Author’s Note: This story takes place in an imagined future. A genetic mutation has made it so that most female fetuses die before birth, so the population consists of about 4 men for every 1 woman. This means women are generally unsafe and frequent victims of rape and abuse. Except in The Fortress.
Please note, although I use the word “consent” in this story, it is perverted from its true meaning for the purposes of fiction. True consent should be freely given, enthusiastic and never coerced through threats or intoxication.
Chapter 5
Novice Mila took the lead at helping me get settled in. I had my own shelf in the bathroom with all needed toiletries. My dresser drawers had two green uniforms in addition to the one I had received in the morning, as well as a short green nightgown, two bath towels and a robe. There were no underclothes, but the halter top of the uniform had some built-in breast support and the legs had a crotch designed to be hurt with nothing underneath. I supposed underwear would not be comfortable under something so skin tight.
In the shower, Mila showed me how to adjust the water. In my house in the village all our running water was cold. If we wanted a hot bath we had to boil water first. The feel of the hot water running down my body was almost spiritual. I jumped when I felt Mila’s sudsy hands start running long strokes down my back. I turned to her with a start and asked “What are you doing!?” She had undressed quietly while I was enjoying the water and was entirely naked. It appeared she too had been freshly waxed for initiation day.
“Relax, Aspen, I’m just helping you wash your back. What are sisters for?”
“But the cameras – won’t we get in trouble?” I shuddered remembering the icy water that had paid me in quarantine any time I got too close to an orgasm.
“Don’t be silly. The rule is we can’t orgasm without Mistress’s permission. I wasn’t going to go that far. But you know as sister novices we’re going to be expected to do lots and lots of sexy things together, so you might as well get comfortable letting me touch you.”
Tam came in the bathroom now too needing to pee, but when she finished she slipped her legs off instead of pulling them back up. She set her glasses by the sink and peeled off her top before joining Mila and I under the shower. She and Mila kissed then, right on the mouth, and I saw their tongues mingling briskly. After at least half a minute they parted and turned back to me. Mila resumed her washing, rubbing soapy hands over my arms and shoulders and then slowly proceeded down my chest over my perky breasts. Tam took a handful of shampoo and began to work it into my hair, starting at the ends and working her way up, adding more shampoo as needed until her fingers found my scalp. She massaged lightly and the touch brought goodbumps to my arms. It was sensitive, not overly erotic but even so I felt a warmth form between my legs. I realized my eyes had been closed and when I opened them Clara and Mauve were walking into the bathroom, naked and holding hands. Paula was the only novel not joining us then. Clara turned on the other shower and she and Mauve began washing each other while Tam and Mila continued working on me. Tam removed the shower head from the wall. It was attached by a long hose so that it could be used at many angles and heights. She held it right over my head with one hand and worked the shampoo out with the other. She met the water run over my shoulders, breasts and back as well to rinse these free of soap.
Mila decided this was a great time to lower her mouth to my nipple. I inhaled sharply and tipped my head back to give her free access. She played with the opposite nipple at the same time with one hand and braced the other around my upper back to keep me from pulling away. She suckled like she was trying to pull milk from me. The desire between my legs grew. She traded sides after a minute and thenipple she had been suckling throbbed with the change in sensings. It was especially sensitive now as the water ran over it.
Tam was conditioning my hair now and working through it with a comb. Mila finished her work on my nipples and moved to my mouth instead, parting my lips with her tongue. She tasted deep inside my mouth. I copied the movements back into her own mouth with my tongue. She kissed me deeper, Nearly gagging me with her tongue for a moment before letting up a bit. She repeated this several times, one hand still tweaking my nipple and the other behind my neck underneath my wild hair. I tenatively allowed my hands to start exploring her body as well. Her breasts were small, the palm of my hand easily covering one completely. I let my palm graze her nipple lightly, causing it to harden beneath my touch.
