The Fishing Trip

The Submission of Susan

The fishing Trip

It is a lovely summer Saturday morning and I am down in the kitchen making breakfast for both Master and me. We don’t get a lot of time together during the week as we both work full time so generally Master likes us both to do something together at the weekends and with the weather being so good, I am sure he will have some plans for today.

He arrives in the kitchen and I serve us both a cooked breakfast before sitting down opposite him at the kitchen table.

“What a beautiful day Susan,” he says. “It’s perfect for the fishing trip down at the river.”

“Oh Master, your planning on going fishing today then?” I say a little surprised.

“Not I, Susan. We,” he says looking at me. “I’m taking you with me and of course Jason.”

I am immediately alert. Not just by the fact that it seems he is dragging me along fishing but he will be bringing Jason along as well. Jason is a youth that lives down the street from us and for those of you that do not know, my Master has allowed Jason once to dominate me at work. They have both become close fishing buddies and often Master takes Jason with him. Jason unfortunately is fixed on me and the fact that I am a submissive and on two previous occasions my Master has allowed Jason to indulge his fansies with me. What makes it worse is that I think my Master actively encourages Jason and uses the kid as a way of pushing my boundaries.

“Oh Master,” I whine. “Do I have to come especially as you will have Jason with you?” I am desperate not to go fishing, especially with bloody Jason.

“Yes, you do Susan. It will be fun and it’s a lovely day,” he replies.

“But I don’t want to go Master. Jason will be eyeing me the whole time and last time at work you even let him spank me.” I am desperate not to have to go and it seems I am even heading towards a mini hissy fit which is never a good idea when around my Master.

“You’re going and that’s all there is to it,” Master replies. “Now get upstairs, get changed, and be ready in 15 minutes,” he commands.

I get up slamming the chair under the table before turning and still grumbling and swearing under my breath head up to our bedroom. Entering the bedroom I look at the clothes laid out for me. Oh Great!! I have to wear the bloody cutoff jean shorts that go halfway up my backside. I also see a half-length T-shirt that will barely cover my breasts and no bra so clearly Master is dressing me provocatively for this outing.

By the time I am dressed and back downstairs I am seriously not happy. Instead of a nice day out with Master, I am now going to have to endure Jason, and Knowing Master, this will not be a simple case of just fishing. I am standing slowly by the front door waiting for Master who is doing something in our front room.

Eventually, he appearss with a small rucksack and ushers me outside telling me to sit in the back of the car. As I am getting in I see Jason running up the road fishing rod in hand and a small rucksack on his back. Trying to avoid him I quickly get into the car and slam the door hard causing my Master to give me a very hard star.

The two of them chat for a few minutes before they both climb into the car. Jason turns around looking at me.

“Hi Susan, it’s so great that you wanted to come fishing with us. We normally have a great time.”

I choose not to say anything and look out the window however my Master is having none of that.

“Say hi to Jason Susan,” he commands.

“Hi,” is all I manage to muster.

This is clearly not what Master wants and turning to me he says ” Say hi properly to Master Jason and if you don’t start behaving and being civil there are going to be consequences.”

Now any sane submissive would consider this to be a warning that should not be ignored butNot dear old Susan. I am so pissed that I have to share my Master with this youth today and it is causing my old attitude to make an appearance.

“Master, I don’t want to go fishing, and certainly not with Jason,” is all I manage to say.

“You’re going and that’s final,” Master replies. He then turns to Jason. “Please excuse Susan Jason. She is not normally like this but I will sort it out later.”

I don’t know what Master means by ‘sort it out later’ but I sit back hard in my seat, cross my arms, and stare out of the window. For the entire journey to the river, I say nothing just listening to the two of them drone on about bloody fishing.

It takes us about two hours to get to this famous fishing spot and although I am still in a mood, I do have to admit it is very pretty. There is a small river running through what looks like a little wooded glade. The sun is shining, twinkling down through the trees and dancing across the river surface.

We all get out of the car with me trying to pull the cut-offs lower with little success.

“Wow Susan,” Jason says. “You look real pretty in those shorts and T-shirt.”

