The Game

It was dark. The night was quiet as always, just about everyone had turned in surrendering to peaceful sleep, everyone but Melanie. She lie awake, staring at the shadows dancing across the popcorn ceiling. They made pictures and shapes that kept her mind focused on things other than sweet dreams.

Sighing, she flipped the covers off of her long legs and stretched them to the floor, sitting on the edge of the bed for a second more. Tea, she would make some tea, and get back to sleep. Her husband was working late, he had been the past few nights. Some big important project at work, she hated that it was more important than her.

She didn’t both turning on the light in the kitchen, she’d know her way around if she were blind. She was filling the tea pot at the sink when she felt a sudden tingle run up her spine. It made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She looked up from the running water to look out the window, and saw something move, just past the pool. She turned the water off and ducked a little lower, still staring into the darkness. Suddenly she all but laughed out loud. She straited up and put her hand to her forehead. Stupid paranoid delegations, maybe that’s why she wanted him home.

Her back to the window, not giving it a second thought, she put the kettle on the stove and turned it to boil. She started rummaging through the cabinets for her night-time tea, that’s What she needed. Melanie put the box of tea on the counter and pulled a single bag out to use in her mug, she’d better not need any more than that. Rounding the corner around the fridge she went to the pantry to get honey and sugar. When she returned she stood in front of the stove and dazed off looking into the pattern on the microwave.

Suddenly the kitchen was flooded with light, she whirled around in surprise at the motion lights outside, and was instantly covered in goose bumps. What if she did see something out there? Keeping her eyes on the back porch doorshe went cautiously to the French doors to make sure they were locked. She knew she already had, but she didn’t want to take chances either.

Her mouth was becoming really dry as she made her way back through the kitchen to the side door on the porch, moving slowly, watching everything. That door was locked too. As she was turning to move back into the kitchen, the flood lights still cascading through the windows, she stopped dead in her tracks, and tears sprang into her eyes.

Across from the pantry, where she had been standing moments before, the garage door was slightly opened. She tried to swallow the lump in her throat as she moved across the tile. Passing the kitchen she took a short glance down the narrow walkway, surveying the usual scenery. It seemed like forever before she made it to the garage door, and as soon as she was close she lunged for it and slammed it shut, locking it as she pulled and throwing her back against the wall next to it. Her breathing was labord and she was surprised she hadn’t started to perspire.

Melanie was so caught up in her thoughts she suddenly realized the tea kettle was whistling. It quickly snapped her out of unpleasant thoughts and she laughed at herself again. That door always pushed its self open a couple inches if you didn’t close it right. She was scaring herself, and that was stupid. Gaining her composure she was about to push off the wall when the whistling stopped.

The floodlights had retired their warning, and the house was dark and silent again. Melanie didn’t want to breathe, let alone move. She didn’t know where to go… someone was in her house. She looked to the right, but all she saw was the front door and the entry to the living room. She couldn’t see into it, and didn’t want to venture there just yet. Whoever was here had been in Her kitchen last. To her left was the dining room, which looked into the kitchen. She didn’t see any shadows, heard no footsteps, and had no indication of where he was hiding.

Deciding the front door was her best bet, she could run outside and just start screaming, she kept her back to the wall and started sliding towards the door. She stopped in her tracks, she was making way too much noise, removing herself from the comfort of the wall she padded on her bare feet towards her only escape. As she got closer to the opening of the living room she quickly scanned the corners and shadows, not forgetting to turn and watch the dining room as she slunk away from it.

Three feet from the door and closing, she turned to look at the dining room once more, nothing had moved since she began her escape, and that made her slightly nervous. She whirled around and reached for the door handle, home free. But hit something solid before she got close. Caught like a deer in head lights she stared, horrified, into the eyes of the door opener. He didn’t say a word, simply grinned back down at her. She drew in a breath to scream, but he had one handover her mouth before she got a sound out, the other went around her waist, pulling her to him.

