The Former Student Chapter 10
Martin checked his phone one last time as the elevator rose. Still no response from Reiko-sama on her Instagram account. Had she just gotten bored with playing with an anonymous man on the internet or had he annoyed her in his efforts to get her attention? Either way that didn’t bode well for his chances of getting her permission to have an orgasm anytime soon. But that was a problem for another day he thought as he slipped his phone back into his pants.
For now, he was the glad of the steel cage, hidden underneath his hiking pants, that firmly imprisoned his cock. He was going to be spending three days and two nights with two gorgeous women. Watching their bodies move underneath their skimpy hiking clothes, their sweat filling the air with an intoxicating odor as it turned portions of their clothes translucent to his gaze. It was a good thing that his cock couldn’t spring to full erection and embarrass him by revealing his private thoughts. He would figure out a way of getting his cock free once he got back and had some privacy to enjoy himself thoroughly.
He knocked on Reiko-sama’s door and she soon answered it, wearing a fetching blue shirt that clung pleasantly to her breasts.
“Good morning Martin.” She said with a smile.
“Good morning Reiko.” He replied, his mouth stumbling a bit at the end of her name as he forced himself to omit the honorific that she deserved. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yes.” She gestured to the pile of gear sitting beside the door. “But Katherine is sick and needs to stay in bed so she can’t come with us today.”
“Oh, I hope she is OK?”
“Nothing serious, a bit of a cold. I gave her some medicine and she is sleeping.”
Martin wondered if she was going to cancel the outing. It was a very different proposition to go on a hiking trip by herself with a man compared to being accompanied by her friend. But Reiko didn’t seem to be phased by this and just gestured to the bags. “Let’s go.”
Martin got the hint and followed her out the door, carrying her gear for her of course. From the weight he could tell that she certainly didn’t believe in packing light. But he managed to keep up with her as they exited the building, speeding up a bit so he could open the passenger door for her before dropping off the backpacks into the trunk.
By the time he finished sorting out the luckgage and got into the car, Reiko-sama had made herself at home, her bare feet propped up on the dash as she reclined back in the passenger seat. She played with her phone while Martin started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. Martin wasn’t sure if the silence was awkward or not. It seemed like she didn’t have anything to say at the moment and he was trying very hard to focus on the traffic and not her pretty toes waving mesmerizing in front of his eyes as she wiggled her feet. She had painted her toe nails bright red and they drew his eyes like beacons in thenight.
Through extreme force of will he managed to merge onto the highway without causing an accident. He settled back in his seat a little, now the cruise control and lane following would handle driving the car and he could handle the much more important task of discreetly ogling the beautiful goddess sitting beside him.
As if she could feel the sharpening of his gaze, Reiko-sama broke the silence.
“Katherine says that she trusts you but you had better bring me back in one piece and unharmed or else… and to tell you that she knows where you live.”
“It is nice that she is so protective of you. Please tell her that I will be super careful of course.” But Martin was a little worried. Katherine was supposed to be lead climbing on this trip. He could fill in of course but he wasn’t an expert and from what he had gathered while planning, the climb probably wasn’t easy. It was impossible to know for sure though until they got to the slope. AllTrails reviews were always a convex combination of Übermensch who soloed K2 for fun and believed anything less was a Sunday walk in the park, and people who thought a single tree blown onto a trail made it completely impossible. He would have to call it off when they got there if it was beyond his abilities, even if it would mean disappointing Reiko-sama. He agreed with Katherine that keeping Reiko-sama safe was the most important thing.
The silence returned until Reiko-sama fiddled with the console and started playing some music. Martin thought is OK, popish but in Japanese so he really couldn’t follow any of it. But he was still enraptured by Reiko-sama’s feet wiggling to the beat of the music as the car pretty much drive itself to their destination.
They had made an early start but it was a bit of a drive and the sun was reaching the zenith when they pulled into the parking lot of the park. Martin managed to find a parking spot and left Reiko-sama in the car as he went in to sort out the paper work. Coming back he slipped the parking pass onto the console and looked at Reiko-sama questioningly “Should we?”
