The Gala Ch. 03

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Scott has learned he will participate in a forced orgasm competition as a part of The Gala festivals. As a pre-condition, he has agreed to be injected with a drug cocktail which is designed to improve his sexual function.

I think both Amanda and I were surprised at how abruptly Claire left us. If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought Claire was worried I’d change my mind about agreeing to being injected with Amanda’s drug, and she wanted to leave before I had the chance. There was a brief but awkward pause as Amanda and I stared at one another until I decided to speak up. “I guess you’d better tell me what I’m in for, Amanda.”

With a noticeable earnestness in her voice, Amanda began to explain the medical side of things. “I believe it is important you understand what lies in store for you, Scott. I will make the utmost effort to be open and honest about the details. Let me begin with the reason for your confinement in this chair. AlthoughI’m sure your bondage fetish is causing you to enjoy being imprisoned in this stockade, that is not its primary purpose. Ensuring your immability is extremely cruel to the injection procedure and what will follow. I am about to administrator the first drug which will boost your semen production. You will receive a direct injection into each seminal vesicle. As you may know, you have two of these glands below and behind your prostate. The shot itself is some difficult for me to administrator but relatively painful for you. The chair simplifies this process.”

Hearing Amanda described needs going into glasses was making things very real, very fast. “I’ve never had a fear of needs, but based on where you will be sticking me, I guess it’s a good thing I’m stuck in this chair.”

Amanda didn’t react to My attempt at humor and continued with her lecture. “The drug is fairly quick to act upon your tissues, but it does take time to be fully absorbed by the body. Within a few moments of receiving the first injection, you will experience a period of disappoint as the drug begins to affect your seminal glands. Although extensive testing and various reformations of the drug, I have found no way to avoid this side effect. While the drug begins its work, it is critical that you sit relatively still and not be allowed to rub or stimulate your genitals. As it activates semen production, the drug also works to stimulate the section of your brain known as the amygdala, which will become highly active. Your mind will be overwhelmed by an extremely strong urge to touch and stimulate yourself, and you will feel intense desire for orgasm. Being locked in this chair will prevent you from doing that. The sensings you will experience will be outside normal levels of desire. Left to your own devices, you would be unable to stop yourself from masturbating to orgasm. We cannot risk that situation. Frankly, you are very likely to be highly frustrated by what you feel. I can assure you, however, the disappoint will gradually lessen and completely dissipate in a relatively short time. Do you understand what I have explained?”

I nodded slowly. Things obviously were about to get interesting.

“Are you ready for me to proceed?”

I hesitated, digesting what I had just heard. “You really need to stop giving me opportunities to change my mind,” I said, chuckling nervously. “Yes, I’m ready. Let’s just get this part over with. Please go ahead. Do what you need to do.”

Amanda walked to a far corner of the room and returned pushing a small cart where several vials and syringes rested in a metal tray. I watched as she filled first one syringe, and then another with a milky liquid. I felt her grasping my ball sack where it joined my body, pulling up and forward with a suprising amount of force. “Scott, I appreciate that you are clean-shaven. I know Claire insists that you maintain proper grooming, and it makes it much easier for me to locate the propr area for the injection.” Her fingers palpated the tender skin between my balls and anus. “I apologize for the rather intimate contact,” said Amanda. I felt intense cold as she carefully swabbed the surface of my skin with rubbing alcohol. Amanda retrieved the first syringe from the tray, and I saw a small amount of the liquid spray into the air as she positioned it for the injection. “The angle for this injection is a bit awkward, but it is the best pathway allowing direct access to the glasses.” I felt a small sting from the pierce of the needle, followed by more cold sensing as the drug was pushed into my body. She repeated the entire process one more time on the opposite side.

Amanda stepped back and watched me closely. “That wasn’t so bad,” I started to say. But nearly as soon as the words left my mouth, I began to feel an itch and burn in my crotch. The sensing slowly grow, almost as if someone was turning up the intensity with a dial. I was rapidly overcome with an irresistible urge to scratch and masse my balls. Of course, there was no way I could do that confined in the chair. “Holy crap! That is intense!” I called out. I tried to shift my body position, moving my legs and hips in a vain attempt to get some relief. The chair, with its wide leather strap around my wait, made my movements useless. All I could do was squirm and allow my mind to absorb the disappoint. “Wow, Amanda. You weren’t kidding!”