“Now, you be a good little girl, and I won’t have to hurt you,” he grew the grin never leaving his face. Tears splashed over her eyeshes and down her cheeks. She shook her head weakly, pleading with him to be a bad dream. Pleading with herself to wake up. The intruder licked his lips as he leaned in and took a big whiff of her hair, she closed her eyes and tried to turn away, but his grip matched his strength.

“You really smell pretty,” he said as he started pulling her across the living room towards her bedroom. Her eyes went wide, if they could get bigger, as she realized he wasn’t there to rob her. She started to struggle, she tried to kick and beat him with her fists, but it was as if he were made of Steel.

He lugged her into her room and closed the door behind them leaving the house as it was, dark and quiet. The only evidence of disorder was the tea and kettleset out in the kitchen, but that would go unnoticed to anyone but her.

Melanie was beside herself with fear, what the hell was she going to do? Her husband probably wouldn’t be home for hours, she wasn’t strong enough to put this man off. Her mind was reeling with questions and possible answers, so much so that she had been more compliant than he thought she’d be.

“Don’t you be thinkin up ways to escape, I’d hate to have to kill you when I’m done,” he said gripping her slightly tighter, than removing his hand from her mouth. She opened her mouth to say something but that same hand was at her throat, constricting her breathing. She made choking sound to try and get him to loosen up, but he erupted in a gut busting laugh instead. “You little actress.”

He spun her around in his arms and planted her face first on her bed, bent over at the waist, his hand on the back of her neck she couldn’t move, she started to cry. He didn’t say a word as he pushed her hands above her head and roped them together. He’d had the knot prepared, he simply put her over her hands and tightened it, wrapping it around her wrists a couple times. He took a handful of her hair and yanked her head back, she yelped in surprise and pain.

“I’ll fix that right now,” he slapped a piece of duct tape over her lips and pushed her back down to the bed. “Don’t. Move.” She was afraid to disobey. Against Everything her mind said her body couldn’t move. She was slightly ashamed she didn’t try and get up, didn’t try and run. She was just too scared. Then she noticed he was rummaging around in a bag, that wasn’t hers. He must have brought his own.

Melanie watched him pulled out something that looked like an exercise tool. She watched him open the bedroom door and put two pieces of it on the outside, hanging it over the top. When he closed the door the rest of the contraction hung on its own. He grabbed her by the waistband of her night shorts and pulled her up, planning her front on the door.

She struggled as he moved her arms up to attach them to this contraction. He did it with relative easy and backed up to view his accomplishment. Smiling wildly at what was before him he reached into his bag for something else. She tried to peak over her shoulder, but her arm blocked her vision. Then there was something cold at her shoulder, then nothing. He was cutting off her top, she groaned through the tape, he just kept making it worse.

When he was done cutting the shoulders of her tank top it slide down, exposing her pert round breasts. He reached around in front of her and grabbed a handful of each, feeling their weight, and rolling her nipples between his fingers. She broke, and started crying, her body raked with sobs. It only seemed to make it worse.

“Are you scared little girl? Well you should be,” he whispered in her ear. “I’m gonna tease you, and spank you, and make you call me Master. By the time I’m done, Melanie, you’ll be begging for it. You’regonna love it, little girl. So sit back, and enjoy.” She could hear the smile on his lips as he spoke roughly. She almost couldn’t believe it, did he really expect her to beg to be rapped? She’d just close her eyes, there was no getting out, and just bare it.

He trailed his hands down from her breasts over her stomach, pushing her shirt and shorts down her legs. He came back up and started to softly tick her little nub. Her body jerked against him, shoving her butt into his groin, it was then she realized he was already hard. He laughed slightly at her reaction and rubbed a little harder. She closed her eyes against the sensings. She wouldn’t like it, couldn’t. He was an intruder in her home, he was violating her… in a good way?

