Author’s Note: This story takes place in an imagined future. A genetic mutation has made it so that most female fetuses die before birth, so the population consists of about 4 men for every 1 woman. This means women are generally unsafe and frequent victims of rape and abuse. Except in The Fortress.
Please note, although I use the word “consent” in this story, it is perverted from its true meaning for the purposes of fiction. True consent should be freely given, enthusiastic and never coerced through threats or intoxication.
Chapter 3
Day eight I finally realized I was probably being drugged.
My days were a haze of erotic videos and sleep. The videos always started a few minutes after I finished eating, and the warm, relaxed feeling I had every time didn’t make sense given the hard bed, lack of blankets and my naked, exposed body.
A cup of tea always arrived at what I assumed to be bedtime and I slept soundly despite the lack of comfort. I awokealert and oriented for my morning lesson with Mistress Morna. Through the TV she explained rules and procedures, and also the more technical aspects of the sex work she wanted me to agree to. I learned the names of various sex toys – the difference between a vibrator and a dildo, for example, and all about things like enemy and butt plugs and riding crops. We reviewed male and female anatomy in detail, and various ways to provide pleasure to either. She discussed things not considered safe, like prolonged choking or choking with anything besides a gentle hand. I practiced various postures and positions, all numbered for convenience. Any interaction with with a superior – in my case any woman in yellow, red or black, or any man no matter what color he wore – should start in position one: hands clapped behind my back, eyes angled slightly downward, feet slightly farther apart than hips. Position two was similar except kneeling instead of standing. Position three was kneeling but looking upward, chest pushed outward. Four was hands and knees, back arched to angle the ass upward.
Any advanced novel wearing yellow I was to address as “miss.” This was also the preferred term for women wearing brown who were not involved in sexual service. Any woman in red or black was “mistress” or “ma’am.” Most of the men preferred “master,” but “sir” was also acceptable. Those of us in green would address each other by name with the title “novice,” in front. Higher ranked women and men could call us whatever they liked.
“After self control, humility is the second rule of a novel. You must learn humility now if you ever want to learn to wild power in the future. Submission is the third rule. Consent is the fourth. You are expected to submit to anything asked of you, but if you choose not to consent alternatives will be considered. The fifth rule is pleasure. You will not give or receive pleasure without demonstrating understanding of the other rules first.” Morna’s lecture on day 8 repeated things I had heard already, but I knew better than to complain. The floor was still wet from the last dose of ice water I’d been hit with, punishment for fidgeting while holding position five – elbows across the table, head held high, heels off the ground and as high as possible to allow the best angle for spanking and flogging.
During that lesson a box arrived with several cotton swabs, a tourniquet as well as some vials for blood and a needle, and an injectable medicine already prepared in a syringe. “You’ve earned my trust enough to allow you to complete your own medical exam. I will be watching you the entire time, so follow the instructions closely.” I did as I was told, inserting one swab into my vagina, another in my mouth and the last one gently into my anus. They all had to stay in place 60 seconds, then be removed and placed correctly into the box. “We can’t have little sluts from the outside bringing all kinds of nasty infections in here, nowcan we?” The blood was trickier, but following her instructions careful I was able to insert the needle into a vein on my left hand and fill the vices with blood. The last thing with the injection. “Although the risk of pregnancy is low when we don’t allow anyone to fuck your cunt, we do plan to be sure you are covered in cum regularly. This will prevent you from conceiving should some accidentally get up where we Don’t want it. It will also stop your cycles, since nothing kills the mood more than finding out your whore is bleeding.” I of course had no way of knowing what was actually in this syringe, but her explanation made sense, and I had heard of the existence of contrastive shots before, so I didn’t argue and injected myself in the thigh as directed. I put everything back in the box and returned it to the airlock.
When my meal arrived after that lesson I hesitated. Now that I knew it was drugged, should I refuse to eat it? I had a feeling the punishment for that would be severe. And I was hungry. Getting only two meals per day means I was always eager to eat when the food came. My meals had been small at first but we’re getting gradually bigger as I recovered from the semi-starved state I had arrived in, as if they knew how little food my body could handle at first, and knew it was now improving. I felt stronger than I had before too. Morna’s afternoon lessons Always included time for exercise – marching in place, squats, push ups, plans, etc. She pushed me to go a bit longer every day. I had been tough before but scrappy, surviving by being quick and smart. Now I was building muscle too.
