The Fucktoy Ch. 03

Roger went back to the dining room and with a disconsolate look on his face he cleared away the dishes. He placed them all on a tray and took them to the kitchen. Once there he placed the tray on the side and set the water running.

There was some fine china and crystal and he knew that it would be criminal to break it. As he stood at the sink and lovingly washed each piece his mind could not help but wander to his mistress and how she had been tonight.

It was obvious from her face throughout the evening that she had not invited these men volunteerly into her home. They had made her uncomfortable not just by their intrusion into her private space but also because of the way they had treated him.

At several points throughout the evening she had watched as her mistress had dug her fingers into her hand or bit her lip in frustration. Roger at times had wanted to go and comfort her but he had known that this would have only humiliated his mistress. She had to remain strong in front of these men if she was to win.

At the end of the evening she had watched as his mistress had bad these men goodbye. There had been no thanks for her hospitality and at that point Roger had known that something was wrong.

As his mistress had climbed the stairs to her room her shoulders had been slumped and gone was the strong woman of this morning.

Roger stood and cried as he dried the crystal. If he was a man he would have stood up to these men but he was a wimp and had allowed his mistress to be humiliated. He did not know what to expect when he went to her room.

Finishing the washing and drying Roger put the dishes away and then turned off the irrelevant electricity. He checked the door to the flat was bolted and locked and then he set the alarm. All was correct and he was ready to join his mistress in her bedroom.

He walked up the stairs and arrived at his mistress’s door. He stood and knocked and waited for an answer. When the reply cameit was a silent,


Roger bent his head and opened the door to his mistresses’ bedroom. What he saw was the most wonderful sight. Ms. Whitehall was sat in a chair by the window. She had a book in one hand and a cigarette in another. Although she appeared to be reading her mind was elsewhere and for a moment she was not even aware that Roger was there.

When at last she did she turned to him and smiled and then she spoke.

“Roger you are my Slave and I expect nothing but complete admission from you. You will never give yourself to another. Do you understand?”

“Yes mistress”

“What happened tonight I had no control over? The shortest of the three men is my boss and he somehow found out about my life and looked to use it to his advantage. He caught me unawares and I let him in to my life and as a result into yours.

I am your mistress and as such I can never apologize because that would undermine my position with you. However I shall make you apromise. An incident like that will never happen again and together we will have our revenge. Do you understand?”

“Yes mistress”

“Good. Now come to me”

Roger walked forward and as he did Ms. Whitehall stretched out her arms. Roger fell into the bosom of her chest and he wept. Ms. Whitehall allowed him to but she did not want him to get carried away. When sufficient time had passed she bad him to stand and then she said.

“Prepare me for bed.”

Roger had been cheered by her words and comfort and so when she was ready he was only too willing to comply. He was quick to stand and pick his mistress up. He stood her up and then he went round her back.

She had a lovely black velvet dress on and Roger could not help but feel her body through the material. For once she did not admonish him but Roger knew he could not go too far. With shaking hands he reached for the zipper on the dress and drew it down.

When it was completely down he helped his mistressremove one arm and then another. The dress slide from her body and Roger made sure to catch it before it hit the floor. Lovingly he took the dress and hooked it on a hanger ready to go for dry cleaning.

He walked back to his Mistress and could not help but marvel at her beauty. She was stunning to him and he longed to make love to her. His cock strained against the ring so much it hurt. His Mistress was stood there in black silk underwear, stockings and a suspender belt.

Each item he tenderly removed until she was naked. He fought so hard not to take her there but instead pulled back the duvet and tucked his mistress in. He then lit a cigarette for her and gave it to her.

Next he prepared himself for bed. He removed the wig then his make-up. Finally he slipped out of the uniform and was naked. His mistress looked at him and Then said.

“You did more than I expected of you tonight. I still owe you a punishment for this morning but I also feel you deserve a reward.You may get under the duvet with me and lie with me naked.”

Roger was so excited but he knew he had to control himself. He walked slowly round to the other side of the bed and climbed him.

His mistress invited him to cuddle and this he did. Her skin felt so smooth against his and he was becoming aroused despite the ring.

