The Futa and the Virgin Groom

The Futanari Cab Driver-

A mysterious futanari woman who uses her job and drop dead gorgeous looks to get whatever she wants from who ever she wants. She stands at a staggering 6’6 with F cups and thighs thicker than you could believe. Her bright purple eyes perfectly match her long bright purple hair that cascades all the way down to her magnificent ass. Her real name, age, and origin is unknown.

Chapter 1- The Virgin Groom

I’m looking for the last fair of the night, it’s 2am and the bars are letting out so now is the time to price gouge someone. I pull up slowly to a group of people hailing me on the sidewalk, it seems to be a group of twenty things that are all drunk. Against my better judgement I stop for them and let the group push a young man into my cab. One of them walks up to my window holding a money clip filled with cash.

“Dasss our boy Joshhhh… He is *hiccup* getting married in a few days!… We are so proud of our him! *Hiccup* how muchhhh?”

I grab the whole wad of cash in his hand quickly “Yea ok whatever that should be enough… Where should I take him?” I give him narrow eyes wanting a quick response.

“Oh *hiccup* I’m don’t remember… Oh here just takeeee his phone he dropped it earlier… It should say in the *hiccup* gps where to go… Thank you pretty ladyyyyyy” he hands me the phone and stumbles away.

Bachelor parties are the literal worst, I usually avoid them when possible. I adjust my mirror to get a good look at my passenger. Wow actually quite cute, he is about 6’1 with dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He looks a little drink but has such a kind handsome face and slender body.

“So young man how are you doing this evening?” I tip my hat a little and stare at him through the mirror.

“Ohhhh.. Hi ma’am… Im gooooood… I’m sorry I don’t usually *hiccup* drink… Where are my friends?” He looks around more out of it than I thought.

“Oh don’t worry baby they left you in goodhands… How about you unlock this phone so I can take you home?” I hand him the phone, without a second thought he puts in his password. I quickly snatch it back from him as he smiles and leans looking out the window.

“Thank you so muchhh ma’am… I can’t wait to get home to jelly bean…” He looks longingly out the window with a smile.

“Oh boy I take it jelly bean is your bride to be?” I smile as I start driving.

“Yuppppp… She is the sweetest, prettiest, kindest girl in the world!… I *hiccup* can’t believe how lucky I am…” He fades off drunkenly lost in his thoughts of her I’m sure.

I aggressively rub my pulsing girl meat as I drive, the love he has for his finance really turn me on. I flip through his phone looking for intelligence but it All seem insanely vanilla, which I guess I should have expected. I look through his texts with his finance and unintentionally moan as precum drops down my leg. The sappy love texts they have about the wedding, the future,and even having kids are to much for my dick to handle.

“Are you*hiccup* ok ma’am?” He leans forward concerned trying to hear my response.

“Oh of course young man, you are too sweet!… So tell me are you excited to get married?”

He lights up at this question “Oh yess! I’ve dreamed of it since *hiccup* the day I met kassi all those years ago at sacred heart camp!” I quickly google sacred heart camp and see it’s a very strict christian camp for highschoolers. I grin as I anticipate my next question.

“So have you and jelly bean ever… Made love?” I smile as I look in the mirror at his shocked eyes.

The young man instantly blushes at my question, he glances at my eyes but quickly looks away again. I stroke my hard cock in anticipation of his response. The street lights shine through the windows as I drive.

“Woah *hiccup* well the church.. I… I’m sorry… that’s personal ma’am…”

He is blushing harder than I thought possible as he looks at the floor. His answer tells me everything I need to know. A little virgin has fallen into my web, I’m gonna teach him so much about himself tonight. I smile a little as I make a fateful decision for this young man.


While I’m driving and talking I am also glancing down to make little adjustments on his phone, changing numbers, adding spyware, the usual for me. I scan through his pictures and videos looking for some nudes or something but it is all just lovey dovey pictures of him and a beautiful young redhead. I giggle as I consider how to use these later.

“Oh I’m sorry honey you are so sweet I shouldn’t have asked… Here take this water I don’t want you to be sick from all the drinking baby” I pass a opened bottle of water back to him, he takes it and drinks deeply without question.

God I love sweet virgin boys….

Chapter 2- The Motel

I help the young man out of the cab, even after my special water he is still a little weak in the legs. The cocktail I gave him is a combination of adderall and molly, I want him as awake, alert, and horny as possible. I grab my duffle bag from the car and lead him up the movie steps, he is still pretty out of it and hasn’t realized where we are yet.

