The Game Ch. 05-06

The Game – Part 5 & 6 – Bending and Twisting

“If you cannot obey, end the game.” He stared down at her, a mocking sneer on his face. “If you cannot submit, end the game.” Letting go of her wrists, his voice softened. “I’ve always admired your spirit. I think that’s why I fell in love with you; but if you pit your will against mine, and don’t just end the game…you will be broken.”


Michelle was pulled from sleep by the now familiar vibration of the plug, and her husband massaging the sore areas between her legs. She lay there unmoving, willing her breathing to remain steady, hoping he’d think she was still asleep. “Good morning, my love.” He said. “Did you sleep well?”

“What the hell do you think?” Michelle answered, irritated. Her arms and legs ached from being stretched, and every inch of skin still burned and tingled from last night…or for all she knew, only an hour ago. She had no idea how long she’d slept. The windowless room allowed no speculation about time of day. She’d arrived at the Fantasuite at 6pm, but the evening was lost in a blur of pain and orgasms.

“You do realize you’re gonna pay for that, don’t you?”

She opened her eyes to see her husband kneeing beside the bed, smiling at her. She moved to sit up on an elbow and looked at the tyvek bands wrapped around her wrists. The Game. The goddamn Game. The goddamn, motherblank, stupidass Game. Last night she’d cried and screamed and begged…and not given up. She’d needed comfort last night, and even after submitting to his torture for hours, he’d pushed her away. Well screw him and his game. When she moved to tear the band from her left wrist, she saw the triumphant smile on his face. She shook her head and laid back down, turning her back to him.

“I see,” he said. “You’re angry. But you’re not quitting. Impressive.”

“If you don’t want sex or a blow job, what do you want out of this? The title of ‘Sadistic Jackass’ doesn’t seem worth all of this.”

Winding his fingers in her hair, Mark chuckled lightly. “You know I enjoy making love to you. And I need to fuck you, like I need food and water.” He gripped her hair tightly, pulling her head back and leaning in to whisper into her ear. “And grabbing your hair and pushing my dick down your throat is heaven to me.” His obscene words made her flinch as if he’d slapped her. He loosened his grip on her hair, still struggling it lightly. “I want your total submission and absolute obedience. When I give you an instruction, I want your only thought to be of pleasure me.” He kissed her welted back, causing her to shudder.

Michelle rolled over to face him, annoyed at the warmth rising in her. “Why?”

“Because I see how happy you are trying me.” He lightly kissed her lips. “When I tell you this makes me happy…” he squeezed her sore nipple, causing her to wince. “…I know you endure it to please me.” He moved his hand to the soreness and growing movement between her legs. “I know how the slightest threatening tone from me makes your pussy so wet I can smell you across a crowded room.” He slowly slide a single finger in and out of her, carefully avoiding her growing cliporis, having no intention of giving her release yet.

Michelle sent, disgusted by his words, yet moving to guide his hand.

“Stop.” Mark said abruptly. Michelle froze. Mark withdraw his finger and touched it to her lips. “See…the only one who won’t acknowledge how desperate you are to serve me is you. You see it as a sign of weakness, but if you endure this weekend…” he kissed her softly and slowly “…you will be the strongest woman I’ve ever known.” He reached behind her and turned off the vibrating plug, slowly and gently removing it from her stretched rectum. Michelle suddenly felt very empty.

Mark stood up, breaking the moment. “I’m going for breakfast. You have 30 minutes. You may get up, tend to your personal needs, and prepare yourself; or you may rest a while longer and get up when I return. The choice is yours.

Michelle watched in the mirror as he left the room. She got a glimpse of darkness outside as the door opened and closed. She had no idea what time it was. She loved her husband, and hated that he might be right. The BDSM thing might have started as a curiosity when she was younger, but with Mark it had grown into a lifestyle. While he was falling in love with her spirit, she was falling for his power. The more she pushed and provoked, the stronger he became…and the harder she fell. She closed her eyes and relaxed, grateful for the choice to sleep.

The smell of brewing coffee and the sounds of crinkling paper drew Michelle to wakefulness, this time. Mark was standing at the counter, his back to her. Groaning, she slowly moved to get out of bed, the tell tale smell of a veggie omelet calling to her. “Good morning, sleepyhead.” Mark said as her feet touched the floor. “Go have a seat on the loveseat, and I’ll bring your breakfast.”

