The Game Ch. 02


“Please understand, Milady,” Mark said holding onto the bands, holding her gaze with his eyes. “If you choose to wear the bands, the only limit is my imagination. Your limits are whatever I decide they are. No questions. No complaints. No refusal…unless you choose to end the game.” Michelle took the bands from him, exposed the adhesive and attached them to her wrists.


As instructed, Michelle had stashed her bags in the bathroom, and got to work. His instructions were the typical “prepare yourself” that he always issued for heavy play. She usually wound up getting a few swats for taking longer than 30 minutes, but Michelle was ahead of him this time. Today’s long lunch covered the manicure, pedicure, and waxing. All she had left to do was shower and lotion. The honey and almond body cream he so loved left her skin soft, smooth, and delightfully sweet. She used nothing artistic or chemical. Every part of her body had only natural moisturizers and her own scent. Just the way he liked it.

The whole process took less than 20 minutes, giving her plenty of time to explore the room. The entire room was perhaps the size of a small 1 bedroom apartment, every wall and door mirrored. Michelle shuddered, seeing her 35 year old naked imperfection reflected everywhere she turned. Along the wall by the entry was a counter running the length of the wall, ending where the clear glass shower wall began. The counter held a microwave, a coffee maker, and a wet bar. A small refrigerator stood beneath the counter. The seating area was placed directly across from the entry, 6 feet from the bed, which was 6 feet from the jacuzzi. The loveseat was deeply cushioned and padded on the front, back, and armless sides. Metal D rings were sown into the upholstery along the base on the front and sides of the loveseat. The overstuffed chair with ottoman had D rings sown around the sides of the ottoman, and along the arms, down the front and across the back of the chair. There were 2 inch eyeshooks screwed into the platform of the king sized bed. Michelle counted 10 on each side and 8 at the foot. She stood on the bed and was able to touch the hook in the mirrored ceiling. She knew it wouldn’t be used as she was sure she and Mark exceeded the weight limit. The 2 person jacuzzi had a hand shower massager and the usual warning against bubble bath and bath oils. The a glass enclosed steam shower had a similar shower head with a hose of at least 12 feet. The low wooden benchmark was bolted to the floor along 1 wall of the of the 6 by 12 foot enclosure. More D rings and eyeshooks along the benchmark and on the 2 mirrored walls.

At the 25 minute mark, Michelle’s eye was drawn again to the large paper shopping bag. She knew enough not to take anything out, but she pulled back on the handle just enough to see several brown boxes, and what looked like a packing slip with Asian characters across the top. Thee were several numbers with checks beside them. There were no descriptions or prices. She took the slip out of the bag to see when the items arrived and where they were shipped to. Mark’s office, of course. When her cell phone rang, she quickly returned the slip to the bag, and ran to answer.

“Greetings, Sir.” Michelle said, trying to keep the tension out of her voice.

“When we hang up, immediately put down your phone. Go and unlock the door, then take 5 steps back and prepare for inspection. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” She answered. At the click, she laid the phone on the counter, ran to unlock the door, and began counting 5 backward steps. At the 5th step, the door opened and her husband entered carrying a large brown bag, and smelling rare Italian. He smiled at her as he turned to place the bag on the counter.

“Please remains as you are, Milady.” he said. “Eyes front, and do not move.”

Michelle stood at attention. Feet apart, back straight, eyes forward. She listened to Mark wash his hands, lay dinner out on the ottoman, and then slowly walk around the room. Her mind raced wondering what he might have noticed out of place. She’d been careful to return the packing slip to the bag, and hadn’t touched anything else in the room.

He stepped into her field of vision, smiling. She stood still as he took her face in his hands and kissed her tenderly. He lifted her chin and tasted her neck. Touched his lips to her right shoulder, slowly moving his tongue down to her armit. On her left side, he tasted her forearm, and the crook of her elbow, and her wrist, and the spaces between her fingers. At her breasts, he lingered on each nipple, biting just hard enough to make her gasp. He circled her navel with his tongue, and she felt his breath on her hairless mound, his tongue barely grazing her engorged cliporis. He placed sharp bites down her thighs, and gentle kisses on the backs of her knees.

Standing behind her, Mark deeply inhaled the spicy fragment of her hair. “Are you truly well prepared, Milady?” he whispered, tasting her ear and the back of her neck.

“Yes, Sir.” Michelle answered evenly. The slightest tremor in her voice would be seen as a sign of weakness. The bites placed on her back made her shudder, and when his right hand moved down her buttons and between her tights, she parted her legs to accommodate him.

“You did prepare very well, didn’t you?” Mark said, sliding his fingers in the mood. He massed her shoulder with his left hand, and abruptly grabbed her hair, roughly pulling her head back. “Please, Milady, I want some more.” And Michelle obliged him…her juices running over his fingers and down the inside of her legs.

This was her favorite part of the inspection. When he was very pleased, he would deftly massage her to orgasm. When he was milkly pleased or even amused, he’d leave her gasping on the brink with the opportunity to earn release or punishment. He’d eventease her by sliding a wet finger up and down the delicate flesh between her buttocks.

Michelle gasped out loud when she felt him push a dripping finger into her rectum. A small whimper escaped when he pressed a second finger to the tight entry. She didn’t dare try to run, but he let go of her hair, and encircled her waist with his left arm, massaging the small hole with the second finger.

“Yes, Milady, you did prepare well, so why am I not pleased?”

“I don’t know”, Michelle said hoarsely, trying not to respond to the disappoint of the probing finger. This type of violence discomfort her to no end. She hated the very idea of ​​anal play, but felt her juices flowing in streams down her thighs.

