As my wife Hannah and I laid in bed one night we were talking about life in general, we hadn’t had sex in a few weeks as it had all started to become much of the same whenever we did it. Hannah was 27 and I was a couple of years older at 29, we’d been together for 8 years and moved in together 6 years ago.
She rolled over and turned to me and said “Ben, I want to try something different” My eyes instantly light up, in the 5 years we’d been married she never wanted to try anything different, it was always straight and narrow with her. She said she wanted to try bondage, but she didn’t know where to start, and of course nor did I! I’d heard of 50 shades of Grey but never read or seen it as in my head it was for women who just wanted to watch something abit different!
She said she wanted to go to someone who could help us, a lady she found on the internet called Mistress Emily, who specialised in couples wanting to get in to bondage. She had what they called a dungeon about10 minutes down the road, and Hannah said she was going to ring her in the morning.
When I woke up the next morning I went downstairs to find Hannah in the kitchen, she was a pretty lady, (I was definitely punching above my weight!) she was 5 foot 10 with an athletic build, mousey brown hair to just below her shoulders, it was always so luscious and wavey! She was dressed in a silk 2 piece night dress with a cup of coffee in 1 hand and the phone in the other. She looks up at me and smiles, “I’ve just got off the phone to Mistress Emily… she said she can see us on Saturday”, today was only Wednesday so we had a few days to wait, “she said we need to think of what we like to do”
“What do you mean what we like to do? We like to have sex!” I replied.
“We used to!” She quipped!” She quipped!” means kink wise, like what fetishes do we have!”
Not knowing really what a fetish was I went online during my lunch break at work, and some of the things I was horrified by! Who wouldWant to fuck an animal or piss on someone in public I thought, But each to their own, I suppose it’s like anything in life, what one person things is great, another might find disgusting!
All I could think of throughout the day was Saturday, not really knowing what I was letting myself in for, but as long as it made Hannah happy then I was happy!
It’s fair to say I didn’t get much work done on that Wednesday, when I got back Hannah asked me what I thought about the kinks and I still said I didn’t really know.
Hannah said Mistress Emily had sent across a link to something called a kink list test, where it was a series of topics and you needed to score it from favourite, like it, it’s alright, maybe, definitely not or would like to try.
She said this would give us an idea as to what we were in to, and what sort of things we can focus on while we work with her.
So that night we both sat down and did the tests, and emailed the results back to Mistress Emily. It’s fair to say a lot of my answers were in the maybe pile! Hannah however seemed to have a lot of answers in the would like to try, but she told me to wait till Saturday to find out more about it.
A very slow Thursday and Friday came round as my stomach started turning as the excitement, and a little bit of afraid of what we were going in to come over me.
We were told to arrive at 10am sharp on the Saturday morning, and Hannah was awake bright and early, she got in the shower, did her hair and make up, and went to get herself dressed.
She wanted to make an impression but didn’t want to go too over the top! So she settled on the nicest underwear she could find, a black lace set, a nice knee length dark blue dress, some glossy black tights and a small pair of heels.
As I stood there looking at her, all I could think of was how lucky I was that I found her!!
I went quite plain and simple of a pair of smart jeans and a light blue long sleeped shirt with buttons up the front.
It was fairly warm outside as it was the end of May and the sun was out, but as is typical with English weather, sun does not always mean really warm!
We got in the car and drive to the place we got told to meet Mistress Emily, there was a small car park around the back with 3 or 4 spades, it was very enclosed and no windows on any of the buildings facing in to what was more of a courtyard.
There was only 1 door in the courtyard, a black steel door with a doorbell at the side with what looked like a camera just above it built in to it.
We pushed the doorbell and a few seconds later a voice came out of the unit, “who is it? What do you want?” A stern voice said, we replied back saying we were Ben and Hannah and had an appointment with Emily, she sharply said back, “that’s Mistress Emily to you! Come in and wait just inside the door!”
We did as we were told and a few seconds later we heard a pair of heels clicking down the corridor as a ladyWalked towards us, she was about the same height as Hannah and abit shorter than me, she looked absolutely stunning! As beautiful as my life I would say. She had a stunning figure, her hips were the perfect curves, her legs seemed to go on for miles, and the upper half of her was just the perfect balance of everything!