“Thank you *hiccup* for helping me walk ma’am.. you feel so nice and soft and warm…” He nuzzles a little against my side. Because I’m so much taller than him he is mostly rubbing on my side boob, though I’m sure he doesn’t notice that. I pat him on the head like the good boy he is. The water must be taking effect, I can see him starting to sweet and his eyes looking more aware.

I hand him another water bottle “baby I’m worried about how drunk you are drinking more water it will help” I try to sound as kind and sweet as possible, he again takes the water and drinks deeply without question.

We arrive at the red door of the room and he starts looking around confused. He takes one more swig of water and looks up at me with those big blue eyes, my dick twitches at his gaze.

“Where… Why… Where are we ma’am?” I smile down at him and give his body a little squeeze of encouragement.

“Oh baby this is just… A room I have… We are just here to wait for jelly bean! She is coming to pick you up soon, she was so happy you had fun at your big bachelor party” I grin ear to ear.

“Ohhh jeelllyyy bean I hope *hiccup* she had fun with her friends… I miss her she is soo cuteeeee… Well… Ok ma’am where too?” I pat his head again lovingly and giggle. I bet jelly bean did have fun, I’ll make sure you have more fun than her though.

As we enter the fresh clean room I turn the lights on low with the dial. He walks over to the bed and plops down looking at the ceiling. I can tell by the look in his eyes his world is spinning a bit, I sit down next to him on the bed.

“So tell me young man are you feeling any better?” I smile as he peeks his eyes at me.

“Ahhh a little… I feel so warm… So hot… I’m really so bad at *hiccup* drinking.. but I had to… It’s my day!” I look down at him with a concerned face. I lean over him to look in his eyes, I make sure to push my tits against him a little in the process.

“Oh boy you are smoking so much I’m seriously concerned!… You may need to take a shower just to be safe I’m worried the drinking may be overheating you!”

“A shower??… I… I… I.. don’t know.. that seems weird…. I need my phone… Where is jelly bean?” I frown a little… Damn he wants to play hard to get? I’ll remember this later young man, best believe that.

“Oh right here!” I gleefully put it in his hands, as he stars down at it I stand up “I have to use the restroom before you shower I’ll only be a moment cutie.” I walk to the bathroom and shut the door.

I give an evil grin as my phone buzzes In my pocket. The text reads “jelly beeeen are you close?.. I bad so much fun” I giggle to myself.

I respond quickly “Oh yes baby I’m stuck in traffic I’ll be very late… Are you doing ok?”

His response takes a minute or two he must be struggling to type. “Im so drhnk kassi… I feel… Hot… Like itchy.. this pretty woman is helping me tho.. she is so nice”

Oh I’m nicer than you know “Oh no baby you need to drink water!… I hear from suzy drinking can be worse for some people!… If you get the chance please shower it’s important to keep your temperature regulated… I love you I’ll try to worry.”

“Ohhh jeeeez… I will honey I’m surry I’m so drunk.. I don’t want to worry you.. I love you kassi… See you soon!”

I stroke my long hard dick slowly, I stare at the ceiling as I plan my next moves. He is so sweet and sinceré, I can’t wait to define him. I want to give this boy the full treatment, I haven’t cum in over a week I need a good release. God that first load is gonna be unbearably thick, I shutter even thinking about it. After a few more good strokes I tuck my massive dick and exitthe bathroom, he is still sitting on the bed where I left him.

“Oh ma’am do you have more water?… Jelly said I should drink more” He seems to be slurring less and has so much energy. I grab another bottle from my bag and throw it to him, he takes a deep drink.

“Ok little man you ready to shower?” He nods feverishly as he drinks, I walk forward standing over him Now.

“Ok baby hold on to me while I stand you up… You need to be careful!” I take his hands and put them on my F cup titties, I slowly lift him up off the bed by his shoulders. His eyes are wide with shock and embarrassment but I actually feel him squeeze my tits just the littlest bit. He quickly staggers away from me though towards the bathroom, his cheeks are red as could be.

“Oh baby do you want help in there?!?” I yell in a light concerned voice. He gets to the bathroom door and turn around looking me in the eyes.

