The Foundation Ch. 20

The Foundation


T’is Pity He’s a Whore

The iron gates parted without a sound to reveal a young woman in jeans and a smart grey jacket standing on the gravel. She stepped forward with a handshake and a smile.

“Hi, you must be Verity. I’m Morgana. Welcome to The Foundation Studios. I hope you’ve seen the video we sent last week. It will have given you some idea of ​​what we do here.”

“I did. It was pretty … intensity.”

“That’s one word for it. We didn’t intend to shock, but your predecessor only lasted three days. She was unsettled by what she saw here. You need to know the nature of our work if you’re going to work for The Foundation.”

“No. It was fine. I’ve worked on a few adult productions in Chicago, and Gilda told me that working here would be a great experience. I’m sure I’ll get used to it.”

“Well, let’s begin with a brief tour of the studio, and then I can show you where you will be working.”

They began their visit in the stock room, where Morgana showed her guest dozens of racks of costumes.

“We have a wide selection of historical clothes, from ancient Rome to sixties London. The costumes do not remain on our … performers for long, but Miss De Bois wants a high level of quality for the productions. This is fairly standard for a film set, but I doubt you’ve ever seen anything like this.”

Morgana led Verity to the back of the stock room to see six girls chained to the far wall, held in place by their neck and ankles. All were naked and there appeared to be red stains on the vagina and anus. The young women conveyed a sullen resignation as they sat in the gloom.

“They call it the meat rack. They collect performers from here if there has been a change of script or the director is not happy with a conflict. The key point to remember is the term they use to describe these … performers. They call them fuckmeat. The best way to cope is to pretend either that they enjoy being treated like this, or they don’t mind because they are beyond shame. That’s what gets me through the day. All these prisoners have been convicted of crimes, and are here to serve their sentence. They make money, for us, by performing in violent, painful and degrading porn films. That, Verity, is what we do here. I try not to harm them, but most of the men, and quite a few of the women, treat them like dogs.”

Verity moved Closer to see that all six women were trembling because they were carrying red vibrators in both holes. The drone of batteries told her that the devices were pulsing within the prisoners. One began to stir as her breathing quickened and Verity watched the young woman quiver for a few seconds before a revealing trail of fluid rolled down her inner thigh.

“They keep them permanently aroused, so that they can be used on the set at a moment’s notice. The Kiriko also helps. It’s a drink that … well it keeps them horny for hours. Sounds great, but actually they find it exhaustsing, which is why we rotate the performers.”

The door opened and two men strolled through the racks to the shadows at the back of the room. They greeted the two women, one casting an alluring gaze at young Verity, as they passed along the row of bound whores. The man in the blue shirt came to a halt by a petite blonde who avoided his stare. He untied the neck brace and knelt down to remove the ankle cuffs. He offered Morgana a childish grin as he led the girl to the table in the shadows.

“Ladies, please. A gentlemen deserves his privacy.”

“You’re no gentleman, Harry Costello, but anyway, we’re leaving.”

“Morgana Clark, a hard working man is entitled to a bit of anal bondage rape in his lunchtime. If you want to join us, I’d be happy to … Oh shit, why do these whores have to be so messy. Everytime you unplug them they go all over the carpet.”

“Stick a plug up your arse for six hours and see what happens.”

Costello’s companion rolled up his sleeveand thrust his hand into his whore, a short Latina brunette. There was a slight moan, but no other reaction from the young woman as the man forced his fist further into her anus before pumping his hand back and forth. Verity knew that she had to become accustomed to these violences, so she remained by the table to watch the who grap her knees as the force of the anal abuse increased towards a brutal pounding. Verity wondered how the who feel, ending cruel abuse and being treated like an animal while another woman casually observed her suffering. She shuddered at the cold desperate look of the young woman and left to join Morgana by the door.

“Paul only ever fucks them with his fist. I think that’s perverse, don’t you.”

“I think you’re both heartless bastards.”

“Feeling sorry for these whores? I don’t think Miss Benson, or Miss De Bois, will be happy with your message for the new recruit.” There was no reply from Morgana as Costello rolled down his pants and mounted his captive with a theatrical sight followed by the scraping sound of moving table legs.

“There’s a special treatment for you in the cafeteria.”

“Jam Roll for desert?”

“Even better. They’ve put Ramon on display again.”

Morgana took Verity’s arm.

“Come. Let’s go. This is something you will want to see.”

Morgana led her into the bright, clean and spacious cafeteria to see a naked man chained by his hands and feet to the far wall. He was good looking, with clear blue eyes and a firm body, but his most notable feature was his enormous penis. Verity had never seen such a monstrous cock and moved closer to examine the man’s magnificent equipment. She noticed that the other diners barely glanced at the bound man in shades displayed only feet from their plates.

“It really is fantastic. They say it’s seventeen inches, but I have my doubts.”

“Has no one measured it?”

“If you go within ten yards of Ramon with a measuring tape, you’ll be out within the day. Orders from De Bois. She’s very protective of her pet.” Ramon smiled at both women and rose on his heels to offer a closer look at his tool.

“I’ve never had the pleasure, but last week Rhonna slipped onto the prison van going back and rode him all the way to the other side of Houston. They got stuck in rush hour traffic. Forty five minutes. She couldn’t sit down for three days.” All three smiled at Morgana’s tale.