Her knees buckled under her and she tried to move away from him. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against him, slipping a finger inside her. She couldn’t stop the moan that wanted to escape her lips, the tape making it difficultt for him to hear it, but he got the picture, and got a little more worked up. He worked his fingers in her opening, and his thumb over her clip, she eventually started grinding her hips against his hand.

He released his grip on her waist and reached up to pull the tape off her mouth. “If I take it off, don’t you scream, or you’ll be punished,” he said sternly. She didn’t even realize she was nodding in agreement until he started pulling the tape off. When her mouth was released she took a deep breath and let it out in a big swish. He chuckled a little and went back to work at her.

Melanie was embarrassed that she was reacting this way to such a situation, but it felt so good to be touched, and he was so good at it. She tried to picture him being her husband, and that was easy enough, until he tried to turn her around to face him.

“No,” she protested, not wanting to have to look at his face. She twisted her body and pulled against him as he tried to take her arms down. When her arms were free she pushed against the door and shoved him backwards, then ran for it and tried to make it out the door. Suddenly she was yanked back by her hair, a yelp escaped her lips and he backhanded her so fast she didn’t even see it coming.

Her face stung, and her vision wasn’t as sharp as it should have been. She was light headed and couldn’t focus on a thought. She felt Her hands going above her head, but couldn’t even pull herself together to be able to fight it. He finished strapping her to the door again and pulled something else out of his bag. It looked like some kind of pole. He stuck it between her feet, and clasped two more cuffs, one to each ankle.

“That was to get your attention. Now you’re going to be punished. But remember, only bad girls get paid, so if you’re good you’ll be OK. Do you understand?” he asked in a tone that was almost that of a parent talking to a child. She felt belittled, the instructions were easy, yet she didn’t knowif she could follow them. But she nodded.

“No, you answer me. What did I say you were going to call me?” he asked grabbing her hair to make her look at him. He didn’t pull, just pulled hear head up to make her look at his face. He could see a little desert in her eyes, and the hate written across her face. “What do you call me?” he asked tightening his grip.

It took all she could to inhale and spit in his face. She never looked away from him and was suddenly terrified by the calm on his face. He saw a flash of fear in her eyes, but she buried it quickly and he knew this would be fun.

He turned and grabbed something else out of his bag. He turned back to her, pulling the thin leather straps of his whip through his fingers. The defiance fell, and fear was all he saw. She looked at him, tethered helpfully, begging him not to hit her with it. She almost wished she could take it back.

“No, I’m sorry…”

She was cut off by him snapping the whip. “You’re not sorry, not yet. I told you you’d be punished. After this, we’ll see what you have to call me.” He positioned himself in front of her, fingering the whip a little longer, watching her facial expressions prepare for pain, while trying to look strong.

Without warning he flipped the whip up and brought it down on her right breast. She cried out and arched her back, pushing her head into the door. Before she would recoil he’d hit her left one. She inhaled through a hiss and felt her right nipple starting to tingle, sending a shock all the way down to her clip. This could not be happening.

He hit her right one again, sending another shock, this one from both nipples. She opened her mouth to yell, but know herself it sounded more like a moan. He grinned at her, knowing full and well she liked it. She looked back at him, the same hatred back, he knew she liked liking it.

Looking into her eyes and hit her once more across her left breast, and once across her stomach. By the timehe was done she was breathing slightly harder than before, and he could actually see her juices dripping down her left. Here eyes looked tired, and her stomach seemed to tremble slightly. He dropped the whip and moved in on her, dropping to his knees and running his hands up the backs of her legs.

He reached out and licked her clip, one big long lap. Her head fell back onto the door and she didn’t Even try and hide the throaty moan that resulted.

“So, you liked that?” he asked. “Tell me what you want…”

She groaned at him, and hit her head against the door again. She wanted to ask for it, she knew that she had might as well admit it. But she didn’t want to call him Master, she didn’t want to give that much away. She felt him start to squeeze the backs of her thighs, a warning. She took a deep breath and let it out, her body going limp against what held her. She didn’t look down at him.

