Violet didn’t leave him sitting long before she hurried over and kneeeled before him. They had a mutual agreement to which he held faithfully. This was college, a time of opportunity so he had been told countless times. With a few well placed friends, some general financial contributions, and knowledge of a few sordid affairs, he was on the A-list. Every door was open to him and every event, barring those few few exclusive to members. There were gala events to behold, but only if you know someone important. She and her friends did not.
Like many on campus she had chosen to avoid the entire process of selection. He couldn’t blow her for it. The very term for acceptance reminded him of the audit it really was. Unlike the majority of the independents she understands the social connections denied due to her prejudice, just as he had. She approached him with the proposition and he had accepted with examination. In public they would appear to be in an ‘open relationship’; living togetherer, sharing the bills and household responsibility. That would provide her with access to any and every event she choose, simply riding his coat-tails through the doors.
His remuneration occurred behind the closed doors of their apartment. She was his to request what he would, the only exception when one or the other maintained company. His requests remained occasional and within limits discussed ahead of time. With the unusual parameters of their agreement their public facade became closer to the truth.
She looked up to meet his eyes. The wide, round orbs sent a shiver of anticipation through him. “Yes? What can I do for you?” The eagerness in her voice and the unspoken implication of ‘master’ caught his breath. She never complained about his requests, occasionally even complimenting the relief, but never had she showed such interest since the first time. That precise time she throw him onto the couch, in the backroom of the bar, to swallow him whole before approaching the subject.
Her hands caresed his thighs as he attempted to organize his thoughts. “Uh, actually I just remembered you’d mentioned wanting to talk to me about something.” The smile she returned, as hands pressed against him, sapped his resolve. Nervous, he watched her eyes flick back and forth in contemplation. He had suspicions about what she wanted to discuss but they varied from bad to incredible.
Delicate hands began to massage him through the denim. Blood began to flow as she came to a decision. Her eyes returned to his. “Well, in a way it’s about our little arrangement.” He found it hard to hold her gaze when her fingers crept to his buckle. “I love the parties we go to and the people you hang out with.” His fly unzipped and her chin came to rest gently on his rapidly expanding organ. She was keeping the discussion close, intentionally making him age over the outcome. He’d never believed Violet would be the type to tease him if she intended to break things off. She had always played fairly. Although, he conceded, this could simply be her idea of full repayment for services rendered.
The sharp pressure of her chin accomplished the desired effect. His flesh strained against her as she slowly slip open the flags of his boxers. “I’m glad you enjoy them. I have to say it’s always better to bring someone.” Fire raced through his veins as she sucked his length into her mouth, cutting off his thought. Leaving a watery trail, she pulled herself free. He gasped for breath, trying to collect his scattered thoughts.
“I’ve been wondering.” She paused, emphasizing her point by closing her mouth on his head. As she sucked more blood into the engaged member he gasped. “Is it possible to bring two escorts,” she kissed his base, sucking slightly, “to any of these?” Her moist lips surrounded him once more before he found himself fully sheathed.
Free from concern at last, molten lust raged under his skin. She played his body with consummate skilll, preparing him to agree to anything she requested. Fortunately he followed the current path much farther then she could expect. “I’m,” gasp, “not sure.” Her mouth began to slide free. One hand quickly replaced it, folding his sensitive skin upon itself. The other hand moved to torment the light hairs covering the loose skin beneath. “I could probably find out.” He rushed the sentence as breath exploded from him.
She pumped rapidly with hand and mouth. His breath came quicker still. She stopped so suddenly he thought he would finish from the simple lack of action. Round eyes stared at him. “Isn’t there someone you could call? About, say, next weekend?” He didn’t need to be told what event. Although there were a number of parties there was only one worth pulling strings for.
His phone flipped open, a single button sending the call into the ether. The familiar voice came on the line. “Hey, question for ya.” His body jerked as she sucked at his tip. “Yeah, I was wondering. ..Oh God!” Her mouth pressed evenly around the circuit of the base of his hard shake. “Would it be possible to get,” he quickly pressed the phone to his shoulder, protecting the mic from his scream. His skin slide against wrong nerves as she increased her suction. “Three people!”
