The Game Ch. 01

Michelle cursed at the traffic for the hundredth time. It’s April in Illinois. It always rains in April. Why can’t people drive in rain? It’s not like they’ve never seen rain before. The local weather station promised a dismal weekend: rain, thunder, cold, and this was the first private weekend she and Mark had had in a long time. No kids, no work, no responsibility. She knew there was something Special planned. Her cousin was sitting for the weekend and she’d been following a series of cryptic instructions for 2 days. As she pulled into the driveway, her cellphone played her favorite song.

“Greetings, Sir” she answered.

“Hi. Where are you right now?”, Mark asked.

“I just pulled into the driveway.”

“Good. When we hang up, lay your phone on the Passenger seat and leave it there. Get out of the car, lock the door and go into the house. You will handle whatever needs handling, and then pack an overnight bag with everything you need for 1 night. You have 15 minuteses to be back inside the car. Do you understand?”

“Uh yeah…but I thought we had the whole weekend?”

“Enough for 1 night. 15 minutes.” The digital click ended the call.

“Ooooooooo”, Michelle squealed and squirmed out of the car. She loved this kind of game. Mark’s imagination made for some thrilling surprises. In the short time they’d been married, each new surprise was equal to or better than the last.

The phone stopped ringing before Michelle could answer it. The caller ID showed 2 missed calls. She was 2 minutes late. When the phone rang again, she answered on the first ring. “Greetings, Sir.”

“Is everything in the house ok?”

“Oh yeah, everything’s fine. Whatever you told the kids is working, cuz they’re angels. I guess Sandy promised them a serious party this weekend.”

“Did you pack everything you need?”

“Yup…but why only 1 night?

“Did you pack everything you need to prepare yourself?”

“Ohhh…it’s that kind party, huh?”

“Yes. If You need to buy anything, do so, but be in the parking lot of Fantasuites at 5:55, and not a second later. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir”, she said in mock seriousness. The connection ended before she could ask any questions.

Fantasuites, huh? Satin sheets, hot tub, chocolate and rose petals. Romance. Well, it was definitely different. But the cryptic Secrecy didn’t fit. And the diet? What was that about? 24 hours of clear liquid, then 24 hours of carbs and little or no solids? She felt nice and clean, but why did he want her hungry? Oh wait…she remembered…the last time they hid out, she’d eat everything on the dessert menu and got sick. Well, she was good and hungry, so whatever the plan, she knew there’d be something good to eat and she’d have plenty of room for it.

At 5:50, Michelle pulled into the parking lot of Fantasuites. From the outside, it looked like any traditional 60’s style roadside motel. Inside was another story. Instead of 50 rooms, there were 20 deluxe rooms and suites, each laid out and decorated for romance. From plus carpets and mirrored walls to rain showers and love swings hanging from the ceiling. She drove around until she found a space near where Mark’s car was parked, and waited for a call. 5:55….right on time.

“Greetings, Sir.” she tried to sound casual, keeping the giggle out of her voice.

“Where are you?”

“Parked 2 spaces down from you. Where are you?”

“Bring your bags to suite 182…it’s straight up the path in front of you. On the left.” Then silence again.

“Aaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!!! God, I love that man!!!” She screamed into the silence of her car. She was nearly breathless when she knocked on the door of suite 182, having practically run up the path. He opened the door immediately.

“Thank you for indulging me, my lady,” he said, taking her hand and drawing her into the room.

“The pleasure is all mine, Sir.”

As he closed the door behind her, hekissed her hand. “I trust that your journey was safe.”

“Yes, Sir, it was.” She loved it when he kissed her hand.

He kissed the crook of her elbow. “And the secret wasn’t too uncomfortable?”

“I must admit, Sir, I am moist with anticipation.

He pulled her into his arms, reaching up to her hair. He wrapped his fingers in her braids, pulling her head back and kissing her neck. “And you enter into this place of your own free will, my lady?” The bite was painful enough to get her attention, but would not leave a mark.

“Oh yes, Sir. With perfect love and perfect trust.” She shuddered, dropping her bags to pull him into a kiss.

“Good,” he said, abruptly breaking contact. She almost stumbled as he ducked out of her embrace. “Have a seat and we’ll discuss the game. I’ve got you a snack.”

Michelle settled into the love seat and look around the room: an overstuffed chair with ottoman, a king sized bed, a mirrored ceiling with a hook in it, a 2 person jacuzzi, and a glass enclosed steam shower with a benchmark. Looking around for the bathroom, she spotted the familiar 5 foot long steel keyboard case that Mark kept locked under their bed at home. Nearby was the backpack in which he carried his laptop, and a large paper shopping bag.

“Your refreshment, Milady.” Mark said, bowing as he handed her a wine glass and placed a fruit tray on the ottoman in front of her. He was using old world formality. This was gonna be good. She sipped the sparkling cider and picked at the fruit.

“So, Milord”, she said leaning back into the cushions. “What’s the game?”

“This.” he said presenting her with a cardboard box of the type that often holds gold watches, or diamond tennis bracelets.

Knowing him, it wasn’t jewelry, so she held no illusions as she opened the box. “We’re gonna play doctor?” She held up 2 Tyvek wrist bands; the kind frequently found in hospitals…on patients.

“No,” Mark laughed, sitting beside her and taking a sip from her glass. “They’re…um…consider them temporary manufacturers. Only you get to put them on, and only you can take them off.”

“Can you say extremely light bondage?” Michelle giggled. “Ok…let’s play.” She started to expose the adheren on one of the bands. Marked grabbed her hands.

“Not yet. You need to fully understand the rules.”

“Ok.” she said, smiling “Tell me the rules.”

“The rules to this game are simple but binding, no pun intended.” Mark began. “These bands are yours to put on, and they can be easily removed. From the moment you put them on, should you choose to do so, you belong to me.” He paused to let her think about that. “Totally and completely to me.”

“And this is different how?” she challenged.

“Well, Milady”, he chuckled, “while wearing those bands, that tone will get you seriously punished. If you feel you can’t handle the punishment, and your hands are free, you can remove the bands.”

“Oh…I see. So we’re talking extreme play and the bands are like a safeword?”

“No, Milady. I mean extreme seriousness. A safeword will pause the game. Removing the bands will end it. No questions asked. No complaints. Just game over.”

“So…I put these on, and if I can take it, I keep em on? You know me…I don’t give up easily. What do I get if I win?”

“Well, if you win, the weekend lasts until Sunday afternoon..and then I win too. If you lose, the weekend is over, and we both lose.”

“So the game is to see how much I can take? Gimme those.” Michelle snorted seriously, reaching for the bands.. “You know my limits. This’ll be a nice long weekend.”

“Please understand, Milady,” Mark said holding onto the bands, holding her gaze with his eyes. “If you Choose to wear the bands, the only limit is my imagination. Your limits are whatever I decide they are. No questions. No complaints. No refusal…unless you choose to end the game.”

Michelle took the bands from him, exposed the adhesive and attached them to her wrists.

Mark took both of her hands in his and kissed her palms. “Very well, Milady. Go and prepare yourself. I’m going to get dinner. You have 30 minutes. Any Questions?”

“Only 1 for now, Sir.” she said rising from the couch. “Why did I bring clothes for only 1 night?”

Mark smiled as he reached the door. “Because, you won’t need clothes again until the game is over.”

…to be continued.


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