The Game Ch. 02

The adventure continues. Thanks to all of you who read my fantasy stories.


Danielle got cleaned up after the experience at the naked sushi meal. There was a shower in the dressing room that she was able to use. The face makes came off with relative ease. She later and washed twice to remove the faint scent of the fish but it was still present in her sense of smell whether real or imagined. Everything had happened so fast and she was so engrossed with doing everything correctly that the experiences had passed in a flash. She hadn’t really felt self consciousness at the time because she had been covered with the fish and it had been removed gradually. She barely noticed the cold. Now with hindsight, she realized how sensitive the whole experience had been. The feel of so many people picking the pieces of sushi from her bare skin. The intimate touching by the dinner guests as they played with her naked body – in front of jack! A smile came to her face when she thought of the man who had actually started to lick her body until Jack stopped him.

When she emerged from the dressing room, Jack was waiting for her on a nearby benchmark. He looked up as she approached.

“How are you feeling about that experience Danielle?” He asked. “I hope it was as fun for you as it was for me.”

She nodded wearily, “Tired but otherwise okay. That certainly was an educational experience.”

“I’m not at liberty to tell you what happens next but maybe it will be more relaxed. Of course, maybe not but we’ll both find out when it’s time for your next installment. This is becoming something like the “Training of Danielle.” How does you calendar at work look if you get called away for a few days?”

“I think I could do that,” she replied. “It depends on when.”

“Aah, that’s part of the mystery. You never know when or where. C’mon, I’ll take you home. I have to travel for my job this week too so I won’t be around this week.”

“Okay, then maybe I can get some rest because this adventure stuff can be exhausting, she joked.

“You’ve only just began,” he teased her with that wicked grin.

They left in Jack’s car in the middle of the night. She did off on during the drive home. Jack drove into her driveway and came around to the passenger side of the car. He tenderly kissed her awake. She kissed him back for a few seconds as she woke.

“Let’s get you to bed, luv. I’ll be in touch when you’ve had the chance to rest and recover.”

He escorted her to her door and kissed her goodnight after she was safely inside.

It was back to her regular life when Danielle went into work on Monday morning. The events of the previous days were ever-present in her mind. It was frustrating to her that she didn’t feel as though the adventure was something that she could share with anyone, even her best friend. She had missed a few days of work the previous week but she didn’t need to explain to her boss because as she learned, “Someone had called in sick for her.” A few of the people with whom she worked wondered how she was doing after being sick for three days. She could only say that she was feeling better now after resting over the extended weekend. It took a lot of overtime for her to get caught up on the work she had missed which made recovery harder.

She was once again on pins and needs every time the phone rang wondering if she was getting the call for another adventure. No one other than Jack himself had called over the next few weeks. He checked in with her regularly to see how she was doing. He even took her out to dinner and a movie when he was back in town. It was the middle of summer and the Florida heat was optimistic. Danielle had returned to her regular social circles and was enjoying the summer. Nights out with friends took her mind off of the impending phone call. She wasn’t even sure whether they would call her cell phone. They had glained every bit of personal information from her so poorly they knew that too. She still thought about her recent experiences, especially when they visited an establishment that had sushi. She finally got to taste some of the dishes that she had only seen in her last encounter. The memory was quite strong in her mind, especially when she smelled the sushi and its spicy sauces and garnishing in the club.

It was a Sunday evening when she was retuning from a fun afternoon with her friends that the call came. She was still laughing as she got out of her girlfriend’s car and came inside. Her cell phone was ringing in her purse as she unlocked the door. She rummaged through her belongings to find the phone expecting that it might have been one of her friends still kidding around. The caller I.D. said “Out o Area.” It was the voice that had called her to start the game before.

