The Former Student Ch. 08

Part 8

Sleeping was difficult that night for Martin. His mind was fixed on the fact his cock was encased in an unbreakable prison with no key. He was owed an orgasm that he was being kept from due to a Kafkaesque bureaucratic mix-up. The universe was so unfair!

He couldn’t orgasm, he couldn’t edge himself, all he could do was try not to think about sex. Which was Something he had spent years honing his mind on mastering the opposite. He had a super computer in his skull, expert at weaving the fearest stimuli into convoluted sexual fansies. And it was working overdrive tonight, gorging on a surfeit of stimulus from the days before. The sight of Reiko-sama’s ass clenching and unclenching with each step right in front of his face for hours. The feel of her perfect breasts pressing Slightly against his chest when she had hugged him impulsively, sharing in his joy at finding the key that would unlock his orgasms. She had been glad that he had reclaimed the power to cum in submission to her. She wanted him to be able to cum. She wanted him to be stroking his big cock in both hands right now as he swore his undying feelings to her beauty.

Instead he was twitching and rolling around on his covers. Hands unable to touch himself, even struggling up and down on the cold metal… which did no good at all. He just had to stop thinking about sex and get some sleep. In the morning he could figure out what he should do. There were probably lots of options he hadn’t thought about.

He ended up taking a long cold shower to calm down. If his mind was focusing on how cold he was, then it wasn’t focusing on how hot Reiko-sama was. It worked to a fashion. He had calmed down when he got out, shivering as he grabbed his towel. But his mind used that clarity to dwell on his past Missings. Remembering how he had pulled out his wallet at the restaurant, trying to play the rich professor buying a meal for the poor students. If he had just accepted the meal in good grace then the key would never have fallen out of his wallet. His humilis had been his downfall. He burned in humiliation as well, wondering at what Reiko-sama must have thought of his foolish display. To her he must have seemed like a penniless peasant acting above his station.

That thought lead his mind to spring into action, casting forth a scenario of him being a peasant who had been caught staring upon her beauty too openly. He would be dragged before her by the guards, sentenced to be whipped for his impertinence. Then Reiko-sama would decide to punish himself, ordering them to be left alone. She would wild the whip expertly, wrapping his body in agony as she retired in his pain. But then she would step to close and he would break his bonds and grab her petite body in his arms. Roughly picking off her screams he would rip her silk robes off that tempestuous body and rape her with his big cock until she began to moan in pleasure beneath him.

That did it. He got back into the shower and turned the water to the coldest temperature. Now he was horny and disgusted with himself. Please enough with the rap fansies!

All in all he didn’t get much sleep that night. Reiko-sama inadvertently made things much worse by posting a few pictures from their hiking trip on her Instagram. Looking at the picture of her standing triumphantly on the peak, wind pressing her sweat soaked shirt up tightly against her breasts, outlining them perfectly brought back how they had felt pressing up against him in the restaurant. He just could not resist her body! And that was another orgasm he was now owed. Come on universe, stop fucking around and start playing fair.

At that point he grabbed the faulty key and spent a long time trying to get it to work. Pressing and tilting it in different ways as he turned it back and forth. Hoping that if he just found the right angle the wretched cage would unlock and release him from its bondage.

The sun rose to find himsitting naked in his chair, watching Youtube videos about lock-picking as he twitched the key back and forth in the lock. There just had to be a way to get his freedom. But real life called and he had to set things aside and go about his normal routine.

Office work was boring. Too boring to keep his mind off sex unfortunately. Everywhere he looked in his office now sparked memories of Reiko-sama. Past memories of glimpses of her breasts and feet kept jumping into his mind while he tried to think of other things. But he gamely soldiered on until the end of the day.