I guess it’s a pretty innocent remark but I’m still in a mood so I reply “Yeah well that’s all your gonna see so make the most of it”.

Unfortunately Master has overheard this remark and I get a blast of his firey temperature, “SUSAN, will you behave and, because of that remark it won’t be all Jason gets to see today!!”

Oh Great. I think I might just have put my foot right in it. From the sudden smile that appears on Jason’s face he also knows that from what Master has just said, he might be getting to see a little more of Susan than I might have wanted.

Master then walks up to me and whispers in my ear. “This was going to be a nice day out fishing but you seemed determined to turn it into a miserable day so now I am going to be happy to oblige you.”

Shit!! What the hell have I gone and done? It seemed it was goingg to be just an innocent fishing trip after all but now because of me and my big mouth, Masters plans were changing!! Over the last two years, Master has completely transformed me from the bratty girl I was into what I consider myself to be now: – a polite civil woman who considers others feels as well as her own. Clearly, the bratty girl is still there deep down inside me and today I have let her escape!

I follow sully behind the two of them as they head towards their favourite fishing spot. I don’t know what Master will have in mind for me now but I know it won’t be good. Eventually, we arrive and they begin setting things up which seems to include a small tent where most things that are not immediately going to be used are stored. All I can do is stand there and watch but Master turns to me and tells me to make myself useful and go find a nice whippy stick in the woods.

I turn and head into the light undergrowth looking for this stick. I guess the stick might be someth to do with fishing but I am not entirely stupid and think it will have more to do with my bottom. Guess what? I’m not wrong!

By the time I return with said stick, it seems all is set up and there are two rods with lines going into the river. Master and Jason are sitting on stools chatting to each other and both look up as I return handing Master the stick.

Taking the stick from me Master turns to Jason. “I am so sorry about this Jason. It wasn’t planned but unfortunately, I need to discuss Susan for her attitude today. I know you are aware she is my submissive and that you have spanked her yourself but for today’s attitude I need to address it immediately before it gets out of hand.”

Jason looks at me before turning back to Master. ” No, go right ahead, Jon. Do you need me to leave while you sort her out?”

“Oh no, no need for that. You’ve seen her naked before and frankly part of what she is about to get is because of her attitude to you so it’s onlyright you should be present for her correction.”

Turning back to me he tells me to face Jason, remove my shorts and panties and bend over holding my ankles. Sighing I unbutton my shorts and drag them down my legs before stepping out of them. Standing there facing Master I am reminded that the panties also need to come off and with a sight, I pull down and step out of my thong now giving Jason a grandstand view of my naked front. Frankly, I am more concerned with the switch in Master’s hands than anything Jason might see.

There is then some excitement as Master appears to have caught a fish so I am left standing naked on the side of the riverbank while they land this fish but it is not long before attention is back on me.

“As you know Jason, normally I require Susan to be plugged for a spanking but frankly I wasn’t expecting to be needed to spank her on our fishing trip so I haven’t brought anything with me. That said I will make dam sure that mistake is corrected whenwe get back”.

This statement makes me feel even more miserable. It seems there was nothing contributed about this trip and it is just my own stupid fault and attitude that has got me in this situation.

“Ok Susan,” Master says. “Spread your legs, bend over and grab your ankles.”

I do as instructed moving my feet further apart, my head now only a couple of feet away from Jason, with my hair cascading down over my face. I hear the first swish before the switch connects hard with my bottom and I let out an involuntary scream.

“Apologise to Jason for your behavior today,” Master commands me.

“I’m sorry Jason,” I blur out before I hear the swish and feel the second smack connect with my bottom.

“Apogise properly Susan,”

Squeezing my eyes tightly closed and trying in my head to dissipate the pain emanating from my bottom I cry out “I am so sorry Master Jason”. Again the switch lands hard on my backside and I scream out.

“Will it be happening again, Susan?”

” No Master,” I cry. “It will never happen again.” I am crying now from the pain and fire emanating from my rear.

Recent the switch descends across my bottom and more pain erupts across my now burning bottom.