“Just a second,” Michelle mumbled. She stood up and stretched, still feeling the aches and pains of last night. Massaging her aching shoulder, she headed for the bathroom.

“Michelle.” The tone of Mark’s voice stopped her. “Now, go sit on the floor by the loveseat, and I’ll bring your breakfast.” She turned to look at him, his back was still to her, but she could see his unsmiling face in the mirror. She shook her head and turned to follow his instruction.

Grateful that she no longer had to sit on the plug, Michelle situation herself in the least irritating way possible on the carpet. The carpet fibers scraped the sore spots and burned the welts on he bottom. Setting her plate on the ottoman in front of her, Mark knelt behind her, smelling her hair, kissing her neck and shoulder. He paused briefly, then kissed her back, and the backs of her arms. “Interesting,” he said finally. He rose and moved to the chairto have his breakfast.

They ate quietly for several minutes until Mark broke the silence. “I see you decided to sleep in. Nice dream?”

“I don’t remember it.” Michelle answered between bites, surprised at how hungry she was. “30 minutes isn’t enough to close your eyes good, let alone dream.”

“I was gone for an hour.” Mark said significantly.

His tone caught Michelle’s attention, and she looked at him for several seconds, feeling that she was missing something important. “What are you gonna do to me today?”, she asked?

Mark smiled. “Let you please me,” he answered.

They finished breakfast in silence. When Mark took their empty plates, Michelle stood to stretch her legs. “Wow,” Mark said. “You’re either very forgetful or very tough.”

“What?” Michelle asked, rotating her aching shoulders.

“After yesterday, you know nothing about obedience…” he turned back to face her. “…or you just don’t care.” Michelle paused in her movements, looking at him curiously. Understanding slowly dawned on her. “Sit.”

Michelle slowly lowered herself to the floor, amazed at her faux pas, and annoyed by the sudden wetness triggered by his tone. Mark handed her a small glass of orange juice, and a cup of coffee. “Drink all the juice first,” he said, taking his seat. “You’ll need the energy.” Sipping her coffee, Michelle got a sense that Mark was waiting for Something. Halfway through her coffee, a knock at the door confirmed it. Hiding herself between the ottoman and loveseat, she watched as he opened the door to an older man, and a very young woman. The young woman immediately went to the shower and set up what Michelle saw to be a portable massage table. She watched her lay several things on the bench and then stand at attention beside the table. She smiled to herself…a massage would be Very nice.

“Michelle, come here please.”

Michelle was surprised to hear Mark calling her, and shocked to hear him doing it while the strange man was still in the room. “Um…Mark…” she said, “…I’m kind of indisposed, remember?” She tried to make herself smaller.

“I am fully aware that you are naked.” Michelle’s eyes went wide. He actually wanted her to walk naked across the room in the presence of strangers. “Michelle. Come. Here. Please.” She looked down at the welts and crueles on her body, the lesson in obedience again fresh in her mind. She took a deep breath and chose not to make him ask again. As she stood up, the warmth of the blush rose from her toes to the roots of her hair. Head held high, she concentrated on Mark’s eyes as she walked to stand beside him. “This is Nelson.” Mark said. The older man bowed elegantly from the wait, hands behind his back. Michelle caught a glimpse of the triskellion pin on his shirt collar. She relaxed Somewhat. “Michelle, please turn around slowly so Nelson can see all of you.” Embarrassment burning in the pit of her stomach, Michelle did as she was told; understandingthat she would not stop until Mark told her to stop.

“Your lady is quite lovely,” Nelson said. “And your work is most excellent. May I?”

“Of course.” Mark said. Shocked, tears sprang to Michelle’s eyes as she anticipated the stranger’s touch. “Michelle, stop turning and face our guest.” Turning to face the smiling stranger, Michelle couldn’t stop the tears from spinling down her cheeses.

“I believe your lady is frightened,” Nelson said. “Allow me to soothe her fears.”

“One moment.” Mark said. He turned her to face him. She was trembling. “Relax.” He said in the voice that melted her. “You trust me, right?” She nodded. He slide his hand into the embarrassing mood between her legs and smiled. “I will be very… very pleased if you do Everything our guest says, ok?” Choking back a sob, Michelle nodded again. Mark turned her to face the stranger.

“Please answer honestly, Madam. Are you here of your own free will?” Michelle glanced at Mark before nodding her head. “Honestly again please, Madam. Do you feel you are in danger of any real harm?” Michelle shook her head. “Thank you, Madam.” Nelson bowed to her again. He turned to Mark. “My work here is done, Sir. Constance will attend to her needs. Enjoy your stay.”

