The sound of powerful vibrations filled the room.
She struggled and strained as another powerful orgasm rocked through her body. She convulsed as her muscles flexed against her will as the password rolled through her.
She would have screamed, had she been able, but a bright red piece of rounded rubber obstructed her mouth and reduced her cries to a muffled whimper.
She wasn’t sure how long she had been here, or even where here was. The unending line of orgas left her body weak and her mind fuzzy. She had gone to bed in her apartment overlooking the park and hurt up on a mattress in a strange room.
She tried again to fight her bonds but the tough leather resistant her efforts and she ceased trying again, surrendering to her fate. The machine that was positioned behind her exposed pussy continued to do its work and she could feel another orgasm start to build inside of her. With the rhythmic precision only a machine could muster the large flesh colored dildo cotinued its assault on her pussy.
Her legs were cramped and sore from being tied in the position she was in, chest down legs spread out behind her, giving the machine ample access to her tender pussy to do its work. The powerful violations that emanated from it filled her body, she was sure that if she had not had something in her mouth to prevent it her teeth might rattle out of her very head.
Each thrust of the machine sunk the long silicane shake deep inside of her, stimulating the sensitive nerve endings that lined the inside of her pussy and coming to rest over her g spot. She had never experienced pleasure so intense it hurt before, it rocked her body and she twitched and shook as much as she could within the narrow range that her bonds allowed.
She wasn’t sure how much more her body could handle, she suspected that to much More might exhaust her heart, the human body simply wasn’t made to take this kind of pleasure. But try as she might she could not fight it,she yearned for the viruses to continue, for the mechanical cock to continue its intrusion into her pussy. She had never had sex like this before, never had orgasms like this before. Her hips rose to meet each perfectly timed thrust.
The bright red ball gag kept her mouth open, a small stream of drool continued to leak out of her mouth and pooled on the mattress in front of her. She could grunt, and moan but nothing else. Her jaw ached from the unwelcome intrusion and she bit down again in frustration. She wanted to be able to scream out in pleasure as her orgasms hit her but this stupid piece of rubber kept her quiet.
The largest orgasm she had ever had been building inside of her. The machine had switched into a lower gear, the vibrations softer and the thrusts spaced further apart. Instead of powering her through one orgasm after another Now it was teasing her. Keeping her on the edge of climax with a skill no human could muster. She moaned pinously, begging the machine inside her mind to just let her cum, her body ached with uncompleted pleasure. All at once the vibrations shifted into overdrive and a powerful thrust practically lifted her from the mattress with its force. She screamed through her gag as she convulsed in a microseizure of pleasure. She hung limp and unresponsive in her bonds as the orgasm raced through her body.
Darkness consumed her as she lost consciousness.
Little by little consciousness returned. Recognition came to her and she realized that she was back in her room, daylight streamed in through the windows. She looked around, confused. Nothing was out of place, she could see the front door from where she lay and the lock and chain were still in place, securing the door from the inside. She lay back down, she would have questioned her sanity were it not from the aching pain that erupted from her pussy when she moved and the marks and indentations that covered her body from her former restraints.
She wasn’t sure where she had been, or how she got there, but she prayed to whatever god was listening that she got to go back.
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