The third installment of my four nights series. I went into an area I know little of, I hope you like it.
I would like to Thank Candice for taking the time to edit my story!
The weekend was a blur after our orgy, I know Michelle and I fucked at least four times and I must admit it was more intense than it had been in recent memory. It was on the following Thursday that Marilyn called us to talk about the third night, ‘The bond scenario.’ She told us that this night would need some planning and that it would take a little while to get everything together; which was one of the reasons why it couldn’t be on the first night. She asked a lot of questions about the first two nights as well. It seemed she needed to get the feedback for her report or whatever it was she was doing all this for; truth was I had long forgotten why we were doing all this in the first place. Two weeks ago?, fuck might as well been two years. We gave her what she needed and toldher the truth.
That after the orgy Michelle tried to act like what we did was the most normal thing in the world, that going to a friend’s house and having a night of dirty sex was what you just did, much like watching a movie or playing a game of cards. We told her that we were both much hornier from that first night. We were fucking more, and that Michelle had even bought a stick on and we introduced it to the mix, Marilyn gave me a sly smile at hearing this. Another thing that had changed was Michelle was not showing any signs of jealousy, I guessed that fucking in the same room and being more exposed, seeing what I was doing put her mind at ease, as strange as that might sound. But what the hell, I was happy to not have to deal with it! Marilyn liked to hear this and wrote down every word we said to her. I Found it a little odd sitting in a coffee house with my wife and my new lover, we were talking about deviant sex acts like others might talk about working in the garden. Strange, very strange.
Soon Friday came and Michelle and I were getting dressed for our third evening with Jeff and Marilyn. I was nervous and not really sure what I was in for, unlike the other nights this time we were going to a place I had zero knowledge of, the other nights though foreign to me were still just sex, and this was going to be bondage and S&M, something I knew really nothing about. If Michelle was nervous she wasn’t showing it. She was wearing a loose fitting dress and high, black boots. Her hair was up in a high ponytail and her makeup was perfect. She looked stunning as I always thought she did. I was in jeans and a button up top, no need to dress too nice for this night I thought.
We arrived at their house at just past seven after Michelle and I had a light supper and a lot of wine, not only should I not have been driving, but I know whatever inhibitions we had left were now long gone. I could tell that Michelle was excited about what was to come; she had rubbed her pussy through her panties while I drove to the house. She never did that! Ever!
We were greeted at the door by Marilyn who was in a bathrobe. Her hair was up as well, and her makeup was on pretty thick. “Welcome, come on in you two.” Marilyn said stepping out of the way letting us in. She was wearing something under the robe; I looked at her feet and saw high heels and buckles. We both got comfortable and took the wine she offered us. She then led us out to the pool house, where Marilyn and I had sex for the first time when we started this. When we got into the small cabin like space it was not the same as before. All the furniture had been moved out and replaced with… well what can only be described as dungeon equipment. There was a large wooden X that had restraints on the top and bottom, a pillory which was a Restraint that held your head and hands. The light was low and there were lots of cented candles burning. There were many other items along the walls thoughin the low light I really can’t say what they were at the time.
“Well? What do you two think?” Jeff asked. I hadn’t even noticed him standing in the corner. I looked at Michelle who was standing with her mouth open. I looked around again and noticed at least four other odd pieces of furniture along the back wall as well as many restrains hanging on a rack against one wall.
“Well it’s hard to say! How long?” Michelle began.
“Well we have been researching it for some time now. All the equipment is on loan from a friend of mine who makes fetish films. We bought all the clothes and all the items that may be used…well inside your bodies. Ha-ha!” Marilyn said with a nervous giggle.
“Do you guys have much…well experience using these things?” Michelle asked. I was wondering the same thing; people could get hurt in these contractions if not used right.
“Oh yeah, my friend introduced us to an expert who actually teaches a class on bondage and S&M, we’ve been working with him for the past three weeks almost every night. And because your safety is the most important thing to us he is actually here tonight just as an advisor and helper!” Marilyn said. The thought of another man being here watching didn’t make me happy, knowing that they cared so much for our safety made me happy. I nodded my approval.