“Ramon is here to enter the straight ladies. The men and the lesbians have naked flesh on offer all day. We only have Ramon and that shit, Ulysses. Talk of the fucking devil.”

The door opened on a man in a dark blue dressing gown flanked by two raven haired women in tight black leotards and high boots.

“The criminal’s here.” He looked with disdain at Ramon’s erection. “Girls, have you met this piece of Mexican rough trade.” One of the girls took hold of his foreskin as if shaking hands.

“Pleased to meet you,” she giggled inan east European accent. Her companion was less generous, digging her nail into the shake.

“Thank you, Miss, but we leave the performances for when the cameras are rolling.” Morgana’s voice was low, but forceful.

“I heard this flesh is on offer.”

“Not this particular piece of meat. It’s reserved, as Miss De Bois will explain.”

Carmel appeared at the far end of the cafeteria and marched briskly across the room towards the three porn stars.

“May I help you?” Even Verity sensed the anger, but also the unease, from the Director.

“I just enjoying view.”

“You may look, but you may not touch. This item is a valuable commodity, and he does not, currently, belong to The Foundation.” Morgana and Verity both noticed the glance at the bound whore on the wall at the word “currently” and Verity thought he offered a slight smile.

Ulysses placed a hand on the first woman’s shoulder.

“It’s alright Yelena, Carmel likes to look after her pets, and shehas developed a … fascination for this Mexican peasant. Carmel, I don’t think you’ve met the Rozanov Sisters.” The three women stared at one another in malevolent silence. Carmel surveyed the two sadistic porn stars, both standing hands on hips as they scowled at the Director. They had spent so long playing the dominatrix role they had lost sight of their true place in The Foundation, which was only one step above the bondage whoses they ruthlessly tortured for the cameras. Carmel knew that the time had come to end their pretensions, and she could not avoid a smile as she thought of the fate that awaited all three of her guests.

“They’re actually cousins, but the idea of ​​Russian lesbian sister lovers who torture their victims is just box office gold.”

“We thought Texas would be nice change from LA.”

“It’s a change for you to be working. I spoke to your agent last week. You’ve not worked for four months, and your last three DVDs did not make their target sales.” Thesmirks on both porn actors faded slightly, thought they did not change their arrogant pose.

“Who do we have to fuck to get our hands on this piece of meat?” Ulysses asked.

Yelena touched the tip of Ramon’s member with her finger and offered him a wink.

“That would be me, and the answer is no. We have a schedule for him, and he is returning to his prison at six thirty sharp.”

“Shame. I want him dancing with electric baton. Another time.”

“Come girls, let’s leave Carmel to her criminal whore. We’ll dine in my dressing room.”

Carmel glared at the three figures until the door swung closed behind them.

“Did they cut you?” Verity noticed the soft tone as she turned to the prisoner fastened to the wall. He shook his head. Carmel glowered at the two women, a face of iron.

“I only came to look, I swear,” Morgana pleased.

“They did try to stop them.”

“I only came to have a look. This is my first day here and … well. Who wouldn’t?” Verity could not avoid a giggle and Carmel smiled. “He is very …impressive, if you don’t mind me saying.”

“Why would I …?” Carmel did not ask her question. “I won’t let those bitches touch him, but you can, if you handle him with care.”

“Do you mind?” The question was for Ramon.

“No, Mistress. My pleasure.”

Verity touched the Shaft, about six inches from the tip.

“It’s not like wood, it feels like iron. Your skin is hot. Does it hurt?” He shook his head “The skin’s dry,” she told Carmel. “I think he needs some cream or the skin will break.”

“It’s the lights and these sluts licking him until their tongues are sore.”

Verity enjoyed another prolonged stroke of the warm, hard flesh before leaving the bound whore and the Director alone.

Carmel was studying her final letter of the day when a shadow appeared at the glass door. Ulysses Winchester – Harper entered without knocking and strode into the room. Carmel prepared to be searchingher drawer to leave him standing before her. Eventually she looked up to see him dressed in a crisis tone, the fabric taut against his burgeoning ection.

Carmel was impressed, but she refused to look up at the face she knew would be smiling at the fearest sign of her interest.

“Good evening, Carmel. I thought, at the end of a long hard day, you deserved a treatment.”

“Mister Winchester – Harper, I have already had my treatment. An hour ago I had the pleasure of a visit from Senor Hernandez. I can assure you that twenty minutes in his company has completely satisfied my appetite. As you can see, I have to sit on a cushion after the pounding from Ramrod Ramon. So, I will have to decline your … general offer.”

Carmel took her pen from the table and returned to her letter. After a moment she looked up to see Ulysses, still offering an enigmatic smile. Carmel could not decide whether this porn star was very stupid or simply thought himself irresistible to women.

“I hope I have made myself clear, Mister Winchester – Harper.”

He replied with another smile and moved even closer, drawing down his thong to reveal an impressive erection. Carmel leant back in her chair and crossed her arms in a show of irritation that seemed lost on the porn star as he began to stroke his shake.

“Mister Winchester – Harper, I want you to put that away and leave my office.”

“Your piece of Mexican whosemeat should be careful. I know enough men inside who would love to rip apart his arsehole. It’s a goal, for you, he’s a convict whore. You can’t protect him in prison.” Ulysses stepped out of his thong and left her office completely naked. The door hung open, but Carmel immediately picked up her phone.

“Hector, we have a problem.”


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