“Listen Very carefully,” he began. You are going to meet jack next Wednesday evening at the Marriott Hotel on Biscayne Bay near South Beach.A car will come to pick you up at your home. Be ready at exactly 4:00. When you are dropped off at the hotel you will enter the front door and go to the main restaurant called “The Catch.” You will find him near the back wall at a table. He will fill you in with more detail at that time. Bring one carry-on size bag with your essentials for four day. Click”

“Oh my god,” she thought. “I wonder if this is why he was inquiring about taking time off from work.”

She wondered what might be in Miami. It had been a long time since she was in that part of Florida and she just got the quick tour from her then boyfriend. You could find most anything you wanted in South Florida. It really didn’t narrow the possibilities much. It was on the Atlantic so might it be related to the ocean again?

Danielle opened her calendar on her phone to check her appointments and meetings over the next few days. There were a few meetings that she’d miss and a couple others that she could reschedule.It didn’t look too bad from a schedule standpoint. Having been through a pretty wild session with him before both scared her and offered some consolation. Was the first time just an introduction and now things would become even wilder? She paced in her kitchen as she pondered the instructions.

At least she had nearly three days before she was to leave home but that was just all that time to wonder and worry. On the other hand, he had mentioned relaxing together. Maybe it would be more like a vacation. Miami was known for vacations after all. Four days? That would take her through next weekend. Her thoughts turned to getting ready. What to bring? Dressy or casual? That was a bigger challenge for her personally; everything else was under his control. She went to the bedroom to check her closet. She’d wear a cool summer dress Because she couldn’t go wrong with that. Bring some shorts and casual tops. A bathing suit, her makeup kit and other grooming things were musts. She could seethe lucky filling up fast and she hadn’t even considered footwear yet. She pulled her bag out of the closet and started to see how many outfits she could pack into the one bag. This was going to take careful thought and preparation but she’d have to go with what she could bring. Could she also bring a purse?

Danielle packed and repacked over the next few days until Wednesday morning when she knew that they would be at her home shortly after she returned from her job. She could feel the nervous excitement. She hadn’t slept well since the phone call which didn’t help her jitters and overall tiredness. She had to rush out of the office before anyone could stop her to get home. Once inside her house she drank a bottle of water instead of the glass of wine that she contemplated. She wanted to be as sharp as possible for the unknown mystery adventure. The big, dark car that had transported her once before pulled into the driveway. She gulped as she grabbed her pursuit and bag and walked out the front door. Once she had locked it she continued toward the car. The same man and woman were waiting for her with the back door open. The man took her suitcase and put it in the trunk before closing her door behind her.

Once they were underway, her escorts were silent. The car radio was on but there was no conversation. Danielle had moment of true excitement as she looked forward to seeing Jack again in Miami. They took off and headed towards I-95. Danielle knew that it would take nearly three hours to get to Miami so she tried to sit back and relax. She was so tired that she did off. When she opened her eyes again they were getting close to Miami. She waited with eager anticipation as they drove through the city streets to get to the Marriott. The car pulled under the canopy where she was let out and given the handle to her rolling suitcase.

The Catch Bar and Grill was the centerpiece of the hotel lobby. She spotted Jack almost right away sitting with his backFacing the wall. She threaded her way through the crowded restaurant to get to his table. He stood as he saw her approaching and gave her a warm embrace when she reached him.

“Right on time,” he said looking at his watch. “I’m glad you could make it. I think you’ll find this chapter a bit more relaxing, but don’t let your guard down because you never know when you might be tested again.”

She was beginning to look forward to the little twists and kisses in his mystery fans. Being with him again gave her feel a feeling of protection with anticipation. She realized right then how much she was long for another adventure.

“Why don’t we have some dinner and I’ll fill you in with as much information as you need right now,” he said coyly as he helped her get seated.

“The catch of the day is always good here,” Jack suggested. “I think its grouper tonight.”

“That sounds good; she relied as she watched his animated eyes. “Are you holding out on telling me something?”

“All in due time. I ordered some wine for us. Here it comes.”

The waiter poured them each a glass of white wine after Jack approved the cork.

“Okay, I have to tell you,” he began. “We are leaving on a little vacation tomorrow morning. Have you ever been on a cruise?”