“Are you guys good to go?” Jeff asked. I looked at Michelle again. She kissed me and nodded.
“Great, now do to the nature of this night, I do need to go over a few things and we have been advised to get something in writing.” Jeff said. He walked up to us and showed us on a clipboard a release. I read it over as did Michelle; it was a basic release no different than the ones you get with a personal trainer. It was very professionally written and I felt it was fine for us to sign seeing as we trusted them enough to be here in the first place. We were going through with this no matter what.
“Let’s do this.” She said after we signd it. I looked back at the other two and nodded. Both Marilyn and Jeff took off their long robes. Jeff was wearing what I can only describe as an outfit from Spartacus. Up top he had a leather harness that came to a buckle over his sternum, a pair of very tight leather shorts and boots. Marilyn was wearing a Dom outfit of leather, pants with a zipper that went from her tailbone to her navel, a corset with buckles and studs all over it and a pair of high heeled shoes with buckles across the top. They walked up to us and said the safe word would be ‘karma’ and that if at any point we wanted it to end, all we needed to say is karma. We agreed. Then they told us we were beginning.
“Strip!” they said in unison. We did as asked. “You can leave your whore boots on slave!” Jeff said to Michelle as she reached down to unzip them. She left them on and got naked. We were naked in a moment. “Good, good. Now get over here for your attire.” Marilyn said to us. We stepped forward and were eachhanded a bag of clothes. I opened mine all that was in there was a collar a ball gag and vinyl jockstrap. I looked over at my wife’s bag. She had a collar a ball gag like me, she also had what I can only describe as a dress only her tits would be sticking out and her pussy and ass would be exposed. We looked at each other, then without a word we got dressed. The jock felt weird, as did the collar; which to my chagrin had the word worthless across it. I put it on and then waited for Michelle who was having trouble getting her outfit on, it was so tight.
With a little help from Marilyn she was soon ready. They smiled at each other then got back into character.
“Ok you worthless pieces of shit here are the rules. First off the ball gags are your first punishment if we are displeased with you, trust me you don’t want it to go beyond the first punishment!” Jeff began. Then Marilyn took over.
“Second we say what goes here! Now if we say get on your knees! Well you get on your knees. We say suck our toes! You fucking suck them. We tell you to spread your cheats and get ready! Well you get the picture. Please us and you will be rewarded! Displease us and you will be punished.” Marilyn walked up to me as she said the last part. She caresed my nipple gently, then without warning she pinched it hard. Wincing at the pain I let out an audible curse. “I think they get the picture Jeff!” and then she walked away. Jeff walked up to Michelle and told her to get on her knees and crawl to the spanking horse. Michelle, I could tell didn’t have a clue what he was talking about, as she looked around at all the furniture trying to decide which was the ‘Spanking horse.’ Marilyn walked up to me and guided me to the wooden X, which she called the St Andrews cross. She had me stand facing it and she Restrained my wrists and my ankles, not so tight that I was uncomfortable but tight enough that I wasn’t getting free without help.
I heard a loud slap but couldn’t see anything but the wall. I could hear Jeff yelling at Michelle, I guessed that she chose wrong. I knew she would stop it at any point and like me I knew she would put up with a lot before stopping it, both for Marilyn’s sake and because she was getting into it. I soon heard the sound of my wife getting restrained to whatever device the spanking horse was.
“Well my pet what should your mistress do to you?” Marilyn whispered into my ear. I said nothing. “I could flog you for awhile?” She asked to herself more than me. “I could spank you? Maybe play with that tight little man hole of yours!” She said in the same low whisper. Then she walked away from me. I had no idea where she went or what she had decided on. While she was gone I could hear Jeff telling Michelle that she was doing a good job Though I had no Idea what she was doing to or for him.