She had jet black hair in a ponytail which looked like it went below her Shoulders.
As she walked towards us the lights from the ceiling reflected against her dress, it was a black shiny looking dress, possibly vinyl or pvc or something, with black tights on and a pair of ankle height high heels that made her about the same height as me.
She greeted us and told us to follow her to her office, as we walked back down the corridor I couldn’t help but look at her ass! This woman was just perfect I thought to myself, I was quickly brought back to the room when Hannah slapped me as she obviously caught me looking!
We got to her office, it was quite dark but for a few purple, red and blue coloured lights around the room, a head mistress style desk in the middle, a fancy chair behind it, and then 2 standard chairs the other side.
We sat down and got right to business. We explained that we were new to everything and wanted to try a few things and see where it lead us.
She asked which one of us was the dominant one, before I could say anything Hannah said “that would be me!” I started to argue that I was the dominant one when Mistress Emily stopped me in my tracks and said “perfect! I always think women make the perfect Dommes!”
“Emily look I just think…”
“It’s Mistress Emily!” She said with her stern voice again, “I’ve warned you twice, if you do it again you will get punished, do I make myself clear??”
“Yes Mistress Emily” I replied with a quivering tone to my voice, I got the impression very quickly she was not the sort of person to annoy!
We went through the lists she had us fill out a few daysbefore, and questioned a few things, I said I was open to most things but within reason but didn’t really know what most of them were.
Mistress Emily looked at me with a menuing smile, “then you will make a great sub to your wife!”
Shall we got started she said before I had much chance to comprehend what she had just said.
We followed her out of her office and in to another room just across the corridor.
This room had a lot more in it, you looked around and saw a big cross with hooks in each corner, a cage, stocks, hooks hanging from the ceiling, and shelves covering a whole wall with all sorts of different implements, dildos, vibrators and god knows what else!
Mistress Emily saw me glancing and said don’t worry we will move on to those soon enough, for now we are going to start with rope, being tied up gets the senses going and the blood pumping, for both of you!
Kneel down she said to me and I will show Hannah a few basic ties to start with.
After an hour she must have done 10 or 15 different ties and positions, and gave Hannah a piece of paper with them on and said to practice them at home.
We booked another session for the following weekend, and of course every night Hannah would put me on the bed and practice the ties.
When we went back to Mistress Emily the next weekend she had Hannah showed her the ties as the start of the session, she was very impressed at how quickly she’d picked up the art of Shibari!
“How has he been behaving at home Hannah?” Mistress Emily asks, without even really the recognition I was in the room.
“He’s been alright, there were a couple of ties he complained about doing and didn’t want to”
“A sub shouldn’t complain about anything! And a sub that does should be punished!” Mistress Emily said with that devilish smile again.
“Pull your trousers and pants down to your ankles and bend over with your hands on the top of the cage” Mistress Emily says with the stern voice.
I’d never got partly naked for anyone else than Hannah before, never mind with my naked arse in the air and my bits hanging loose, I tried to protest and Mistress Emily just said in a toned voice that I would only make it worse for myself the more I complained!
I realized that I didn’t really have much of a leg to stand on, although it was my choice to be here I felt it might get worse if I disobeyed.
I walked over to the cage, undid my belt and the buttons and pulled my trousers and pants to my ankles as I was told, put my hands on the cage and waited facing the wall…
“See Hannah, that’s how easy it is to get a sub to do as he is told! A stern voice and a stern look and they will do anything you tell them!”
Now let’s go and have a look what we can use as punishment.
Mistress Emily wandered over to a shelf where there were all sorts of spanking implements, she explained the difference between a rising crop, a cane crop, cat and 9 tails, spanking paddles, the more I heard the more I zoned out really thinking about how much they were going to hurt when Mistress Emily explained what each one did and how much is was going to hurt.
They brought a selection of them over to me and put them on a benchmark just behind me out of site, I tried turning my head around to see but as I did Mistress Emily was quickly on me to keep facing straight ahead.
There I was, stood there with my bare arse out in the presence of 2 beautiful women, the more I thought about it the more excited I got.
Mistress Emily started by showing Hannah some the paddles, and used them on her hand to start with, the noise went straight through me, and before I knew it I felt a short sharp pain on my right ass cheese!