“No, but that sounds so exciting. Where are we going? How long will we be gone?”

“Okay, one question at a time. We are going to the western Caribbean for a little three-night trip. We board tomorrow around noon. You’ll be filled in more as we proceed.”

Danielle pouted, “No more information about the ports or what we’ll be doing?”

“Strictly on a need to know basis, that’s all classified right now,” he said with a grin. “Just know that you’ll be well taken care of.”

Dinner was relaxing and enjoyable. His sense of humor was much more apparent in the casual setting of the restaurant where they just hung out together. She knew his serious side would probably emerge again in the morning. Maybe the two bottles of wine helped them both. He took care of the waiter and they headed up to the sixth floor together. He took her suitcase and together they walked to the room. Once inside she saw the magnificent view of the ocean from their patio door that led out to a balcony. She had to walk out to watch the surf rolling in onto the beach below. It was perfect, she thought. He joined her at the railing as they stood side by side watching the boats and people below as the sun gave up for the night.

He left the deck railing and returned to the room first. When she turned around to join him she saw a shirt-sized gift box in his hands.

“I have something for you but really it’s for my own selfish pleasure,” he said as he handed the package to her.

She opened it without being told. Inside was a beautiful black negligee. She held it up against her body to display how it would look on her svelte body. It was immediately apparent that the fabric was verysheer and revealing.

“Go ahead, put it on for me,” he told her.

She was excited and gladly changed into it to model for him in the privacy of the bathroom. She turned in front of the mirror noticing how well it complimented her figure and let every detail of her body show through. She sashayed back into the room, showing off her body for his pleasure. She saw that he had done some decorating himself, displaying many candles around the room. The candle light made the setting so much more romantic with the flickering light that made everything look better.

“Absolutely lovely,” he remarked as she came up close before him. “Come here so I can hold you.”

Jack looked her over from head to toe. Scooped her up and carried her to the bed that he had previously opened while she was changing. He stripped down to his shorts then kissed her mouth as she lay in the bed.

He arranged the garment tightly over her body, taking special care to outline her breasts and pussy.He tucked the gown between her legs to completely display her mound and nipples through the sheer fabric in the soft light. He stepped away for a few seconds to do something with one of the large candle holders. He had a small metal scoop in his hand as he returned to her side.

“Lay still, Danielle,” he told her as he placed his left hand on her right breast to pull the fabric against her nipple.

He slowly ladled some warm bee’s honey onto her negligee, coating the fabric around her nipple. She could feel the warm, sticky honey pool over her entire nipple and areola. He poured more onto her left nipple, sticking the top of her gown to her chest. She looked down at the shiny pools that had soaked into her gown and glued it to her breasts. The tips of her nipples glistened in the candle light. They were like little islands in a sea of ​​honey. He reached over for another larger warm lady-like spoon of the same thick syrup and brought it over her navel. He poured a small amountt into her belly button. She watched with intrigue as he moved down between her legs. He held the fabric tight again as he trickled the honey along her slit. He set his tools aside as he crawled into the bed along side of her. He opened his mouth and wrapped it around her right breast, licking and sucking on the nipple through the honey and fabric. The sensing was unusual and made her moan. She wanted to take him in her arms.

“Not yet until I finish with you,” he whispered, placing his strong hand around her right wrist.

He continued to fondle her sensitive areas with his mouth and tongue, making her squirm on the bed. He tugged on the fabric, pulling on her breasts as he moved down her belly. He sucked out her navel, making her giggle with the ticklish sensing. He moved down between her legs, pressing his mouth against her fully aroused cunt. He opened her legs to position himself on her opening, licking her until her juices mixed with the sticky honey. Lifting the gown from her body he resumed suckling on her clip and flicking his tongue along her lips. He slipped off his shorts. Jack climbed up her torso and she knew that it was time to take him in her arms. He pulled the gown over her had as their bodies stuck together as they fondled one another in the bed. They continued to enjoy one another until exhaust set in and they fell asleep in one another’s embrace.

