A Private Function
The van drew to a halt by the gates as the driver rolled down the window to press the green button set into the wall.
“Special delivery for Miss Kingdom.”
The doors parted and the van passed between the spatial laws to circle the mansion. A young blonde woman in a tight white shirt and black business suit stood by an open door beside the kitchens. The driver stepped out of the van with a clipboard.
“Four performers.” He held out his paperwork for a signature.
“Let me see the merchandise first. I want to see what we’re getting for six thousand dollars.”
The back door opened to reveal four women dressed only in scanty blue vests that barely covered their nipples and tiny black thongs, the standard issue for ‘public’ appearances by Harmon County prisoners. The woman wasckoned the girls to step out onto the gravel path.
The single word set the girls in motion, forming a row of outstretched legswith their hands set on their buttocks.
“Ma’am. You won’t buy finer pussy than this for less than ten grand.”
“When I need your advice, I’ll let you know. Until then …” She cast a ferocious glance at the driver that sent him back to his seat to allow Miss Rosemary Kingdom, personal secretary to Walter Hummings, to continue her examination of the ‘entertainment’ for the evening’s party.
Carmel De Bois had promised her four beauty capable of performing every degrading act imagineable. She was impressed by their physics, and their reaction to her simple command had been instant. The girls were certainly pretty, but there was no chance of testing Carmel’s claims for another four hours, after the desert of lime sorbet and wild strawberry shortcake had been served with the cognac and the mint ice cream.
A prison guard stepped out of the van.
“Angela Alimova.” They shook hands. “Miss De Bois would like to know if you wanted her to help ‘prepare’ the girls for the show. They need insertions an hour before and a drink of Kiriko half an hour before they perform. Miss Kingdom, these whoses are messy bitches. I think you should let Miss De Bois give you a hand.”
Rosemary accepted the offer.
“Where do you want to put them until show time?”
“Put them in the basement, by the wine cellar. Keep them out of the way. They’re already Disturbing the categories.” Both women turned to the handful of men in blue and white aprons approaching from the open doors of the kitchens. There was a whistle and a couple of shouts before Kingdom sent them back to work with a handful of sharp words and a furious glare.
“Do they need any food or water?”
“They were fed before they came, but I have their qualities for tonight. We give them special biscuits. Gives them lots of energy.”
“They’ll need it. We have a hundred guests tonight.”
“Miss Kingdom. I’ve seen these whores in action. You will not be disappointed.”
Three hoursLater, as the second course service was drawing to a close, Carmel De Bois excused herself from her table, graciously thanking the bank governor for taking her chair as she rose, and climbed the stairs to the door marked Porter Library. Inside four women in prison issue half cut vests and tight black things were sitting against the far wall. They all leave to their feet at the sight of their Director in a shimmering white cocktail dress, pearl encrusted clutch bag and white siletto heels. Rosemary Kingdom was there along with the prison guard holding a black case.
“Strip.” The girls removed their clothes before lying on the white towels laid out on the library floor. Each girl grazed their ankles and pulled them behind their ears before placing their hands between their legs to draw apart their holes. Kingdom turned Miss Alimova as she opened the case.
“I said you would not be disappointed.”
Carmel De Bois slipped out of her own dress before inserting a broad vibrator into both holes of each girl and setting the victory to maximum. The prisoners remained played on the towels for the next thirty minutes, the machine loosening their openings and stimulating their bodies while Guard Alimova enjoyed some fine pork sandwiches, washed down with fries and a bottle of coke. Then she sat with her magazines, the silence in the library disturbed only by the low hum of eight vibrators and the occasional quickening of breath as one of the prisoners reached yet another climax.
Carmel De Bois returned just after the desert course to administrator the dose of Kiriko. She was followed into the library by Senator Hodges and Judge Maxwell.