She looked up and nodded decidedly, giving her command to begin. Martin went to collect the gear while she climbed out of the car. He had been pondering what to do during the drive over. Reiko-sama clearly had more gear than she could carry, she must have packed assuming that Katherine would be there to share the burden. He had been wondering if he should unobtrusively slip some of the heavier items into his own pack or even switch backpacks with her. But he had decided to be very open about it, Reiko-sama had always been very clear about treating him as a beast of burden.
So he went through his things, discarding anything that wasn’t absolutely necessary. He had always thought that the Discomfort of serving a Japanese goddess would come from her whip, not rocks on his back from sleeping without a ground mat but he shouldn’t have mistaken pornography forReality. Finally, he managed to stuff his things into Katherine’s backpack and with a grunt of effort lifted it onto his back, leaving his backpack and most of his creativity comforts behind in the trunk. He grabbed Reiko-sama’s daypack and locked the trunk before carrying it to her. She took it with a smile and slipped it onto her back, an operation that thrust her breasts up against her shirt, outlining their perfect shape for Martin’s viewing pleasure. The thrumming in his groin as his cock pressed firmly against its prison made him forget all about the uncomfortable weight of his pack as they set off onto the hiking path.
The park was thronging with loud tourists around the lake but naturally they began to disappear as Martin and Reiko-sama began to gain elevation. Soon the only sounds were the birds and the chittering of squirrels as they hiked Through the trees, well except for Martin’s heavy breathing as he struggled to keep up with the fast pace that Reiko-sama was settingfor him. He had thought he was in decent shape but he had never carried so much weight on a hike before. He firmly believed in packing light and moving quickly as a rule, but Reiko-sama must be used to hiking with Katherine who probably could keep up with this pace while carrying a piano on her back. So he just concentrated on putting one food in front of and slightly above the other and let his eyes focus on Reiko-sama’s ass as it clenched and unclenched with each step in front of him. He could blatantly ogle it as much as he wanted as there was no one else there to see him. Even despite the additional weight on his back he was already super glad that Katherine hadn’t been able to make it. Although of course he hoped she would recover from her illness quickly.
Keep Reiko-sama’s heavenly ass in perfect view was all the motivation he needed to keep up with her until she finally decided to break for lunch. Martin dusted off a rock and put down his jacket for her to sit on while heBroke out their food and topped up her water bottle. His reward was a quick smile from Reiko-sama as she perched herself on the rock and daintily ate her sandwich. Martin was quite willing to linger for a while before taking up his heavy pack again but Reiko-sama clearly did not believe in dawdling and she was soon striding quickly up the slope ahead of him while he struggled to keep up. Fortunately, after a quarter of an hour they hit the crest of the ridge and begin heading down the other side towards the lake where they would be camping for the night.
Martin trusted slowly onwards as Reiko-sama bounced around him. Going to and fro to take pictures of interesting things or to exceim on the amazing view. He passedively soaked in her excitement as he focused on not falling on his face until he finally reached the general area where he had planned on campus. He picked a nice flat spot, close to the lake but with enough trees to break the wind and to serve as supports for Reiko-sama’s tent. He then bought himself setting up her tent and preparing the dinner while she soaked her feet in the lake and watched the sun slowly set.
Finally he called her when dinner was finished and she came to sit by the flickering fire while he served it. Reiko-sama didn’t complain but he tell from her wrinkling nose as she picked at her food that this was yet another area where he was a poor fill-in for Katherine. He added improved cooking ability, below get into better shape on his to-do list as he ate his own cooking. However, Reiko-sama was delighted with the marshmallows he had brought for dessert. She smiled widely as she roasted them over the fire and delicately ate them off the stick while Martin’s cock surged painfully against its cage as he watched his beautiful goddess nibble the white conflictery off the phalic shaped stick. The remnants of marshmallows clinging to her cheeks unheeded just added to the scene. He had to stifle a groan of pain when her tongue flicked out to lick up the pieces of sticky white goo that remained around her mouth. His mind edited the image only slightly and presented it for inspection, this is what she will look like when she sucks our cock on her knees like a good girl it screamed to him while he tried to blot it out and just share in Reiko-sama’s energetic enthusiasm. In this moment she seemed to fully embody the Japanese term genki.
