The Four-Some

Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of gay male sexual content.


Steve was a powerfully built man, about 5’8,” in his early 40’s. He was at the gym using a bicep curl machine when a man walked by. Steve, with a sheen of sweat on his face, glanced at him and noticed the “necklace” he was wearing. Except it wasn’t a necklace; it was a short length of chain, the kind of chain you might buy at a hardware store, joined with a small padlock. This definitely piqued Steve’s interest!

“HI,” he said. I’ll be done with this machine in a minute if you want it. I’m Steve, by the way.”

Alan, wearing the “necklace,” was slender, about 5’11,” and moved with a graceful ease. When Steve was finished with his set he commented that he hadn’t seen Alan at the gym before. Steve wasn’t normally this outgoing but he really wanted to engage Alan to learn about his “necklace” and whatever else he could. Alan replied that he was a regular, but that he and his wife usuallyly came at a different time. That day they had changed their routine and come before work instead.

Steve casually mentioned the chain, saying it was an unusual necklace. Alan unconsciously raised a hand to touch it and looked a little uncomfortable as he acknowledged that it was. Steve knew it was rude but felt he had to know, and asked who had the key. Before Alan could respond a woman came up and put her arm Around his wait possessively. To Steve’s great surprise it was Susan, his supervisor at work!

Susan was a tall, trim woman, somewhat Nordic looking, with beautiful curves who appeared to be in her late 30’s. At work she was always very cordial and efficient. Steve enjoyed working with her, but had never actually had a personal conversation with her. As he looked at her now in gym clothes she looked Even better than usual! He felt the stirrings of an erection but knew it wasn’t going to show, because as usual he was locked into a chatity cage. Then he noticed that Susan was wearing a delicate gold chain with a key hanging on it and began to stare. He didn’t mean to, but he just could not stop staring at that key hanging between her breasts. Susan noticed his gaze and began to feel uncomfortable.

“Uh, Steve, you’re staring,” she said.

Alan, surprised, asked “You know each other?”

“Yes, we’re co-workers,” replied Susan.

“I’m sorry Susan,” Steve said. “It’s just that… uh, I couldn’t help but notice the key that you’re wearing. It… Well it looks similar to one that my wife has.”

Her eyes sparkled. “Really?”

Steve looked down, embarrassed. This was happening way too fast.

“No, actually, I’m sure I’m mistaken.”

Susan reached over and grabbed his arm. She was strong!

“Steve, tell me about your wife’s key.” It wasn’t a request; it was an order.

As she looked into his eyes Steve surrendered and blurted out that his wife’s key was to the lock on his chatity cage, which he was wearing right then. She smiled broadly as her hand casually brushed against his crotch to confirm what he had said.

Steve was shocked and excited by where things had gone in just a few short moments.

“I’d like to meet your wife,” Susan said. “What’s her name?”

Steve had introduced chatity into his marriage three years prior. His wife, Marie, who had a Mediterranean appearance, hadn’t been keen on it at first but over the course of several months had come to appreciate how such a simple device had improved their marriage. Now she was enthusiastic about his being caged and enjoyed talking with him about the characteristics of different devices. They had six in total, and Marie liked picking different ones for Steve to wear on any particular day. It was their secret, of course, but Steve sometimes wondered what it would be like to share that secret with someone else.

That evening Marie was horrified when Steve told her what had happened at the gym.

“No,” she said. “I’m not going to meet her. She and I don’t have anything to talk about.”

Steve replied “Honey, do you remember how opposed you were to chatity at first? And see how you’ve changed your mind? I think this is a similar situation.”

Marie hesitated, then agreed. “OK, you can invite them over for drinks.”

The next Saturday afternoon at 3 PM Alan and Susan rang their doorbell. They chatted over wine and cheese until Marie asked Susan if she could talk to her in the kitchen. Once the kitchen door was closed Marie said that Steve had told her about their encounter at the gym and that her private life with Steve was just that… private. Susan smiled and agreed that was not a problem but she would still like to talk about her life with Alan, if that was OK. And that she would like that conversation to take place with the guys, if that was also OK. Marie took a deep breath and agreed.

Back in the living room Alan and Steve were chatting about the football season when Susan and Marie returned. Susan told Alan that they were going to talk about themselves now and that most likely Steve and Marie would only listen. Alan’s demeanor changed drastically as he listened to Susan; he seemed … obedient.