Clara and Mauve were also making out now. Their wet bodies were pressed together tightly, Clara turned slightly to the side to avoid sandwiching her large breasts between them. Mauve was cupping one of those breasts with one hand, rubbing a thumb over the nipple. She was bent just a little at the neck to reach the shorter woman’s mouth. Clara had one hand wrapped around Mauve, cupping her ass and pulling her closer. The other hand she placed on top of the hand Mauve was using on her breast, encouraging her to keep going. I found the contrast between the taller woman’s dark black skin and the shorter woman’s pale white especially exclusivecing.
Done with my hair, Tam turned the shower head to other areas needing attention. She nudged Mila, who gave my nipple one last pinch and then stepped away from the shower to the closet. Tam adjusted the shower head to one powerful stream of water. She pushed my back against the wall with one hand in the middle of my breasts, her other hand aiming the stream of water towards my lower belly. I had a feeling I knew what was next and said “Please, if you spray that down there I might cum, I don’t want toget in trouble.”
Tam responded by kissing me hard and then whispering in my ear “Don’t worry, I’ll make it quick. But this is how they want us to wash down there.” She then proceeded to lift one of my feet high, noticing how flexible I was she was able to hook one of her elbows under my foot to hold it up and to the side. She let the stream of water blast right onto my cunt then, which was already throbbing from the rest of the touch. She aimed it up, blasting my clip for a moment, then down, making sure my labia were well cleansed. She repeated this back and forth several times until my legs began to tremble, then she stopped suddenly to prevent me from cumming. She turned the water off as I tried to catch my breath and hoped no one watching the camera realized just how close I had been. I wasn’t even sure how close it had been Actually given that I had yet to experience a real orgasm, but I had a feeling another second would have done it.
Mila returned then with an enemabottle she had retrieved from my shelf. “Best clean every hole for tonight, who knows what they’ll be making us do.” She filled it with warm water from the sink along with a squirt from a bottle labeled Castile soap. “This is nice and gentle, doesn’t burn but will help make sure you’re well cleaned out. Now bend over.”
I bent into position six as I had seen in the graduation video, ass in the air and hands gripping my shins near the ankles. To my right I saw Clara was preparing bottles for herself and Mauve as well, their shower also complete. Tam was walking to the cabinet to get another two for herself and Mila. Mila dribbled a few drops of a lubricating oil over my upturned anus, using a finger to make sure a little of the oil actually made it inside. She added a few more drops onto the tip of the bottle itself, then slipped it inside.
The feeling as warm water filling my insides was much more pleasant than I had expected. Once the bottle was empty Mila withdraw it and tossed it in a bin to be washed “Stay like that as long as you can, then sit on the toilet.” I obeyed, letting the warm water work, cleaning the actual core of my body. Mauve was in a similar position with Clara emptying a bottle into her dark, round ass. The other women waited since there were only two toilets. Several minutes passes before I became aware of the enema trying to push its way back out again. I stayed bent and waddled towards the toilet with my hands still near my ankles. Then when I sat down on the toilet the stream of water that poured out of my ass was an amazing release. I let it all go, smelling the evidence that it was working but deciding not to look.
When I was finished I stood and flushed the toilet quickly. My bath time ended with one more time into the shower to use the high power setting to blast clean my backside and rinse away anything the enema had left behind on my skin. Then I dried myself with a towel and wrapped in my robe. Mauve joined me whilethe other three finished up their own cleaning rituals.
We returned to the sitting room in our robes where Paula was alone on a couch looking through a magazine detailing news from the city and outside world for the last month. Mauve became me to the couch opposite Paula, where we sat side by side and she put an arm around me. “Paula, you missed an amazing shower, you’ll make our new sister here worry that you don’t like her,” she teased. Paula shifted a bit in her seat but didn’t look up as she said “I like all of you just fine with your clothes on, and I’m perfectly capable of showing alone once you’re all through. Flushing out my ass too.”
Chapter 6
We were all ready and dressed by 5pm, even Paula, who had shown alone after we were all finished. Between the other five of us there was more kissing and fondling as we put on our uniforms and those of us with long hair styled it up and out of our faces with toothed green clips. As novels we were never given shoes, perhaps because they could be an advantage if we tried to fight, or perhaps to keep us from running away. For this occasion we wore the black leather collars and chains, which I learned were only used in formal ceremonies unless a master specifically requested otherwise.