“Did you follow my instructions to the letter?”

“Yes…” he forced the second finger into the protesting opening, Nearly lifting her off of her feet. “…no…I’m sorry…” she gasped. She whimpered again as she felt the probing of a third finger.

“Tell me whatyou did wrong, Milady.” He began slowly withdrawing his fingers.

“I didn’t prepare myself and sit down to wait.” she answered honestly. “I just wanted to look around the room for a minute.” She relaxed as his thick fingers slowly moved out of her body.

“What else?” he grew, roughly thrusting again.

Michelle cried out. “I looked in the bag, but I Didn’t open anything.” The whimper came again as she felt the 3rd finger pressing entry.

Mark abruptly withdraw his fingers and spun her around to face him.

“Shhh”, he said smiling. “In this game we bear punishment in silence, understanding?” Michelle nodded. “You do understand you will be severely punished for your disobedience?” Her eyes went wide, but she held her tongue. “This game is not like any other we’ve played. This punishment will be distributed to your offense, simply because I wish it. That is the nature of the game.” He stepped around behind her and gently leaned her over the back of the loveseat. “Comfy?” She nodded. She was familiar with this type of punishment. She’d endured spankings before, but only for severe infections when she agreed she truly deserved them. This was not one of those times.

She listened as he drew his belt, and steeled herself for the blows. As the first ones fell across her buttocks, she began to count. At the 10th blow, she prepared to stand, but Mark’s hand on her back stopped her. “You still don’t understand, do you Milady?” She tried to turn her head to look at him, but he held her head still. “Do not move. You will move only when I say so.” Another blow. “Your punishment is over when I say so.” Another blow, harder than before. “If I am enjoying watching you worry and squirm…” another blow, nearly buckling her knees. “…you will bear it until I tire of it.”

As the belt began striking her thighs, Michelle felt herself slowly understanding. A safeword would not end this spanking. This extreme and unfair punishment would only end if she quit the game. This is that fantasy she’d been hinting at. The ultimate Master/slave scene. None of the negotiated limits applied in this game. She was in an all or nothing scene, and had no idea where it was going. Her husband knew all of her secrets and fans…and she knew none of his. She didn’t know what he was thinking or planning or what she’d have to endure. She only knew that she would endure this, and not end the game.

Michelle felt her mind retreating as her body absorbed the blows and the sound of the belt against her flesh became a distant echo. She had no idea when the spanking stopped. She heard his voice calling to her, telling her to stand up. Her breath came in silent gasps. She had endured. Turning to face him, she stood waiting for him to take her into his arms, and use his hands to soothe her burning skin. No such comfort came. He took her face in his hands, and kissed her tenderly on the mouth, he licked the tears that had escaped down her cheeses./p>

“In this game, there is only obedience. Do you understand now, Milady?” Michelle nodded. “You may speak in answer to a direct question, ok?”

“Yes,” she said. Not sure of her voice.

“Can you walk?”


“Good. Go to the bar and get a drink of water. When you are finished, wipe your face with a damp paper towel, and then come back and lean over the back of the loveseat again.”

Michelle looked into his eyes for a clue of what was coming. She glanced at the tyvek bands on her wrists, not sure she could endure a renewed spanking of that level. In the face of his slightly mocking smile, she felt herself crushing all thoughts of surrender. “I knew you wouldn’t give up”, he said as she moved to follow his instructions. “Please do anxious. We don’t want dinner to get too cold.”

Leaning over the loveseat again, Michelle focused only on the instruction as the pain in her buttocks and thighs subsided. “Spread your legs, please”, he said. She gasped as sheFelt him apply something cold and wet to her rectum, this time slowly and gently working his thumb in and out. “This is not more punishment, Milady. This is part of your training.” He withdraw his thumb and she felt a much larger object pressing at the small opening. She recognized the firm pliable texture of silicane.

“This won’t be so bad, Milady, honest.” Michelle refused to let the whimper escape her throat. “Now bear down and push out against it. It will help you to receive it better.” Michelle compiled and found that she did open up without so much pain. “There’s a good girl,” he said, stroking her still burning flesh. “Now I want you to rock back and forth slowly, feeling each section entering and filling you.”

She felt him reach between her legs as her juices flowed again. His fingers touched her everywhere at once, massaging cliporis and labia, and thrusting as deeply as his hand would allow. She rocked back and forth slowly on his hand, moans and purrs coming freely from her mouth. While she rocked, Mark gently encouraged her as the gradually increasing rings of the plug disappeared into her slowly yielding opening. When she was fully impaled, a press of the received button in the base brought the vibrating plug to life. The new sensing drew a sharp gasp from Michelle and her rocking increased. “Scandalous, isn’t it, Milady?” Mark laughed as he worked the plug in and out of her, Keeping pace with her frenzied rocking. “At it’s widest point, the plug is much larger than me, and you readily open to accommodate it…” He leaned down to whisper into her ear “…and you love it, don’t you bitch.”

With her breath coming in ragged gasps and choking sobs, Mark abruptly withdraw his hand. She whimpered, but quickly replaced momentum, thrusting back against the vibrating plug. He pressed the button, ending the viruses. “P…p…please…” she while as he held the plug motionless.

He slowly moved the plug until it was firmly in place, and would only come out if pulled. He pulled her into a standing position, and turned her to face him. “Now…now, Milady. There will be plenty of time for that. You’re going to wear this plug all weekend. I know you don’t believe it now, but if you endure the game, in the end you will beg me to do much more than sodomize you…and you will do so in the most indelicate ways imagine. Now…let us dine, shall we?”

…to be continued.


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