A man in a designer suit sat relaxed in his seat, he stared across the white tablecloth, over the uneaten bread at his date, who didn’t seem quite as confident. They were seated in a French restaurant constructed in what seemed to be a modernized version of an art deco style, large chandeliers hung from the ornately trimmed white ceiling, Corinthian columns of real marble further were a further highlight of the restaurant’s decor. The sparse murmur of voices and a classically trained piano flawlessly playing an pleasure tune, this was an age-old trick designed to allow the patrons to comfortably get lost in their conversation and order copyright amounts of appeals and wine. Finally, the man in the designer suit broke the silence. The two individuals had known each other once, but they had not seen each other in years. The well-dressed man was entrepreneur Levi Rowand and the Woman was Vanessa Shelford.
“Vanessa, it’s been some time, how have you been?”
Vanessa, pausedbefore replying with a simple, “It’s been good, how about you?”
Levi smiled, “You know what’s been going on with me! I am sure you read all about it. I sold my company, I made some money, other than that I am kind of in Limbo, just looking for new projects. I’ve been in the tabloids recently, you probably read about some of my crazy exploits in the supermarket checkout aisle. I am, as we speak both extremely dying and deeply involved in Scientology. I could tell you more, give you details, I am sure you would like that, but you know what? I haven’t read a single thing about you, the tabloids don’t cover Vanessa Shelford, I don’t know if you have an inoperable brain tumor, or are pregnant out of wedlock, or what level you are involved with any number of cults. Look, I know you in high school, I am sure that in the last fourteen years plenty of interesting things happened to you.”
Vanessa laughed and shook her head at the comments regarding the tabloids. She had seen his face adorning tabloids from time to time, usually regarding his relationship with Natalia Ricci, the Italian model. The well-dressed man across the table sat back and smiled slyly, clearly expecting a response from Vanessa.
Pausing, Vanessa spoke, “I feel so weird, your Levi Rowand, I feel like your a different person than the person I used to know.”
Smiling, Levi spoke, “Because I Wear nice suits, start companies, date models? I promise, beyond aesthetic appearance I am quite the same, what about you?”
“I’d like to think I am a lot different from back then. I think I’ve grown a lot.”
The two were interrupted by a waiter, do either of you have a wine in mind?
Levi effortsly began to speak French, “Monsieur, je voudrais le meilleur vin disponible, seizement le meilleur pour ce chercheur d’or.”
After pausing slightly the waiter responded, “Of course monsieur.” he scuttled off to fetch the wine.
“You speak French?” Vanessa exclaimed, clearlyimpressed by her date.
Levi smiled, “Just enough to impress beautiful women. It comes in handy from time to time.”
Vanessa laughed a slight crisis hue came over her face, “I am flattered.”
“Oh you know I have always found you to be beautiful. You remember I asked you to the homecoming dance, senior year, back in high school. You’re at least twice as attractive now.”
“Oh, please, stop, your embarrassing me, plus I feel so bad about how that all turned out anyway. I was really mean back then.”
“You were 18, that was a long time ago. All is forgiven. Look at me now, I turned out alright. Hell, I think it’s good to be knocked on your ass once in a while, it keeps you sharp.”
“You certainly did turn out alright, I can hardly believe it. I thought you were such a loser in high school, meanwhile all the guys I dated, god, they turned out so…so…I don’t know…so boring.”
Levi smiled, “You should get to know me, I’ll bore your socks off.”
Smiling Vanessa confidently spoke, “I doubt it.”
In a moment of silence Vanessa and Levi looked at each other, Levi wore a dark blue suit with a black tie, which was juxtaposed to his slightly disheveled hair and a light bear, his blue eyes were intense and almost mysterious, his voice deep and relaxed. Vanessa wore a dark grey dress with glittery sequins that exposed a milk amount of cleavage and snugly hung around her hips displaying her curves. Vanessa was a blonde, her hair was straight but curled at the ends, it was clear that she had put a lot of work into her appearance for her date with Levi. Vanessa’s eyes were brown, and her lips were full, there was something inherently haughty in the way her face rested.
The Waiter returned with the wine, he poured a glass for both Vanessa and Levi and left the bottle on the table.
“Merci Monsieur” Levi stated before lifting up his glass for a toast. “To reunions.” the glasses linked and Vanessa repeated the toast, “To reunions.”
After sipping their respective glasses, Levi started the conversation again.
