After I told you my fantasy, you laid in bed quietly. You showed no emotion to give me any clues as to what you were thinking. You turned to your side, and faced away from me. It was scaring me that you were so silent. Restless, I sat up, slide a thin robe over my naked body, and walked out of the room.
The house was chilly. The eggs of the fire where we had laid before earlier were dying down. I knelt before them, broke up some kindling, and soon it was back to a nice warm fire. I stayed kneeing before it, reaching out my arms towards the flames, feeling the heat seeing into me. My hair was tousled about. I contemplated going for my hairbrush, but I didn’t want to go back to the bedroom where you laid so quiet.
I had enjoyed listening to your fantasy. I had many questions, and our conversation went on and on about it. Yours was one of romance… music, candles, a relaxing bath, all leading to an endless night of making love. Did that make mine wrong? Mine was very different, but I had to be honest with you about it. It was one that I’d had tucked away in my mind for a very long time. But it was only a fantasy, and I didn’t know if it was one that I’d care to act out. But yours, yours was a fantasy that could come true. Is that the type I should have shared with you?
I felt your fingers in my hair. As I turned to look up at you, there were tears in my eyes. In an instant, you had me in your arms. Your kisses hot, your body cool against mine. “Don’t cry” is all you said, then your mouth was on mine, our tongues remembering their places from earlier. You lead me back to the bedroom, and later the eggs of the fire would burn themselves out.
The following morning we lazily woke ourselves up. I feel you pressing Against my back, your arms around me. I loved to feel you snuggle close to me. With it, I could feel your constant love and devotion. You were so giving, so caring. As I stretched and squirmed in your arms, as I slowly came into a more awakening state, my thoughts fell back to the night before. Inside, I wondered if you thought about the same.
We take a leisurely shower together, sidering each other’s bodies, paying extra attention to some parts more than others. Your hands on my breasts, your fingertips flicking at my nipples, you were bringing me to the point of wanting more. The look of the water on your shoulders, my mouth opens and my tongue slides along your wet skin. “Mmmmmmm,” I moan, as my tongue swirls and twists it’s way from your shoulders to your chest. My hands covered with suds, hold and squeeze your cock and I feel it becoming alive. Your reaction I feel is in your hands as they begin a more aggressive touch on my breasts, squeeze harder and pinching my erect nipples. I playfully move my hands to your head, shampooing Your hair, now and then moving my sudsy hands back to your fully erect cock. I rub your cock against my pussy, and it’s getting harder to keep my footing. I lean closer to you, lay against you while I continue.
Suddenly you turn me around, place your hands on my hips, and pull me against you. I feel your manhood pressing, probing, and searching for what it wants. I hold my arms up and lean forward against the shower wall. My legs spread apart, and I arch my back, raising myself to you. Your quick with your moves, before I can react, I feel you cock ramming inside me, hard, with no time to respond except with the raw, lustful reactions. I feel your hands griping my breasts, then one hand sliding down my belly, down further and finding my wet spot. I feel your feet against mine, opening my legs wider, then your other hand running through my wet hair, pushing my head forward, making me bend further over. You make me cum quickly, but don’t stop there. You pull yourself out; I turn around and see in your eyes what is next to come.
I’m on my knees now, my mouth surrounding your cock, my hands at the base, squeezing and feeling your balls. Your hands pulling my head harder against you, fucking my mouth, you let yourself cum in my mouth. The water running upon us both, the feel of your hands in my hair, the taste of you on my tongue, I lap you up. Sated, you help me up off my knees, slowly suds the sponge and clean us both. We exit the shower, drying each other, kissing and glancing into each other’s eyes when we can.
The day goes like any other. It seems that this weekend could last forever. I have a list of things to do, and you have plans also. We plan to meet again for dinner here, and we say our good-byes. I begin at the top of my list, and work my way down, feeling a sense of accomplishment with each task completed. I wonder what you might be doing, and remember again our conversation of the night before.
It 5:00pm, and I’m back home now. You’re not here yet, but I see tell-tail signs that you have been. The mail is on the desk; you had brought it inside for me. There’s a fresh bouquet of flowers, yellow daffodils,on the dining table. I walk to the bedroom to slip off my shoes, and I notice a gift wrapped box on the bed. I smile and think of you. As I slip off my shoes, I take the box in my hands and run my fingers over the lovely paper and ribbons. The card attached says, “Wear this for me tonight, I want to make your dreams come true.” My heart stops. What did this mean? Had you thought about my fantasy and was Now about to act on it? I was stunned, afraid and excited at the same time.
Inside the box, under the tissue, I find several items. The first to come out is a white satin blindfold, trimmed with small lace trim. I press it against my eyes and all sight is gone. I lay it beside me on the bed. The next item is a white lace teddy. The straws are thin, and it has a thong back. It’s very feminine and the design of the lace makes it almost sheer in places. I lay it against me and know it will fit perfectly, then place it beside me, next to the blindfold. Next are sheer white nylon tigh-hi’s with a white lace top. I notice the seam in the back too. There’s a small black velvet box, and inside is a beautiful gold bracelet. I slip it on and admire it. At the bottom of the box are four white straps, each one with a Velcro closing.
