“Ah, here’s the friendly slave of someone’s dreams…”
“Someone’s dreams sir? Not yours?”
“Tell me girl, since you were not in my dreams last night, where were you?”
“I don’t know sir, but I really wanted to be in them.” “Your needs have been noted. Do you wish me to underline them?”
“Yes please sir, if it will help you to remember me in Your dreams next time.”
“No one could call you lacking in persistence.”
“I know what I like and I go for it . I began to like you and find you are very understanding: so I will keep asking you …”
“Your embassy is very flattering.”
“If you want me to stop, I will understand.”
“Have I asked you to stop?”
“No sir, you haven’t.” “Then you may continue.”
“I just don’t want to be a both.”
“Have you been told you are a both, pet?”
“No, sir.”
“Then you may consider yourself not to be a both…”
“Thank you, sir.”
“…but I will not make any promises.”
“I understand that also.” “I do not want to disappoint you, girl.”
“I don’t think you could disappoint me sir.”
“I give you permission to hold me up as a role model.”
“Well I think I would do anything for you…I would certainly want to knee at your feet.”
“You knee quite marvellously – I’m entirely sure of that.”
“You could make money from me, if you wanted.”
“I certainly do not want to prostitute you, pet. I would rather help you to achieve your potential.”
“What is that?”
“The moon and the stars.”
“I want to be a sex slave . That is what I want.”
“The sexy moon and the slavish stars then… and, young lady…”
“Yes, sir?” “I did remember, but thank you for reminding me. You have permission to lean up and kiss me affectionately – that’s it – good girl.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Even sex slaves have the right to be treated with affection, pet.”
“That’s why I like you so much, sir: you are very firm, yetalso kind.”
“I would not be worth a grain of salt, were I to take all your desires at face value, no matter how much you crave them – and that is not to disrespect you for stating what you want or to negate your desires.”
“I know, but you must think I am weird…”
“Have I said this?”
“No sir.”
“Then who are you to assume what I think?”
“I am sorry, sir.”
“You may well be – but what is your sorrow to me? What should I care for the tears of a slave?”
“Well most dominants seem to take comfort in the fact that the slave has sorrow.”
“I am not most dominants, pet.”
“No sir. You are a lot smarter than most dominants.”
“I take some small comfort in the fact that you cannot get me out of your silly little head.”
“It must be because in my heart I belong to you?”
“And I suppose you itch for me as well?”
“Yes sir.”
“Well, it would seem that unrequited itching may be your fate, girl, until I choose toscratch you.”
“Please would you scratch me sir?”
“Scratch you all over?”
“Oh yes please, sir.”
“That’s quite a pleasant fate for one who years to be a slave, I suppose?”
“Yes Sir. I would do anything you ask.” “I’m sure you would, pet. I once had a pet light matches between her toes – she was quite the little firework – until the cold water extinguished her pleasure.”
“Ice cold water, I think it was – an elemental evening after a fashion.”
“I love you.” “Your love is appreciated – I wonder if it will ever be reciprocated in the way that you need it to be.”
“Just being my friend is enough.” “That I offer you freely, child.”
“Someday there will be more Perhaps?”
“Some day whatever that will be will be.”
“I would smile forever…I would worship you as a god.”
“Be careful that I do not turn out to be Loki.”
“Who is that?”
“A norse god – a rather mischievous one.”
“Oh if you feel like I don’t deserve forgiveness, then that is your choice.”
“My choices are hardly for you to determine, slave.”
“Yes sir, but I choose to bet you are a good Master.”
“How much do you bet?”
“My life.” “And is it a sweet life that you offer up to me.”
“It would be if you would only decide to own me. Ever since I first met you I have though about only one thing …. that is I want to become your slave…”
“Your dedication is impressive. I wish you well with it.”
“Yes sir.”
“Thank you, friend.”
“I am more than your friend in my heart; I am your slave.”
“Let’s just agree to ignore your contradictions and you can compromise as someone’s…”
“Mine then…”
“Your what, sir?”
“My friendly slave.”
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