The Game Ch. 04

Part 4 – Crucible

Michelle stared at him, not hiding the defiance she was feeling. In their time together, she’d rarely cried and certainly never begged. She now fully understand the challenge she’d accepted. He wanted to break her, and she had a choice to either endure or quit. In her heart she knew she would not be broken, and quitting meant losing, so her only choice was to endure. The last thing she saw as he brought the blindfold down over her eyes was his beautiful smile mocking her.


In her private darkness, Michelle marveled at her husbands attention to detail. The wireless headphones were lightweight, but blocked out any ambient sounds. All she could hear was his voice through the microphone he wore; and the ethereal music that had no discernible beat, so she had no concept of time. The thick blindfold was soft and comfortable and absolutely no light could penetrate. It wrapped around her head, and under her chin,ending in a stiff snug fitting collar. She could move her head side to side and up, but would not be able to lower her chin. She concentrated, hoping to feel the movement of the room air or a slight draft to determine the direction she faced. The air in the room was warm and still and fragmented with a combination of musk, spice, and her own recent secretions. She detected no hint of Mark’s cologne. Even if he stood directly in front of her, she wouldn’t be able to tell.

Standing on the balls of her feet, she tugged lightly at the silk cord that bound her hands and held her stretched and partially suspended. Placing her feet flat on the floor stretched her arms, and standing on her toes stained her calm muscles. The spreader bar that held her legs 4′ apart pulled at her inner thighs and buttocks. The plug that still impaled her stretched her sphincter to burning, but her rectum would not yield and explore the invading object. She was growing accustomed to the pressure of the Japanese clamps on her nipples, labia, and cliporis. A single chain connected all 9 clamps to a ring on the chin strap of the blindfold. The slightest twitch or shiver reminded her that the clamps caused real pain. Michelle couldn’t help but smile at her husbands genius. Even if he never touched her, just hanging in the darkness with these seemingly minor discomforts would eventually become exciting.

“Something amuses you?” Marks voice came to her through the headphones. She had no idea how near or far he was.

“No” she answered, shaking her head and immediately regretting it as felt the pull of the clamps. She paused to let the pain subside. “I’m just amazing by how through you are. You seem to have thought of everything.” She felt the cord cutter between her bound palms. Pulling up on it would break the bands and end the game.

“Yes, I have.” He said. She could hear the smile in his voice. “You haven’t had dessert yet, have you?”

Michelle smiled when the archaeologicalcoffee and cocoa reached her nose. She opened her mouth to receive the tiny spoonful of TirimiSu, her favorite dessert. “Mmmmm…”, she moaned ready for more. She felt the next spoonful touch the space between her nose and top lip. Lifting her chin to receive it, she felt the sharp pull on the clamps. In spite of the pain, she couldn’t help but be impressed by the irony of his device. She would be forced to torture herself to enjoy This dessert. As the creamy consistency melted down her throat, and the clamps pulled viscously on her tenderest parts, she understand what he means by blending pleasure and pain.

Dessert finished and skin almost numb from the pressure of the clamps, Michelle was pleasantly surprised to feel his bare chest pressed against hers. His foot on the spreader bar held her feet flat on the floor, putting all of her weight on her arms. The whimper she’d been fighting finally escaped when he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. “You’re in pain, aren’t you?” he whispered, kissing her roughly. He moved his body against hers, jiggling the clamps that now brought tears to her eyes.

“Y…y…yes…” she stuttered, trying to keep the pain out of her voice. She barely noticed his hand moving up the inside of her thigh, until she felt him tap the clamp that was crushing her cliporis.

“I think you’re lying.” he said. “I think it feels good to you, doesn’t it?”

“Nooo…” she whimpered, finally giving voice to her pain.

“Tell me how good it feels.”

“It hurts–” Michelle gasped when she felt the viruses. She immediately recognized the size and shape of the small vibrator he pushed into her.

“I know it feels good, cuz you’re dripping.” He massaged the area around the aching cliporis, making her squirm and pull harder on the chained clamps. She felt his left arm move around behind her, and shuddered when the vibrating plug came to life. He held her tightly, moving her body, forcing her to ride the vibrator evenas she was being tortured with the clamps. “Tell me how good it feels,” he grew. “Tell me you want more pain.”

“Noooo…noooo…” she almost sobbed. “It hurts….” she told in relief when she felt the movement and violence end. She was grateful when he kissed her lips, and lowered her chin.

“Tell me what you want.”


