The Gala Ch. 07

Chapter 7

“Scott,… Scott?,… Time to wake up.”

The voice startedled me from sleep, and in my grggy state I struggled to identify who was speaking. I felt safe and snug, as if wrapped in a warm blanket. I was incredibly relaxed and at peace. But as I ignored my senses, that peace was replaced by suddenly panic as I recognized I was surrounded by water. My body tensed, and I instinctively tried to swim. But just as quickly as fear had risen from my gut, it subsided again as I remembered the reason for my wet surroundings. I laughed at myself, relaxed, and laid back into the water. The warmth of its liquid embrace restored my sense of calm. I had never felt so good!

In fact, for the past four hours, I’d been comfortably cocooned inside my very own personal water hibernation tank. It was yet another unique feature of the bathing chamber in the lower level of the mansion. The tank was similar to those installed at high-end, health spas. They resemble space pods straight from a science fiction movie. The size is large enough to avoid causing claustrophobia, and each is fitted with specialized lighting and sound equipment to create an ideal relaxation environment. Heavily salted water fills each tank which is then maintained at exact body temperature. Floating inside the tank feels effortless. The intent is to create a watery chamber where one can achieve maximum relaxation isolated from outside stress. The experience promotes mental and physical restoration and excellent sleep. Though I’d been sleeping in the tank for roughly four hours, my body had likely received the restorative benefit equal to being sleep for twice that long.

“You’re such a sleepy-head, Scott, but I suppose that just shows how well these tanks work?” I now recognized it was Cynthia speaking to me. I saw the upper half of her torso leaning into the door of the tank. She reached out and grabbed my ankles, pulling my floating form towards her. “We’ve got to get you out of here, groomed, fed and ready for today’s events.”

“Oh man, I feel like I could stay in here forever! This thing is incredible!” I groused as I awkwardly began to assist Cynthia with moving my body towards the tank door.

“Hey, remember to be careful of that harness and tubing, Scott,” Cynthia said, referring to the umbilical-type contraction that was Securely around my hips and encapsulated my cock. I had been sleeping so soundly, I had completely forgotten about the extra equipment. It felt natural now, but I recalled how strange it had felt to attach the harness to my body before climbing into the tank to sleep. It was an extremely unique design and difficult to describe.

The harness was like a giant adult diaper with a few specialized internal modifications. It had an internal sheath that surrounded my cock and balls. A large tube ran from the end of the sheath and merged with several umbilical cables that were attached to the wait andthe rear of the harness. A small anal plug was situated in the seat of the harness that was nested perfectly inside my ass. A tube exited the rear of the plug and wound around my wait to find its place with the rest of the umbilical bundle. The whole arrangement reminded me of diving equipment, but with an entirely different purpose.

Earlier that night, Cynthia had explained the details of this elaborate contraction. Amanda’s drug cocktail would not allow my body to stop producing semen even during sleep. While I slept, the volume of fluid in my body would build to unsafe levels. My glands would produce much more sperm than could be safely stored by my body. The harness and tubing function as a milking mechanism that worked at regular intervals during the night to draw off the excess semen and prevent injury. The butt plug provided milk, intermittent electric charges to stimulate my prostate and promote ejaculation. The sheath around my cock was negatively pressed to create a vacuum and capture all the semen collected through this process. After entering the tank, it had taken me some time to get used to the feeling of the harness, but I found the overall sensing to be incredibly pleasant. Before too long, I found myself relaxed, laying back into the water and enjoying myself immensely. After a few gentle orgasms, my brain had lulled itself into sleep.

Now it was time to separate myself from the harness and get on with the next day’s events. Cynthia, her usual efficient self, was there to handle the details.

“Well, I suppose this should come as no surprise at this point,… but…, well…, I’m not really sure how to say this…, basically, your sperm production during the night was off the charts, Scott,” Cynthia said. “I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s solid proof that Amanda’s drugs are incredibly effective, and this milker was critical for your safety. The machine pulled off at least a gallon of fluid while you slept! I’m going to say you’d probably have needed hospitalization without it. Your internal plumbing would have been permanently wrecked! I had kind of assumed, after Missy’s aggressive prostate milking and your over-the-top performance at last night’s final event, you’d be milked dry and really wouldn’t need this harness. I guess that shows what I know!” Cynthia chuckled to herself as I climbed out of the tank to stand beside her. She handed me a towel and helped me dry my body and began to remove the harness. As Cynthia’s hands worked, my mind began to wander back to the prior night’s events.