Watching the stranger leave, Michelle felt fear and embarrassment turn to anger. She stared at Mark, then lashed out to slap his smiling face. He caught her wrist, and before she could raise her other hand, he pulled her into a fierce kiss. She struggled against him, pushing and sobbing, then yielding and finally melting into his embrace. “You son of a–” she gasped. Fighting for breath between sobs and hungry kisses. “Don’t ever do that to me again.”

Holding her tightly to him, he moved until her torn back was pressed against the cool surface of the mirrored door. “Shut up.”, he grew, kicking her legs apart. She continued to struggle against him while still yielding to his kisses. She felt his hand roughly between her legs, fingers moving inside her dripping opening, his palm grinding against her swollen aching cliporis. “You loved it!” He thrust roughly. “Tell me you loved it!” Uncontrollably, she shuddered on his hand.

“Noooo…” she while, gasping, hating herself for her growing need. “…nooo….I hated it…”

He thrust again. “Tell! Me! You! Loved! It!” He thrust harder on each word, feeling her trembling, riding on his invading hand. “Tell me!”

“Y…y…yes….” she sobbed finally, as the mounting pressure threatened to overwhelm her. “Yeeees…”

Mark relaxed his grip slightly, slowing the motion of his hand. “And you loved pleasure me, didn’t you.”

“Yes,” she confessed breathlessly, still moving on his hand, praying for release.

“And you’re dying for me to fuck you right now, aren’t you.”

“Yes…” she sobbed quietly. “Yes…please, Mark…yes.”

“Not now”, he whispered, kissing her softly. “Not now. You still have too much to learn.” Mark backed away from her.

Michelle slid to the floor sobbing, aching, empty, hating the confession she’d just made, and hating herself because it was true.


“Lift your hair, please.” Michelle lifted her hair at the back of her head as Mark stood behind her, buckling the collar snuggly around her neck. “I’d actually planned to return This, but it appears you need it.” He turned her to face him, adjusting the collar so the rings were in on the front back and sides of her neck. He licked his thumb and wiped the dried tears streaks on her cheeks. “You’ve had trouble with obedience this morning. I hate having to give you an instruction twice.” He kissed her lips. “This will keep you focused, I think. Comfy?” Michelle nodded. “Good, let’s practice, shall we?” Michelle recognized from his tone that there would be an unpleasant twist to this practice, but she nodded anyway. “First, turn to Constance and acknowledge her by nodding.”

Shocked, Michelle instinctively tried to cover her nakedness, even as she turned her head to obey. In her distress, she’d forgetten that there was yet another person in the room. She turned back to Mark. “Not bad,” he said. “You took an unexpected liberty, but you’re still learning. I’ll be more specific this time. Keeping your hands at your sides, walk over to the shower, and apologize to Constance for keeping her waiting. Tell her that you’ll be ready shortly, and then come back here to me.”

Michelle walked over to the shower door, fighting the rising blush. Seeing herself reflected a thousand times in the mirrored walls heightened her sense of vulnerability. Constance is probably all of 23 Michelle thought, speaking as she was instructed. The petite woman was clothed from neck to ankle in white spandex, every muscle and curve showing through the tightly stretched fabric. I hate her, Michelle thought as she walked back to where her husband was standing. The thoughtof the fully clothed much younger woman only increased her feeling of nakedness and imperfection. Mark was smiling as she faced him.

“Good,” he said. “Now, I want you to go and clear the cups from the ottoman, placing them in the sink. Then get the butt plug from the bed…” Michelle turned at the words; “…and the cock I fucked you with last night…” she started to cover her ears, but thought better of it; “…clean They thoroughly and leave them on the counter to dry. You will complete these tasks and be standing in front of me in five minutes.” She watched him pour himself another cup of coffee, then sit in the chair to watch.

Willing herself to not be embarrassed, Michelle moved quickly to complete her assignment. Having no watch, she had no way of knowing when 5 minutes had passed, so she just worked as fast as she could. “Four and a half minutes,” Mark said smiling up at her. “Very good. This one might be a little more difficult. Look over at Constance and wave.” Michelle did, the young woman nodded. “Now,” Mark said, “Take your right hand and rub your pussy slowly.” Michelle looked at her husband in shock. She glanced at the young woman watching impassively, and then looked back at Mark, her eyes pleading. “Take…your…right…hand…” he said again slowly, “…and…rub…your…pussy. For me.”