“As You wish, Milady.” Michelle heard what was coming in his voice. The scream escaped her lips before he even touched the chain. White lightning flashed behind the blindfold as the pain of the clamps being snatched from her body buckled her knees. She had no idea how long she hung there. Her arms ached. Through the haze of pain, she felt Mark pressing something cool and moist to her aching nipples and swollen labia. Her throat was dry and she eagerly accepted the straw of peach nectar he pressed to her lips.

She was still panting when she felt him pull her into his arms, crushing her throbbing nipplesto his bare chest. “You understand now, don’t you?” Her assent was barely audible. “I want you to let go. I want you give voice to whatever you are feeling.” He reached down, moving his fingers in the heat between her legs. He gently massed the sore area, her juices allowing his fingers to easily enter in spine of the pain. “That’s it…moan for me. I know it hurts, but it feels good, doesn’t it?

Michelle relaxed against him and let the moan of pleasure and whimper of pain express her feelings. As he kissed her and massed her, she felt the growing pressure; and was shocked to feel the first waves of orgasm break through the pain.

“Excellent.” Mark said. “Excellent. I am soooo pleased.” He stroked her hair. “Are you ok?”

“Yes…she whispered.” The pain in her nipples, labia, and cliporis were subsiding with the last shudders of orgasm. When she felt the straw again pressed against her lips, she drank until he removed it. She was angry with herself for the scream. She was angry with herself for collapse so quickly. Well, if he wanted her screams and moans then fine, he could have them. She straightened herself, resting on her toes, equalizing the pressure on her arms and legs. But she would not beg!

“I see you’ve composed yourself.” His voice came to her unexpectedly. “Shall we continue?”

“Yes.” Michelle said evenly.

She recognized the feel of the rubber flogger as it teasingly played over her skin. It was quite unnerving to feel the slap and not hear it. It actually felt good on her back. Still sensitive from the spanking, it tingled on the buttons and tights. She tried counting but lost count as the weight of the blows increased. She let her mind drift into the music and darkness as the gentle strokes turned to hard snaps against her skin. Unable to anticipate anything, Michelle relaxed and submitted herself to the increasing pain.

After the rubber warmed her skin, the sharp nylon flogger shocked her. She’d felt its scrape before, but in the darkness with no warning, she found herself gasping. All over her body, each blow felt like a sandpaper, raising the temperature of her skin from warm to red hot. She tried to stay still, but the burning scrape made her mistake and flinch away.

Her skin still burning from the slap and scrape of the floggers, Michelle kept her silence. Her barely controlled breathing the only evidence of her disappoint. Whimpers came when she felt the pin pricks on her back, and on her breasts, and down her thighs. Her breath came in sharp gasps as he pressed and scratched the spiked gloves over every inch of her body.

“So you do feel, don’t you.” She felt the discarded gloves slide down her legs, pricking her feet as they hit the floor. His bare hands felt cool on her burning skin. His teeth on her still throbbing nipple made her finally cry out. “God, you are so beautiful right now.” he said, stroking between her legs again. She felt his dripping fingers brush her lips. “Taste yourself.” he said. “Suck…see how sweet you are to me.” She gagged as he forced his salty fingers deeper into her mouth. “Reeelaaaax.” he encouraged, struggling the back of her throat as he caresed her still tender cliporis. She sucked hungrily as he moved his fingers in and out of her mouth, and rode his hand as his fingers filled her, bringing her to orgasm again. Exhausted, she felt herself floating in the music and darkness, rarely aware of the lemon sorbet being spooned into her mouth.

The scream came when pain exploded across her back as the knotted cat pounded her flesh. She felt the cool mood and burning sing as welts were raised. All over her body, the hard coordinate leather bit into her, forcing more screams with every blow. “Your body is glistening right now,” she heard through the headphones. “You’re dripping. You want more, don’t you.”

“P…p…please…” Michelle said, her voice hoarse from screaming “…no…more.”

“Tell me you want more–” The cat scraped down her breasts… “or give up and end the game.”…and back up between her legs, drawing another scream.

Breathless and in pain, Michelle found a way to hold herself up. “I…want…more.” She had screamed and moaned, but she hadn’t begged….and she wasn’t about to give up and end the game.

“I knew you could do it,” Mark said. Michelle took some satisfaction in the fact that he sounded winded. She bit into the strawberries he offered her, ignoring the juice running down her chin. Then his arms were around her, and he was kissing her, his sweat burning the welts on her chest. She felt his lips on her neck, and between her breasts, and she witnessed deeply when he gently suckled at each breasts, his tongue lingering on each nipple. “I am sooo pleased with you.” he said. When his tongue moved Below her navel, she feel his breath on her naked mound. Even as she winced at the scrape of his fingernails on her buttocks, she feel herself melt into the pleasure ofhis probing tongue; and when his lips wrapped around her swollen cliporis, she chased on a sob and relaxed to let the orgasm take her.