He didn’t need to hear the response, after all he’d already checked. The pressure in his groin grow to unbelievable proportions as she forced herself lower. The closed phone fell from his grip. Electricity coursed across his skin. Feeling his body wrong her she pushed on. Her tongue caught his ridge just right and control snapped free. The flow raced forth. He grabbed the chair instinctively. Her hands caught his wrists in an effort to keep his body from bucking wildly. He felt her choking as he poured into her but the novelty of it only redoubled the sensing. Her lips locked tight around his flesh, knowing it would only become worse if she pulled free too soon. She’d committed herself to maintaining the position until he ran dry.
The constricting throat milked his seed as her warm lower muscles normally would. Free of his mind his body exulted in the novelty of her embrace. He felt the tears of discomfort washing across his hips but refused to be led by them. This had been her choice, her attempt to distract and persuade. He drifted as the waves of orgasm crested and began to wane. Finally she pulled free cought. She pushed herself so far that little of him remained in her mouth, having instead flowed directly into her throat. Conscious of the original ploy her hand played along his length providing distracting aftershocks. “Did you get an answer?”
He nodded dumbly. “I can.” He shuddered through another jolt of pleasure. “Why were you wondering?” He’d known it was Sandra before she said the name. Hands folded on one of his knees under her resting chin. Those deceptive eyes, round and innocent, stared up at him.
“She knows of our agreement and hoped to forge her own.” She did indeed know. He suspected Violet had confirmed in her since she already knew when she approached him. He told her to seek Violet’s favor but not to mention the brief meeting, explaining he’d come to care for her and refused to work behind her back. It was almost the truth. He shuddered as a hand reached out to idly play with him, hanging limp. He was very glad he had sent her to Violet. Now he had this, and still had a request from both Violet and Sandra, if she agreed.
“She knows the full of it?” A simple nod her response. “How does she feel about it? And more importantly how would you feel?” He would enjoy Sandra’s occasional ministers assuredly, but he lived with Violet. Her opinion truly mattered. They were friends of a sort, he knew she thought closer, but more important they were rooms. Rent and bills were expensive.
“She understands and would agree quickly for now. To be honest I think she wants to get in and hopes to find someonewho can get her in after. She would honor her end until she no longer needed you though.” Her tone maintained a hint of something seeing. He didn’t know whether it was the thought of sharing him or of the sheer calculating nature. He would be surprised by the later since Violet herself had come forth with such an agreement. He wouldn’t be nearly as surprised by the former. Although they were allowed to share other beds it happened infrequently. She hadn’t in quite a long time he’d noticed. “As for how I’d feel? Well, I think she’s a little naive to think she’ll find someone quickly but that’s her choice. And it’ll be nice to have a true friend around from time to time.” Apparently a little of both.
“You should bring her over at some point to discuss it.” Wide eyes narrowed to match her grin. He fell neighborly into her trap, the very trap he’d handed her and all but explained how to set. Sandra’s head leaned around the doorway of Violet’s room. His surprise was only partially feigned,she had been waiting since before the two arrived together. “You heard, e-e-everything?” A feral grin split her face as she nodded, gazing eagerly at his lap. “You understand what I might ask? Anything. You can say ‘no’ if something makes you uncomfortable. But you know you’re agreeing to at least something. If there’s too much you couldn’t brook to you shouldn’t consider this.”
Violet raised a single finger to circle her lips before sucking suggestively on it, a reminder of what she had just heard. He could have kissed her for the unexpected visual aid. He’d come to suspect that Violet very much enjoyed the power fallatio gave her over him. He requested it sparingly, yet she much more frequently came to him with it. Either she felt her side of the balance uneven or she truly desired it. Sandra, on the other hand, blushed deeply at the mere suggestion, as anticipated.
“I’m not sure how comfortable I’ll be with some things, but I’m sure I can make it worth your while.” She was nervous. Good. Violet held his leg possessively, still half kneeing on the floor. Even better. He knew he could play those feelings against one another. He patted the arm of the chair, next to Violet’s head, and watched Sandra walk across the room. Apparently she anticipated a down payment or test of her resolve. He watched her graceful curves dance and shift under the camisole and tight skirt. She looked half dressed in the combination but the matching colors intrigued him, as if she already disclosed a portion of her attire. As she sat on the side of the chair he leaned across on the opposite. Her knees, pressed firmly together, bent away from him providing a delightful silhouette of her small but pert breasts.