They slept until the magnificent sunrise over the Atlantic came streaming into the room. It was beautiful but the bedding was sticky from the night before. They showed together, taking turns washing one another. Jack seemed preoccupied with stroking the soap all over her body and she liked it.

Jack ordered a small breakfast from room service. The sunny deck was the perfect spot to enjoy their coffee and fruit.

“There will be more than enough food on the ship,” he cautioned. “This light breakfast is perfect.”

They pulled their belongings together and headed downto the lobby to catch a cab to the pier.

They arrived at the cruise ship pier and checked their bags with the men outside the building.

She had never seen a ship that big before. There were three docked I a row. They went inside the terminal building to complete the paperwork, get their passes and photographs. Daniele was shocked when she was asked for her passport because she had no idea that one would be required. She was even more shocked when Jack produced one for her. They boarded the ship along with the crowd ad had their pictures taken just as they walked up the gang plank. Danielle was very interested in everything about this new experience but most of all, could not wait to see their accommodations.

They went up to the Aloha deck to find their room. Jack wanted it to be a surprise so he said little about where it was. She was delighted when A1150 turned out to be a suite on the outside of the ship. The huge glass doors were open, allowing the sea breeze to blow through the cabin when they opened the door. The room was far more spatial than what she was expecting. After checking out the room and the nice bed, they dropped off their carry-on’s and headed to the open deck to have a drink and some snacks poolside while they waited for the ship to depart. The weather was beautiful and she was so excited that she felt like she was going to explode. Jack relaxed with her at a table as they watched the Coast Guard ships circulation around the harbor below.

“I have a surprise for you once we get underway,” Jack told her.

“Already?” she beamed as she waited for him to tell her what it was. “What is it?”

“An exotic and luxurious visit to the spa to get you relaxed,” he replied. “I think that you will find the experience quite unique.”

That remark about exotic and unique piqued her interest and made her wonder what that means but she was always up for a spa treatment and she had heard wonderful things about the spa on cruise ships. Maybe they would use seaweed or the hot smooth rocks. She shivered with excitement

The ship shuddered as the engines moved the one hundred seventy five thousand ton behemoth away from the pier. They were underway and everyone seems to be in a great mood. They sipped their margaritas as they relaxed in deck chairs. An announcement was made about getting life vests and heading to a muster station for a drill but they had plenty of time to relax. When they finished their drinks he looked at his watch and decided that they should get down to their room to participate in the safety exercise. It was mostly organized chaos but everyone did as they were told and the fun could resume. Jack and Danielle returned to their suite to see if their luck had arrived. It had so they organized their few items in the room.

“Your appointment is at 3:00,” he reminded her. I’ll walk you up to the spa and then you can meet me by the pool when you are finished. The formal dinner is at 6:00 so you should have plenty of time. It says to allow up to two hours for your massage.”

“Wow, that must be some massage,” she exceled.

“To tell you the truth, I know the masseuse from another mass place,” he said, unable to conceal his grin. She’s the one that talked me into booking this cruise so she could see me and meet you. I’m sure you’ll have a great experience with Maggie. She’s the best.”

The spa had a bright, sun-lit foyer where they met Maggie. Danielle noticed that most of the women in the spa, including Maggie had thick British accents. Passengers were already booking treatments and visiting the facilities when they arrived. Danielle was taken back when Maggie saw Jack and immediately hugged him.

“Is this your pretty lady friend?” Maggie asked.

“Yes Maggie, I’d like you to meet Danielle.”

They shook hands and smiled as they checked one another out. Danielle was fascinated with Maggie’s accent. It made the whole experience seems somehow more exotic.

“I’ll leave you in Maggie’s capable hands, literally,” Jack said as he kissed Danielle goodbye. “Enjoy the massage.”

He lingered at the door as he watched the two women chatting and walking into the more softly illuminated hall that led to the private rooms in back.


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