“We’ve been married for ten years,” Susan began. “It’s always been important to me to be in charge, and Alan doesn’t mind. In fact he seems to prefer me making the decisions and telling him what to do. I’m always nice about it, never mean. Well, usually not mean. Sometimes Alan gets a contrasting idea in his head and I have to discuss him to bring him back in line.”

“What kind of ideas?” Marie asked, intrigued.

“Well, for example, he might not want to do the yardwork. Or he might say that he will do it but then it doesn’t get done. In that case I might spank him a little.”

Marie was shocked. “Spank him?”

“Well sure, don’t you sometimes use domestic discipline on Steve?”

“No, I don’t,” replied Marie. Her mind was a blur of confusion.

Susan continued, “When I say spank him you have to understand that there are different kinds of spanking. Mine hurt, I’m sure, but I know that Alan appreciates how much I care about him. I know that he wants to please me, so the spankings are motivational. When I spank him he understands that I want him to improve his behavior and that I care enough about him to go to the trouble to spank him.”

“Couldn’t you just tell him?” Marie asked.

“I’m sure I could but spanking is so much more immediate and difficult to forget!” “Also,” Susan said with a smile, “I happen to like spanking him. I like having him over my knee and being in control!”

As Susan was talking Alan was looking carefully at Steve and Marie. He wanted to see how they would react, with Shock or with interest. He saw interest on Steve’s face but wasn’t quite sure how to interpret Marie.

Marie had heard about all she could take in at one time. She offered her guests more wine and cheese. Susan understood that Marie felt overwhelmed and thanked her for her hospitality, but said it really was time to go.

After their guests left Steve and Marie turned to each other.

“That was intense,” said Steve. “Can you imagine actually spanking me?”

“Well, sometimes you frustrate me when I don’t seem to be able to get you to see how right I am. I wouldn’t want to hurt you but I wonder if a spanking would help convince you.” Marie was smiling as she said that.

Steve felt sure she was kidding. But he was intrigued … would she? His penis stood in its cage. He had always wanted Marie to take a firm hand to him to satisfy his submissive streak but up until now she wouldn’t consider acting in such a ‘dominant’ way. Steve was excited by the possibility that Marie might act in a more ‘assertive’ manner than just participating in his chatity. Hearing that Susan, who he knows from work, actively spanks her husband was tremendously exciting.

Marie was smiling as she said that and Steve felt sure she was kidding. But he was intrigued… would she? His penis stood in its cage.

The next Monday at work Steve greeted Susan as usual, but not surprisingly there was an extra something going on between them.

In a low voice Susan asked “Are you wearing?”

“Of course,” said Steve, blushing. “I always am.”

Susan smiled and walked away, leaving Steve to wonder how this was going to affect their work life together from then on.

Susan invited Steve and Marie to their house the following week. They exchanged some awkward small talk until Susan, being the take charge woman that she was, turned to Marie and asked her what kind of device Steve was wearing right then. Marie blushed a little but responded that he was wearing a nylon custom chatity device. Susan asked Marie if she could see it. Steve was a little shocked as Marie hesitated but then turned to him saying

“Please show Susan your device.”

“Honey…” he said. His heart was pounding; was this really happening?

“No, pull down your pants and show her” Marie said more forcefully. Reluctantly he undid his belt, lowered his pants and briefs, and stood in front of Susan. Susan, who was his boss at work!

Susan looked at Marie to ask permission and then smiled as she cupped his balls in her hand and poked her finger into the holes. She was enjoying making him feel so vulnerable!

“It’s so light,” she said.

Steve tried not to get excited but couldn’t help himself. His penis strained against the sides of his cage, pulling the base ring tight against his balls. Susan enjoyed his reaction and continued teasing him until clear fluid began oozing from the tip of his penis.

“Alan,” she said in a relaxed tone of voice. “Please show Marie what you’re wearing today.”

Alan obediently lowered his pants and briefs and stood before Marie in his steel cage. His face was red with embarrassment.

“Marie dear, go ahead and examine it,” said Susan.

Hesitantly Marie reached out and lifted Alan’s enclosed penis. It felt heavy in its steel cage but it too started to show signs of life. Marie was a little shy and didn’t play with Alan nearly as much as Susan had played with Steve.