“Eat me, Master.”

“Oh, no, I said you were going to beg for it,” he said putting his lips over her hood and shoving a finger in her hole. He reached for the g-spot and flicked his tongue over her clip a couple times. She arched her back and pushed her hips into his face, she moaned and tried to lift a leg over his shoulder. He pushed her back against the door and looked up at her face.

“Ah, no. Please don’t stop. Please…” she didn’t even try and stop herself, she wanted him to make her cum in his mouth. It had been so long since anyone had paid that much attention to her like this.


“Please, Master. Please, I want to cum,” she begged, she really hoped that’d be the only time, but doubted it.

He pushed his lips back into her and used two fingers this time. He quickly found her spot and soon she was rocking her hips against him feeling closer and closer Every time he flicked his fingers. She started to tense up and was taking bigger gasps.

“Tell me when.”

“Right there, don’t stop,” she took a breath, “Master.” Delighted he worked slightly faster and she clenched around him and started speaking gibberish, he assumed about cuming, through her groans as her orgasm rolled through her. He stood and dropped his pants, pulling her hips out toward him.

“What do you want?” He asked positioning his hard cock at her opening.

“You, please. Fuck me, Master,” she said pulling on her hand restraints, she pushed her hips out toward him, and he penetrated her in one swift motion. She dropped her head back and moaned at the feeling of him filling her. He started pumping, she was helpless, but just to stand there. He leaned in and bit her neck a little as he pinched one of her nipples. She was aroused by it all and was beginning to love his touch.

He reached down and started producing one finger around her ass. She squirmed and started to protest. He gripped her ass cheese in one hand and said, “What?”

She didn’t say anything, but lifted one leg a couple inches, as high as it would go,and allowed him access. He smiled and told her in a soft whisper, that she was a good girl. He traced her ass a couple times, while still fucking her, and pushed the tip in a little bit, she bit her bottom lip, but didn’t move.

He played with her opening, stretching in and eventually getting a whole finger, he started moving them both together, harder, faster. She started moaning even louder and clnched her teeth together.

“I’m gonna cum, don’t stop, please. Master, I’m gonna cum,” she let him know on her own according, fully surrendering to him and what he had to offer. He grunted in response, signaling that he was close too. He pumped into her, and felt her muscles clnch again. She put her head back and came all over his cock, he unloaded inside her and pulled his finger out. He thrust into her a couple more times, and stopped their rhythm.

Both of them were out of breath by then, and sweaty. He laughed and put a hand on her cheek. “You’re a good girl.”

She didn’t fight it, didn’t respond, just kept breathing. Eventually he started to put his things away. He let her hands stay tied and made her sit on the bed. He instructed her to stay put for 10 minutes, and not to leave the room. He said he had to leave, but he didn’t want her following.

Once he had all his things he left, closing the door behind him. She heard the back door open and close, and went to work on her hands. It was fairly easy to get them undone, he’d loosened them a little for her. When they were all off she rubbed them softly and looked around the room. Not sure what to do next. Call the police? Call her husband? Call anyone? She decided a cigarette would calm her down first.

She went onto the back porch and saw him sitting there in the dark, in a corner. Netherlands of them moved, not knowing who should speak first. She kind of shrugged her shoulders and walked towards him, grabbing a cigarette out of the pack next to him. She lit it in silence, and exhausted once.

“So what’d you think?” she asked him handing him the pack and a lighter back.

“I liked it, you were awesome, babe,” he said standing up, he wrapped his arms around her waist and they hugged. He released and held her back a little.

“I didn’t hurt you? When I hit you like that?” He asked just to make sure. The game wasn’t supposed to hurt.

“No, I’m fine. It was alright,” she said swatting him away. “We’re going to have to try another game though, or that one. I really think this could bring a spice back.” She told her husband tenderly. He nodded in agreement. They finished their cigarettes in silence and went to bed together, snuggling under the covers, and loving their new game.


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