Once the marshmallows were finished, she watched Martin as he washed the dishes. Martin came back to the fire and made some conversation, talking about what she had seen that day and what they could expect to see the next day. Reiko-sama chatted away, every now and then checking her watch or cellphone, although there hadn’t been any cell service since they dropped down below the ridge. As the fire began to slowly die down she started to look nervous, fidgeting continuously with her phone as if she was hoping for the cell service to magically come back; she began to cast apprehensive glances towards Martin as he sat on the other side of the fire.
Martin noticed of course but didn’t say anything as they continued to talk. But her twitchiness began to grow until he felt he had to comment.
“Is there something wrong Reiko? Would you like a blanket if it is too cold?”
Reiko-sama looked at him, biting her lip as she paused for thought, her eyes scanning his face closely. She shifted her weight side to side as she contemplated something. Which was odd for her since she was usually very forthright in her words.
“You can tell me Reiko if you would like to of course.” He gently prompted her.
“It is just that I haven’t been out in the woods without Katherine for years…”
“Don’t worry Reiko. There aren’t many bears in these woods and besides I can protect you if need be.”
“Bears aren’t what I’m worried about.” The response was quick, and he stiffened as he understand her meaning. The unspoken question was who would protect her from him.
He didn’t know how to respond so he just watched her as she struggled with what to say.
“I trust you, Martin. Katherine trusts you. My rational mind knows I’m safe with you but I know I’m going to spend the night wide awake petrified of what might happen. It isn’t your fault but I trusted someone once before…”
Haltingly she told him about her high-school friend Haru who had also loved going hiking. They had been inseparable during her high-school years, finally going on a long distance hike to celebrate their graduation. Everything had been fine until she had hurt up one night in her tent with Haru’s weight pressing down upon her. She had tried to wrestle him off her, yelling at him to stop while he struggled to rip off her clothes, telling her that it was normal for women to be afraid the first time but as soon as she felt his big cock inside her she would fall in love with it and beg him to fuck her tight pussy as hard as he could. Fortunately she had managed to knee him in the balls and broke free, running out into the darkness, unheeding of the rocks and branches as she dashed blindly away from his cries of pain and angle cursing. She had finally halted when she ran out of strength, bare feet bruised and bleeding from the sharp stones and spent the night shivering in cold and fear under some bushes.
In the morning she had made her way to a public payphone and called her parents to come pick her up. She hadn’t told them what happened. She had wandered off in the night and gotten lost was all she said. She never went back for her things, and she hadn’t hiked ever again until Katherine had coated her to accompany her years later.
“I’m sorry” was all Martin could think to say as he shifted backwards to give her more space. What was there to say.
“You aren’t him. No need to apologize for what he tried to do.”
Reiko-sama eyes, shimmering with tears of sadness or perhaps anger, caught his gaze.
“Have you ever thought of raping me?”
The question hung in the air. Blunt and inescapable. Martin wasn’t sure what to do. Her eyes bored into him.
“Yes.” He finally stuttered out.
“Of course you have. I’m a beautiful woman and you are a heterosexual male. I know I shouldn’t judge you for those thoughts, since you can’t always control what you fantasize about. And I know You would never act on those thoughts because you are a kind, gentle man. But we both know if you wanted to, you could. You aren’t a boy like Haru was, you are a strong man twice my size. If I tried to fight you off I wouldn’t be able to stop you. I would just risk making you angry and getting hurt in response. And I could report you afterwards but it would just be my word Against yours, without any other proof you wouldn’t even be charged much less convicted.”
“So, we both know the only thing that keeps you from raping me is that you decide not to. I can do nothing to protect myself if you change your mind. I can only hope that tonight isn’t the night that you decide to stop being a good person. I can only hope that I don’t look especially beautiful in the firelight right now which makes you decide I am irresistible. My rational mind may trust you completely, but my fears are still there beneath the surface clamoring for attention, searching for any clue that you have decided to treat me like a sex toy instead of a person.”