“You did ask for more, didn’t you?” With no warning, she felt him tap the cane against her welted buttocks. Nothing for a second, but then the pain planted itself deep into her bottom, took root, and blossomed into pure purple age. She felt herself floating into the musical darkness Even as she steeled herself for more blows. She distantly felt the repeated thud of the cane on the buttocks and thighs. She didn’t realize she was crying and sobbing until the sound of Mark’s voice penetrated her darkness.

“Cut the bands and end the game. There’s no shame in surrender.”

“No…,” she sobbed breathlessly. “I want more…”

“Your tears are so beautiful”, he said, licking the mood that appeared at the edges of the blindfold. “You want to come again, don’t you? Go ahead…ask me to make you come. I won’t consider it begging.” She felt the long hard object he moved back and forth between her legs, it’s vibrations arousing her through the pain. “You want this inside you, don’t you?” She felt juices running down her thighs, singing the welts there. As she moved to maintain contact with what she recognized as her favorite toy, she felt him pull it away. “Not until you ask nicely.”

At the first flick of the single tail whip, Michelle screamed. Nothing she’d felt so far had prepared her for the sharp sting. Instinctively she moved away, only to feel the sting no matter which way she turned. The repeated and unpredictable sings denied her any retreat into darkness. There was no relaxing or submitting to the pain. Each flick brought new screams and sobs. The whip tore into every spot on her body. Sweat dripped into the welts, singing and burning even more.

“What do you want me to do?” Between strikes, Mark’s voice found his way through her mind bending pain. “Go ahead…tell me.”

“Stop!” she cried. “P…p…please…stop.”

“You want to end the game?” More blows.

“No…just stop…please–” Exhausted, Michelle no longer moved, only shuddering or jerking spasmodically with each blow.

“Then ask nicely.”

“Master…Mark…” she sobbed. “Please…stop…”

“As you wish, Milady.” Mark whispered gently. She felt his arms close around her, and took comfort in the warmth of his kiss even as his sweat burned her welts. “I’m going to make you come now. You did better than I ever imagined.” As his hands gently stroked her swollen and welted buttocks, Michelle felt the vibrating plug come to life inside her. Still unable to move, she only shuddered when she feel her favorite toy vibrating in the mood between her legs. When the rotating shaft entered her, and the tickler hit it’s mark, her sobs mixed with sighs, and as the orgasm took her, she felt herself sinking into beautiful darkness.


Michelle had no idea what tIme it was, or how long she’d been there. She awoke to find herself on her stomach in the king sized bed, Mark kneeing beside the bed, pressing cool towels to her bruised and broken skin. She winced as she rolled on her side to face him. “Don’t try to move,” he whispered. “You’ve been through a lot. You need to rest.” In spine of the pain, she needed to feel him against her, and she reached out her arms to pull him closer. Tears, the only evidence of her silent crying, she brushed her lips against his chest and neck, searching hungrily for his mouth. “No, Michelle…you’re still in pain.” he said, standing. Moving slowly, she wrapped a trembling hand around his penis, rubbing and squeezing until it grow. She heard his breath quicken even as he tried to pull her hand away. Ignoring the pain, Michelle forced herself to sit up on the edge of the bed.

“Please” she whispered, no longer ashamed to beg. Wrapping her arms around his thighs, pulling herself to him, she feel his body stiffen. Deeply inhaling his scent, she moved her tongue along his swelling shake. As her lips found the head, she felt him roughly pulling her arms from around hs wait, pushing her away.

“I said no. The comfort you get is the comfort I give you. You do not take what is not offered.”

“Mark…Master…please…” She reached for him again. Her eyes went wide at the sharp slap; her hand immediately moving to her stung her cheek; hurt and anger flashing in her eyes. Instinctively, she lashed out to return the insult, only to find both wrists held tightly in his hands. She struggled lightly, already weakened by the pain she’d endured.

“If you cannot obey, end the game.” He stared down at her, a mocking sneer on his face. “If you cannot submit, end the game.” Letting go of her wrists, his voice softened. “I’ve always admired your spirit. I think that’s why I fell in love with you; but if you pit your will against mine, and don’t just end the game…you will be broken.”

…to be continued.


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