The Flexibility of Bamboo

To enter Raion’s house it was necessary to skirt the very formal karesansui He had personally laid out some few years previously. The very carefully raked crushed granite sand was always impeccable and of the many services Sakura undertook the upkeep of the garden was her favorite. She found the task of creating the rippling waves surrounding the three islands gave a feeling of overwhelming tranquility and the very action of physical labor a satisfaction that was almost immeasurable. The islands were unusual in that rather than being the common large and esthetically pleasing granite boulders they were instead singular constructions of bamboo interlaced with hemp rope. She had contemplated their design and purpose over many hours of raking but had never found the appropriate moment or bravery to ask Him for some elucidation. Her timing was not feigned as was Often the case with other maiko, Sakura truly felt overawed in the presence of her Daimyo and would only interpose when absolutely necessary for His own comfort or need.

Sakura paused for a moment before kneeing to open the shoji leading to His main work room. The spring sun felt good or her face and the first buds of the cherry trees had begun to show a touch of green against the silvery bark. She watched the shimmer of the granite sand as it seemed to dance in the bright light and allowed the joy that being near Him bought sink into her being. She saw the mark He had left in the gardens surface that morning and smiled. The lesson had been about wabi-sabi, the impossible transience of perfection but the constant need to strive endlessly for its accomplishment. Each day she would spend many hours making the surface impossible, then He would admire momentarily before drawing the point of His shinai across the surface in the appropriate form of the principles twin characters.

Raion felt the air move gently across His skin as Sakura opened the sliding door. He was seated seiza in front of the lowdesk He found the most esthetically pleasing whilst drawing. Momentarily distracted He stopped mid line, something absolutely forbidden and fight for calm as the obvious pause in motion spoilt a piece that had to then been almost acceptable. His eyes moved across the expansion of bare wall in front of Him till they settled on the only picture He allowed to break the stark conformity. His father had been a great calligrapher. A stern cruel man who had talent beyond any that Raion could ever hope to attain but with flaw in character that would never permit him to break from the tradition that held his imagination prisoner. Raion felt the ghost of the ever present bamboo cane splinter across His back as the error in His penmanship deserved.

Sakura accepted His apparently oblivion to her arrival with thanks. She considered her very presence in the work room as a great privilege and would easily accept that gift joyfully without any expectation of further attention. She sat silentlyat her work table and carefully straightened her kimono so should He honor her with a glance she might be pleasing to His eye. The table was exactly as she had left it, each twig and each pebble in its place, even the large earthenware dish that was to be her base sat in the exact same spot. As always there was no dust. Sakura had become accustomed to this anomaly as she had the myriad of other small things that made her life easier without any other possible explanation beyond Raion’s all-embracing protection and care.

Two hours passed in silent concentration. Sakura had positioned and repositioned the longer of the twigs He had chosen numerous times before finally feeling the connection she sought between the earth, represented by the oval dish and the sky above her. She had begun to place the pebbles gathered from the stream just outside the sukiya-zukuri style residences bamboo screened grounds. Her inspiration came from the gardens that surrounded the Shinto shrine at the very edge of her village and the conflict that Raion often sat and meditated there was not insignificant.

“You are searching for your feelings.”

She had no warning and was unable to suppress a tiny started cry.

“I am sorry. I had not realized you were so deeply engrossed in your thoughts.”

Sakura was at once touched by the geneuine and deep concern in His voice and dropped her chin shamefully.

“No, no, please it was My fault entirely. Please forgive Me.”

Sakura was shaken. His apology was totally unexpected and to her mind completely unnecessary. She had allowed her mind to lose sight of Him momentarily and was mortified He should feel in any way responsible. Taking a deep breath and overcoming her fear she pivoted on her knees and placed her forehead between His tabi swathed feet her arms extended forward palms pressed flat in total submissive za-rei.

Raion felt her pain, her sorrow, her disgrace. She had failed in His service and now was humbled and without hope. Now He must turn a failure into a success, pluck enablement from despair. He glanced back at the portrait of His father and nodded His head in acknowledgement of His great teacher. Raion drew the tessen He always carried thrust in His kaku obi and dipping slightly rapped Sakura sharply on the crown of her head. The iron ribs made a ringing sound as they struck her metal kanzashi cob. Sakura reacted by ko-towing even lower. Raion slipped the fan under her chin and forcing up her head slapped the folded length hard against her left cheek. This time she did not move but remained head upright eyes firmly on the floor. Disgrace was dispersed, discipline reasserted and now all she needed to be used savagely. As if in heavenly harmony rain started beating heavily against the wood tiled roof and Raion had a vision that was quite breathtaking.

“Stand up, remove all your clothes then go outside and rake the Zen garden. I wish you to include a winding pathway from the edge nearest this doorway to the crossed bamboo poles in the central island. You have one hour.”

Without a word or averting her eyes from the floor Sakura stripped, laid her clothes nearby on the floor besides her worktable, knelt to open the sliding panel and crawled on all fours into the torrential rain.

“Leave the panel open. I may be inclined to watch.”

Sakura was soaked in a moment. The spring rains were heavy, frighteningly heavy and could last for days. Retrieving the rake from the small storage area screened from the main garden she took the opportunity to remove her very valuable kanzashi hair comb set and placed it under what little cover there was. She fully understand that her makeup would soon be streaking her face like war paint but at least took a moment to run her fingers through her thick long locks before they matted totally under the continuous soaking. Luckily she had stood under enough icy mountain water falls to not be bothered by the coldnessof the rain but naturally felt her nipples very hard and surprisingly her labia lips and cliporis too.