I decided eating was better than not, after 8 days of being drugged there didn’t seem to be too much harm in two more. I dipped my bread in my soup and then drank it straight from the bowl, ate hard cheese and grapes, and then laid back on the bed. Sure enough, just as I started to feel especially relaxed, the screen turned on. I realized the room was warmertoo. Since I wasn’t given clothes or a blanket (to prevent suicide attempts, Morna had explained a few days prior) they kept the room extra toasty. This made the ice water punishments even more starting, but also allowed the water to dry quickly so that I didn’t have to sleep on a wet bed.
This day’s video was of a graduation ceremony. An advanced novel was graduating to junior mistress. Part of this Ceremony often included being assigned a direct master who was allowed to improve her. He would also be the only man she would be expected to submit to unconditionally. Some masters insisted their assigned mistress serve only them, but most actually enjoyed sharing. If the mistress was deemed not medically ready for pregnancy, or if no compatible master was available, she would continue to answer primarily to the senior mistresses and serve men at her leisure. She would be expected to submit to them only if instructed to do so by a senior mistress.
In the ceremony I was wItnessing this day a gorgeous blond novel was being assigned a master. She, her trainer, two novels who had trained with her (called “sister novels”) and three other men stood on a stage. Her soon to be master had long black hair pulled back into a casual ponytail. He had gone and a golden brown complexion. He was just a bit taller than she was and muscle. The novel, whose name was Janie, had a collar around her neck attached to a long chain. The trainer held a leather loop at the other end. She stood in position one, I realized, along with her sister novels.
“Novice Janie, you are here today because you have shown acceptable mastery of the skills required of you – self control, humility, submission, consent and pleasure. The masters you have served find you to be skilled in multiple forms of pleasure, and You have also shown leadership among your sister novels and the junior novels you have been asked to tutor. Master Clark has asked specifically to take you into hisservice, and wishes to improve you as well. The senior mistresses have blessed this pairing. Do you consent to it?”
“Yes, mistress,” was her reply.
“Very good,” the mistress responded. She then nodded to the sister novels, who helped her out of her tight yellow halter top and leggings. She was left naked except for the collar around her neck.
The mistress then bowed ever so slightly to the master and extended her hand with the end of the chain. He bowed back and took it in his own hand. “Tell me Janie, do you prefer me to call you pet? Or slut? I am open to either.”
“Pet, please, master.” She responded.
“Ok, pet. To mark your graduation, I have decided I want to see you exemplify the five rules of the novel. I will test your self control with pain, Your humility with degradation, your submission, consent and ability to give pleasure with multiple sex services, and then reward you with pleasure in return. Tell me you agree to this now, and then we willbegin.”
“Yes, master, I agree.”
He pulled her chain downward and forced her to her knees. “Position three!” He barked, and she obeyed, separating her knees more, looking up and pushing out her chest. “I want you to be more specific. I want you to tell me exactly what you are agreeing to.”
“I am agreeing to demonstrate my mastery of the novel rules, sir. I am agreeing to showing self control in the face of pain. I am agreeing to be degraded and humiliated. I am agreeing to submit to pleasure you and anyone else you command in whatever ways you command, and I am consenting to receive pleasure produced in whatever way you see fit.”
The smile that came across her master’s face was almost wicked. “This, pet, is why I chose you. We are going to have so much fun “
He went to the cabinet to the side of the stage and removed a small box. He removed several small spring loaded plastic clips, like small clothes pins. He gestured to one of Janie’s sisternovices. “You, slut, put these on her nipples and labia.” She knelt in front of the graduate and obeyed. The tight clips turned her pink nipples white. She attached two to each labia majora and to each labia minora, for a total of eight surrounding her cunt. “See if you can get one on her clip too.” This proved trickier, but she managed to attach it just above the clip, which he seemed to decide was good enough. She hadn’t flinched at all until the very last one, but managed to hold position three without falseting.