“And as a way of saying sorry to Jason, what do you think he should do to you today?”

I don’t even get a chance to answer before the switch is again delivered to my bottom. I know I can’t take much more of this and scream out “Anything he wants Master, anything he wants!!”

Once more the switch descends on my poor bottom and again I am forced to scream out in pain and shock.

“And are you going to be a good girl for the rest of the day Susan?”

“Yes Master I promise,” I tearfully cry out. I am desperately hoping that Master is satisfied with that answer. I know I can’t take many more smokes with that switch.

“Good. Now stand up,” he commands.

I very slowly begin to raise putting my hands between my legs hopefully protecting my modesty a little from Jason’s gaze. Master gestures to a point directly between his and Jason’s chair. “Sit there and adopt the nadu position and get a move on.”

I glance at Master and Jason before anxious to where Master has pointed before dropping down and sitting painfully back on my lower legs and resting my upturned hands on my thighs. Master gruffly tells me to spread my legs further apart and I immediately do as instructed.

I am now conscious of the fact that I am sitting half naked on the river bank spread wide open and know that Jason is getting a good eyeful of my intimate area and there is nothing I can do about it. I am also enduring the pain of having to sit back on a thoroughly spanked bottom and can’t even touch it. I know there are going to be five nice welts running directly across it.

I sit there staring forward listening to their conversation as they wait for the fish to bite. Eventually, the conversation got round to the day Jason dominated me at work and Master asked how that went. Jason said it was interesting and he learned a lot but as promised since that day he had only treated Susan with the respect and authority she had as a teacher. He then went on to say that he had been forced to correct her on something and was surprised that she only gets five spanks when she is distributed. He felt that seemed quite lenient but he restrained himself and keep her spanking down to those five.

I obviously cringe when I hear him tell my Master that. Of course, what I had told Jason was a downright lie. Master normally never stopped below fifty smacks and that was on a good day. Now Master knew I had deceived Jason to avoid a proper spanking so no doubt that would get addressed at some point.

They then got onto the topic of girlfriends and Master asked Jason how he was getting on in that department. Jason explained that he now had a very nice girlfriend but was still having some trouble taking it to the next level.

“Maybe you just need a little practice Jason to boost your confidence,” Master tells him.

“I have an idea.”

Turning and looking down at me he asks me how I said I would repay Jason for being so bitchy to him this morning. I look woefully up at my Master and know exactly what I said in the heat of the spanking I was getting.

In a very quiet voice, I say “I told Master Jason he could do whatever he wanted with me, Master.”

Clearly Master intends for me to pay dearly for my earlier attitude and in a way I can’t say I blow him. Even I am disappointed with myself. That said it was going to be yet again difficult with Jason. I have no idea what Master has in mind but I am sure it will again be another test.

“Well then Jason, That’s settled. It seems Susan is quite happy to help you get a little intimate practice with a female. Why don’t you take her into the tent and have a little play with her? No sex though Jason but other than that it seems as Susan hasalready said, she is quite happy for you to do what you want. Oh and by the way. I have her vibrator in my backpack. I was going to have a little intimate moment with her myself today but you might as well use it.”

That last comment makes me feel even lower in my self-esteem. Not only am I now to be Jason’s play toy but Master had planned something intimate with me today and I have blown that.

“Well Jon, if you don’t mind me practicing with Susan then I would love to. She has a beautiful body.”

“No Problem Jason. Go have some fun with her but no sex mind. One suggestion. Bring her close to an orgasm but don’t let her cum until you want her to. She needs the practice so you will be helping me out. And if she gives you any trouble let me know and I will deal with it.”                 

I am listening to this conversation with a sinking heart. It is clear that Master is happy to allow me to be Jason’s sexual play toy and it is obvious that if I do anything to upset Jason Master will be even more pissed off than he is right now. I cannot afford that to happen.

“Ok well then Susan since you’re happy to help me and Jon doesn’t mind I suggest you get that pretty little bottom of yours in that tent,” Jason says.