Susan thanked the men and asked Marie to come with her into another room.

When the woman had gone Steve and Alan pulled up their pants and looked at each other.

“That was intense. Have you ever experienced anything like that before?” asked Steve.

Alan shook his head. “I’ve often wondered about other men who are in chatity but I never met anybody else until now. I participated in some on-line forums but of course everyone there is anonymous. This is extraordinary! I feel like my secret is out, and I like that!”

“What do you like most about wearing a device?” asked Steve.

“I like a lot about it,” Alan responded. “I like the reminder that Susan is in control. I like that I couldn’t masturbate even if I wanted to. I like the feeling of it as I walk around. I’m always aware of my cock and balls in a way that I wasn’t before I was locked.”

Steve agreed that he liked the same things and added that he loved how it kept his focus on Marie and how he loved to keep her happy.

“How about the spanking? What’s up with that?”

Alan looked uncomfortable, like he was struggling within himself. But he replied,

“Well, I hope you won’t judge me but I am very comfortable having Susan in charge. Her spanking me reformes that she’s in control and that’s fine with me. Actually I appreciate it. To me it means that she cares enough about me to go to the effort!”

Steve said “I understand. Thanks for being so open. I can see how it might be hard for you to talk about being spanked with another man. And no, I don’t judge you at all. I understand. I’m jealous! I wish Marie had some of what Susan has. But is spanking as far as it goes?Spanking is a turn on for me but the thought of being tied up and used sexually gets me hard very quickly. I’ve mentioned that to Marie but she doesn’t seem to want to go there. She always says ‘that BDSM stuff isn’t for me.’ I haven’t pushed it; our relationship is great already and I don’t want to upset her.”

Steve asked Alan if Susan ever put him into bondage.

Alan smiled and said “Sure, you remember the chain I was wearing when we first met? That was just a reminder for me. Susan and I love to play that game. I’m pretty handy and I enjoy fabricating things for her to use on me. Would you like to see some?”

“You bet,” said Steve. His heart was pounding in anticipation.

Alan led him to a room at the end of the hall and opened a large, beautifully made Wooden chest. It had an association of finely made bondage equipment as well as paddles of wood and leather. Steve’s eyes popped out! He had never seen such a collection. Just then Susan and Marie came in. Marie’s jaw dropped when she saw what was in the chest.

“You made all this?” Steve excerpted.

“Sure did!” Alan proudly replied.

Steve was getting hard just looking at the equipment and hesitantly asked if he could touch anything.

“Of course,” Alan replied.

Steve reached into the Box and pulled out a collar. It was wide, about 1 ½ inches, made of supplement, smooth leather with a struggle buckle and five D rings set into the leather. Steve stroked it, momentarily in a world of his own.

Susan said to Alan “Let’s show them how some of this works!”

She took the collar from Steve and fastened it around Alan’s neck, securing it with a padlock. Then she buckled a pair of well used wrist cuffs tightly onto each of his wrists and fastened them to the collar’s D rings with Steel snaps. As an afterthought she used a short piece of rope to tie his elbows together in front of himself. It was very simple and it only took a moment but he was completely bound and helpless. Steve felt a swelling in his cage as he imagined himself in that same situation.

Susan must have seen it on his face because she said “How about you Steve, want to try?”

He tried to sound casual when he said “Sure, why not?” but he felt flushed with excitement.

Susan said to Marie “How about giving me a hand?” Marie hesitated but agreed.

Susan selected another collar from the box and handed it to Marie. Marie’s hands were trembling a bit as she buckled it around Steve’s neck. Susan saw that Marie was nervous and touched Marie’s hand gently to give her encouragement and support. Susan then pulled out a pair of cuffs. She gave one to Marie and, standing next to each other, they each fastened one to each of Steve’s wrists. Susan let their shoulders touch as they worked on Steve’s cuffs; Marie didn’t break the contact until she had to.

“Marie, let me show you something else we can do.”

Susan took a long, wide leather belt and passed it through Steve’sarms behind his back. When she tightened it his arms were pulled back snuggly, his hands pulled helplessly apart against the shadowle that joined them. Susan and Marie smiled broadly as they looked at their two men.

“Wow,” said Marie. “This is kind of fun!”