Martin just listened. He burned inside in shame at her compliments. If she only knew that the professor she respected was actually a secret pervert that lusted after her. Then she definitely wouldn’t feel safe. She would already be running away into the darkness. He thought about telling her about his cock cage. She didn’t have to fear him raping her, he was locked up tight, safe to be around. But then she would know about his perverted fansies, she would know he wasn’t a good person and would no longer spend time around him.
Part of his mind tried to figureout some way to make Reiko-sama feel safe. Which was hard to do since they were the only two people there, far away from anyone else. They were even out of cellphone reception. He tried to ignore the other part of his mind. The part that pointed out that simply because his cock was in a cage and he couldn’t use it to rape her didn’t mean he couldn’t have fun with her body. There were so many things he could do, starting with ripping her clothes off and getting to see her breasts that he had been fantasizing about all day.
She must want him to rap her, it said. Why else would she come out into the woods with a white man twice her size. It brought up scenes the hundreds of Japanese porn movies he had watched in the past. Of woman who were bound by their culture to find it shameful to ask for sex, but were secretly delighted when a man roughly forced it upon them. It cast Reiko in that role, a beautiful woman burning inside with sexual desire but too afraid to come out and ask forit from the professor she admired so much. So of course she had arranged for them to be alone in the woods together. Katherine probably wasn’t sick at all. Reiko had wanted for them to be alone together so he would have a chance to answer her unspoken plea for him to treat her like a woman and not a student. She was giving him a chance to answer her prayers and rap her… Why else would she have brought up the topic?
He He knew that with his tongue and fingers he could have her screaming in ecstasy. He could show her what she had been missing in her life, a white man to please her sexually. He wasn’t a weak Japanese boy like Haru had been. If she tried to resist him, he would show her what her place was. She was meant to be his little yellow sextoy, pleasing him with her body in whatever manner he chose. His hands could bring her pleasure if she was a good plaything for him or pain if she failed to be sufficiently obedient.
His mind showed him delightfully erotic flashes of the future. Reiko sobbing in pain as she struggled naked over his knee, held firmly in place by one hand as the other rained down an endless serious of blows onto her unprotected ass. The sharp crack of each one punctuating the sobs of pain from Reiko under she stopped struggling and began to beg for mercy as tears streamed down her face. He wouldn’t relent though, listening to her promises to please him with her body becomes more and more innovative as the pain drive her to greater lengths to find something that would please him, something that would stop the pain.
Then he would dump her extremely onto the ground. Make her knee naked before him, legs spread wide to display her hairy yellow cunt in the flickering light of the fire. Make her masturbate shamelessly for him as she repeated her vows to serve him with her body. Make her professor her undying love for big white cock in her mouth, in her yellow cunt, in her virgin asshole. Just enjoy the sight of this proud woman completely debase herself for his pleasure because he was strong and she was weak.
He would enjoy the sight for a time. Then he would take out his phone and tell her to do it again as he recorded her. She would rebel at that, maybe try to run out into the darkness. But he would be faster, stronger. He would take her over his knee again or maybe hold her by her hair as he slapped her back and forth across her face. He would tell her that she was just a yellow fucktoy made for his pleasure in a loud voice over her screams of pain. He would keep up the abuse under she went limp, no longer fighting, just accepting the pain that his hand delivered with each ring slap.
He would stand over her, recording her shame as she began again. “My name is Reiko Kataoko and I love big white cock…” Her face, red from the abuse, would shimmer with her tears of shame as she proclaimed her willingness to do any sexual device she could think of in service of his cock as her hands clawed at her pussy.
He would coach her diligently. Make her do it over and over again until she made it look convincing. Squeezing her nipples between his fingers, telling her what she had done wrong as she squealed in pain. Make her end each session looking directly into the lens, “Please let me love you long time” before moaning as if finally reaching orgasm.
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