A hand reached out to turn her, legs and body, to face him. Violet had to shift to avoid a collision with moving knees, clinging all the more fiercely. “You look unsure.” Eyes spoke volumes but her head shook obviously. “You want to prove it to yourself as muchas to me don’t you.” Her eyes dropped instantly for a few moments before she acknowledged with the tiniest of nods. “I’m sorry, but I’m not really ready at the moment. And I wouldn’t ask you to fix that until we have more time to discuss our standing.” After the earlier treatment another round would likely be nothing more then a letdown but they need not know. She nodded a little more comfortable, Even meeting his eyes thankfully.
The hand idly pushed against one leg, easily spreading them to the extent permitted by the tight skirt. Violet averted her eyes. As she turned to him he surprised her by concentrated his attention on her. “I would ask a favor; check if she enjoyed your performance?” Those round eyes grow wide in surprise. “I wonder if she might have voyeuristic tendencies.” Eyes pleaded but he smiled knowingly. They had a code phrase for public use and he’d began the request with it. Shocked she simply nodded turning to ask Sandra. He stopped her before the sound escaped. “There’s only one way to know the unadulterated truth.” It was said gently but firm, as if explaining to a child.
His smile turned to Sandra. Her confusion showed as she looked from one to the other and back but she said nothing, awaiting the outcome. As a tenative hand reached under her skirt her eyes widened and locked on his. His smile returned knowledge. While Violet was in virgin territory Sandra had experience. He collected information and knew her preferences long before she approached him. He knew she would enjoy Violet as much as she could enjoy him. He watched her gasp and shudder quickly before the hand quickly retired. The sheen on two raised fingers suggested either Sandra very much enjoyed the performance or she was rapid in her anticipation. He suspected the former.
Violet had noticed Sandra’s reaction. He knew she was intrigued by it. She was driven to reach back in to cause much more by the same instinct that drive her to devour him. She held her hand, unsure of his intentions, or her own. Although he enjoyed the self conflict he settled matters quickly. “I don’t think that brief contact was sufficient to tell.” The same hand that spread the legs pulled at the base of the skirt. It bunched as it rose until a thong, matching color to the skirt and camisole, revealed itself to all three. Still leaning back in the chair, his other hand positioned Sandra’s to hold the skirt in place. Now free from the hindering fabric he spread her legs wide. She nearly fell as she was forced to lean against the arm and back of the chair to compensate.
Violet gave one more panicked look before her hand reached in. Sandra Shook as a finger tenatively brushed against her. His hand rested lightly on her breast, holding steady her balance. Pressing lightly, Violet’s finger began slow circles across the smooth, and damp, fabric. With a single soft moan in response her confidence grow. The circles adjusted, rubbing forward and back along the length ofthe thin strip of material. Sandra moaned again, only to slightly pleasantly when his supporting hand pinched and twisted the now taught nipple under his hand. Violet’s other hand came forward to message the area around as she pressed more firmly.
Sandra gripped her skirt with white knuckles. Listening to her moan, watching Violet becomes more comfortable and, most importantly, smelling the lust as it quickly soaked Through the fabric, all conspired in his favorite. He felt the familiar rush as need once more began to build deep within. The women were too intent to notice his jeans fall to the floor. Little by little he stood strong and free between the flags of his boxes. His other hand found a comfortable grip, exclusive the process with a slow deliberate stroke designed to keep him on the verge of release without crossing.
Violet’s fingers hooked under the string. With the next pass it was her knuckles, rather then fingertips, exciting tender skin. The other woman screamed her first joy. He watched Violet’s eyes lose reason as she tugged at the clothes. When it didn’t rip instantly she held it aside with fingers that deftly spread sensitive folds of flesh. The same fingers began slow circles, tenderizing nerve and muscle alike. Violet’s head crawled forward, unsure yet unwavering.