“My dear they look good enough to eat. I almost wet myself last month. Daphne, you said they were sensing. You lied. They’re better than sensing.” Senator Hodges stood over one of the girls, a tall brunette with blue eyes. “Would you be so kind as to rub your tits for me, my dear.” The prisoner fondled herbreasts, moaning with pleasure as she stroked her erect nipples. “I know I shouldn’t, but I just can’t help myself.” She took hold of the plugs and drew them out of the prisoner, leaving them dripping onto the towel. Hodges knelt down to massage her fingers into both holes. “Is she still rubbing her tits?” she asked Daphne. The motion of her hand became more intense and the prisoner gasped with pleasure. “I’m sorry Carmel, but I’ll exploit if I don’t get one of these hot bitches to lick me out.”
“Judy, after your performance last week, you could have all four.”
“I was very good. The sceptic converted after the visit, convinced by your erudite comments. I knew it was best to bring the women. Jerman and Heston only came for a free fuck. It’s the women you need to convince, and respectable women, decent mothers who take their kids to church on a Sunday, loath whores, or anyone with big tits and a nice arse. It’s just jealousy.” Hodges took hold of a seat and unbuttoned her dress.
“When will we know, about the Bill?” Daphne, aroused by the Senator’s exploration of the lithe brunette, croouched to stroke the radiant inner thigh of the petite Latina with muscle thighs and powerful arms. She liked girls with toned flesh and part of Rosa’s appeal was her firm, athletic body. The sight and sound of Rosa lifting weights before she left for work was one of her favourite pleasures.
“The measure goes to the House on Tuesday. So, tonight will make a big difference. I saw at least a dozen votes out there this evening. Sit up and knee. I have spoken to the Governor’s Office. He’s neutral. I think his wife is some sort of religious nut. Do you have a hanger?” Hodges stepped out of her ruby red gown as Kingdom stepped forward and slipped the straps onto her arm. Hodges drew down her knickers to her ankles as the convict licked the moist coating on the Senator’s public hair. The prisoner moved closer and began to explore the lips, seeking out the cliporis. “The Governor will sign the measure if we get a decent majority. I am sure we can get it through the House and once … she is so fucking good! Once we have a good House vote, the Senate are just a bunch of randy old men. You will get your foundation. Carmel, did you get the money?”
“I’m meeting the governors of Lone Star Incorporated next Thursday. I’ve just been chatting to the President, and he seems keen.”
“Rod Nell is keen to get into your knickers. I will … oh my, here we go.”
Hodges rose to her feet, pressing the face of the prisoner to her genitals. She spread her legs and then leant back, uttering a faith moan as she shuddered through an orgasm. She released the girl’s head. “Thank you my dear. You have been very generous with your tongue tonight.” She exhausted and sat down. “Someone fetch me another towel.”
Miss Alimova explained the contents of the case to Rosemary.
“Clean them with this. It’s a special soap you can use without water. It has a powerful cent because they will stink after a while. Use these brushes. Stick them up, not too hard please, and give me a good scrub. Both holes. The costumes are here. There’s about a dozen, each in a separate bag. You can mix them up if you like.”
“Like dressing up your own dollars.” Both women smiled.
“You can keep the clothes. They’ll probably get ripped during the evening. You can even put the girls in different outfits when they come back for cleaning. The guests may think there are more than four girls. The clothes are yours, but could we please have the shadows and cuffs back. They’re quite expensive. Don’t forget to put the key chain around their neck. The bondage is only for effect. The girls will do anything without the need for force. Slaps, but no beating or whipping. Please don’t let them get damaged. We’ve spent a lot of time getting them ready for tonight.”
Carmel went to each girl to dissecure a flask of clear liquid.
“We call it Kiriko,” she explainned to Kingdom as she returned the Senator’s dress. “It is the most powerful aphrodisiac in the world, a chemical compound that leaves all women almost frantic for sex. Sadly, Kiriko damages the lining of the brain, leading to extensive damage within a few years.”
“A small price to pay for a great fuck.” Hodges stroked the hair of her whore.
“Could they have a double dose?” Kingdom asked. “There are Only four of them, and we have nearly a hundred guests. Most of our guests are old, but you never know. I need tonight to go well.”
“Miss Kingdom, I can assure you that I share your interest in the success of tonight’s entertainment. I’ve already given them a triple dose.”
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