She started the raking by making precision circles around each of the islands. Extending the rotating waves until ones touched twos and twos touched threes. She had become proficient at the operation and was very pleased at the way the circles kissed at exactly the correct distance to ensure fluidity in the design.

The first few times she had groomed the garden she had encircled the main area in one complete rotation but experience had shown her that two adjoining circles forming a large figure eight converging on the central island was far more esthetically pleasing. The rain didn’t interfere with her to any great degree. The crushed granite had all the appearance of sand but didn’t have the same drawback of forming into a porridge when wet. The rain actually soaked Through as opposed to being absorbed and held so her task was far less tedious than she had feared. Finally she came to the pathway He had ordained and starting from the edge she carefully walked in the winding route the path would follow. She had settled on three rake widths as ideal and was but a few moments completing her task.

Quickly casting her eye over her accomplishment it occurred to her than in the depths of her concentration she had become total detached and hadn’t once felt the necessity to try and spy if she was being overlooked. Deciding the garden was to a point that was to her best ability she turned to report her completion to find Him standing but a few feet away. He was looking past her, into the center of the concentratedric circles with that bright fire that came into His eyes when reality and imagination were fused and about to spring to action. Taking the rake from her hands He walked past her and into the sand.

“Walk in My footfall Sakura, then there will be but one set of impressions to remove.”

She followed His meandering path to the center and waited inHis penultimate prints whilst He took a moments consideration. The bamboo cross had a series of flagstaffs set around it. Two large ones front and back and smaller stepping stones circulation right and left to join them. He carefully traversed to the right hand side and stood facing her astride the back flag.

“Please follow My instructions with your usual care. I would like you to sit seiza on the large flagstaff immediately in front of you facing Me.”

Passing through the final two footprints Sakura carefully stepped forward onto the flagstaff and in the usual female fashion lowered herself with both knees simultaneously to the flat smooth surface. The crossed thick bamboo poles were some two foot in front of her and intersected at about the height of her belly button from the ground.

“Slowly lean forward and place your chin into the ‘V’ created by the poles. You will have to make small adjustments forward of back. Please only touch the flagstaff or the bamboo.”

Sakura followed His directions very carefully and found with just the slightest forward motion of her knees she was able to accomplish the required position quite easily.

“Please, without altering the distances you have now set please return to seiza.”

Sakura again followed His instructions exactly but was still lost as to the purpose of the exercise beyond a purely disciplinary action which was so unlike His usual practice.

Raion reached into His kimono and withdraw three coils of silk rope that exactly matched the type He had utilized to bind the crossed poles. Consistency was a vital element of flow and color variation took the eye away from the important interrelationships. He carefully moved around the stepping stones to stand directly behind her.

“I will first bind your legs. Please place your toes against the flagstaff as opposed to your introduction. You will need to sit in upright moment.”

Taking one of the shorter lengths of rope He started with a verysimple bowline around the right ankle, proceeding to wrap the thigh and shin in three turns of cord before loosely tying off with a simple slip knot. He repeated the same procedure with the left limb using the second shorter length. The excess from each length He then passed through the loops created by the two bowlines and using vine binding created an aesthetically pleasing appearance that set the ankles some six inches apart.

“You may return to a regular seiza now.”

Sakura returned her insteps to the floor and enjoyed the burn as her thighs and calves expanded and the rope binding bit into her flesh. She felt her vagina moisten and the hardness of her nipples and cliporis had little to do with the rains temperature any more.

“Please place your arms behind your back in position for the box tie.”

Sakura liked this binding. Anything that allowed her to show her pert breasts to their best was eventually desirable. She liked the musky smell He developed at such moments and especially enjoyed the manual attention that usually followed.

Raion enjoyed the box tie equally. The binding allowed a degree of adaptation that means He could integrate other ideas very simply. Today His intention was to incorporate a form of pentagram to create an interesting dimension. Sakuras position was excellent, she had learned the exact place to grip her forearms for maximum ease of access and minimum need for adjustment. The length of rope was very substantial and allowed an unusually adequate number of slip knots as the pattern evolved. For a final flourish and simply because of the amount of slack Raion passed and loop across her breasts capturing the nipples in-between the twin strands. It was something He seldom did, considering it flashy and with little real value either artistically or erotically but was pleasantly rewarded by Sakura’s obvious approval of the addition.

Having tied off the last slip knot Raion stepped carefully from stone to stone toComplete a full circle momentarily pausing at each new angle to inspect His work. Having found Himself surprisingly satisfied He positioned Himself at the girls left side.

“I want you to relax now Sakura and allow your trust in Me to be your strength.”

Raion gripped the vine wraps between her ankles in His right hand and placed His left hand in support under her chest. Lifting His right hand He slowly raised her so only her knees were in contact with the flagstaff and her chin slide into the crook of the bamboo cross. Slowly removing pressure from His hands He was happy to find the balance was ideal with her weight evenly divided between knees and upper neck.

“Quite beautifully done Sakura. You deserve a reward.”

His hand snaked into the confines of His now rain soaked kimono and retrieved a pair of silver and gold geisha balls. He licked them slowly then reaching down and between her thighs slide them snugly into her vagina canal.

“Enjoy the spring rain Sakura. We shall soon have nothing but parching sun.”

Picking up the rake He slowly retraced their winding steps back to the edge carefully obliterating any trace of disorder from the pattern of waves. He stood momentarily staring across the expansion of perfectly groomed sand at her bound and balanced body seemed magically lowered from the heavens like some celestial gift. Smiling contentedly He reversed the rake and using the end of the handle drew the two characters into the sand.

“Nothing should be perfect until our deaths or what have we to struggle for.”


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