The peacefulness of the tank had mostly diluted my memory of it. But the crazy series of events that ended my first day of the Gala began to reawaken in my mind.

Last night. How could I have forgotten everything so quickly?

After my latex-fueled, prostate-milking adventure, Missy had served as my escort back to the main ballroom. When we arrived, I noticed the room had changed. The three padded tables from the first event had been replaced by large frames of metal piping. They were struggle, rectangular, frames supporting a customized rig of strange looking metal. Each rig was composed of various bars, cross-supports, hinges, and straws that seemed to be strategically designed to hold a human body. As I looked more closely, I noticed the shape of each rig resembled the outline of a giant gingerbread man with legs slightly spread and arms extended to each side. It was crazy-looking, and I was struggling to imagine how I was going to fit into the contraction.

As Missy led me across the room, I spotted Cynthia standing by the nearest rack of pipes. “Here’s our little lover boy, Cynthia,” Missy quipped, “I’m turning him back over to your capable hands. He’s been a very good boy and done everything I’ve asked of him, and then some. I trust that you will get him ready for this next event?”

Cynthia stepped forward as Missy handed her my collar chain “I’m more than happy to get Scott all locked and loaded,” Cynthia said with a big smile. “And I’m also not surprised to hear he exceeded your expectations. You weren’t around to see what the milker was able to pull out of Scott during the first event. He raised more than a few eyesbrows with his performance.”

“Well, I’m definitely not going to miss out on the fun this time.” I felt a sharp smack on my ass from Missy. “You be a good little sub for, Cynthia, and I’ll see you again after a bit.”

Cynthia wasted no time getting my body secured into the metal rack system. I soon found myself strictly held into the frame by at least twenty different straps. Cynthia had fastened a three-point climbing harness around my hips and crotch to provide a primary base of support. Each arm and each leg had four straps of Its own spaced evenly up and down each limb. Four additional straps were fastened around my shoulders and torso. All straps had been lined with thick lambs’ wool padding to eliminate any nastypressure points. My body was forced by the shape of the frame into a position that made it appeared I was standing in the stirrups of a saddle astride an invisible horse. The frame held both of my arms angled out to each side. While I was sure the whole thing looked a bit silly, I found I was surprisingly comfortable.

“Let me give you an idea of ​​what this rack system can do. It’s incredibly versatile,” Cynthia said in a matter-of-fact voice. “Now, just relax and try to stay as limp as possible. Otherwise, I might accidentally hurt you. This thing is a miracle of engineering. With just a few clicks…”

I heard her words spoken in unison with the sound of snapping and popping as the rack went into motion.

“… I can bend you in half.” I was suddenly bent seriously at the waist and staring at my feet.

“Or maybe you’d rather be on all fours?” With a few more clicks and snaps, Cynthia effectively shifted my body into doggy-style position. I was floating in mid-air, yetcompletely supported by the rack.

“I can even hang you upside-down if I want.” Almost instantly, my body was straightened back into a plank position, and my head spun downward towards the floor. The blood quickly rushed to my head, and I forced myself to take a deep breath.

“This thing can put your body into all kinds of positions with very little effort. It can also twist you into shapes that could cause significant pain. But don’t worry. It’s my job to supervise and make sure that doesn’t happen. Really, the engineering of this thing makes the possibilities endless.” Cynthia laughed to herself as she flipped me back upright. I was once again facing forward and positioned as a horseless rider.

“Holy crap,” I said with conviction. “I get the sense this machine might be a real challenge for my flexibility. I feel like an unwilling connectionist from Cirque de Soleil. Please do your best to make sure I don’t get broken in half by someone.”

The room had begun to fill with people. There was a significant crowd forming around my rack watching Cynthia’s demonstration, but there were also plenty of people millioning around the other racks that were now occupied by Ben and Eric, the other two subs. Each of them was going to have to endure the same treatment as me.

