The Foundation
Buggered to Death
Pamela drew apart the cheeks to insert the plug into Rosa’s anus. There was no sound from the prisoner other than a slight quickening of her breath.
“Does that feel good, slave?”
“Yes, Mistress. Please fuck my filthy holes.” Rosa was giving her no opportunity for punishment before her performance.
“Are you ready for the rape of your life? It will probably be your last, but that’s bad news. You’re about to be bugered to death.”
The door opened on Daphne Maxwell in evening wear. She offered her former lover only the briefest of smiles before kissing Pamela on the lips. Then, she stood before the former sheriff. She saw that Rosa now possessed a toned athletic body, her leg and stomach muscles glistening even in the pale light.
“I have to say, Rosa, you have the most magnificent body. Is it steroids?” she asked Pamela.
“No, it’s just hard work in the gym. Steroids make them aggressive, and we can’t have Rosa too rowdy.” She grazed the prisoner’s hair and drew back her head.
“Well, I only came to say farewell, Rosa. I won’t stay to see you … perform. I will have happy memories. The Foundation was such a clever idea, and we had some great times together. It was good while it lasted.” She turned and left without another word, leaving the naked prisoner and her guard, her Two greatest lovers, in the cell.
“Now, Cindy. I think, before we part for the last time, I’ll give you a farewell present.” She pressed down on Rosa’s neck, forcing her to bend over, while she removed the plug. Rosa heard the distinctive sound of the charge of the electric baton as she felt the cold metal tip against her anus.
Ten minutes later Rosa was led into the centre of the hall to stand on a small stage of bright white boards no more than twelve inches above the floor. The only feature on the stage was a metal rail two feet long raised about six inches above the floorboards. Rosa wasinstructed to stand, hands on hips, in front of the rail while the diners around the room noticed the spotlight. Pamela thought Rosa’s arrogant pose on entry would offer a superb contrast to the humiliation that lay ahead.
The muscle woman beneath the spotlight was already drawing an audience before Tanya clapped her hands together, bringing quiet to the entire room.
“Ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of the staff of The Foundation I would like to thank you for spending your evening with us. I hope you have enjoyed our wares. Please tell all your friends.” A mumble of laughter. “We will conclude tonight’s festivals with a display by two of The Foundation’s brightest stars, Cindy Moundlicker and Ramrod Ramon.” The news was greeted by an outbreak of chatter that took nearly thirty seconds and Two claps of Tanya’s palms to subside. “Cindy must endure all of the indignities and the savage anal rape of the next hour to avoid tremor therapy. If she lets go of the rail she is given one minute of therapy. A second delay earns her two minutes, a third … well, you don’t need me to explain what will eventually happen. If she can manage one hour without releasing her grip, she will be sent for life imprisonment in one of The Foundation’s latest brothers in the Far East.” Tanya held Rosa’s face to draw her closer. “I’m not sure what is worse.”
Rosa squatted down and reached between her legs for the bar. Tanya explained that her feet must remain in front of the bar at all times, and called on the guests at either side to act as monitors.
“Now, ladies and gentlemen, though I feel I am really only speaking to the girls here, I would like to introduce our very own weapon of mass distraction, Ramrod Ramon.”
Ramon appeared to gasps from those female guests who had only heard rumours of a stud with the most magnificent piece. One woman called out that she wanted to swap places with Rosa, drawing a chorus of laughter from the audience. He stepped onto the stage to be greeted by a round of applause, mainly from the female spectators. A few, vegetables of his Wednesday Afternoon Tea appears, offered a friendly wave.
Ramon was placed behind Rosa’s glistening anus and slowly inserted into his ‘victim’ to applause and shouts of encouragement from the guests who had now drawn close to the small circular stage for a view of Ramon’s anal assault. A sandglass timer stood on a small table at the edge of the stage and Tanya held up the hourglass for all to see before overturning the timepiece to set it on the table. She stepped off the stage to allow the guests a clear sight of the spectacular rape to come.
Ramon unleashed a brutal rap, driving his penis into Rosa’s anus at a frantic pace that brought gasps from an audience that had already seen the basest of sexual degradations. Within a few minutes Tanya noticed that the audience’s loyalties were divided, with some offering encouragement to Ramon to “rip her in two” or “ram herhole.” However, a few guests were urging Rosa to “hold on, girl” or “stand your ground.” Tanya soon realized the cause of this split interest was gambling. Bets had been offered and taken on whether Rosa would survive her night of password with Ramon.
Rosa’s night took a negative turn after just ten minutes when the sweat on her palms finally loosened her grip and she stumbled forward. The shouts from the audience alerted Tanya, who had been avidly watching the events from the side of the stage. She stepped onto the bright white plans, bringing with her a special costume of wires and vibrators. While Rosa was placed into the costume Tanya explained that the shocks would come from the vagina and anus as well as both nipples. Rosa was gagged because, as Tanya explained to giggles, “Cindy has no comment to make.”
Rosa was now chained to the bar with her hands between her legs and, after a theatrical countdown by Tanya and the crowd, the ‘therapy’ began. Rosa quivered at the first shock and soon she was screaming through her gag as the buzz of the electric current course through her body stiffened her muscles. The chains holding her hands drew tight as she tried to rise. Sixty seconds were counted out by Tanya and the spectators, and there was another theatrical countdown before the torture ceased.
