling to her, concentrated only on breathing and ending the pain. She ignored his voice as he moved around her, fighting the inexplicable fear that something had gone wrong. She opened her eyes to see him standing in front of her while the blows continued to fall on her thighs and buttocks. Confusion and shock turned to horror then anger as she watched the surreal mirrored image of Constance standing behind her wilding the strap, her white spandex sheer with sweat.

Michelle screamed. Arms and legs struggle wildly against her bonds, she ignored the increasing pain of the shock collar, and her husband’s angry voice; until exhausted, gasping, and sobbing, she lay subdued and humiliated by the woman’s unrelenting assault. “Michelle,” Mark’s voice reached her between the slapses of the strap andher feeble shudders and whimpers. He grabbed her wrists and held them up to her tear-stained face. “Break the bands and end the game,” he whispered.

“N…n…no,” she gasped. In spite of pain and exhaustion, her eyes held only defiance as she watched Mark take a seat on the loveseat facing her, a hungry yet proud smile on his face. She didn’t look in the mirror at the woman spanking her or the small black remote control her husband held in his hand. Michelle and Marks eyes met, locked in a ferocious battle of wills until Michelle felt herself melting into the pain…and she endured.


Michelle opened her eyes slowly. Stretching, the pain in her buttocks and thighs made her moan out loud. She was lying on her side on the bed looking into her husbands smiling face. “I am so proud of you,” he said. She could tell he was since, and in spite of the pain, she was happy to have pleased him. “Constance is gone. I know how hard that was for you.” The pain still seducing her body and fresh in her mind, she bit back a snide remark. Mark smiled at her obvious effort. “Lunch is ready,” he said. “Stay where you are, I’ll bring it to you.”

“You seem to be having a lot of fun,” Michelle said, enjoying the cold fruit platter in front of her. Lying on her side, sliding the dripping fruit pieces provocatively into her mouth, she smiled at her husband. The pain in her thighs and buttocks made her hungry to feel his hands on her skin. She traced fruit juice circles around her nipples, licking her fingers slowly. “What made you pick this outfit? It’s not easy for me to put on, or you to take off.” She slip her hand over her breast, along her waist, over her hips, and down her bruised thigh. She moved her hand under the short skirt, arousing herself even as she hoped to entic her husband.

“You done with lunch?” Mark asked lightly.

“Mmm hmm…” Michelle moaned. Touching herself for his private entertainment always excited her.

Mark knelt in front of her, moving the plate to the floor. He slide a hand under her skirt, grabbing wrist. “Oh no you don’t,” he said kissing her. “You get to come only when I say so, got it?” He let go of her wrist, and continued move his fingers through the growing moisture between her legs. She moved her legs slightly, allowing his fingers to easily enter her. “Now,” he said, “Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to make love to me.”

“Wrong answer.” Mark kissed her again, moving his fingers in and out. “Sit up.” Keeping her legs apart, Michelle sat up in the bed. Her hands at her sides, she moved her hips in time with his thrusting fingers. “Now…tell me what you want.”

“I want you inside me.”

“Wrong answer,” Mark said smiling. “Stand up.” His fingers still insider, his arm around her waist, Michelle allowed herself to be led to the ottoman. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to make me come,” Michelle practically whilein frustration. Marks smiling face told her she was wrong again.

“Up..on your knees.” She moved onto the ottoman, feeling mounting pressure and frustration, not looking forward to more of the game. “Were gonna play HangMan. I’m gonna ask a question, and you only get to come, when you get the answers right. Get them wrong…” Mark smiled, wiggling his fingers still deep inside her, “…well…try to get them right. Now,” he leaned down, kissing her neck, running his tongue down her chest, taking a nipple into his mouth, “Tell me what I’m doing now.”

“You’re tasting my breasts,” Michelle whispered hoarsely. His teeth around her nipple brought goose bumps to her skin.

“Wrong again,” Mark said stepping away from her. He walked to the counter and returned with several pairs of cuffs. The black leather suspension cuffs fit comfortable around her wrists. Her hands had free access to break the tyvek bands if necessary. With her hands attached to the ceiling hook, she was still able to knee comfortably on the ottoman. Mark knelt beside her, again moving his hand between her legs, sliding his fingers in and out of her. “Where are my fingers right now?”

“Inside my vagina,” Michelle pursued, moving in time to his hand. A low moan escaped her throat.

“Nope,” Mark said. He moved his hand to trace a wet path between her buttocks. “Where are my fingers now?” he asked, slowly pushing his fingers into her.

“Going into my rectum,” she gasped, bearing down to allow him to enter. She pushed back onto his probing fingers, hating the pleasure she received.

“I’m sorry, Milady,” Mark said quietly. “That was 2 wrong in a row.” Michelle sumheed as his fingers left her body. Minutes later, her thighs were cuffed and tethered to the rings on the sides of the ottoman. Glancing in the mirrored walls, Michelle saw herself, kneeing, legs spread, hands bound above her head, captive, helpless, and beautiful. She smiled when she saw Mark chose what appearedto be a new toy. Her smile faded when he also chose the riding crop. “It seems, Milady, that you lost the HangMan game,” he said walking slowly around her. “I guess it’s time for a vocabulary lesson.” He tapped the crop lightly on her still aching bottom, running the tip between her cheeks. “What’s this?”

“My butt,” Michelle told him. She didn’t try to hide her disappointment. “Ow!!” She jumped when the crop struck her, feeling the welt rising.

“Lesson, one. This is your ass.” He tapped the crop several times for emphasis. “Now…what is this?”

“My ass,” Michelle whispered. She now understands what this part of the game would be. The words that made sex dirty and vulgar. She’d says them for his amusement…and he’d enjoy watching her struggle. So far, there’d been Punishment, bondage, and pain. Each had been close to unbearable, but the bands were still intact, and she had endured. She’d proudly suffered his pleasure, and now she’d suffer this humiliation. She took a deepbreath and closed her eyes, repeating the words as he spoke them, submitting her mind even as she had submitted body and her heart.

…to be continued


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