“I am sorry you have to experience this, Scott,” Amanda stated sympathetically, “but I have not been able to fashion a working version of the drug without this side effect. The itching and burning will start to lessen in a few minutes, but you do have a bit of a progression to endure over the next half hour or so. I assume you, even at its worst, what you are feeling will cause you no physical harm. I will check back with you in a short while, but I must leave now and tend to my other duties.”

Amanda pushed the cart towards the man in thenext stockade chair to begin his injections. As I watched her go, the itching and burning seemed to reach a peak, and I began to get used to what I was feeling. I decided it was bearable after all, and I was happy it was not getting worse. Eventually, the disappoint began to subside, and I was able to relax. The relief was only temporary, however, as a new sensing began. The itch and burn were gradually replaced by a very odd feeling. I sensed significant pressure building in the tissue around the base of my cock and in my balls. It was like I was being inflated. I badly wanted to see what was happening to my cock, and I struggled to look down. The chair’s neck restraint held my head securely, and I couldn’t see anything. I had no doubt my ball sack was swelling. The sensing was both bizarre and incredibly arousing. The pressure wasn’t painful, but it caused me to be hyper-aware of my balls hanging between my legs. They felt heavier than normal, and the swelling was stretching theskin of my ball sack. I could tell an erection was building, and very quickly I knew my cock was pointing straight up into the air. As my hard-on stiffened, a strong tingling, similar to when an arm or foot goes to sleep, spread throughout my crotch. The prickling feeling was intense and the powerful urge to rub myself returned to torque me. If I could have grabbed my dick and jacked off, I would have done it in a heartbeat. Instead, I was forced to wiggle and squirm in the chair, wishing more than anything that I could touch my cock. The tingling reminded me of being edged by a vibrator. But what I was feeling was even more thrilling because the sensing was being generated by my own body. As the tingling persisted, my sexual arousal increased right along with it. Drops of pre-cum began oozing from the tip of my dick and running down my cock shake. More than anything I wanted to cum. These sensings were making me so incredibly horny. The intense arousal caused by the pressure andswelling in my cock made me realize why Amanda felt her warnings had been necessary. Being restrained was frustrating, but I secretly felt this type of pleasure torture was a blessing in disguise.

I didn’t know it, but I was about to rapidly change my mind. Just as suddenly as it began, the tingling disappear. I continued to be aware of my swollen ball sack and how heavy it felt hanging from my body. But in the span of just a few seconds, the original burning sensing resumed with a vengeance. The burn instantly killed my erection, and my dick fell limp. I found myself in undeniable pain. I started to sweat profusely. Droplets of perspiration were forming all over my body. “Holy, shit.” I mumbled through clenched teeth, trying not to yell out. I was embarrassed about drawing attention to myself. The burning was magnitudes greater than before, and I was not sure whether I could cope with it for long. Sweat ran down my face and neck. I squirmed and compromised, my sweaty body slipping against the leather and wood of the chair. Nothing I did was enough to distract my mind, and the burning only got worse. After a few more moments of struggle, I reached my limit. “Dammit!” I yelled out.

My shout drew Amanda’s attention, and she quickly returned to my side. “Scott, just hold on.” Amanda was trying to be reassuring. She held a cool clothes and mopped my browser. “This is the worst part, and it will soon run its course. Again, I’m sorry for this, but you are not in danger. If it is any consolation, this year’s version of the drug is not quite as bad as in past years.”

“My god! Not quite as bad?!” I said, continuing to grimace. “Holy hell, Amanda!” I wiggled and flexed and squirmed some more. I had flashbacks of having my jockstrap spiked with Icy Hot as a prank in high school, but this burning was so much worse. My crotch was on fire, and my breathing became in ragged and rapid. “Amanda,… this is awful. Can’t you… help me?” I was starting to get desperate.Time seemed to crawl, and I began to worry. Still, Amanda said nothing more and continued to watch me struggle. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. Before I felt the need to escalate my please for help any further, to my relief, things proved to be just as Amanda had predicted. The terrible burning ebbed away, and I was left with what felt like a fat, sore, and limp dick. I forced myself to relax in my chair, taking deep, even breaths. Amanda must have noticed.