I felt her before I heard her; her hands on my wrist restraints. She freed my hands with no words. It was then that I saw what was goingon with my wife; I turned to see her strapped on her hands and knees to a benchmark. One board was across her body and two more were supporting her hands and knees. It actually looked pretty comfortable for what it was. She was wearing a sex toy strapped to her face and Jeff was fucking his own ass with it, slowly he was rocking back and forth on the long toy. I had to admit it was a little degrading but that was what we had signed up for I guess. I turned to look at Marilyn only to see she wasn’t alone. A man in a gimp mask and a chain mail shirt, and leather pants and boots was with her. The two were adjusting the cross so I could be bent over. A pad was placed at abdomen height and I was bent over it, my hands were tied restrained. Marilyn thanked the other man and he walked out.
I feel her undo the button and zipper on my shorts and then roughly pull them off as far as she could. She slapped my ass hard again and again. She laughed as she struck me; I could feel my ass cheeses reddening. She stopped and then I felt her cares my ass cheats before hitting me again. “You like that you fucking worm?” she asked.
“Yes!” I said. This reply, I soon found out, was a mistake.
“YES MISTRESS!” She boomed. And hit me harder than I thought possible. I winced with the pain of it. I sensed she was going to hit me again.
“Yes Mistress!” I Almost cried.
“That’s better.” I felt her hands on my ass again, this time she was parting my cheeks and caresing my anus. Before too long she had a lubed finger sliding in and out of my asshole. “Ready for your cleaning?” I had no idea what she was talking about but I wasn’t about to give her a reason to keep hitting me.
“Yes mistress.”
“Good! I can’t have my worthless little worm being dirty!” She said. I heard her rustling with something and looking over my shoulder I saw her with a rolling i.v. hook, hanging from it was what looked like a red hot water bottle with a long clear hose hanging from it, there was a clip stopper on the hose and small rubber cock on the end. She placed the end on my back and slipped a latex glove on then with a bottle of lube she rubbed a liberal amount of it on both the rubber end and my asshole. She released the stopper till some milky liquid came out then criticized the tube. If I was going to say karma, it would have been right then. I didn’t though and let it play out. I looked over as far as I could and saw that Michelle was no longer wearing the toy on her face. She was still strapped to the wooden horse though. Jeff was hitting her now with an item that had many thin straps. He wasn’t hitting her too hard from what I could see, she was flinching, her skin was glowing in the candlelight, she looked very sexy in an odd way.
“Ready worm?”
“Yes mistress!” I said. I was glad now that Michelle and I had adopted the anal play; the insertion of the rubber ended dispenser was actually pleasant. What came after well that can only be described asfulfilling; the rush of warm saline into my bowels filling me up more than I could have imagined. I groaned as the warm liquid kept coming, kept filling me up.
“That’s a good boy, take it all in. Mmmmmmm, look how hungry your asshole is!” Marilyn said caressing around the inserted toy. “Now let it do its job for a minute.” she said and was walking away again. After what seemed like hours she came back and I felt her touching my balls, this was the first time she paid any attention to them that night. I could feel her putting something around my sack and soon felt the weight tugging on my balls.
“What the…!” Was all I got out before she had a hand full of my hair.
“Silence you fucking worm! I warned you! I told you what would happen if you displeased me!” I felt the ball gag enter my mouth and she clipped it around the back of my head. I knew if I said the word she would hear me but I still didn’t want it to end. Through it all I wanted it to continue. The strain onMy balls was immense that coupled with the fact that my bowels were full and I now had a rubber ball in my mouth made for a very strange feeling. “Ok worm. I am going to empty you. Then we will see how clean you are!” She said. I had a thought that if she didn’t get me to a bathroom that this might end very badly. To my relief she untied me and with the stand in tow she walked me to the bathroom which was Only lit by candles also. “Squat in the shower worm and pull the plug from your dirty ass!” Marilyn said pointing to the shower. I looked at her, she was so beautiful in her fetish gear, she let the smallest of smiles escape before catching herself and pushing me into the shower. I squatted and reaching down I felt the noise around my balls, it was made of rubber and was attached to two hard rubber balls by two rubber tethers. I reached down further and felt what was in my ass. I grabbed a hold of it and withdraw it very slowly. What followed was a torrent of relief. I felt the warm liquid spray all over my calves and feet; I could tell that other stuff came out and at that moment I felt very clean and very dirty. I heard Marilyn laugh as I emptied my gift all over her pristine shower.