He had some time before going to Reiko-sama’s place for their scheduled meeting so he spent it brainstorming what to do about his broken key situation. He could try to fix the key, it must have just been mangled a little bit by having a chair pressed on it. It should be possible to re-bend it back into place with a vice and some pliers. He could go to a locksmith and have it taken care properly but how embarrassing and painful would that be? He was sure that there had been poor men in his position before, whose girls had broken up with them and took the key for example. He should read the forums and find out about their experiences about going to locksmiths. Besides he should give some time for this nameless key-holder who had been assigned his cage by the bureaucratic mix-up to come to his rescue before he started to go down that path. But the thought that he did have options cheered him up a bit. Plus he was going to be spending some time with the lovely Reiko-sama which was always a joy even when his cock was caged.

The meeting was as usual. Pleasurable but also nervous rattling. He was worried that Reiko-sama might quiz him about what the mysterious key had been for but it never came up. A tiny detail like that wasn’t of any importance to her.

Reiko-sama met him at the door which was surprising to say the least. She seemed a bit contrite which was a rare emotion to see on her. She explained that there had been a mix-up with her course scheduling for the upcoming semester. A vitally important course had been switched around and now it conflicted with his course so there didn’t seem to be a way for her to take his course without severely setting back her graduation. She appreciated how much time and effort he had spent preparing her for the course and she was really sorry that she wouldn’t actually be able to take the course after all.

Martin pretended to be a bit annoyed at the news although he was secretly delighted. This would solve a lot of his issues. There would be no need to worry about Reiko-sama’s effect on him in a small class. So he could take off his cock cage and throw it away just as soon as he managed to work out the tiny problem of the key not working properly. And what was actually more important to him was that he wouldn’t need to distance himself from Reiko-sama once the term started. He had really enjoyed going hiking with her andKatherine but he knew fraternization of that kind with one of his active students would not be something he could do. It just sent too many wrong signals even if nothing untoward was happening.

Reiko-sama hastened to add that she was really interested in the subject so perhaps he could continue to tutor her in the material privately. She would be happy to compensate him for his time of course. Oh that was definitely the wrong thing to Say to someone with a dirty mind like his. It started busy constructed pay scales of sexual acts that she could do to earn his tutelage. How many hours would her used panties buy her? How about rubbing his cock to orgasm between her heavenly soles?

Luckily years of watching romcoms had prepared him for such moments and he managed to smoothly state that the joy of her presence was more than payment enough which he thought brought a hint of a blush to her face in response. But she nodded sharply in agreement, acknowledging it was his proper place to be serving her without compensation.

And serve her he did. Giving her a mini lesson as she listened. Responding to the questions she peppered him with unceasingly. She kept him there until much later this time. He was hiding his yawns behind his hand before she imperiously declared an end to the session.

He was dead-tired when he got back home. It was good to be tired, sleep was a great way to kill time until this mysterious person who could deliver him from his prison finally contacted him. His dreams were troubled though with visions of Reiko-sama dangling his key teasingly just out of reach, making him beg and do tricks like a dog for her amusement.

He awoke to the feeling of his cock straining against the cage, it wasn’t super unpleasant, more like an itch that he just couldn’t scratch. He didn’t check his phone until he got into the office. But then he saw a text from an unknown local number: “I’ve been informed that you are a rather rude man and I am your registered key-holder. Explain.”

Martin spent a good deal of time crafting his response. This was his one chance to get out of the cage and since he was relying on the kindness of a stranger it behooved him to put his best food forward.

“I’m awfully sorry to both you. I foolishly neglected to register the product under my name when I purchased it. Due to an accident the key became damaged and no longer works, meaning I am stuck in the cage permanently. When I attempted to order a replacement I discovered due to some bureaucratic mix-up the company had you listed as the registered key-holder and only you could order the replacement. If you would be so kind to do so and forward the key to myself, I would be more than happy to reimburse you for your time and expenses.”

He waited a long time for the response.

“I see. That seems unlikely to be true. I’m inclined to believe you are simply attempting to acquire a key behind your actual key-holder’s back. I suggestYou stopped playing such silly games and wasting other people’s time.”

Martin was crushed. Why didn’t anyone ever believe him? He knew his situation was unlikely but unlikely things did happen right? Why was everyone so bitter and cynical these days?