“I want your hands behind your head instead of your back. And I want you to lean forward just a bit.” She obeyed. He removed two weights from the box and hooked them to the clamps on her nipples. “We need to make sure those nipples are good and ripe for feeding our babies, now don’t we?” He released one clamp for just a second to allow the blood to rush painfully back in before snapping it shut again. She winced. “Now pet, I am going to whip you. You will demonstrateself control by holding this position, and not screaming or crying out. If you must whimper that is acceptable. But after each lash I want you to say “Thank you master, please punish me more.”
The drugs had to have been extra strong today. This man was obviously a sadist, but all I felt was relaxed and very turned on.
“How many lashes do you think you deserve, pet? How Many men have you pleasured to earn your place here today?”
“I haven’t been counting, sir.”
“Oh dear, that is a problem, I suppose I will just have to whip you until I am satisfied you understand the punishment.” He went back to the cabinet and retrieved a long horse whip. Standing behind her he hesitated, building her anticipation. Then he flicked his wrist and the whip landed firmly across her ass. “One.” He counted.
“Thank you, master, please punish me more.” She said obediently.
He repeated this two more times across her ass, and she recalled the words perfectly. A slight tremor inHer middle was the only sign her strength might not last. He paused, adjusted his Stance and flicked another powerful lash across her back.
“Thank you, master, please … punishment me more”
“You hesitated, pet, are you losing your self control?”
“No….sir.” Her trembling had increased slightly with the next lash she let out a small whimper, but then steadied herself and said “Thank you, master, please punish me more.”
“Ok, pet, I am going to whip you faster. You may wait to thank me until I pause.” Without waiting for a response he sent a stream of rapid smacks which landed on various parts of her low back, ass and thighs. “Six, seven, eight, nine, ten” he counted quickly, then paused while she thanked him as before, “eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.” She whimpered more but thanked him again, her voice shaking more than before. He got to twenty, then after she thanked him and asked for more he said “I think that’s enough for now, pet, but I am so gladto hear you still want more, I am sure we’ll be doing this often.”
He nodded to another sister novel and she removed the clips. Janie trembled and moaned as the blood rushed back into these most sensitive places.
“Ok pet, remind me the second rule?”
“Humility, master.”
“And how do you think I should demonstrate your master of this rule?”
“In whatever way you would like, master. I am yours to degrade and humiliate.”
He smiled again, and she did too! I started to get the feeling this wasn’t the first time they had done this, and could it be that she was actually enjoying it? As if sensing my question, the camera operator took the opportunity during the lull while the master went to the cabinet to retrieve his next tools to zoom in on her pussy, which was glistening wet.
“Well you are my pet. Pets are animals, and animals do some things that most people don’t. Such as pissing and shitting with no regard to privacy.” He nodded to one of the othermen on stage now, and from somewhere off camera he brought out a plastic box full of sand, and two small bowls labeled “pet kitty.”
“First, you eat and drink like a pet. Position four.” She obeyed, getting on her hands and knees, ass angled as high as she could get it. I saw then what he had retrieved from the cabinet was a butt plug, but this one had a long fluffy tail attached. He coated it with a few drops of oil and then pushed it deep into her ass in one firm motion. “Now eat your food and drink your water pet.” He led her by the chain to the dishes and she lowered her face, but het hair fell into the way. He stopped her with a tug on the chain. “My pet needs some help with her fur, slut,” he said to one of the other novels. I think she needs some cute little buns right where her kitty ears Should be.” Someone produced some hair bands and the novel quickly styled her hair as instructed. Then Janie lowered her head to the dishes one at a time, first eating what appeared tobe some type of breakfast cereal shaped like cat food, and then lapping up a bowl full of water. She returned quickly to position four when finished.
Her master reached and made a show of scratching her behind the “ears” made of her hair. “Now pet, we’re going to need that ass of yours nice and clean for rules 3 and 4, and I’ve got just the thing here. I was not surprised to see an enema bottle was the next item he retrieved from the cabinet. “Position six please.”
I hadn’t seen this one yet. She stood and then bent over all the way at the waist, resting her hands on her shins. He popped the butt plug out of her ass and gave it a sniff.