“May I have everyone’s attention, please!” I was suddenly started by the sound of Claire’s voice over the room’s speaker system. “I hope all of you have been enjoying yourselves thus far. I know you were all excited to see how well each of our subs performed during the first challenge. They’ve now had time to rest and recover, and all three are ready to perform their next task. We’ve brought out one of your favorite devices used during a Gala several years ago, the Multi-Pose Rack!”

There was a noticeable murmur of approval from the crowd, some scattered applause and even a few wolf whistles. It was obvious the crowd had some fond memories of how these racks had been used at pastGalas. Claire paused and allowed quiet to settle over the room. I could imagine her face with a mischievous smile. I found myself wishing I could see her and talk with her. Was it possible she might visit my station and participate in the event? Even though I doubted it would happen, it didn’t stop me from wishing for some time with her.

Once Claire had recovered everyone’s attention, she began speaking again. “You are all free to visit any station you like and wait in turn for your opportunity to make each of the subs cum. Our rules require you to always secure a condom on the sub’s cock to capture any ejaculation. You can see that a container sits at each sub’s rack station. The rack attendants will count and record the orgasms and deposit all captured semen in the container. We encourage you to be creative with your technique. All stations have any number of toys and devices which can be used on the sub of your choice. Only after filling his container with cum will a sub be allowed to advance to the next stage of this challenge. The fun began, NOW!”

A group began to surge towards my rack. I suddenly felt afraid. I looked at the container sitting near where I hung. I was relieved to see it wasn’t that large, only about the size of an ordinary solo cup. Still, I was about to be accosted by an unknown number of Dominants, each of which would be determined to make me cum. Based upon the amount of cum I’d been producing so far, I hoped the container would be filled quickly, and this event would be short-lived. I looked at Cynthia, and she must have seen the panic on my face.

“Don’t worry, Scott. I’m here to protect your safety, and I promise you will come to no harm. But this challenge will not be easy. Just like the last event I’m sure you are going to get Uncomfortable before all of this is over. We are taking a couple of additional precautions this time. The first one is to have you wear this.”

Cynthia dangled a ring gag in front of my face”Please open up your mouth, Scott.”

I thought about protesting, but I knew it would be pointless. Instead, I slowly opened my mouth and looked into Cynthia’s eyes as she placed the edges of the rubber coated ring just behind my teeth. Once the ring was positioned, she carefully buckled the strap behind my head. It was snug, but not painful. I would be able to grunt, moan and breathe without a problem, but I wasn’t going to be saying anything intelligent, that was for sure.

“How does that feel, Scott?” Cynthia looked into my eyes, and all I could think to do was nod. “Now, the second item for your protection is this remote button.” Cynthia handed me a small device that fit the palm of my hand. “I have not been provided with a preview of how any of these Dominants plan to get you to cum. Although I’ll be keeping a close eye on things, your willingness to proceed is also critically important. If things get too far out of hand, just squeeze the remote button as a substitutefor your safe word. I will then immediately stop the scene. Understand?”

I nodded my agreement slowly. What was about to happen to me?

Cynthia turned to the queue of Dominants, all of whom seemed to be smiling broadly. “OK, ladies. Who’s first?”

My eyes shifted from Cynthia to one of the Dominants standing closest to me. She was a statusesque redhead with brilliant blue eyes that Instantly locked onto mine. She moved slowly towards me without breaking her gaze. Her star was intense and made my stomach clnch anxiously. She was stunningly beautiful. Locks of wavy red hair framed her face and fell towards her exposed shoulders. Her hips and bus combined to form a physique that would grab the attention of any man or woman with a pulse. Her figure was accentuated by expertly tailored black leather pants and matching corset. The corset bodice was sized to perfection and formed her breasts into an entirely sculpted cleavage. The effect was to highlight her alabaster skin,made even more sexy with a light sprinkling of weak freckles. Her breasts undulated in a sexy rhythm as she walked and teasingly threatened to spill over the body of her corset. In just a few steps, her face was inches from mine. My nose filled with the pleasant aroma of her perfume.

“Scott, my name is Marcella. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” With a raised hand, her index finger traced the outline of one of my nipples causing it to become rigid with arousal. My skin was quickly covered in goosebumps by her touch. “I found your performance earlier tonight particularly inspiring. You should know I was extremely disappointed when time expired before I could manipulate the controls of the milker. So, I have been looking forward to my own chance to see what I can coat out of that impressive cock of yours. How shall we begin?”