“What?… No…. I’m fine ma’am… Besides that’s…. Not ok…” He gives methe first suspicious look all night, I chuckle trying to play it off.

“Ok fine hun just don’t fall… I was a nurse for years it happens all the time” I turned away pretending to text on my phone, he waits a beat, then closes the door to the bathroom without a word. God I’m going to relish breaking this cutie.

I open my duffle bag and start pulling out all the cameras, I want every angle of this room covered. I get to work quickly, it only takes a few minutes I’m very used to doing this to say the least. I set my personal hand camera on the night stand next to a bottle of lube and my little pursuit. I lastly attached a tiny camera to my hat, that’s one of my favorite angles.

I put three little candles on the headboard and light them, I’m sure to secure them well this headboard is gonna shake alat. I Turn the lights completely off to check my work. The bed is very softly lit with orange candle light, but the rest of the room with cameras is pitch black. Perfect.

On my way to the bathroom door I grab the water bottle he had and down the last half, I need to be at my best. I very quietly pick the cheap little door lock to the bathroom. I slowly open the door and steam starts rolling out, I squint my eyes and see him leaning against the wall. He is feverishly rubbing his dick in a small wobbling corkscrew rhythm, it’s a strange way to do it and I take note.

Oh poor baby you can jerk that dick all you want but there is no way you will cum that easily. Between the adderall and the molly, milking out a single load will probably be a little bit of a challenge. lucky for him I am and expert, I’ll take my time and do it right. I lightly set a camera on the bathroom counter, I giggle quietly to myself as I stroke my dick the same way he does.

Fuck this is gonna be a fun night… I reach over and flip off all of the bathroom lights…

Chapter 3- Pleasure in the Dark

“Woah why is it dark!?!… What is happening!?!”

I hear him rustling around with the shower curtain. I stay quite for a moment as I lurk in the darkness, I want him to panic a little. I unfortunately hear him trip, probably on the curtain, and fall back into the still running shower. Damn I didn’t mean for that to happen.

“Oh baby the power went out are you ok in here?” I yell in a soft concerned voice.

“I’m.. I fell…” He seems confused and worried. I walk forward and open the curve.

“Here baby I will help you” I feel around his body like I’m trying to help, but I’m actually just getting a good little grope in. As I raise him to his feet I “accidentally” push his face deep into my tits, he moans a little as I hold him there for a second. I finally release him and speak again.

“Oh sorry about that babe it’s so dark! Here give me your hand, let’s go” I reach down and grab firmly onto his pulsing 6 inch cock, he squeaks in fright at my touch.

“Ma’am! I… I… That’s not… No I’m… Fine!” He tries to push me awaya little but I don’t let go of my firm grip on his dick.

“Wow young man is this because of me? (I squeeze his dick a little harder) we can’t let jelly bean see you be so lewd!” I spin him around and push his face against the shower wall.

The water is falling on both of us as I cling my large body to his back. I rest my huge tits on his shoulders squeeze his head between them. He tries to push back against the wall, but I am absurdly stronger than him, I don’t budget an inch.

“Stop.. why are you.. stop this right now!” He sounds a little more angry than scared. I smile to myself as he struggles against me, unintentionally rubbing his body on my hard dick. I lean down a little to whisper in his ear.

“Shhh baby I’m going to help you… What do you think jelly bean would say if she saw you hard like this in a movie room with me?… No more wedding that’s for sure… Just leave it to me baby I will calm your lewd dick down and save you” I lick deep inside of his ear after I finish. His whole body shakes at the sensing. I reach down and start to fondle his balls a little, God they feel right in my hand.

“No!… You… No… She loves me! She would understand that I didn’t want to do this!… Just please!… Please don’t…” He has a little half sob at the end of “please don’t.”

I put some lube on my hand and grab his dick softly, I begin jerking him using the same technique he did when he was alone. I hear his breathing deepen even over the sound of the shower, I start fondling his balls more aggressively to really turn up the heat I whisper in his ear again.

“Oh I’m only helping you baby can’t you see that?… But how about we make a deal?… You relax and let me do this with my hands until you cum, just pretend I’m jelly bean and refer to me as such… Then I will stop completely… I’ll even call you an Uber and leave immediately… I promise we won’t go any further than this… Sound fair?” He moans a little but doesn’t respond right away. I start struggling him harder and faster, his body tries to wiggle away but there is no escape. He moans in ecstasy before he speaks.