Then he had a thought. He had physical proof didn’t he. So he took a picture of the key and sent it.

“I understand that my situation is unlikely but I assure you I am telling the truth. Here is a picture of the damaged key which I would not have if it was being held by someone else. I purchased the cage purely for my own use and I am now in a rather bad position due to being unable to open the cage. I beseech you to please believe me.”

“Interesting. Maybe you are telling the truth. Why did you purchase the cage? Do you have a Chastity fetish?”

“No not at all. It is just that I am professor and it is very socially awkward to have an erection during lectures. So I purchased the cage solely to avoid social embarrassment, not for any other reason.”

“Hmmm, so an arrogant, rude university professor is actually a dirty, old man who is perving on his young students. It seems to me that your key breaking is just the universe punishing you for your perversion. I think I should just leave things the way they are.”

“Please, I haven’t done anything wrong. I can’t help the thoughts I think. It isn’t fair to leave me locked up forever. Please!”

There was no response. Martin couldn’t think of anything else so he spent the day researching how to get out of chatity cages. It was rather depressing reading for a person in his situation. Basically, the problem was that the cage was on a very delicious part of the body and was very tightly and securely attached. Even for a skilled locksmith it was a very difficult operation to remove a low quality cage, high quality ones like the one Martin had bought were almost impossible to remove. If you could find a locksmith that would even work on it… not many would even consider spending hours of time staring at your groin while they worked to extract your penis from its cage. Not to mention the only ones that seemed to be able to do it were contracted directly by the manufacturers and hence weren’t willing to do freedom work that would damage the reputation of those same manufacturers. So random men like Martin who wanted to get out of the cage were really out of luck.

Martin closed his laptop, removing the forum post detailing a stranger’s months long quest to remove a belt after he broke up with his girlfriend and she kept the keys. It listed the humiliating experience of being laughed out of the shop by multiple locksmiths before he finally gave in and begged her to take him back. Should he beg? No, he had his pride.

So he continued trying not to think about sex. It was going to be the ascetic life for him. He could wait for this stranger to come to their better senses and become more charitable. He could go a few days without playing him himself, he wasn’t a sex addict after all.

Then Reiko-sama added him to a Whatsapp channel titled Hiking and Other Adventures. She and Katherine were planning to spend the weekend climbing another mountain, including camping near the summit to see the sunset and sunrise and they wanted to know if he would be willing to come along and drive them. It appeared that he could add chauffeur to the list of jobs he was filling for Reiko-sama; after teacher and garbage disposal person. He was of course delighted and agreed to go. Spending time with two beautiful woman and climbing a mountain seemed a great way to spend a weekend.

After that his head was filled with memories of how Reiko-sama looked while she climbed mountains. Her delicate body was so agile, bouncing up and down as she went. Reiko-sama hot and sweaty in the direct sunlight, cooling herself with the mountain breeze. He wondered how she would look after two days of hiking and camping without showering. Sweaty, dirty, sexy, irresistible.

His cock was erect and pressing firmly against its cage. It wanted out, it wanted to have sexy time while thinking of Reiko-sama and it didn’t really care about something silly like pride. Pride was a small price to pay for getting free.

So he sent another message.

“I’m so sorry to both you but I’m begging you to reconsider. It isn’t safe to be locked up for too long. Could you please consider having mercy on this poor man? I swear I’m not as bad as you think. I was just trying to prevent anything bad from happening which started this unfortunate series of events. Please be kind to me.”

He didn’t like begging. It felt wrong. Especially since he wasn’t begging Reiko-sama. That felt natural since she was so much superior to him that of course he should beg and plead when he speak with her but doing it with some other strange woman felt awful.

Bu apparently begging worked because he soon received another message.

“Well I suppose since you ask so nicely. I can perhaps meet with you to let you out of the cage to check that there aren’t any medical issues. However you must agree that you accept me acting as your key-holder and that I will arrange the meeting to protect my safety. All I know about you is that you are a sex-crazed man after all.”

