The Friday Night

I was sooooo looking forward to this particular Friday night, it was a close friends 20th birthday and we were going out to Leeds for a real birthday bash.

I had bought a silver mirror sequin mini at Christmas and was not allowed to wear it so put that on under a longer skirt, oh and my favourite pink light cashmere scarf. Nothing else but highh heeled shoes to finish my look.

I got on the train first with 3 other friends, 4 got on the next stop and the last 5 at the last stop including Kay, the birthday girl. We have a cheap beer pub on the station so went in there first. We all put £20 each in the beer kitty, it was easier that way then no one got away without paying. I took off my long skirt and Alison, the bar maid, took it over the bar for me Kay`s pen pal. Ally, was up from Portsmouth and was really sweet, she too was 20 and looked younger. Her `T` shirt had a copy of her ID on it as she was always asked, she said the only benefit of looking so young was a child`s price on the busses and trains.

Everyone else we all knew from church and school. If I looked at them all individually I could pick a time and a reason I was spanked with each and every one of them over the years, be it school, Sunday school or theirs or my house. I laughed out loud as it dawned on me, it must be me the naughty one. I told them all my tale and they all agreed, and we all laughed. I felt it in my tummy it was going to be a bright night.

Out of the station pub and over the road, the pub crawl had begun.

Another cheap pub, we all piled in and all jumped at a loud scream.

It was Ally, she held one of the double doors open to let us all in and as she closed it, someone going out pulled it close, her hand still in it.

Blood everywhere, I took off my scarf and wrapped it around her hand and fingers. So that’s where my evening took a strange turn. “Can you walk ok Ally or do you feel week?”

“Yes Sure?”

“You carry on Kay, we can catch you up, is that ok with you Ally?”

“Are you sure you don`t mind.”

I knew then our drinking evening was over, i got my skirt off Alison and carried it over my bag. We headed up Park Row to the hospital, got there at 8.30 pm.

So I don`t bore you we got a taxi to my Sirs house, where i live at 11.30 pm.

She had 8 stiches in the 3 cut fingers and had a bandage on like a boxing glove. Do not think we had a minute not laughing about something and having fun with the staff, they were laughing as every time I bent a little a boob would fly out or I showed my bum.

Even just sat my pussy was sometimes on view.

We got home at 11.50, Sir called me in, I introduced Ally and explained our night and asked if she could sleep the night as the others were still out?

“Yes of course sara, Ally you are more than welcome to stay over, sara, you were 20 minutes late, you know the penalty, over the settee arm please?”

“Yes Sir, I do apologise the evening somehow just got away from me.”

I removed my dress and bent over, Sir approached, and I must have got 30+ slapses at the top of my legs.

“You know why sara?”

“No undies, thank you Sir.”

“20 Minutes converts to 20 cuts of my belt.”

As he finished speaking Whoosh Crack, Whoosh Crack, I began to cry, how silly to let myself down and not ring. Whoosh Crack, Whoosh Crack.

“Excuse me Sir.”

Sir stopped, “Yes Ally.”

“Please Sir could I take 20 too as it was my accident that caused her lateness?”

“Let me explain Ally, she is not being strapped for being late, but for not letting us know, but yes, if you wish. How many is that Daisy?”

“15 Sir.”

“Undress ready girl.” Too late she was already naked.

“20 Sir.”

“Corner sara, Ally, take her place.”

No one spoke, I went to the corner and passed Ally going to the slottee, I glanced back as she dragged over the slottee arm. I could tell by the sound the strapping was not as heavy as mine but Ally was obviously used to them as by 7 she was crying.

“20 Sir.”

Sir waited till Ally had settled a little, “Opposite corner miss.”

Her hands were on her head as she walked to the corner. We were only in 5 minutes or so and down to the sobbing stage.


Sir patted his knee.

“sara to Daisy, Ally come Here.”

We were both hugged and cuddled and stroked, we both had our head on their shoulder, and both were having our tits and nipples fondled.

“Right girls, bedtime.”

I kissed Daisy and Sir night-night-night and Ally followed my actions and we went to our rooms. I showed Ally to her room.

“Can I come in with you sara?”

“I will have to ask.”

I ran back downstairs and put my hand up, Sir responded with a nod.

“Please Sir can Ally come in with me?”

“Who`s idea?”

“She asked me Sir.”

He nodded and I ran back upstairs, took her good hand and led her into my room.

I went to shower,she followed me.

“Please could you shower me?”

I did not need asking twice, I took a hair scrunch and my shower cap and enclosed her bad hand. I washed her legs then mine, gently washed her bottom and mine, took my time between her legs, she reached between my legs and gently fingered me as I went up her belly to her tits, on hand on each I juggled like I love having done to me.

I quickly finished us both off, dried her and me and led her to my bed on pulled back the covers on her side, then covered her up. I got into bed and turned off the light.


“Yes Ally?”

“Please will you cuddle me?”

I gently lay on top of her and we ground our clients together, I eased back up and offered my favourite nipple which she accepted and bit and twisted.

Not too much sleep till my alarm went off at 6.50. I explained why and left the room, she followed.

“Please can I take your Master?”

I smiled and nodded.

She soon had him in her mouth as I sucked on Daisy`s pussy. I wondered what Sir would do, he let us both out and fucked Daisy and dismissed us.

We were straight into bed and making our own special love, and very special it was too.

We went to breakfast, me naked and Ally with my silk gown on.

She had a cereal and I had half a slice of toast.

I cleared the table and Sir patted the centre aisle counter and I hoped over it. I heard him walk to his cabinet and knew/expected some stripes to remember the day.

“Ally, sara is being caned, not because of last night, not because I feel she deserves it but a Master knows when his slave needs one.”

“Yes Sir thank you for the explanation.”

I got 5 and wished it was 10, as soon as Sir had finished Ally climbed over beside me.

“Please sara`s Sir, I so need some too.”

“How many are given at home Ally?”

“15 to 20 Sir, once and only once 30 when I borrowed a car somewhere.”

I saw Sir rub her bottom, “Intermediate for you Ally your cheats are much fuller than skinny sara.

Hold her hands Daisy, 10 in two fives.”

She was bawling at 3 and screaming at 6 but Sir carried out his 10.

“Stay over, sara will be soothed from behind Ally.”

He mounted me and hit my spot first shot, I moaned, would you like soothing too Ally. I saw her bum raise up and Sir alternated then cum over my hot bum.

Ally was helped onto her knees to clean him up as Daisy Kleenexed me.

We were excused and flew up the stairs, I got onto the bed and Ally rolled me onto my front and licked my stripes for ages, still sobbing most of the time.

My turn, and she had more to lick. I slapped her bottom and turned her over, legs up over her head and sucked her lips, divine.

It was all over too soon and time for a shower and dressed. I walked her to the station, we were the only ones on the platform and went into the shelter. She guided me into a corner.

“Thank you so much for loving me sara.”

Her hand went down my jeans, inside my pants and I was fingered right until the train she was catching stopped. She got on and waved then licked her fingers.

I knew I would be fucked again when I got home, its what happens after a caning, and boy, was I ready for it.

No proverb or moral to this story, but if there was;

“Everyone cums to those who wait” hehehe.


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