Mistresses Morna, Nellie and Athena whom I had met earlier in the day (and still owed me a punishment for incorrectly stating the rules) came to bring us to dinner. Each hold two of our chains in one hand, keeping the other hand free. Nellie and Athena had tasers. Morna, who was junior to them, held a baton instead. With our neck chains held so close together this resulted in us walking in pairs. We were expected to keep our hands claped behind our backs and our eyes downward as we walked. Paula and I were next to each other at the end of the process being led by Mistress Athena. I guessed we walked in the very lowest positions due to our status as outsiders. Paula made a point to keep several inches ofspace between us.
Dinner was light, consisting of fruit and crackers. We were really too nervous to eat much anyway. I wondered if we would be drugged the way I suspected I had been in quarantine. At the end of our meal we were each given a cup of strong smelling tea. Morna confirmed my suspicions when she informed us “The medicine in this tea will help you relax, and will arouse you as well.” but then surprised me by saying “Drink as much or as little as you think you need.” I drank about half, still suspicious about what would happen if I lost all my self awareness. Paula didn’t touch it. The other girls drank most if not all.
We were then marched to a room with a stage and rows of chairs, just as I had seen twice in the videos in quarantine. On the state stood an adjustable metal table covered in a thin cushion. It had drawers and cabinets beneath and there was a cabinet at right end (from the view of the audience) of the stage as well. We entered through a door at the left side.
I looked up at the audience and saw not a single empty seat. There we’re probably 200 men there. Senior mistresses in their telltale black uniforms and tall black boots stand at intervals around the perimeter. I noticed the men wore soft, flat shoes more similar to slippers than actual shoes. Another sign of who had the most power here I supposed. I recognized Master Theo, the Governor, sitting in the front row in a section marked “VIP,” along with three other men I did not recognize.
The leather grips at the ends of our chains were each attached to a hook high on the wall at the back of the stage. There were exactly six hooks, spread across the entire width of the room. In front of each there was an X painted on the floor that we were to stand on. The effect of this spacing made it that we could have just barely grabbed each other’s wrists if we all extended our arms wide. Standing in position one, hands claped behind our asses and eyes downward, we couldn’t even see each other. Morna gave us a last minute lesson. “Remain on your mark in position one and do not speak or move unless specifically instructed to do so. Tonight is mostly about showing you off to the most powerful men here, as well as to some of the youngest and most fertile who might start thinking about impregnating someone in the next few years. Those are the men we hope spend the most time with you in the coming months, so be on your best behavior. Remember the five rules and listen to instructions and you will be fine. You are not expected to have mastered any sex acts yet, but the more willing you are to try them the more points you will earn towards advancement. Also, try to enjoy yourself just a little.”
Mistress Athena addressed the crowd then. I later learned she had been Morna’s trainer years prior, and was now one of the highest ranking Senior Mistresses. “Gentlemen, thank you so much for coming to help welcome our latest cohort of novels. These young women ae about to commit themselves to years of service, all for the sake of maintaining the peaceful order of our city, making it a safe and pleasant place for all who live here.” There was polite applause. “Initiation exists to prove a young woman’s reading to become a novel, and her willingness to commit to the rules of self-control, humility, submission, consent and pleasure. All of these young women have had basic instructions in these rules as well as some Other expectations, but they have not yet had to put that knowledge to the test. They of course will still have a great deal to learn before they can advance in their positions here. Tonight is about demonstrating that willingness to learn. Now, enough talk, let’s begin! Their primary trainer, Mistress Morna, will lead today’s initiative.”
Mistress Athena stepped aside. Instead of taking her place on center stage Mistress Morna first came to the back wall and releases the collar from around Mila’s neck. She led her to the front of the stage, but the far left side where a thin cushion was waiting on the floor. “Remove your clothes and then assume position three.” Mila quickly peeled off the skin tight clothes, dropped to her knees on the cushion and clapped her hands again behind her ass. She angled her head upward, causing her small breasts to protrude just a bit. She spread her knees just a bit wider than her shoulders, allowing the men in the front row a nice view of her freshly waxed cunt.