“Stand up worm!” She commanded I did as she asked. “Turn on the shower and clean both it and yourself. I want to be able to eat off of both you and the floor when you are done. I did the best I could and soon both me and the shower looked clean enough to in fact eat off of. “Wait here for me! Don’t fucking move a fucking muscle.” she said and walked out of the bathroom. I was getting cold standing there all wet, my balls were really feeling the weight now, I wanted to sit to relieve some of the strain I was feeling.
After waiting what seemed like an hour I was about to sit. She walked in and handed me a towel, it was so warm and soft I wrapped it around my shivering body. I felt instantly better, even my balls felt better. I still had the damn ball gag in my mouth and wasstarting to drool pretty uncontrollable. She led me back out to the main room where my wife was, she was lying on a benchmark her legs high in the air strapped to a spreader bar. Her head and hands were encased in a black wire cage. She was wearing a blindfold, her nipples looked as though they were magically being pulled into the air I looked and saw the thin chains clipped to a hook on the ceiling. Jeff was between her legs fucking her in what I could only guess was a very desirable way. She was moaning loudly and her pinned legs were shaking rather violently.
The St. Andrews cross had been moved out of the room as was the spanking horse. Now there was the bench Michelle was on and what looked like a wooden box with a toilet seat. The box had an opening wear I guessed, and I guessed right a person’s head went. She stopped me and removed my ball weights, the relief was instant. While down there she rewarded me by licking and kissing my swollen balls all over. The heat of her breathon my sore balls felt amazing. I could feel my cock hardening for the first time. “I see you like this worm!” She said to me. I answered in the normal way. “You want to touch your cock don’t you? Stroke it, get it off?” She asked.
I said “Yes Mistress!”
“We’ll see! You are doing good, well on your way to a reward. Michelle has acted like a proper little slut and is Now getting rewarded. You might too!” Marilyn led me to the wooden toilet and had me lie down. I had an uneasy feeling. As I got to my knees Marilyn took my gag off, I slobbered all over the seat, and was forced to lick all the drool off of it. “Lay with your head on the pad.” I did as I was told; she then put a board with an opening large enough for my neck into the slots effectively locking in my head. Looking up I saw the outline of the toilet seat. Then I saw Marilyn strip out of her pants and lower herself onto the seat. My nose was right in her ass and her cunt was right on my mouth. “Pleasure me worm!” Iheard her say; I began to lick her wet pussy. Slowly at first then started to use my tongue more vigorously, she started to grind on my face burying my nose deeper into her asshole. Between licks I had to take deep breaths as I could no longer breathe through my nose. Marilyn moaned as I ate her out. She became wetter and wetter until she was flooding my mouth with her cum.
She got up and put the seat down as I worked at swallowing her cum and trying to breath. I was laying there in the dark enjoying the first real peace I had that night when I felt my legs being lifted into the air. I felt them being pulled apart and my ankles being bound. After I could swing my legs a little but not spread them any further or put them together. I could feel the tip of something could press against my asshole. Then I felt something drip onto my bare chest, something very hot, then another and another. Hot wax was being dripped onto me as something was inserted into my asshole. I bucked as the two feelings collided in my brain; pain and pleasure, hot and cold. The heat soon subsided and I felt my cock being touched, stroked the instrument was all the way in my ass, I knew it wasn’t a stick on, or at least I thought I did as it was put in and left, no pulling out. I felt the feeling of my now hard cock entering a hot, wet place. It felt amazing. Soon she was bouncing up and down on my cock my legs were still in the air and from all I could tell she was sitting on my cock reverse cowgirl with my legs behind her back. I would have loved to have seen what this looked like.
Harder and harder she bounced on my cock, bringing me closer and closer to an epic climax. When I could take no more I grunted and filled her with hot cum. Marilyn witnessed and got off of me. I felt my restraints being released and the board holding my head moved. I could tell the lights were on now; I squited to the now bright room. I looked to see who was all in there, forgetting all about the toy in my ass. Jeff was sitting beside Michelle who was wearing a robe enjoying a post fuck smoke as she always did; Jeff to was in a robe.
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