Marcella’s attention shifted from me to the cartful of toys located at my station. After deliberating for a few moments, she selected a small bullet vibrThe acr secured within a soft rubber ring. Her fingers tested the stretchiness of the ring, and then she deftly slipped it around the head of my limp cock making sure the bullet rested precisely on the underside of the head. “I’m guessing this little toy is going to get your attention pretty quickly.” With a hand-held remote, Marcella activated the bullet. I feel its soothing victory surrounding the tip of my cock. The stimulation caused my shake to gorge quickly with blood, and it rapidly rose, tall and stiff, protruding in front of me.

“That didn’t take long. I appreciate a man that’s responsive.” Marcella said. “I also do love the look of a clean-shaven, stiff dick. Now that I’ve got your attention, I’d like to see what I can do with that cum-filled ball sack of yours.” Marcella turned off the bullet, stepped closer, and reached towards my balls holding something in her hands. I recognized what she held as a parachute ball stretcher. It was a circular piece of leather with a hole in the center that could be fastened around my balls. Several small chains dangled from the edge of the leather, their opposite ends joined together by a ring. It really did resemble a parachute. I knew its purpose was to allow weight to be suspended from my balls, pulling them towards the floor. Marcella expertly snapped the parachute into place, and my ball sack was nestled into the leather cup formed by the parachute with the chains and ring dangling below.

“Have you used a stretcher on your balls before, Scott?” Of course, I was unable to answer Marcella verbally because of the gag. I opted to nod, indicating yes. She smiled. “Very good. I am rather fond of ball stretching. I have found it greatly enhances the way stimulation affects a man’s cock and can magnify his orgasm tremendously. I hope you don’t object to that?”

I just looked at Marcella in silence.

“Oh, that’s right. You really can’t object, can you?” She laughed softly. “Let’s see how you deal with someweight added to the parachute, shall we? Cynthia, will you shift Scott to a forward-leaning plank position, so that his cock and balls will be more directly below his body?”

After a few clicks, Cynthia had the metal rack adjusted so I was positioned as Marcella had asked. It caused my balls to dangle more freely, unaffected by my thighs, and made the parachute easily accessible. Snatching Something from the toy cart, Marcella stepped forward and raised a round, metal weight before my eyes as if it were show-and-tell. “This metal orb weights about two pounds. How many of them do you suppose that ball sack can handle?” With a subtle smile, Marcella moved closer to attach the weight to the parachute. As she bent towards me, my gaze was irresistibly drawn to her cleavage, the curving mounds of her tits pushed provocatively upward by her corset. It was a luscious and appealing view, and for a moment I was utterly captured. But then Marcella clipped the weight to the parachute and letgo.

I quickly forgot all about tits. Two pounds of metal dropped towards the floor, yanking downward and causing my ball sack to swing in little circles as gravity did its work.

“Unngh.” I heard myself grunt involuntarily.

“Do you feel that pull, Scott? I know some men find it to be a bit intense.” She was absolutely right. I was going to need a moment to get used to the weight. But, before I adjusted to the pulling sensing, I saw Marcella reach for another weight from the cart.

“Gravity can be a powerful erotic tool. Normally, the blood that floods into the tissue of your cock allows it to defy gravity. The cock stands proud and erect, ready to do the work for which it was intended. But then if we add these weights to your balls, it magnifies the power of gravity. The increased force challenges the ligaments supporting that cock of yours and forces them to do more work.”

I heard Marcella clip the second weight to the parachute, continuing with her monologue.

“With each added weight, the physical stresses on your cock increase exponentially.” I watched as Marcella let the weight fall from her hand.

“Nnggh.” I groaned again as the second weight dangled and pulled forcedly on my sack. I could feel the skin of my balls stretched tight. Marcella gave the weights a flick, causing them to swing in a larger arc back and forth. The pull of four pounds of metal on my balls was significant, but not painful. I’d had my balls stretched during sessions with Claire, and I found I enjoyed how it felt. The extra stress tugging on all the supporting tendons in my crotch really did magnify the sensings from my cock. I could feel the surge of blood rushing to my crotch and causing my dick to pulse with my heartbeat.


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