“Ouch!!” I shouted!
“That wasn’t even hard! Stop complaining or you’ll only make it worse for yourself” Mistress Emily said with a hint of glee!
“How it’s your turn, aim right here, as I feel Mistress Emily’s nail againt my ass”
My dick started to get more and more excited as he touched my ass.
Look Hannah, he said on his form only maybe for spanking but clearly this is something that turns him on.
I don’t know whether it was the spanking or just the humiliation but I was definitely getting turned on!
As Mistress Emily showed Hannah through the next couple of implements I could feel my ass getting sorer and sorer, which Hannah found amusing with a few red lines across my ass.
As she moved on to the riding crop and cane crop, I could feel the swish of the air from the movement of them before the cane even hit my ass, the first time wasn’t too hard, but Mistress Emily put abit more force into second and I screamed again!
“We did warn you not to make noise slave! I think we’ve had enough of this!”
As I heard her heels clicking on the floor over to the other side of the room and back again, before I knew it a big red plastic ball was shoved in to my mouth and tied behind my head, I went to go and touch it and as soon as my hands moved Mistress Emily reminded me to keep my hands on the cage or they will do it harder!
Mistress Emily knew damn well they were going to do it harder anyway whether I moved or not, and as Hannah got in to the swing of things she was doing it harder before she’d even realized herself!
After what felt like hours the session was over, I could pull my trousers up, take the ball out of my mouth and we went back to Mistress Emily’s office and sat down for a cup of tea and chat.
“So, what do you think after your first couple of sessions?” Mistress Emily asks inquisitively.
Hannah replies saying she loves it and wants to know and learn more!
Just those words make Mistress Emily very happy!
“What about you Ben?”
“It’s alright I suppose” I quietly reply, knowing inside me that I am enjoying it but I don’t want to admit too much that the humiliation turned me on.
“Well from what Isaw earlier on you enjoyed it a lot! Your little dick there made that apparent!”
I went red in the face from embarrassment, partly from her calling it little, and then her seeing it hard!
“I think it would be good to have another session here next week and then see what happens after that, although I’d like you to try this Ben”, she past me a small metal cage, I looked at it very confused.
“It’s a chatity cage” she says, “it basically stops you getting an erection. And it can be locked so Hannah here can decide when you get hard, and of course if you get to cum!”
I can’t say I was too keen on the idea but the smile on Hannah’s face says she was so I said I would try it.
“Shall we put it on now so I can show you how to put it on?, and you need to take it off every day or 2 to clean it, but it can go straight back on afterwards don’t worry about that Ben!” Says Mistress Emily:
“Now drop your trousers and stand up!”
I again go red in the face.
“Come on anxious up I’ve already seen it so there’s nothing to be embarrassed about!”
I reluctantly drop my trousers and pants and have my dick dangling there infront of 2 beautiful women, I try my best not to get hard!
And Mistress Emily opens a drawer, puts on a pair of examination gloves and come around the other side of the desk.
She squats infront of me and invites Hannah to do the same to get a better look and what she’s about to do.
My mind starts to race thinking about what might happen with 2 beautiful women that close to his dick.
However it couldn’t have been further from the reality, as Mistress Emily forced a my cock and balls through a cold metal ring so it’s now behind my balls.
Next Mistress Emily says is the fun part, you get to shove the rest of his pathologic little dick in to this cage, the cage wasn’t much bigger than my dick when it was soft, and I did wonder where the rest of me was going to go if i did ever get hard!
Before I knew it my dick was in the cage, and was clearly throbbing against the edge of it, “it’s too small” I tried to argue.
“Nonsense!” Mistress Emily replies, “once you’ve calmed down it will be a snug fit! Now put the padlock through that hole it’s it’s done”
Hannah looks very proud of herself that she’s managed to do this, as they stand up Mistress Emily grabs Ben by the balls and says “you are her slave now, and you will do as she says! Any disobedience will be punished! And she knows how to do it properly now!”
I pull my trousers back up and we walk out of her dungeon to the car and all I can feel is the metal cage rubbing against my pants. As we get in the car I turn to Hannah and say “right now we are out there can you take this thing off please?”
Oh no she says.. I’m going to have fun with this!!
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