Well begging partially worked he guessed. It wasn’t the oh ok, I’ll mail you the key he was hoping for but perhaps in person he could be more persuasive. She seemed to be a bit gullible to swallow the ‘health’ reason after all. And besides once he was out of the cage then he just wouldn’t let her put it back on. Either way it didn’t seem like he could lose.

“Thank you so much. I assume you that I am not as bad as you think. I’m just in a bad situation and not acting my best. Please let me know when we can meet and I agree with whatever measures you think are necessary to ensure your safety.”

The prospect of his freedom so tantalizingly close made the waiting even harder. His thoughts were fixed on his caged cock, imagining what he would do once he was free. He would spend the entire day naked in bed, his cock bare to the world, covered only by his hands stroking it to orgasm over and over again until his balls were drained into numerous tissues. He would star at pictures of Reiko-sama to his hearts content and give in to all his dirty fansies about worshipping her.

He slept fitfully, overly realistic dreams of him sexually serving his goddess interspersed with periods of wakefulness. At times he caught himself struggling the cage around his cock, forgetting that his pleasure had been forbidden from him. The sharp contrast between his dreams and reality made the cold prison encasing him all the more harsh.

His wait was thankfully short however. Mid morning When he was in his office, being rather unproductive which was unfortunately his new norm he received a text from his ‘key-holder’.

“The service you paid for is very quick. Be at this address at 2pm today or you will never see this again.”

Attached was a picture of a key held by a delicate hand. He quickly verified that the serial code on the key matched the one he had. So she could release him from his cage, his nightmare was going to end soon.

He sent a quick thank you. Affirming that he would be at the appointment.

He tried to discern as much as he could from the picture. It was obviously a feminine hand. He suddenly realized how lucky he was that his key hadn’t ended up in the hands of a man…. definitely something not to think about. He thought the skin-tone was tinged slightly yellow suggesting an Asian woman but it was difficult to tell and it might have just been due to the white-balance on the camera. It was definitely the hand of a lady, unmarred by any signs of physical labour, nails neatly trimmed.

His treacherous mind was already imagining a beautiful Japanese woman, dressed in latexand high heels holding his key. It definitely inserted Reiko-sama into the role. Martin told. He only wished that Reiko-sama held his key. He wanted to serve her. But cruel fate means that someone else had his key and this wasn’t going to be about sex or his fansies. He was just going to be there to get out of this cage and then take a long break from anything to do with dominate women locking his cock up. He had decided he much rather have a free-range cock.

He checked the address and found it was a local, rather fancy hotel. Which made sense… they couldn’t really meet in public if there was going to be any chance that the lady would remove his cock cage and at a hotel there would be security in the area which would help relieve the concerns of the other person. She was going to be meeting with a man who for all she knew was some oversexed pervert who had been unable to jerk off for a while and might be truly sex crazy.

Therefore, he would be on his best behaviour,a complete gentleman. He would show her that those were just misconceptions and he would charm her into giving him the key. That was all this was going to be about. No room for sexual fans of an Asian dominatrix in his head today.

He left early to make sure to get to the hotel with plenty of time to spare. He didn’t want to start things off on the wrong foot by being late. But first he went home to shower and shake and change into a suit that was a bit more stylish. Being charming started with being a good dresser.

The hotel turned out to be really fancy. Martin had to talk his way past the doorman, explaining he was there to meet a guest. He was glad he had taken some care with his appearance. From the quick up and down the man gave him before letting him into the lobby he realized he might not have gotten in if he didn’t look like he belonged in such a place.

He killed some time sitting in a comfy chair in the lobby. He kept his eyes open for any beautiful Asian woman but there were none to be found. She was probably already in the room, waiting for him to make his appearance.

So at about 10 minutes before 2pm he went up to the receptionist. He said he was there for a meeting with the guest in Room 901, expecting them to contact the guest to let them know he was there before escorting him up. The pretty receptionist smiled at him and said a key had been left for him.


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