Of course, I am far from happy to ‘help’ Jason but I know I have no choice and standing dejectedly I glance quickly at my Master Before going towards the tent, dropping down and crawling in knowing Jason will be getting a good eyeful. I lay down on my back with feet pointing towards the tent opening, legs closed and hands hiding my intimate area and watch as Jason comes crawling in before he settles himself kneeing next to me.

” This is great Susan. Real nice of you to offer to let me do what I want with you,” he grins at me. “Oh and don’t forget to call me Sir, I like the sound of that coming from you!”

“Yes Sir,” I say looking at him. Yet again Jason has somehow managed to get the better of me.

“Let’s get that T-shirt off shall we,” he says and reaching down grabbing the sides of the shirt. I am forced to lift my arms as he pulls the shirt over my head, leaving me now totally naked.

“You have such cute breasts, Susan,” he says as his hands go to my breasts and he starts mauling them. He plays with them pulling and squeezing them together and pulling at my pierced nipples. I just lay there, eyes tightly shut with my hands back down covering my Vulva

It is not long however before he has got bored and wants to get down to the more interesting part of my anatomy and orders me to remove my hands and spread my legs. I reluctantly take my hands away but don’t open myself at all. He looks down at me before saying that unless I behave, he will tell Jon. I sight and knowing I have little choice I spread myself open wide giving him full access to anything he wants.

At first, he contents himself by running fingers up and down my thighs and across my closed lips but knowing he can do what heWants with me it’s not long before a finger slips into me making me gasp. He plays inside me for a while introducing a further two fingers and I can feel myself getting slowly more moist. Regardless of what I think of Jason, my vulva doesn’t care who is messing me when it comes to being turned on.

“What was it that Master said I could do with you, Susan?”

“He said you could play with me Sir,” I meekly says as I continue to feel his fingers slowly fucking me.

“No, he said more than that. Something about cuming!”

Of course, I know exactly what he said and it is obvious Jason is going to make me say it. “He said you should get me close to a climax but that I wasn’t to cum until you wanted me to Sir.”

“That’s right Susan. Well done. I don’t think I have ever seen you cum have I, Susan?”

“No Master you haven’t,” I say thank God although I doubt God is going to save me from that today.

He is now happy playing with my vulva as I lay there spread opento him. The time he had with me at work was nowhere near as intimate as his current playing appeared to be.

“What’s the best way to get you to cum?” he asks me still deep inside me with his fingers. I am not sure but I think he has all four fingers inside me now. Whilst I desperately don’t want to, I cannot help but get turned on by this finger invasion inside me.

“Normally a girl likes her cliporis played with Sir I say in a very quiet timing voice.”

“Didn’t your Master says something about a vibrator Susan,”

Oh jeez. He’s remembered the bloody vibrator. He’s going to use that on me.

“Master said he had brought my vibrator in the rucksack Sir.” I am absolutely dreading knowing what’s about to happen.

“Oh that’s right Susan, thank you.” Then extricating himself from my intimate area he grabs the rucksack and hunts for the vibrator. This gives me another thing to worry about. Master clearly told him to make sure I didn’t cum until he wanted me to and the vibrator is something I have a hard time dealing with.

He finds the vibrator and turning back to me, he waves it in front of my face saying he is sure I will enjoy this. I look at him and the vibrator with nervousness and dread.

“Right Susan, let Sir see that cute little pussy hole please.”

I have no choice but to reach down, grapp my labia rings and spread myself wide open Knowing what’s coming next. Jason does not disappoint and I feel the vibrator being rested directly onto my cliporis. I just can’t help myself and moaning I push up against the vibrator. He keeps it pushed down on me and it’s driving me crazy. He then decides it should be inside me and finding my hole I feel is sliding deep into me. He then sits up and letting go of the vibrator he again goes back to my breasts with one hand while playing with my cliporis with his other hand.

With the vibrator hard at work and the constant massaging of my cliporis, it is not long before I am squirming andtrying hard to contain myself.

“Please Master may I cum?” I ask.

He looks at me before smiling as he sadistically reach between my legs and I feel the vibrator increase its intensity.

“Please please Master may I cum?” I ask again, a level of desperation now in my begging.

“No,” is his only reply.


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