It had been months that she had been talking with her “Master” online. Now they were finally going to meet. They had met once before, for a safe and very public lunch, but this was different. This time she knew that she would not be able to call the shots. The lunch was for her benefit. To help her to feel more comfortable and allow her to be sure she was ready to take the next step. And now it was here. Her pulse raced as the memory of the things he had said to her played back in her mind. How he would treat her, use her, make her beg . . she swallowed hard and tried not to think about it. No sense getting herself worked up already.
As she pulled into the movie, she licked her lips, took a deep breath and went in to secure their room for the afternoon/evening. He would be arrived in about an hour and she still needed to get ready. She went up into the room and, per his instructions, changed into her black garterbelt and stockings, corset and short black skirt. Her dark hair hung long down her back and over her shoulders. She affixed a thin leather collar around her neck and put on some silver hoop earnings. That was the only jewelry she wore. If he wanted to affix additional adornments that was his decision. She slipped into her black leather pumps and put on her black leather jacket to cover her corset. Time to go pick him up at the station. He had told her what to be wearing when she met him an she would not disappoint him.
As she drove to the train station, she felt her hands starting smoking on the steering wheel. “I can’t believe I’m doing this” she thinks and chuckles to herself. As she pulls in front of the station she sees him waiting for her and she grosses. He wasn’t supposed to be waiting for her, she was supposed to be waiting for him . . now she just hopes that since this is their first “real” meeting he won’t hold it against her. She smiles as he opens the door and gets in. He looks at her, his blue eyes intensity . . . so intensity thatshe has to drop her gaze and look away.
“Hello, my pet” he says in the soft soothing voice that she remembers so fondly from the many telephone conversations they’ve had.
“Hello, Master” she responds softly, her voice slightly quivering.
He reaches out his hand and turn her head gently to him and lifts her chin indicating she should look at him. Shyly she raises her eyes and sees that slightly lopsided devilish grin that has haunted her memory since their first meeting . . .
“You look lovely, my sweet pet.” he says and leans over and kisses her. “Let’s get going or else I will end up having you right here in the parking lot”
She gasps, stammers out a “Yes, Master” and heads her car towards the motel, while he chuckles at how easily she is flustered.
The music helps fill the silence as he lets her anticipation build and they arrive back at the hotel in a few minutes. As they walk up to the room, she feels her pulse race, knowing that this is it . . .no more speculation or wondering. Now she would be his in reality. As she steps into the room, she takes a deep breath. She hears the door close behind her and turns around to see him leaning against the closed and locked door looking at her, his long blonde hair caught at his neck in a ponytail, his eyes staring at her with a questioning look. She knows he is waiting for something from her, but she doesn’t know what. She looks at the floor, and then at him . . . finally she finds her voice and asks “Master, please . . . I don’t know what to do”
Again he smiles at her in that maddening way and tells her that perhaps she should take off her jacket. She blushes slightly and quickly take off the jacket and lays it over a chair. As he looks her up and down he slowly begins to advance towards her. She Instinctually begins to back up as he gets closer. Slowly he stalks towards her, advancing as she retreats, his gaze locked on her wide opened eyes. Finally she backs into the wall andhas no where else to go. He puts his hands on either side of her, trapping her against the wall as he looks down at her. He can hear her gasping breath and he brings one hand to her cheek, slowly running his finger along her jawline. He feels her shiver at his touch and brings his lips to her as he begins to kiss her deeply and passwordately. His tongue gently begins probing her mouth and he feels her groan in her throat as she lets him into her mouth. His other hand slides along her shoulder, and up her neck, his fingers sliding into her hair. He suddenly closes his fist in her hair and pulls his mouth away from hers. He steps back drawing her with him by the hair to the center of the room “Kneel, slave” he says. There is no room for negotiation, and she feels his hand pulling her down by her hair even as she drops down to her knees. He Releases her hair and she lowers her head, her hands clenched in front of her. She hears him walk back to the table where he placed the bag he had been carrying.
From the bag he removes the black leather wrist and ankle cuffs that she had sent him as a gift as well as the chains that he said he would be using to restrain her, she heard them clinking as he pulled them out of the bag and she felt the shirts of anticipation.
Suddenly he was standing in front of her. “Head to the floor, slave, arms extended” She quickly complies and he fastens the cuffs around her wrists. They are stiff and new, but not uncomfortable. Then he affixes small gold padlocks locking the cuffs to her wrist. She didn’t think he had noticed that they didn’t just buckle, but were able to lock.. He moves behind her and fastens and locks the cuffs to her ankles as well.
“Stand up, hands behind your head, legs apart”. Quickly she gets to her feet, laces her fingers behind her head which thrusts her breasts against the top of her corset and she moves her feet apart.
“Mmmm, are you ready, my pet?” he asks teasingly.