“I think you have made it, Scott. That is wonderful. You did remarkably well,” she said. “Now that the side effects have passed, I can safely give you the second injection. I do believe you will enjoy this part of the process significantly more than what you have just been through.” She smiled as she pulled another syringe from her cart and filled it with a light blue liquid. “This injection is given in a way you will find more familiar,” Amanda stated as she reached for my bicep. The needle was in and out again beforeI even felt it. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” she said. “Now, in order to maximize the effect of this second drug, we must arrange for your autonomic nervous system to receive some prolonged stimulation.”

“Wait a minute,” I said. “Prolonged nervous system stimulation! Amanda, if you are talking about attaching electrons to my head or something, then I think I’m going to throw in the towel. I barely made it through that burning feeling. I’ve had more than I can handle for one day.”

Amanda started to laugh. “Oh no, no, no. That’s not it at all. This procedure utilizes a much more traditional method of stimulation that I think you will find very enjoyable. Just allow me to leave you for a moment. I will return very shortly.”

I watched Amanda across the room and speak quietly to one of the female submissives who was chained to the wall. She was an ivory-skinned woman with long, red hair and a body with curves in all the right places. She wore no make-up, but she really did not need it. I think make-up would only have detracted from her natural beauty. She looked as if she’d been plucked right from the pages of a magazine. Her breasts were damn near perfect. They were at least double-D with pink areolas and nipples in ideal proportion. Her pussy was completely shhaved, and I could just make out the edges of her inner labia, swollen and protruding. Just looking at her made my sore dick begin to stir. While I could not hear their conversation, the woman nodded and smiled to Amanda. Soon, the pair walked together back to my chair, Amanda leading the submissive by her collar and chain.

“Scott, I’d like you to meet Phoebe. She is going to assist me with the rest of your preparations. As I said, the second injection requires your autonomic neural responses to be stimulated to allow optimum effect of the drug. Therefore, Phoebe is going to fallate you. Based upon my past observations of Phoebe’s skills, I can say with certainty that she is exceptionallytalented at fallatio. You are about to discover for yourself just how talented she is. You are a very lucky man. There is one caveat. She is under strict instructions not to cause orgasm under any circumstances. Your system must be elevated to a high level of arousal and then sustained there, but you cannot be allowed a release that would trigger your refractory period. It is the prolonged edging and stimulation that facilitate the drug in its ability to shorten your body’s naturally longer refractory periods.”

“So, what you’re saying is that I’m going to get the best blowjob of my life, but without the happy ending?” I said with a huge smile staring directly into Amanda’s face.

“I’m glad to see that your experience thus far has not destroyed your sense of humor, Scott,” Amanda responded with a Mild tone of announcement. “Still, after what you’ve just been through, I suppose humor is a good sign.” Amanda allowed herself a hint of a smile, and I thought I might have even detected a subtle wink. Then Amanda turned to Phoebe, locking her collar chain to a ring bolt on the side of my chair. “Phoebe, I have no doubt you know exactly what to do.” With a gentle pat on my head, Amanda departed. Phoebe looked into my eyes and gave me a polite nod, an enthusiastic smile. Then, without a word she immediately knelt between my legs to begin her assigned task.

Amanda had not been exaggerating. Phoebe’s oral skills were beyond anything I’d ever experienced in my life. I’ve had my share of blow jobs, but nothing like this. She began with gentle kisses and cares of my inner thighs. She purposefully avoided my cock and balls entirely. I felt my arousal kick into overdrive as she continued with light touches, nibbles, and licks everywhere but on my dick. To say I got hard quickly would be an understanding. Although the ordeal caused by the injections, my cock responded as if I was 18 again. It was soon so engaged with blood the skin was stretched to its limit. Phoebe’s earnest efforts with her mouth and hands were driving me nuts. My horniness was intensely locked because I was still locked securely in the stockade chair and couldn’t see anything she was doing. The experience was purely sensing with no visual cues. Her cares and light touches progressed and became firm and purposeful. I felt a finger trace a line down the front of my ball sack, up the back and then slowly circle my asshole. Her expertise was impressive beyond measure. She took the extra length of her collar chain from the floor and wrapped it carefully, first around the base of my cock and then around my ball sack. The cold sensing of the metal against my skin, gave me chills. Gradually, Phoebe pulled on the chain and tightened the links wrapping my ball sack, stretching it away from my body. This tightened and stretched the skin of my swollen sack even more. I feel her gently trace spirals around the taut, sensitive skin of my balls. When Phoebe finally took the head of my cockBetween her lips, I had become so aroused that I cried out purely from reflex. “Holy shit!” All her movement instantly stopped, and I teetered on the edge of ecstasy. As Phoebe sensed my grade relaxation, she slowly unwrapped the chain, and then shifted her cares from by balls to focus more intently on my cock.