Her tongue flicked against the very tip of the budding flower, testing the taste. It leaves forward More inevitably. Again she brushed the precious lust as fingers opened the way and massed additional sensing. Sensing the glorious effects of pressure she cracked the base of the sensitive mound. Across the bottom and she moaned loudly. Up the side she whimpered. Over the top she cried out. A pattern solidified and the cacophony of experimentation quickly became a symphony of ecstasy.
He shifted in the chair back towards them, leaving off his manipulation in the process. An arm slipped around Sandra’s back providing additional support. Firmly secured, he reached out, taking a breast in each restrictive hand. He began to pinch and squeeze in time to the, now desperate, lapping. Sandra squirmed under continuous attention. Violet’s forearms rested the length of the tormented’s thighs. With her hips, legs and chest pinned tight, and hands forced to grip the skirt high, only Sandra’s head knew freedom. She thrashed in helpless delirium as he felt her body tensioning towards complete release within his embrace.
Violet’s hand shifted. Sandra’s eye’s flew wide, her head and back arching, as two fingers slide easily between damp folds. His grip turned to iron as he held the ravenous beast under the care of his roommate. Her moans became screams which became snarls and grunts as her tension’s release was restricted to the slow outpouring between her legs. His eyes shifted, catching sight of Violet’s almost sadistic delight in the excruciating euphoria she caused. It was a look he was incredibly familiar with as she bestowed it on him in the same circuitance. Sandra would not see it, her eyes shut fast by bliss. But he knew eventually she would witness and understand. There would be more then this once.
He released Sandra a few moments after Violet pulled back. Sandra twisted like a cat, grabbing his shoulders. She began to climb, knees first, onto the chair. As she straddled him he grabbed her shoulders in response. He held her firm until her body began to relax and scant reason returned to her eyes. Looking first to his eyes, then to his erection she was confused. Without breath she couldn’t ask why he was denying what he obviously wanted and she absolutely needed. “Patience will cause the second to be greater.” Her eyes widened at the pronouncement. As he leaned forward to speak in her ear she grasped at his shake, trying desperately still to bear it within her. “The purpose of that was twofold. First she showed I can ask for the unexpected and it may be desired. The second was to show you the pleasure this part of the agreeent can offer.” It was said so low that Violet could not hear. He leaned back slightly to view her eyes. “Do you still wish the arrangement?”
Her eyes answered before her voice. “I do!” She was still breathless with her need of him. He nodded. With ease he lowered her gently to the floor. All the while she clung to and massed him, keeping him solid. He shifted the chair back and kneeeled, positioned himself before her, smooth legs resting on his thighs. She tried to pull him forward but he resisted, pulling from her grasp. She whimpered.
He looked to Violet. She was dazed by the power of the desire that had consumed her. In the heat she had needed nothing more then to create bliss, regardless of the subject’s gender. His hand brushed her cheek, bringing her back to the moment. “I would ask a favor; strip?” Her instinct brought her arms up before she could even nod. He loved to see her in this delicious fog. Sandra would have guessed the code by now but he doubted she had rEason enough to follow even simple instructions. He reached down, deftly avoiding her constant attempts at him, and peeled off the camisole. The skirt and thong quickly followed. Taking himself in hand he rubbed firmly against her beleaguered lust. He smiled cruelly as she began to age but turned to watch Violet.
Her blouse was long gone leaving her large breasts held only by a silk bra. She stood now, hips gyrating to music of her own creation, as she croouched to slide the tight pants free. A sound that was half moan, half growl distracted him briefly. Looking down he noticed the dance had enlarged him further. The additional force brought the beast on the floor nearly back to fruition so he backed off slightly to keep her torturously on the verge. He looked back up to see the second arm slide free of its stick. He wanted to reach out and grab her, molest the glorious pillows, but he was never allowed as she danced for him. It had been his idea and only worked to enthrall him the more. Clasp undone they fell free to the true extent of their power. She turned, hooking a finger into the strings on either side of the bikini, and backed nearly to his face. She bent over and began to slide the last of her clothes free. As inch by inch her flesh revealed itself he craved to plumge his mouth to it, knowing if he did all rights would be forfeit for the night.
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