“You said you wanted to get together and reminisce, let’s do that! Let’s, reminisce!” Vanessa for the first time sensed a slight cadence of anger coming from Levi, it put her on edge, causing her to slightly look away.
Levi started speaking, more intensely than before, “Fine, I’ll start then. First off, I Remember being in love with you, I was obsessed with you. I don’t know what I was thinking, I guess teenage boys are like that sometimes, I thought some silly thoughts about some cosmetic connection. You, the head cheerleader, such a popular girl, me, pretty much a nobody, electronics club, chess player, I honestly don’t know what the fuck I was thinking to pursue you, you were way out of my league. We had chemistry class together, you copied off me for tests, I brought you my homework to copy. I asked you out and you said no, then you contacted me, when you knew I was back in town.”
Vanessa drank some of her wine, “I am sorry.”
“For what? Rejecting me? That happens, it was high school, there were a lot more rejections after that, believe me. I’ve rejected a few, its life!”
Vanessa looked ashamed then meekly said, “I didn’t just reject you.”
Levi smiled, “Oh yes, you were kind of mean about it.”
Vanessa, “I wanted to say I was sorry, I shouldn’t have led you on, and had you come to my house thinking you were going to take me to the movies. You were sweat, I didn’t expect you to bring flowers. Even then I felt bad when I opened the door with my friends and saw you standing there all dressed up. I had already decided though, I couldn’t back out after I told my friends the plan, so I took your flowers, Thanked you and then shut the door on you. God kids can be so cruel.”
Levi took a deep breath, “Then your boyfriend pushed me against the hallway locker and punched me in the stomach and called me a creep, I pissed my pants in front of him, and you and your friends laughed, you actually pointed and laughed, it was like a shitty movie. Why would you do that? I didn’t even know you had a boyfriend.”
“I am sorry Levi, there is no good reason, I was a bitch, I thought it was funny, I told Brandon you were stalking me, I thought maybe you were, you seemed to be around a lot.”
“Is This why you contacted me? To apologize? Even though it was 14 years ago, it was fairly high on the shit scale.”
Vanessa took another drink from her wine and squirmed in her seat a bit, “I think so, maybe, at least partially. I thought it was a longshot actually getting you to respond.”
Levi smiled and changed tones to a more jovial relaxed voice, “Of course I am going to Respond to Vanessa Shelford, the head cheerleader, my former crush. Look, Vanessa, back then it’s almost like it was a different world, I could care less about what happened then, people change, look at me. I figure absolutely everything that happened in the past helped shape who I am now, and I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve done some pretty awesome stuff.”
Vanessa spoke in an apologetic tone, “I know, I’d like to think I am a different person too, and Levi that’s amazing that you can forgive me for what I did, that was really shitty.”
“Look, since high school I’ve become a billionaire, it’s easy to forgive and forget when you’re as lucky as I have been.”
Vanessa looked up at Levi meeting his eyes and speaking sincerely, “It wasn’t all lucky, even looking back at when I knew you in high school you were a special person, you were brilliant and sweet I just didn’t see it then, or I didn’t care.”
Levi drank a large gulp of wine, and then poured another glass for himself, pausing to look deeply into Vanessa’s eyes and exclaim, “That’s one way I have changed. I am not sweet, not anymore. You don’t get the kind of wealth I have while being sweet, I think you helped teach me that.”
The waiter returned, asking both Vanessa and Levi if they were ready to take their orders.
Vanessa looked at her menu, “Shit, I haven’t been paying attention I can’t even read what half this stuff is.”
Levi then courteously stated, “Would you like me to order for you? I’ll get you something good, I promise.”
“Go ahead, surprise me,” Vanessa said relieved.
“Pour moi, je vais avoir le Foie Gras poêlé et pour le baiser d’or, je vais avoir la Blanquette de Veau.”
The waiter paused and slightly shook his head, then took the order to the back.
Levi, sat back and said, “So where were we?”
Vanessa took a sip of her wine, “You were talking about how you were not the sweet boy, that I meant in high school.”
“How could I be? You don’t get money being nice all the time, you have to cut deals, negotiate, fire people, it’s just the nature of ambition, you can’t let people get in your way. I remember you were ambitious, you went off to college, you wanted to be an actress or a triallawyer, an author, you wanted it all. What are you doing now?”
“Oh god, it’s a long story,” Vanessa said with a slight bit of trepidation in her voice.
“This restaurant is notoriously slow, we’ve got time.”