“Now, slut, tell me your understanding of rule one, self control.”
“Yes, mistress, it means we don’t cum without permission, and we take punishments without complaint.”
“Anything else?”
“I…I don’t think so, mistress.”
Mistress Morna looked Mila up and down, arms crossed, considering. Then she went to the cabinet at the side of the stage and returned with a cock-shaped rubber device. She showed it to the five of us in the back of the room and said “chins up, sluts. I want you watching each-other’s lessons for the rest of the evening. Looking I could see the device was actually hollow, with a small opening at the tip where a man’s cock would have an opening, and a much larger opening at the other end. It was essentially a funnel. From somewhere else Mistress Nellie had produced a gallon sized jug of water.
“Self control, slut, means you master your body and mind. It means you resist natural urges and maintain whatever is demanded if you, no matter how difficult or uncomfortable. Open your mouth.”
Mila did as asked. Morna placed the tip of the cock-funnel into Mila’s mouth, deep enough to keep the girl from being able to talk but not too deep for her to breathe. “Tonight, you will remain in this position until we release you. You will drink whatever we put in this funnel and you will not urinate until given permission. No matter what else is being done to your body or how uncomfortable it becomes you will keep the funnel in your mouth and maintain your position. Nod if you understand.” Mila’s head bobbed slightly. “Good. Now slut I hope you’re thirsty.”
Morna proceeded to pour from the gallon of water into the funnel, slowly to allow her time to drink what was there before it could overflow. She didn’t let her stop to take a breath until it was half gone. She set the half empty jug to the side and returned to the back of the room.
This time it was Tam whose collar she unhooked. She brought her front and center, keeping her in position one for now. “Tell me rule two and what it means to you,” she commanded.
“Rule two is humility, mistress. It means we are the lowest of the low in this fortune and we must remember that at all times. It means we do not speak unless spoken to. It means those above us can command and degrade us as they see fit, and we must not complain or talk back.”
Morna was clearly pleased. “Excellent answer, Novice Tam. Remove your clothes please.” While she did so Morna went to the cabinet and withdrew a vibrator. It was U-shaped, with a thicker section designed to sit inside the pussy and stimulate the g-spot and a thiner, flatter portion with a textured knob means to stimulate the clip at the same time. “As a reward for your intelligence I am going to allow you to complete your task for the evening while wearing this. If at any time you feel yourself about to orgasm you may stop what you are doing, but you must let whatever man is closest to you fondle your breasts or ass while you cum. Position four please.”
Tam, now fully naked, assumed the hands and knees posture. Morna slide the thick portion of the vibrator into Tam’s mouth first to lubricate it, then eased it into her tight pussy. She angled it so it stimulated the g-spot and clip and turned the victory to a low setting. “To keep this in place you will need to crawl on Your knees and elbows instead of hands. We have a few men in the audience who very much enjoy having their toes licked and sucked by slutty littleNovices like yourself. They are going to line up along the wall. You will crawl down the line and treat each man’s toes with your mouth, for as long as they want you to. Do you understand?”
“Yes, mistress,” Tam was already trembling from the stimulation in her pussy.
The men got into position, barefoot along the wall of the room to the left from my perspective at the back of the stage. There were eight in all. To get down to where they were Tam first had to crawl down a set of four stairs. She was careful to keep her head much lower than her ass as she descended. This was easier to do going downstairs than it was on the level floor below. She struggled to reach the first man but managed not to let the vibrator fall. He leaned back against the wall and propped his left foot up on the heel, toes in the air. Before she could start sucking However her first orgasm hit her. She lowered her face to the floor and moaned loudly, the man slipped his foot under her chest and fondledher breast with his toes instead. From where I stood on the stage I couldn’t see much more of her than her upraised ass and pussy. I did see the squirt of juices coming out from around the vibrator as her orgasm reached its peak. She shuddered several more times before it finally started to subside. The man then moved his foot from her breasts back to her mouth so she could get to work licking and sucking. He pulled his cock out if his pants at the same time to stoke it powerfully.
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