“No!.. Ahhh… This… Is wrong!” He pushes against me but this time it’s half hearted, his body knows it doesn’t want this feeling to stop, now all he needs is for his brain to catch up.

I move from his balls and start rubbing up and down his asscrack instead, I keep a steady pace jerking him as well. Every time I pass his asshole I stop and rub it for a few seconds before moving on again, over and over I do this.

“Oh honey don’t you want to have a wedding? Children? The love of a beautiful wife? Just relax baby I want that for you too… Now I won’t ask again young man… Just relax and let me be your jelly bean for now, this will all be over soon and you will have everything you dreamed of, I promise”

I feel him stop struggling, his shoulders slouch a little as he leans forward putting his head against the wall. I continue my rhythmic assault, I use my knee to push apart his legs a little, making him take a wider Stance. His whole body is shaking a bit but his moans tell me it feels good… VERY good…

I continue for a few minutes silently, stroke, stroke, stroke. He doesn’t say anything either, but he is moaning quietly more and more. Fuck I love it when they start to give in, even if it’s just a little. I bite his ear softly, he bucks back a little in shock but doesn’t try to turn his head away.

“Oh honey tell me how it feels… Tell your beautiful finance what you like…”

He doesn’t say anything right away, I’m about to reprimand him when he finally speaks in a raspy quivering voice.

“It feels amazing jelly bean… I’ve… I’ve waited so long for this…”

Fuck that made me horny, this boy is perfect for me! I want him to feel even better though, he really deserves it. I cover my hands in lube and reach around his sides, I grab his dick firmly with both hands.

I start pumping while twisting my hands in opposite directions, I can activity feel his knees shake even harder at the change of sensing. I relentlessly pump his dick as he begins leaning back on me for support. I go like this for about 5 minutes straight while he moans and groans. I finally whisper in his ear again.

“Tell me baby… Tell me something you want… something you like… Anything for my true love” I moan into his ear just before biting it.

He takes a shifting breath before speaking in a fellow tone “Well… I kind of Like… Your boobs… Jelly bean.”

He sounds so ashamed of every word leaving his mouth, damn church really did a number on this one “Awe so cute, of course you do honey. Thank you for being an honest hubby, you definitely deserve a reward… I want you to start stroking your own cock like earlier ok?” I put his hands on his own dick and start to turn him around. I pull up my white tank top up as he turns around.

He gives theloudest quiver yet as I push together my massive pierced tits and slam them against his face, pinning him to the wall with them. He moans as I feel his warm tongue lick and swipe feverishly. I smile as he jerks himself while being nearly suffocated in my ample bust. Every person in the world has at least a few kinks, and I think I’ve found a big one for this young man.

We stay like that for an eternity, I want him to get his fill. The sounds of the water and his gasping fill the room and echo off the walls. At one point he moans “kassi” into my tits, making my dick throb even harder in my little jean shorts. It gets me off how much he is enjoying this, I’m honestly kind of shocked he hasn’t cum yet.

“Aw poor baby you still can’t cum?… How about we move this to the bedroom and I can help you…”

His only response is a shuttering breath followed by one word.


Chapter 4- His First Blowjob

The second the word leaves his mouth he again latches onto my title and begins sucking with such password. I give a massive grin as I step to the side and let the camera get a good night vision shot of him being a senseless little pervert. My god this video will be so fun to edit later. I put my hands on his shoulders and lightly move him towards the door, he lets me guide him the whole way with no protest.

We enter the dark room, the flicker of the candles softly illuminates the white bed. I feel a shutter, we are both still wet and the air feels cool on the skin even though the room is so warm. I prop a few pillows against the headboard and sit him down in the center with his legs played out. He looks at me concerned now, I think being able to see is making this real to him again.

“Ma’am… We… We really shouldn’t…”

The heartbreak in his eyes as he speaks give me goosebumps, I eye his throbbing hard dick now.

“That throbbing cock disagree’s with you young man…”

He looks down in shock, then back up at mein a shame as his cheeses somehow redden even further.

“Don’t worry baby you will absolutely love this…And my name isn’t ma’am… It’s jelly bean remember?”

Everytime he says his girlfriends cheesey little nickname, from this day on, he will have to think of me. That thought brings an evil grin to my face and precum to my shorts. He starts to stammer now but I shush him with my finger on his lips. He stops and just waits patiently to speak like a good boy.


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