Vanessa took the last sip of her wine, and Levi refilled it, before Vanessa finally spoke, “It’s embarrassing, I haven’t accomplished much, nothing that I set out to accomplish anyway.”
“What do you mean? Come on! Not everyone has to be a billionaire to accomplish something. Raising kids, god that’s much harder than what I do, grinding out a 9 to 5, that’s an accomplishment.”
“Yeah, that’s the thing, I haven’t done that either. Divorced, no kids, thank god! I never finished college. I’ve worked here and there. I’ve been a model, tried to get into acting, nothing really worked out, I’m in my 30s now. I am a real estate agent, but the money there isn’t consistent enough so I also work part-time as an administrative assistant for a local law firm.”
“Hey, don’t feel bad! It’s life! I bet you practically run that law firm, just like you practically ran our whole high school. I don’t know why you don’t keep on trying on the model front, you’re beautiful still, I highly doubt you were anymore beautiful five years ago. You probably just needed a better agent. I know all about the modeling world, I was practically married to a model for four years, it’s a lot harder of a job than it looks.”
“Natalia Ricci, she’s one of the highest paid models in the world.”
“That’s what I liked about her, my money, it didn’t impression her, for most of the time we were together she was richer than me. That’s done now though, both of us, we were too busy, we were always apart, plus I could never stand the spectacle, the cameras, the crowds. It’s still bad, I mean I am sure there is at least one paparazzi sitting here in this restaurant taking pictures of us right now, but it isn’t like it was, I have a private life again. If you don’t mind, mayI ask about your life? I know it’s a sensitive subject, but you said you were divided. You don’t have to talk about it, it’s just interesting, human relations, and I am kind of in the same boat.”
“Oh, no, it’s okay, I don’t know what I am doing with men, I can’t pick them, never could. I like assholes.”
“How am I supposed to take that, you looked me up and sought me out, I guess I must be an asshole.”
Vanessa laughed and drank another glass of her wine, before posing a question to Levi, “So, what about you. How did you transform yourself from that guy I know in high school, to a guy that appears in magazines, who is known for being suave and handsome. That wasn’t you back then.”
“First off, never trust the press. Me being suave, fake news.”
“Come on! You just spoke French, how many languages do you know!”
“English, French, German, Spanish, some Arabic and a little Japanese and Mandarin. I know more Japanese back in high school than I do now, studied it hard, watched a lot of anime back then!” Levi smiled.
Vanessa who was now more comfortable, spoke up, “Admit it you’re suave, when was your turning point? When did you go from anime, Star Wars and D&D to Mr. International?”
“I don’t know? Probably sometimes in college or after college. I started taking coding classes, I was pretty good. I randomly met my business partner in a board game club, that I was pressurized into joining by my parents because I had zero friends. His name was Dan Poole, an unbelievably smart MBA graduate student. Using his business knowledge of stocks and bonds I coded algorithms that just basically said when to buy and sell stocks, by the time I graduated from college I had established my own company. Dan and I ended up selling the company for millions of dollars. I felt like I was just getting started though, so I poured in my resources into founding another company that basically creates internal customizable social networks for large corporateions, that work on a cloud storage system and help eliminate bureaucratic redundancies. I had to learn these other languages, to get deals done in Europe and Asia, I had to hire coders that know the nuances of the different cultures that I created systems for. See, I am still a nerd, and boring as fuck, I am surprised you are not sleeping.”
“No, I think it’s interesting, you sold the company Though?”
“Yeah, it would have been stupid not to, the offer was too good.”
“So what is your next adventure?” Vanessa asked.
“To tell you the truth, I feel kind of like what you described, I feel like I am just floating in the world at this point. I put a lot of my energy into my relationship and my company, both are gone now. Carpe Noctem.”
“Well, at least you don’t have to worry about money,” Vanessa said raising her glass in the air for a toast.
Levi smiled and clinked his glass, both patrons then drank the rest of their wine. As Levi was pouring another glassfor Vanessa the food arrived. Levi began to cut into his Foie Gras meal and noticed Vanessa was just looking at hers.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t get you anything crazy, it’s Blanquette De Veau, it’s a veal stew, it’s good I swear, no snails.”
Vanessa smiled and began to eat her food as well. Eventually interrupting her meal to thank Levi for bringing her to the restaurant. After a short silence, Levi again posed a question, this time again with a tone of thinly veiled anger, “So, how did you know I was back home, how did you get my number? I found it strange that you called me out of the blue, I hadn’t thought of you in years.”