“Y-yes” she stammers. “Yes, WHAT” he barks.
”Yes, Master!!” she cries out realizing her mistake and bites her lip, closing her eyes in shame at that delay. She know better.
”I believe I need to show you your place after all, slave. You forget yourself too often. Also, I believe I had mentioned a while ago that you had earned yourself a real spanking for saying no to me. Do you remember that, my pet? I know you thought I forgot.”
She groans auditorally because she HAD thought he had forgotten. In fact, she had been careful not to mention it for so long. She remembered that he had to remind her that “no” was not an option, that was what her safewords were for, but she kept forgetting that and he had told her that she was due a lesson.
He sits on the bed and indicate that she should lay over his lap. She quickly complies, knowing it will be worse for her if she hesitates.
“Now, I want you to count out each strike and then say Thank you, understand, slave?”
“Yes, Master, I understand” she replies in a soft and quavering voice. She feels him lift her skirt to her waist revealing her ass, the thong she is wearing offering no protection. She feels him gently rub her cheeks before the first blow falls. It is a surprise in that it stings enough to cause her to draw in her breath .. This is not a lovers game, this is a real spanking! “One, thank you Master” she gasps out just before the second blow falls on the other chef, “OH! Two, thank you Master” . . the tears begin to gather in her eyes as he continues to spank first one chef then the other, “Nine, thank you Master” . . . “Ten, thank you Master” . . . the tears run down her chefs and she continues to count off . . “Fourteen, thank you Master” . . “Fifteen, thank you Master” still he continues to reign blows down on her reddening ass . . “Ah, Twenty, thank you Master” . . “Twenty-one, thank you Master” . . . “please, Master, have mercy . . . I am sorry I disappointed you . . . I will do better”she sobs as another blow falls.
“You didn’t count, don’t make me start over, my pet”
“Twenty-five, thank you Master!!!”
He chuckles and brings his hand down five more times for an even thirty as she counts them out. She is softly sobbing when he is done and he gently cares her flaming hot ass as she lays over his lap.
“I’m sorry you made me do that. . . let me see if you enjoyed it at all.” He slides his hand up the inside of her leg and hooks his finger in her thong, pulling it away. He slowly works his finger into her pussy and can feel the hot wetness that has built there, moving the heat radiating off her ass.
“Aaaah, you are a hot little slut, aren’t you”
“Yes, Master” she responds in a soft voice. He begins to move his finger in and out of her dripping pussy and, within moments he hears her moan, and feels her trying to move her hips to meet his finger. He abruptly pulls his finger out and brings it to her lips. She sucks his finger intoHer mouth, using her tongue to swirl around and sucking all the juice off it.
She hears him groan as she continues to suck and lick his finger. He pulls his had away and tells her to go stand in front of the dresser and mirror. She gets up and stiffly walks over to stand where he directed her, the back of her skirt still tucked into the waistband. He comes to stand behind her and puts his hands on her waist sliding them up her rib cage, over the tits, to rest on the soft skin above the top of the corset. She closes her eyes as she feels his hands on her bare skin.
“Look at me in the mirror as I touch you and don’t move” he whispers at her ear, his hot breath caressing her skin and causing her to quiver. His teeth nip at her ear as his hand reaches into the body of her corset and lift out her large tits.
He slowly began to kneed them, his eyes locked with hers in the mirror. She can feel his hard cock through his jeans pressing against her ass as he rolls her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Suddenly he squeezes them hard, she cries out softly, her head falling back against his chest as the electricity and pain shoot through her.
“Look at me” he orders huskily .. biting her lip through the pain she looks into his eyes and sees the lust and desire as he continues to pinch her nipples. Finally he lets go of her nipples and admires the red and swollen nipples. He bends his head down as he lifts one tortured nipple to his mouth and he sucks and licks at it, soothing it, teasing it, causing her to groan again. He lifts his head and moves to the other repeating the process. Then he stands straight behind her and tells her to remove her thong, then bend over and put her hands on the dresser and spread her legs far apart.
She complies, maintaining the eye contact that he demanded, her hands in Front of her flat on the dresser. Standing behind her he keeps his eyes locked with hers as he begins to remove his clothes slowly. Once heis naked, he takes the condom that was in his pants pocket and rolls it onto his engorged cock. Then he stands behind her and grabs her hips, eyes locked on hers he enters her in one quick thrust, all the way to the hilt. She cries out, her eyes half closing, but still locked with his.
“You are mine, slave . . . “ and he pulls out and thrust back into her . . . . .
“You are my little fucktoy” he grits out as he thrust into her again, hands tight on her hips.
“Who controls you, slut” he asks with the next thrust.
“You do, Master . . . You control me” she cries out as he continues to thrust into her.
“That’s right . . . and who do you belong to, whore?”