My time with Phoebe is mostly a blur of memories. I found myself in a prolonged state of blissful age. She expertly alternate between sensitive titillation designed solely to frustrate and intensify my arousal and more vigorous stimulation that would bring me perilously close to the broke of orgasm. She gently nibbled and grazed the skin of my cock with her teeth. I felt every little scratch and ticker. She worked her way up and down the shake, intentionally taking her time. I decided her tongue deserved to be bronzed and inducted into the Blow Job Hall of Fame. I figured out that Phoebe’s tongue was pierced, and she used a steel stud to expertly stimulate my cockhead in all the right places. She repeatedly placed the stud right in the cream of my frenulum and ran her tongue up and down in a firm, steady rhythm. Just when I thought I couldn’t take another moment of teasing, she would stop the movement and allow me to recover. When she sensed my body was relaxed, she would periodically take my entire length down her throat, swallowing my dick whole. I could feel her wet, full lips mashed against my public bone as she deep-throated me. As time passed and she continued with this routine, I could feel the mix of Phoebe’s saliva and my pre-cum making a sticky coat over my skin. The mingled liquids accumulated and began running down my cock and ball sack. I loved hearing her slurp and suck as she worked. Phoebe expertly held me in a pleasure balance between heaven and hell — my brain was slowly being tortured by the spectacular feelings spreading throughout my crotch and Phoebe’s absolute refusal to let me cum.

Phoebe clearly was taking her instructures seriously, and I was the one being tormented by it. It was so easy to lose all sense of time. Repeatedly, I found myself convinced I would blow my load, but somehow Phoebe would instinctively make some slight adjustment with her hands or mouth that brought me back from the edge just in time. I have never been so horny and incredibly aggravated at the same time. My emotions were a complete and utter mess. There were times I began to see stars flashing before my eyes, but then I realized I was involuntarily holding my breath and nearly causing myself to pass out. Finally, through the mental fog caused by my hyper-stimulated state of arousal, I heard Amanda’s voice speaking to Phoebe.

“Phoebe, once again it appears you have outdone yourself,” Amanda stated with satisfaction. “By the look of things, I can safely say you have optimized the effectiveness of the drug on Scott’s nervous system.” Amanda turned and looked at me. I imagined I must be a mess. “Scott, can I assumeYou have enjoyed your time with Phoebe?”

Through what I know was a lot of heavy breathing and gasping, I managed to speak. “Yes, Amanda. Absolutely. God yes.” I tried to look towards Phoebe still kneeing between my legs. “Phoebe, I hope you’ll excuse my explicit choice of words. But your mouth skills are abso-fucking-lutely incredible.” As both women laughed, I could not help but join in.

Amanda handed Phoebe a small jar and provided further direction, “Phoebe, I’d like you massage this ointment into the skin of Scott’s cock and balls. The gel has been infused with some of the drug. Working it directly into the skin has a bolstering effect on the injection already in Scott’s system. Please wear these latex gloves as you work. Phoebe, I emphasize again — do not allow him to reach orgasm. Then you will release him from this chair and escort him to the bathing chambers. Assist him there as needed, and then return him here by 7:45. Scott, you will be able to freshen up in thebathing chambers, I’m sure you probably need a bit of a break. When Phoebe has completed her massage, please go with her, do as she instructs, and I will see you again shortly. As before, you are not allowed to masturbate, and Phoebe has been tasked to see that does not occur.” Amanda unlocked Phoebe’s chain from my chair, and then she left the two of us alone.


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