Michelle stared at him, but didn’t move. First she heard the buzz, and then she felt the tingle. Her hand immediately flew to the collar at her neck. The collar buzzed again, and she got a light shock. Mark reached up and firmly pulled her hand away. She stared at eh tiny black box in his hand. “That was levels 1 and 2. Touch it again, to feel level 3. Now…don’t make me request a 3rd time.” Trembling with barely hidden anger, Michelle slowly moved her hand her clean saden mound. “Spread your legs, so I can see. Wider. Bend your knees, so you won’t fall.” Michelle complied, willing her embarrassment into rage, she stared into his eyes, refusing to let her body respond. “Very good, Milady. Back and forth. Now take your left hand and spread your pussy lips for me.” She bristled at the words, received another light shock when she hesitated. She finally dropped her gaze when she felt moisture growing around her moving fingers.

“Now squeeze your clip for me. Harder. I said harder! Just like that….now stroke it.” She Didn’t know if her whimper was from the pain of her sore cliporis, or the level 3 shock. “Now…take your left hand and slide 2 fingers in and out of your cunt.” She did so without any further prompting. “See how happy you’re making me.” Michelle glanced at the bulge in his pants, and quickly closed her eyes, fighting against the pleasure that was mounting inside her. She heard him shift in the chair, and then felt his fingers enter her, moving in time with her own.

“Now,” Mark said, “I want you to look at Constance, and take your dripping fingers out of your cunt and put them into your mouth and lick them 5 times, and then slide them back into your cunt and continue to fuck yourself.”

“Maaark…nooo…” The level 3 shock made her whimper again, and level 4 make her flinch.

“I am very happy when you obey,” Mark said standing. “but you are going to be punished for each time I press this button.” Level 5 made her cry out. “That was not the highest setting.” He walked around behind her, and slid an arm around her waist. Again she felt his fingers moving between her legs. “Don’t make me ask again.” he whispered.

All thoughts of her own pleasure gone, Michelle turned her head to face the young woman. Fighting the tears that burned in her eyes. “Don’t close your eyes,” Mark whispered. “Excellent…Milady. You lick and suck so well. Now…that’s it…back to Your cunt.” Ignoring the tears that spilled down her cheeses, Michelle laid her head back on Marks chest to once again pleasure herself. “I bet she knows what I’m doing now,” Mark said kissing her ear. Michelle gaspedWhen he began thrusting his dripping fingers in and out of her still stretched rectum; hating that she was learning to love it. “You love this, don’t you? Me finger fucking your ass.” Again, she flinched at his choice of words. Even as her mind rebelled at the thought of such a violation, she rolled her hips against his hand, trembling as the orgasm approached.

“No,” Mark said, abruptly withdrawing his fingers. “You don’t get to come yet. Stop now.” In her mind, Michelle wanted to obey, but she was so close. The moan in her throat turned to a cry at the shock. “If I have to keep repeating instructions, things are going to get extremely uncomfortable for you.” Her hand instinctively went to the collar when she heard the buzzer. She was relieved when no shock came. “So you are learning…good.” He kissed her trembling shoulders. “Go get a drink, then go let Constance take care of you. Do exactly what she says.”


“You’re what…23, 24?” Michelle asked. She stood in the doorway of the shower, her arms and legs crossed to hide her nudity. She walked slowly to the wide massage table, acutely aware that she would not be covered when the woman began touching her.

“I’m 31. On your stomach first, please.”

In spin of her soreness on every part of her body, Michelle was looking very forward to this massage. Her arm and leg muscles still ached from stretching, and some of the welts still stung, and every inch of her skin still tingled from last nights torture. “What time is it?” she asked. She had no idea how long she’d been in the game. It started sometimes the day before, but with no clocks or media available, no outside light penetrating the windowless room, and no idea how long she’d slept, Michelle was becoming disoriented.

“Your master will tell you if he wishes for you to know.”

Ok…obviously not a ‘traditional’ masseuse, Michelle thought. She winced as Constance dabbed a foul smelling ointment on her back. The initial burn, quickly turned to warmth, and then nothing. She found herself sighing with relief as she realized all of the still singing welts would be treated. She experienced brief discomfort as the woman treated her buttocks, and when she applied the ointment to her rectum, she couldn’t help but move.


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