Stretching as she slowly gained consciousness and feeling an unaccustomed ache and freedom, Melanie slowly opened her eyes. Running her hands down her body she discovered what the sense of freedom was… her chatity belt was missing. And the ache? She remembered a wild night of sex… being used by her Master for His pleasure… but receiving so much pleasure herself. Thinking back over the evening she blushed, remembering the volume of her screams of passwords of password as she hit her third orgasm. As her mind returned to the present she struggled with the temptation to touch herself, to stroke her pussy lips, to dip her fingers in and to play with her clip… all things that were normally denied her by the chatity belt. While she struggled her fingers were busy with her nipples, tweaking them, pulling them, pinching and twisting them. After long minutes, Melanie decided to go to the bathroom, shower, and then if she was still free of the belt she would play.
But… as she got out of bed she stumbled over her chatity belt. With it was a box, and a letter attached. “My dear little subbie, you pleased Me last night so I have decided to give you a gift. you have a choice of gift. you may choose freedom from your belt for the remainder of the day, and the trust I place in you along with that. Or you may choose to have the gift in the box, but first you must put on your belt.”
Melanie struggled with which to choose… the idea of a whole day without her belt was pretty wonderful… but… the box looked so tempting. And she did love presses. Still, the pressure from her bladder reminded her of a more urgent need and she headed for the bathroom before deciding which gift to choose. Trying to delay the decision Melanie stepped under the shower, letting the spray just wash over her while she considered her options. Really there was only one option. Her curiosity dictated that she had to know what was in the box… after all, her Master had got her some wonderful gifts in the past. So… hastily towelling herself dry she returned to the bedroom and picked up the box placing it on the bed.
But first… on with the chatity belt. Sighing Melanie watched herself in the mirror as she raised the belt into place, seeing her pussy lips disappear… and heard the clunk of the lock. Now for the box…
The lid was sealed with tape. She carefully peeled the tape back, realising that the tape was There so she could not have cheated and looked before deciding. Not that she would… of course. Slowly lifting the lid Melanie looked inside the box, anxious to see her gift.
Another box!! And another note… “Ahhhh…. so you choose the gift in the box. Is your belt in place subbie? Okay… then you shall have your gift. Inside this box is a game for you to play. Enjoy it… I look forward to hearing the results.”
This time Melanie tore off the lid in her eagerness to see what game her Master had prepared for her. Inside the inner box were 4dice, a pen and a sheet of paper. The paper had a chart on it, and simply said to roll the dice in turn on the box lid, leaving them where they landed, and to complete the chart showing which number was face up for each of the dice.
Puzzled, but knowing not to question whether to do it, Melanie rose from the bed and placed the box lid on the dressing table. The first roll produced a 6, and she entered that in the first column of the chart. The second, third and fourth all produced a 3, and those results were also noted. Still puzzled, and very much locked back in her chatity belt wondering if that was the right decision, Melanie went about her day… waiting…
Just after lunch her phone alerted her to a text message from her Master. This simply read “you have mail”. Melanie rushed to the computer and called up her mail. Sure enough, there was an email from her Master, subject “The Game”.
“Well My dear subbie, you should have either been enjoying a day without the belt, or have opened your gift-box and found the game. If you choose the day of freedom then delete this mail now. If not, then read on…
“The game is to decide your orgasms for a period of time. The first throw of the dice is to determine whether this is for a week, a month or a year. If you got a 1, this applies to the week. If you got a 2 or 3 then this applies to the month. But a 4, 5 or 6 Melanie ran to the bedroom for the chart… a 6. So this game applied for the year. She read on…
“The second and third throws of the dice you will multiply together. If this gives you an odd number then subtract one. This gives you the number of orgasms you may have in the period decided by the first.”
Oh goodness… 3 multipled by 3… just 9. But even worse, that was an odd number so subtract 1 making just 8 orgasms for the year. Too late to back out.
“Now My subbie… you have another choice. If you wish to know the meaning of the fourth throw, then reply to this email now, saying simply ‘Yes Master’ and I will send you those instructions. If not, then I will speak to you tonight on my return.”
Melanie paced the room several times… trying hard to decide what to do. Surely it couldn’t get worse? Perhaps He was going to say it was just a game… that He wasn’t going to enforce the results. After 10 minutes of pacing she returned to the email, and replied as instructed. A few moments later another email arrived, subject “The Game – 4th Dice”. Melanie opened it eagerly, hoping for good news.
“So subbie, you choose to play the whole game. Okay, the fourth throw is a simple multiplier. If you were fortunate enough to through an even number then you may now multiply the number of orgasms by that number on the 4th dice, either 2, 4 or 6. However, if you got an odd number, simply halve the number of orgasms. I look forward to hearing the results tonight.”
Melanie could not believewhat had happened. Only 4 orgasms for the year!! This had to be a joke.
Somehow she muddled through the rest of the afternoon until her Master arrived home. After He was settled in His chair with His coffee He summoned her to knee at His feet and asked her about her game. Melanie stammered out the numbers she throw in order and the resultant figure of 4 orgasms for the year. As He raised His eyesbrows she asked if the game was for real. “Oh yes subbie, most definitely for real.” A few moments of silence passed, then He simply said, “The bad news for you My darling subbie, is that the year started at midnight, and you came 3 times since then last night”… and smiled…
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