“My, my, pet, no one here wants to play with an ass that shitty. Let’s make it minty fresh instead.” He opened the enema bottle already filled with water, and poured in Just a small amount of another clear liquid. “This may help loosen up your inhibitions a bit as well pet – as if you had any to begin with. And I hear the tingle is quItem delightful.”
He took the cap off the enema’s narrow tip and inserted it into her ass, then slowly squeezed. When the bottle was empty he withdraw it and gave her ass a solid smack.
“While we let that work, I wonder if we can practice just a bit more self control. I know you well enough, pet, to know that the full, burning feeling in you ass right now has you dying to cum. I wonder, if one of your sexy little friends here were to suck your clip, could you keep from cumming?
“I can try, master,” she answered.
“Wonderful.” He pointed at another novel and said, “suck and lick like you mean it. Finger her pussy too. You’d better have me convinced that you are trying harder to make her cum than you ever have in your life. If she cums she’ll be punished, but if I think you’re holding back you both will be.”
The novel looked nervous, but a nod from Janie helped convince her to get started. Still bent in the middle with her hands on her shins she spread her feet a bit to give her friend better access. The novel, a short and curvy young lady with short, dirty blond hair, started by slipping her thumb into Janie’s slick wet cunt. Sliding it in and out slowly she placed her lips around Janie’s clip and began sucking. She alternated long firm sucks with quicker ones, and occasionally stopped sucking to run her tongue in circles. She withdraw her thumb and replaced it with two fingers instead, now working Janie’s g-spot as well as continuing the powerful assault on her clip. The master crouched near Janie’s head. He pinched her nipple while he spoke. “If you cum, get ready for the most intense punishment you’d be ever had. But just so you know if you don’t cum I’m going to punish your friend instead. Or maybe I’ll make you punish her.” He pulled even harder on her nipple and I know, I just knew that his words were actually the final catalyst that throw her over the edge. Her whole body shook, juices poured out of her cunt all over the other woman’s face, and the spasming even caused some of the water from the enema to spurt up from her ass like a fountain. She screamed “fuuuuuuccccccckkkk I’m cummmmmmmingggg” and then actually collapsed onto her knees.
“Nicely done, whore,” he said to the stunned novel now wearing Janie’s cum all over her face. “You may join the others. Get ready to see what happens to someone who thinks they’ve mastered the rules and then fails miserably. Now, Janie, my pet, you’re still graduating, but I want you to remember one more important lesson, which is no matter how good you get there is always room to improve. First, let’s take care of emptying that ass.” He pulled her, crawling on hands and knees to the sandbox that had been placed nearby earlier. “Do your business then, and make it quick.”
Janie looked around at all the men watching her, as well as her trainer and sister novels. She hesitated just a moment. SMACK! her master’s horse whip made a quick stripe across her ass to keep her motivated. She crawled over the box.
“Tut tut, pet, what do you say when I whip you?”
“Thank you, master, please punish me more.”
“Soon, pet, but first, these men want to see you utterly humiliated.”
He nudged her bottom with his foot to make sure she was centered over the box. After just another second of hesitation, she began releasing all of the water from the enema right into the sandbox. Once her ass was empty her bladder was next. Urine flowed out of her forcedly in a long stream. When she was finished, he handed her a wet wipe to clean herself with.
“Now of course it is time to punish you more, but it’s also time to work on submission. These men each need you to make them cum. You will submit to whatever they ask. I will be punishing you intermittently the entire time.”
The first of the three men, a relatively short black man with braided hair, asked her to lay back on the table and hang her head off the end. He pushed a control with his foot to lower it so that her mouth was just at the height of his cock. “I’m going to fuck your mouth like it’s a pussy. No need to suck or blow, just keep it open and your teeth out if the way. When I cum I expect every drop to go down your throat.” She nodded and opened her mouth obediently. He slipped his cock past her lips and began long, slow strokes. When he was as deep as he could get she gagged, and he held it there a few extra seconds before backing out to allow her to breathe. Then he did it again and again. It seemed to me that he held each deep thrust in place just long enough to give her that slightest bit of panic, wondering if he was going to let her breathe again or not.
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