She stood in front of Steve and stroked his chest and nipples. She scratched his back hard, and played with his cock in its cage. Steve loved the attention and her cares. He arched his back in pleasure and rubbed against Marie who kissed him possessively.

“It can get even better,” said Susan. “Let me show you something else!”

She went back to the Toy Box and pulled out a delicate chain lean with a narrow collar on the end. She undid Alan’s pants and briefs which fell to the floor. His penis was bulging in its cage as she fastened the leash collar around his cock and balls, just above the cock ring of his cage. She proceeded to pull on the leash and… no surprise, he followed. Apparently he didn’t follow well enough because she took a black riding crop from the box and playedfully hit his butt, urging him to follow her a little better. She didn’t seem to hit him hard but each stroke of the crop left a red mark where it landed. Alan was grinning as Susan led him around.

Marie turned from them and looked at Steve hungrily. She seized his caged cock and balls with one hand and pulled them, drawing him towards her. Her other Hand grabbed his hair, making sure his mouth was available to her. She kissed him again, passwordately.

Steve returned her kiss, thinking “This must be heaven!”

As Susan and Marie were removing the collars and cuffs from their men Susan brushed against Marie several times, letting her breasts linger for a moment against Marie’s back and shoulder. Marie felt a stirring within. She liked the warm softness of Susan’s breasts and wished they stayed against her longer. She was aware that Susan wasn’t wearing a bra and that excited her. She felt conflicted; shewasn’t used to feel about a woman this way but mmmm, it felt both exciting and comforting at the same time.

When Steve and Marie returned home late that night, she turned to him and said

“I think we’re moving too fast. I don’t know where this is going and I don’t know if I want to go there!”

She didn’t speak about the touches that she and Susan had shared. She thought about Susan and her warm, soft breasts and how she would like to feel them with her hands. She had never done that with a woman, had never had those feelings towards a woman and needed to sort that out in her own mind.

Steve looked at her and replied “I love you and I know you love me. As long as what we do come from love we’ll be fine. To me, what we did today feels good. Even better than good, it feels great! Everyone has many parts, and we’ve been exploring parts today that usually aren’t let out to play!”

He reached out his arm and Marie snuggled into it. He was still the strong, protective man she knew and loved.

Chapter 2

Over the next several months Susan, Alan, Steve, and Marie began to see much more of each other. They comfortably relaxed in each other’s homes, helping themselves to food from the refrigerator and to intimate touches of each other. The two women, especially, came to feel that Steve and Alan were ‘community property.’

One evening Susan Thought out loud, saying to Marie,

“What would you think if we were to use identical locks on Alan and Steve? Each of our keys would work on both locks. What’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine!” She grinned.

Marie had come a long way since their earlier encounters. Earlier, their “kinky” activities were confineped to Steve being in chatity but now she was far More assertive about what she wanted, both with her husband as well as Alan. She even had intimate encounters with Susan. She had never imagined herself in a sexual relationship with a woman but she just slid into one with Susan. When she stopped to think about it she was amazed at herself, but it felt right. And her relationship with Steve felt stronger than ever! When they were home alone they confirmed in each other and enjoyed each other like before, but amazingly when they were with Susan and Alan they spoke and acted just as freely. It was as though their marriage had expanded to include the other two.

Marie smiled broadly and said “Absolutely!”

Alan was in the room as this conversation was going on and said

“Hey, don’t you think Steve and I should be included in this decision?”

Marie looked at him affectionately and replied

“I don’t think there’s any question that you and Steve will be happy with the new arrangement. Whenever I put my hands on you, you seem… very responsive!”

As she said this, Marie held Alan’s hands behind his back with her right hand. Alan was far stronger than Marie but he was held firmly by the force of her will as well ashis desire to submit. She kissed him on his mouth and explored his caged cock and balls with her left hand. She could feel him swelling with excitement in his cage.

“That feels like consent to me” she said.

Alan grinned sheepishly and nodded in agreement.

Steve returned from working in the kitchen and asked what was going on. Alan filled him in and asked him how he felt about being in a “shared key” situation. Steve thought about it for a moment and said that he and Marie had been speaking about how their two marriages seemed to be merged into one, so it made sense to him. He was OK with it. More than OK! He looked at the three of them, smiled broadly and said he thought they should have some kind of a ceremony.


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