Ms. Whitehall turned to him and said.

“Do you like my body slave?”

“Yes mistress.”

“Do you love my body wimp?”

“Yes mistress.”

“Do you love me?”

“Yes mistress”

“Good. Now Roger I need to rest for a couple of hours and think about our revenge on my boss. You may stay and cuddle me. Set your alarm for 2am.”

“Yes mistress”

Then Roger looked and her eyes were closed. He reached up, turned off the light, and closed his eyes.

Roger could not believe how lucky a man he actually was. For months, he had communicated with Ms. Whitehall and built up a rapper with her better than he had ever encountered. He had not been ashamed to talk with her about his adoption and abuse.

He did however feel that he had lied to her. Laid there with her arms around him as she did Roger knew that he was keeping a secret from her. It was a result of his abuse and yet he had not told her.

How could he tell someone that because of his abuse he was a depressive with an alcohol problem? It required medicine to get him Through the day and then further medicine to help him sleep.

For ten months he had not worked. He had suffered a nervous breakdown and was now a claustrophobic. Oh, he had managed to control things and was back at work but he had kept all this from her. He knew that if he was to tell her now she would be upset and that was the last thing he wanted to do.

He struggled to close his eyes. He had not brought his medication with him because he did not want his mistress to know so as she lay with her arms around him and her eyes closed he laid and looked at her, her body.

He knew that at some point he would have to cross the line and tell her exactly who he was. He did not know what to expect but whatever it was, he would handle it. His alarm clock was set for two am and he was ready for it going off.

01.50Am. Roger eased himself up from the arms of Ms. Whitehall. It was the hardest thing he had ever had to do. Wrapped in her arms he felt safe and Secure. She offered him comfort even when resting and he had willingly taken it.

Now however he had work to do. Ms. Whitehall had instructed him to wake at her at 2am and he was not going to disappoint her. He slipped naked out of the bed and went to the toilet. He was about to piss when he remembered where he was. This was the bathroom of Ms. Whitehall and she would not want him sullying it.

He Stepped back into the bedroom and gazed with love at the resting form of his mistress. He had to leave her alone. He left the bedroom and went downstairs to his own room. There he was ableto piss and refresh himself. He made sure to brush his teeth.

Satisfied and feeling alive he went to the kitchen and set the kettle to boil. As he waited, he prepared the pot for the tea. The kettle clicked off and Roger poured the hot water onto the tealeaves.

He checked his watch and saw he had two minutes. He removed the watch then took the tea up top his mistress’s bedroom. As he walked in, he saw the clock tick over to 01.59am. He was ready for his mistress.

He stood naked at the side of the bed, reached over, and turned the alarm clock off. If Ms. Whitehall said 2am, she would be awake at 2am. Roger just stood there obediently and waited for his mistress to rouse herself.

The clock clicked again and showed 2am. Like a switch going on Ms. Whitehall opened her eyes. She saw her slave stood there naked holding the cup of tea and took it from him. Roger went to her bedside cabinet and lit her cigarette.

He handed it to her and watched as she inhaled. SheDid not cought or splutter. When the nicotine had hit her lungs and she had sipped the first taste of tea she bad Roger to sit beside her.

Roger was happy to oblige. He watched as his mistress smoked the cigarette and then drank the tea. She fascinated him. So powerful a woman. He loved her but more than that, he respected her. Ms. Whitehall finished her tea and put the empty cup on her bedside cabinet. Then she reached for Roger’s hand and spoke.

“Now then my little slave. What happened tonight we must avenge. I have never felt so humiliated in my life. Not only did those men think that they had the upper hand on me they also subjected you to the ultimate humiliation. We shall make them pay.”

Roger just sat there at his mistress’s side and listened to all that she was saying. He knew that he only had twenty-four hours with this wonderful woman but he was going to make the most of it.

“This is my plan. Those men tonight were stupid and they did not check out their surroundings before they began their humiliation. I on the other hand by nature am a cautious person.”

“Shall we go downstairs my little one?”