“I belong to you, Master . . . I am your slut, Master”
“Yes, now fuck me, slave!!” And with that he stops thrusting and pulls her hips so that she knows she is to fuck him.
Slowly she begins moving her hips back and forth on his cock. Once she gets her rhythm she begins to speed up, thrusting back against him, eyes lock.
“Oh yeah” she hears him moan “that’s a good girl, fuck me like the whore you are”
“Oh, yes Master . . ” she moans. She starts gasping and feels her orgasm beginning to build.
“Master, please may I cum?” She asks as she continues to thrust back on his cock.
“Not yet, my sweet little slut. I’m not ready for you to cum yet”
She groans as she tries to hold back the building tension in her loins.
“Oh, yeah” she hears him groaning and she feels him begin to thrust into her as she moves back and forth. Abruptly he pulls out of her, breathing hard.
“NO!” she cries as she feels her own orgasm slipping away . . .
“Not yet, you hot little slut . . . I’m not done with you yet . . on the bed, on your back, hands above your head and legs spread . .. NOW!!”
She hurries to comply with his command, her knees are a bit wobbly, but she lays down as he commands and waits.
He walks over and uses the chains he broughtto secure her legs spread wide, then loops the other chain through the D-rings on the cuffs and secures them over her head. She is completely helpless now and she feels her clip throbbing at that thought. He pushes her skirt up around her hips to reveal her soft and neatly trimmed pussy, the hair so short it is practically not there . . . her lower lips slightly parted by her legs stretched to either side framed by the straps from the garterbelt attached to the stockings she is wearing.
He begins to run his finger up and down her wet slit, rubbbing over her sensitive clip causing her to moan and understand . . . he continues, watching her reactions, feeling the heat and wetness flowing out of her.
“What is it you want, my pet . . .?” he asks in that teasing voice
“Master, please fuck me” she gasps, as his finger circles her clip causing her hips to lift up involuntarily.
“Say it like you mean it, slut” he growls, his hand slapping down on her wet pussy causing her to cry out in shock and pain.
“Please, Master .. I want you to fuck me!!”
“Oh, you WANT me to fuck you, my little selfish slut?” as he speaks he quickly thrusts his finger into her a few times, then continues to circle and stroke her clip.
“Oh, no Master, I mean I NEED you to fuck me . . . oh please, Master, please fuck me!!” She began to shake and quiver from his ministries, feeling the tightening in her abdomen as the sensings begin to build.
“Don’t you cum yet, you selfish little whore . . . I’ll have to punish you if you cum without my permission”
“Master, I have to cum . . . please, Master, I beg you . . have mercy on your slut . . .please, I need to cum!”
He slowly removes his hand from Her pussy and climbs up on the bed, his body over hers, slowly he moves his hard cock to her wet hole and begins to enter her, feeling her shiver and quake around him. Once he is buried in her completely, he slowly begins to withdraw and thrust back into her. As he begins to increase his rhythm he feels her tightening around him, his head lowers to her title and he takes a nipple into his mouth, biting it softly and sucking on it, feeling it harden in his mouth as his tongue flicks over the top.
“Oh, Master . ..” he hears her gasp . . “please, I have to cum … I have to cum now”
He hesitates for a moment as he releases her title from his mouth and begins to thrust into her faster, harder, deeper . ..
“Yes, my fuckslave, my little whore, cum for your Master . . . Look into my eyes and know who your Master is, know who you cum for. . . “
She opens her eyes and looks into his . . . blue, intense, full of lust and desire, and she can’t hold back . . her body arches against his bringing him even deeper into her body, her muscles contract and she begins to shake all over as he continues to thrust savagely into her aching pussy. She strains against he restraints holding her hands above her head and she cries out as she feels the orgasm begin to build
“Yes, Master . . .Oh Yes, Master . . . Oh my GOD” and she cums, her eyes locked on his, her mouth open and gasping, her body contracting and clutching at his rock hard cock as it continues to thrust deep into her . . . as she cums, he throws back his head and cries out as he cums too
“OH YEAH!!” he roars as he plugs into her savagely
Finally, as the waves begin to subside, he looks down at her.
“Mmmm, that’s my Good Girl” he says and he kisses her, gently and passwordately.
He releases the chains from her wrists and then her ankles and gathers her into his arms and holds her as her breathing begins to return to normal. He strokes her hair as she cries softly into his shoulder.
“I have so much to teach you, my pet, this was just the beginning.”
She feels a slight shiver of anticipation at those words (and perhaps a little appreciation) and closes her eyes to just enjoy this feeling of being safe and cherished fora time. His long hair ticles her bare shoulders where it came loose from the ponytail and his strong arms hold her securely. Her ass is still a little sore from the spanking, but it doesn’t burn like before. She feels more fulfilled than she ever has in her life and she knows that this is what she needs, and she is happy.
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