Rosa was released from her chains and the costume removed, revealing the bright marks on her nipples and holes. She wiped her hands on the floorboards and returned to her position, a defiant gesture that brought chefs from some of the crowd. Ramon returned to the stage to resume the rape, and soon the sound of his thrusting and her moans through the gag was being drowned out by chatter. Tanya was aware that the mood of the audience was shifting towards the victim while more than a few of the guests were drifting away from the stage for the remnants of the buffet.
Senator Simpson left Ramon and Cindy to their performance in search of another dose ofBourbon before he contemplated visiting the suites with one of the blonde whores. He encountered Carmel, standing with Senator Hodges and the Governor. He stepped forward and planted a kiss on the chef of the Director.
“My dear, once again you have surpassed yourself.” The Governor grasped Simpson’s elbow as he passed him a glass.
“Governor. You’re a gentleman. I regret now calling you a fat toad on the floor of the Senate.” He drained his glass. “You’ve clearly lost weight.”
Governor Jenkins tipped back his head and laughed. Carmel was relieved that he had enjoyed the evening. He had not tasted any of The Foundation’s wares, but there would be a few special delivery to Austin in the coming weeks, and Carmel had promised Mrs Jenkins a visit from Ramon. There was every chance now that the prisoners would be viewed as the exclusive property of The Foundation, and the rules on allowing prisoners out of The Foundation grounds would be eased. The Governor had already promised the state’s support for the cable channel that was due to begin broadcasting within the next three months.
“I can keep The Religious Right off your back. I know enough about Reverend Houseman to keep him quiet. Let’s just say that in some brothers in west Texas he’s known as ‘Reverend Horseman’ and that’s not down to his riding skills.”
The Governor left shortly after eleven, because a breakfast meeting in Austin with a party of oil magnates required his presence. Carmel saw him to his limousine and the evening ended with a polite kiss and the promise of a dinner invitation to the Governor’s Mansion. The Senator was still lingered by the table serving as a bar when Carmel returned. He had been slightly distracted by Rosa’s second dose of electric torture, but now he was examining the whores on offer by the far wall before taking his selection to the hospitality suites in the prison garden. He looked across to the stage flooded in light.
“Your boy is giving hera terrific pounding. You must enjoy your time with him, even if he is as thick as a short plank.” Rosa did not alert the Senator to his mistake about Ramon’s intelligence, only smiling in reply. “You own the best whorehouse in Texas.”
“Senator, I can assure you. This is only the beginning. My dreams would make your head spin, and I intend to turn my … ambitions into reality. Pay attention over the next few years and you will see what I can accomplish. Trust me, Senator, this really is only the beginning.”
The Senator made his choice from the array of naked flesh and departed, leaving Carmel by the tables. She organized the collection of the used cups and plates and considered watching Ramon perform, especially as he would be violent that loathsome Ortiz. However, as she knew that Tanya was likely to be employed her cane, she chose not to watch. She knew that Ramon did not like her to watch him performing with other women, so she returned to her office, though it was after eleven, to examine the contracts with the cable providers for her the next phase in her grand project.
By midnight the crowd had thinned to no more than thirty guests, and almost all of those remaining were concerned for their wagers. A few of the audience called out for Ramon to make a greater effort, having placed bets on his victory over the lesbian. Tanya took out her cane and administrator a beating to Ramon’s buttocks, provoking a spat of frantic thrusts that disposed Rosa from the bar once more.
The third ‘tremor’ lasted more than three minutes, drawing critical shouts from ‘Team Cindy’ members. Rosa was on her knees after her third dose, and for a moment Tanya thought that the task was done. However, the prisoner rose gingerly to her feet and the chains were once more removed. She stood, breathing deeply from her oreal until Tanya caned her buttocks tobring her back to the bar.
The fourth attempt to ease her grip on the bar took more than forty minutes, and some of Rosa’s supporters had come to believe that their winnings were safe. There was a disappoint groan from the prisoner as she lay for a moment on the floorboards before rising to be placed once more into the costume. She stared up to the ceiling, as if sensing that this was to be the final violence. Tanya thought she looked calm, as if relieved that her end had come.
However, the fourth dose, though sending the cent of fried skin into the cooling night air, failed to terminate Rosa. Soon afterwards it was clear that it was Ramon who appeared to be waning. His constant shoves had produced two ejaculations, and his cock remained fully erect, but he was smoking profusely onto the floorboards and his knees buckled more than once as he tried to wrest the former sheriff from her rail.
The hourglass was almost half empty as the last of the tables were cleared from the hall and the catering crew collected the cups. The last hardy revealers remained, awaiting the fate of their stake and offering the occasional shout to the violent or the violent. There were no more than ten minutes worth of sand in the upper chamber when Ramon collapsed to his knees and rolled away from the played woman. Tanya’s cane managed to raise him to his feet, but he could barely manage to penetrate his opponent’s anus. The contest was over, and Rosa had emerged the victor.
The gamblers insisted upon Rosa remaining in position until the last grains had left the glass, but Ramon had already been taken away, his backside and back ripped by Tanya’s cane. Tanya could not hide her fury as the hourglass finally emptied and the dozen remaining spectators exchanged banks and name cards. The night ended with a bout of handshakes followed by a round of applause for the victor, who rose from her squat to stand, covered in sweat, before her audience wearing a triumphant smile.
Tanya ordered Rosa to return to the rail and administratored a savage caning, commanding her to offer thanks for every stroke. The handful of stragglers left Tanya to her cruel retribution so that Tanya and Rosa were alone in the large hall by the time her arm was too sore to continue the beating. She ordered Rosa to stand while she fastened the neck and elbow braces and led her through the silent prison to her cold and dark cell.
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