Roger climbed off the bed and to Ms. Whitehall’s wardrobe. He opened the doors and reached in. He drew out a silk wrap and went back to his mistress. He took her by the hand and helped her to stand and then he lovingly wrapped her up.

He then took a step back and bowed his head. Although they were close, he was still her slave and knew his place. Ms. Whitehall walked past him and opened the bedroom door. She then proceeded down the stairs with Roger trailing behind her subserviently.

She went directly to the living room where earlier on that evening she had entered the men. She went to her media centre and pressed play on the video recorder. Ms. Whitehall then turned to Roger and bad him sit next to her.

He took a seat by her side and was surprised when she turned to him and smiled.

“Now my little oneshall we see what we have got?”

The television screen flickered into life and Roger was aware that he was looking at this self same room. Then the screen changed and the three men walked in following by Roger.

For the next two hours, he sat with Ms. Whitehall and released the evening on the television screen. When the tape ended, Ms. Whitehall turned and gave him a cuddle.

“Now Roger we shall have our revenge. I have a very important job for you.”

Roger just looked at his mistress and waited for her to speak.

“As I said upstairs I am by nature a cautious person and when I started my job I sussed out where the trouble in my life would come from. As you have seen tonight I was not wrong.”

“When I was interviewed for my job I realized that my boss could be trouble for me. He was brash, he was arrogant, and he had no respect for me as a woman. I know that he tried to block my appointment but I shone through at interview.”

“Having sussed him out as tThe bade I took the time to find out all I could about him before I took up my position. I made a complete dossier on the weasel and kept it safe. Now is the time to open that dossier.”

Ms. Whitehall then gave Roger a key and directed him towards a bureau in the corner of the room. He inserted the key in the lock and opened the bureau. Inside was a pile of files each labeled with peoples names.

Ms. Whitehall was indeed a cautious person who obviously guarded herself and her life. Roger searched through the files until he found the one labeled with her boss’s name. He pulled it out and locked the bureau again.

As he did, he could not help but notice that Ms. Whitehall had a dossier on him and he was intrigued to know what secrets it hid. Now however was not the time to be nosey? He returned to the couch on which Ms. Whitehall was sat and meekly handed her the dossier.

Standing silently in front of her he watched as his mistress perused the items in the dossier.n she stopped reading she requested Roger get her a pen and some paper. He duly found the items and handed them to her.

Whilst she began to write, she spoke to Roger.

“Go and dress in your male clothes. By the time you return I will have prepared your instructions.”

Roger turned and left his mistress alone. He admired this woman so much. She had a plan for revenge for both of them and Roger was to be entrusted with carrying it out. His chest swelled with pride at the responsibility being bestowed upon him.

It took him five minutes to dress and return to Ms. Whitehall’s side. She was sat there with legs crossed smoking a cigarette. She immediately handed Roger the paper and then she said,

“Go to that address and deliver the tape to this lady. Stay at the door until she accepts the tape. Do not give it to anyone else. Do you understand?”

“Yes mistress.” Roger responded.

As he turned to leave, his mistress stood and pecked him on the cheek. She then left the room and returned to her bedroom. Roger found his coat and left the house.

He hailed a taxi and then sat in the back of the cab. He had a rough idea where he was going and strangely, he was calm about the matter. It was the early hours of the morning did not both him. He was on a mission for his mistress.

The taxi took about half an hour to reach its destination. Roger jumped out and instructed the cabbie to wait for him. He paid for the first half of the journey to prove he could pay. Then he walked up to the front door of the large house. He rang the doorbell and waited.

It took five minutes for the door to be opened and when it did, he was brought face to face with Ms. Whitehall’s boss. Dressed as man he was not instantly recognized so the boss just said,

“What the fuck are you doing waking the house at this time of the morning?”

Roger stood on the doorstep. He looked at the man with contempt and then he spoke.

“I have a packagefor the lady of the house.”

“Well you can give it to me then piss off.” Replied the boss holding out his hand.

Roger stood firm and silent on the doorstep eyeballing the man. For a minute, they were like two gladianators before a battle.

“I am afraid the lady of the house must sign for this parcel personally.”