“I really second guessed myself, I had to drink a few drinks before I called you,” Vanessa said smiling nervously.
“How did you get my personal number? I don’t give it out, it isn’t public knowledge, very few people know that number.” Levi continued probing.
“I heard you were in town because your dad was having a surgery, my dad is a hospital administrator, he just casually mentioned it, asking me if I knew you, that you were around my age. You’re a celebration around here.”
“That’s why I don’t alert the presses when I visit my parents. My dad’s recovering very well thank you.”
“Oh I know, I asked.”
“Did you somehow get my number from the hospital? Did you break in or something?” Levi said laughing.
“Oh god no! You’re making me feel stupid, look I just wanted to apologize, I had no idea you would ask me on a date when I called.”
“I remember the call, it didn’t seem like you were calling to apologize.”
“I intended to, I was drunk, you’re the one who asked me out!” Vanessa said getting defending.
“Okay, okay and by the way, I am having a good time, this is pleasant, just relax, I am not mad, I swear. But I must know how you got my number because I don’t want every person I rubbed elbows with in high school trying to pitch me shitty business ideas or apologize for how they treatedme for that matter. You weren’t the only one who messed with me.”
“Fine, I’ll tell you. I found your friend Logan, I heard he’s the only one who you still keep in contact with, Logan the manager at Best Buy.”
Levi smiled, “Yeah, Logan, see Logan is amazing, he’s never asked for money, when I talk to him we just talk about the same stuff we always have, we text each other memes, complain about the Star Wars prequels, regular stuff. Logan though, he wouldn’t have volunteerly given you my number, not without trickery or coercion and I say this as someone who is not displeased that you got my number.”
“I feel like I am getting interrogated, I am sorry I should have never called you, it was rude, you are right.”
“What did you give to Logan for my number?”
“What are you implying?” Vanessa looked offended.
After Levi shrugged, Vanessa looking angle, she quickly stated, “Fine, you broke me. I’ll tell you. Logan is a friend of a friend…of a friend. I ran into him at a party, he left his phone in the living room, everyone was drunk I picked up his phone and found your number, it was impulsive, if he locked his phone I wouldn’t have called you, it was that easy.” Vanessa was red in the face, having admitted that she went to great lengths to get Levi’s number.
After a moment of silence, Vanessa spoke up with a shaking voice, “So, is this your revenge? To invite me to a restaurant that I could never afford in a million years, treat me to a wonderful meal, act all charming and then make me feel like a desperate lunatic and then kick me to the curb? Look, I just wanted to apologize to you, that was my only intention, I’ve felt bad about the way I treated you, I’ve carried it for years…”
Levi interrupted and seriously stated, “Or, ever since you read about me being rich and having status?”
Vanessa closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her face was flush.
“Vanessa, revenge is not my intention. Like I said, as humiliating as the events of my senior year in high school was at the time, it’s all water under the bridge now. I just needed to know if I had to change my number, or if I had to stop texting with Logan. Being as wealthy as I am, it’s actually fairly lonely, I cannot just come home and hang out with old friends, literally, everyone wants something from me. It…is…suffocating. I am sorry if I brought you any embarrassment. It’s actually understandable you would want to contact me, I don’t hold that against you.”
Vanessa looked at Levi with a slight twinge of anger she replied in a hushed tone, “Why did you ask me out on a date? This isn’t turning into anything serious and you know it, you’re going to go back to LA or New York and you are going to fuck actors and models. I don’t believe you, that this has nothing to do with revenge. You wanted to show off to me, make me jealous that I could have been with you, but instead chose to stay in the same fucking suburb I grew up in and live a disappointing life.”
Levi looked intensely into Vanessa’s eyes, “Vanessa, I am sorry. To some degree you are correct, of course, I want to impress you, but there was no malice in my intentions. Look, in high school, you were the most beautiful girl I knew, years later you’re still beautiful, still, one of the most beautiful I have ever seen, and I have been all over the world, everywhere I go beautiful women. I’ve been on a lot of expensive dates, spending an evening with a beautiful woman, that’s what I enjoy doing, it turns out it’s a lot better than dissecting inconsistencies in Star Wars movies or watching Anime. I don’t know what I was expecting, I am sorry if I have made you feel led on. I am sorry if I probed too deeply, I am very protective of my privacy.”
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