So many thoughts are going through my head. Suddenly I hear the doorbell, place everything back in the box and run to open it. It’s you, with a wicked grin on Your face. We look at each other and you know I have opened the box. “Thank you for the daffodils,” I say, “They’re so pretty.” “Is that all?” you ask. I blush, and you kiss me. We head for the kitchen, and you’re telling me we don’t have much time to eat, that we should have something simple, because in an hour we’ll be expecting company. Now I know you are planning on fulfilling my fantasy. So while we work together cooking up something simple, we sip wine and talk about our day. I’m too frightened to bring up the night, not sure if I know if I could go through with it. Before IKnow it, dinner is done, and you send me off to pamper myself in the bath, then to get ready. You start preparing for the night ahead also.
While I’m in the bath, you leave a note on the bed for me. It reads, “I hope your dreams come true for you tonight. By you letting me do this for you I am getting great pleasure. After you dress and wear what was in the box, stick the straws around your wrists and ankles. Find something to keep yourself occupied, until you hear three knocks on the door. At that time, slip the blindfold over your eyes, lay on the bed, and spread your legs. Fasten the ties to the bed, and then stick one wrist above you, then the other. Shortly your fantasy will come true.”
I’m breathless as I read this. I hear the doorbell, and take a deep breath. I hear you greet the visitors. There’s hearty laughter, clanging of beer bottles, and movement of chairs. More talking among you, then it quiets down. The game has started. In the bedroom I occur myself as bestI can. I’m so nervous, so anxious. Time goes on, and I’m started by a knock on the door. My heart drops. Can I do this? I follow your instructions, strapping myself to the bed, placing the blindfold over my eyes. It’s a little difficult to secure my last wrist, but I manage. I’m not able to move much, and feel so open and vulnerable.
I hear the chairs moving, more laughter, talking… then people leaving. Then I hear the bedroom door open. My senses are picking up every movement, every sound. “Looks like you’re my price,” I hear a voice says. “Oh Baby, and I’m going to make sure you’re going to love this.” The voice isn’t familiar in the least. There’s no slowness at all to this; at once I feel the strangers hand on my breasts. He’s rough, making my nipples ache for more of his touch. His mouth is on mine now; his tongue forcing it’s way into my mouth. I taste the alcohol from earlier, and feel a moustache on his face. One of his hands reaching down and starts stroking my thighs. He runs his hand roughly over my pussy, then pulls the teddy tight so it is forced between my lips. “Yessss,” I hear the strange moan.
He’s off me quickly, and I hear him undressing. I can almost feel the lust in his breathing. I feel a wet tongue on my leg, and licking moving upwards. I feel his hands massaging me, as he works his way up. My breathing is heavier now, and I know I am becoming very wet. The excitement from feeling so helpless and the anticipation are getting to me. I start moaning as he touches me, I am squirming under his touches. He moves forward and I feel something on my mouth. “Take it Baby,” he says, “Make it feel as good as you look Honey.” I greedily suck his penis into my mouth. It’s thick and hard as my tongue presses it against the roof of my mouth, and I suck on it. He slowly pulls it out, and I reach for it, then he rams it back in. I’m almost wild now, wanting this strangers cock inside me. Then I feel him fingering me. I’m so wet there. He rubs his finger over my clip, fast, bringing me to almost instant orgasm, then stops and slides his finger deep inside me. He has the fabric from the teddy pulled to the side, and now his tongue is licking me, poking inside me. I’m moaning and panting, pressing against him, still sucking his hard cock.
He spreads my legs open wider and continues to eat me. I can’t move under the weight of him. I’m only there to please him now. Whatever he wants from this point on is his; I’ll do anything for his stranger. He turns, and lays over me, then I feel his hard cock enter inside me. “Ooooooooooooh yesssssssssss,” I hear myself moaning. “Fuck me, make me want you.” His grunts against my ear are so erotic. He slams himself into me, and I try to grab at him from inside. Then I feel him move slightly, and he’s reaching for the straps that are holding me. He undoes them from the bed, tells me to roll over, which I do. He slips a couple pillows under my stomach and strraps me back down, this time on my stomach, leaving my ass is the air for him. I feel his mouth again on me; I can hardly stand it. Then I feel him pushing himself back in me, and I’m gone. I feel his balls slapping against me and he rams himself deeper, harder and faster into me.
Then from the corner of the room I hear you say, “You’re doing great Baby!” I hold still. Was that you I just heard, or was my mind playing tricks? “Like him Baby, show him how much you like getting fucked by a stranger.” With that last line, I erupt into the most intense orgasm I think I’d had up to that point. He follows me, and I feel his cum spurting inside me. After a few minutes, he’s off me. I hear him gathering his clothes, dressing, then hear him tell you, “Let me know when the next game is.” Then he’s gone.
You unstrap me from the bed, and remove the ties from my wrists and ankles. You lay next to me, and slip the blindfold off. You’re smiling at me. I’m smiling at you. “You are sooooooo sexy,” you say, then kiss me. “Thankyou,” is all I can muster, I feel exhausted. “Sleep Baby,” you whisper to me.
The next morning as we wake up together, we talk about the night before. “More?” you ask. “No,” I say, “Once is all my fantasy was. You are all I want from now on.” “Shower?” you ask. “Mmmmmmmm,” is my reply.
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