He could see the anger flash across the mans face. He was contemplating challenging Roger but then he looked at his watch and decided it was not worth the hassle. Beside if he was awake why shouldn’t that bitch of a wife be awake?

He stepped back into the house ensuring that the door closed behind him then he climbed the stairs and shouted his wife out of bed. He was a surprising man with no finesse and his wife knew not to argue with him.

She climbed out of bed and put her dressing gown on. Still groggy she descended the stairs and opened the front door. Roger had not moved and when he saw the woman enquired there, he asked her who she was. When sheconfirmed her name, Roger handed her the package and returned to the taxi.

With a smile on his face, he sat in the back and was just able to see the woman looking at the package with a perplexed look before she closed the door to the house.

The taxi took him home and returned him to Ms. Whitehall. He let himself and climbed the stairs to her bedroom. With obedience, he knocked on the door and waited her response.

“Enter.” Ms. Whitehall shouted.

Roger walked and relayed all that had happened to Ms. Whitehall.

“Well done slave. For that I shall reward you.”

“I want you to strip and when you are naked you may watch me masturbate and wank yourself. You shall not cumm until I say you can and then when you have done you will clean up your mess. Is that clear?”

“Yes mistress.” Roger replied

He quickly stripped himself naked. When he was in the nude Ms. Whitehall throw back the covers of her duvet. She then opened her cunt lips and began to wank.

Roger’s mouth dropped open. He had never before seen such beauty and he was being allowed to wank to it.

He took his cock in his hand and kept pace with Ms. Whitehall. He had been restrained all day and felt sure that it would not take long for him to cumm. However, he had to wait.

Ms. Whitehall ensured his obedience by keeping eye contact with him. She frigged herself and her clip. She fingered herself with first one then two fingers. She really teased Roger.

When she was ready to cumm, she gently closed her eyes and told Roger she was near. She frigged harder and faster and then she opened her eyes and said.

“Cumm my darling.”

Roger stroked his cock faster and with eye contact maintained, they both came together. Roger’s spunk shot into the air and landed on the carpet as Ms. Whitehall bucked herself off the bed.

When he had finished cumming, Roger dropped to his knees and cleaned his spunk from the carpet. Ms. Whitehall watched him work andWhen she was satisfied, she looked at him and invited him to sleep.

Roger climbed under the duvet and wrapped himself around Ms. Whitehall and together they slept.

Together Roger and Ms. Whitehall slept wrapped in one another’s arms. Roger had a satisfied smile on his face because he had pleased his mistress and she had rewarded him. Ms. Whitehall slept contentedly in the knowledge that her boss was going to be one pissed off man.

At seven-thirty Roger’s alarm buzzed in his ear. It was on vibrate and he managed to extricate himself from his mistress’s arms without waking her. He made his way downstairs and stood alone in the kitchen.

His twenty-four hours were coming to a close. This was where he had started yesterday. It had been a learning experience for him and he hoped that he had done enough to be invited again.

He set the kettle to boil as he prepared the tea. When it was ready, he placed it on a tray and took it to his mistress. He gently woke her up and handed her the tea. With a sorry wistful looked he thanked Ms. Whitehall for her time and went to leave.

At the door, she stopped him with her words.

“You have done well Roger. I see you have learned your lesson and respected my wishes for no goodbyes. I shall be in touch.”

Roger turned and all he could say as the tears well in his eyes was,


Then he was out of her bedroom and alone in the corridor. He hurried down the stairs and dressed. Making sure, he had left no mess he left the house and headed for home.

Up in her bedroom Ms. Whitehall stood at the window and watched him leave. She had a smile on her face.

Roger had done well and he would return when she was ready for him. Today however was a day to see her revenge.

Alone she showed, dressed, and then prepared her breakfast. She was a stickler for time and when she was ready, she stepped out of her front door and found her taxi waiting. This morning she enjoyed the ride to work.

She arrived at the office and literally bounded out of the taxi. She ran upstairs and entered her office. Marcus was already there and she instructed him to bring her coffee.

With that, she walked into her personal space and closed the door behind her. The coffee duly arrived and then she sat and waited. She knew her boss would not be long in arrival.


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